CHAPTER XXIII

                                                                                                     THE SERPENTINE FORCE


When we speak sweetly in the most pure Ortho of the Divine Language, which like a river of gold runs under the thick forest of the sun, it is impossible for us to forget the magical " " that resounds through the shady like a sweet and peaceful whistle ...


That is the subtle voice, the one that Elijah heard in the desert; Apollonius of Tiana wrapped himself in his famous woolen cloak to pray to the Holy Gods for the enigmatic sound...


The mystical note, the magic " ", gave the old Hierophant the power to GO OUT CONSCIOUSLY  in the astral body.


The " " actually has a certain similarity with the Hebraic letter "TSAD" while the Greek sigma, tri-form, is related to the first and to SHIN and SAMEK; the latter means "support" and has the Kabbalistic value of 60.


We have been told - and this is known by any Kabbalist - that SHIN has the value of 300 and means "Tooth".


The sum of these two letters is therefore equivalent to the 360º of the circle and to the sidereal days of the solar year.


However, we Gnostics must go further, inquire into, investigate, search, discover the intimate relationship between the serpent and the cross.


The " " (Serpent) and the " " (Cross) are two esoteric symbols that deeply complement each other.


The " " is a JEHOVISTIC and VEDANTINE truth at the same time; serpentine power or mystical fire; the primordial energy or potential SHAKTI that lies dormant in the magnetic center of the coccygeal bone.


MULADHARA is the Sanskrit name of said magnetic center; this is the Church of EPHESUS.


The KUNDALINI is the pristine force of the Universe, the hidden, electrical power that underlies all organic and inorganic matter.


The sexual connection of the PHALLUS and the UTERUS form CROSS; the KUNDALINI, the magic " ", the snake, is closely related to that CROSS or TAU.


The serpentine fire awakens with the power of the Holy Cross that is ostensible.


In Hebrew "TAU" has precisely the wonderful meaning of "CROSS", ending as the twenty-second letter of the alphabet and with a numerical value of 400.


It is easy to understand that the vowel " " is a modern letter derived from " like " " from " due to the urgent need to clearly distinguish between the two sounds, naturally acquiring a practical form identical to the Greek one.


Observe very carefully that marvelous curve that descends and rises: the humiliation or descent to the Hell worlds, to the Ninth Sphere (Sex), a necessary preliminary to exaltation or sublimation...


Whoever wants to go up must first go down, that is the Law. Every exaltation is always preceded by a humiliation.


The descent to the NINTH SPHERE (Sex), was from ancient times the ultimate test for the supreme dignity of the Hierophant; Hermes, Buddha, Jesus, Dante, Zoroaster, etc., had to go through this terrible test.


There Mars goes down to re-temper the sword and conquer the heart of Venus; Hercules to clean the stables of Augias and Perseus to cut off the head of Medusa with his flaming sword.


The perfect circle with the magic point, sidereal and Hermetic symbol of the star-king and of the substantial principle of Life, of light and of the cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS, is without any doubt a wonderful Phallic emblem.


Such a symbol clearly expresses the masculine and feminine principles of the Ninth Sphere...


It is unquestionable that the active principle of irradiation and penetration is complemented in the Ninth circle with the passive principle of reception and absorption...


The Biblical Serpent presents us with the image of the Creative Logos or sexual force that begins its manifestation from the state of latent potency.


The Serpentine Fire, the sacred Viper, sleeps coiled three and a half times inside the coccygeal Church.


If we reflect very seriously on that intimate relationship between the " " and the "TAU", cross or " we come to the logical conclusion that only through SAHAJA MAITHUNA (Sexual Magic) can the creative snake be awakened.


The "Key", the "Secret", I have published in almost all my previous books and it consists of never spilling the "Glass of Hermes" during the sexual trance.


Connection of the LINGAM-YONI (Phallus-Uterus), without ever ejaculating the ENS SEMINIS (the entity of semen), because in that over-said substance all the "ENS VIRTUTIS" of fire is latent.


I.A.O. is the fundamental Mantra of the SAHAJA MAITHUNA. Sing each letter separately in the LABORATORIUM-ORATORIUM of the THIRD LOGOS ... (During the sacred copula).


The sexual transmutation of the "ENS SEMINIS" into creative energy is a legitimate axiom of hermetic wisdom.


The bipolarization of this type of cosmic energy in the human organism has been analyzed since ancient times in the Initiatic Colleges of Egypt, Mexico, Greece, India, etc.


The ascent of the seminal energy to the brain is made possible by a certain pair of nerve cords, which in the shape of eight unfold splendidly to the right and left of the spine.


So we have arrived at the Caduceus of Mercury with the wings of the spirit always open.


The aforementioned pair of nerve cords could never be found with the scalpel, as they are rather etheric in nature, TETRADIMENSIONAL.


These are the two witnesses to the Apocalypse, the two olives and the two candlesticks that are in front of the God of the earth, and if anyone wants to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths and devours their enemies.


In the sacred land of the Vedas this pair of nerves are known by the names of Idá and Pingalá; the first is related to the left nostril and the second to the right.


It is obvious that the first of these two famous Nadis is lunar in nature; it is obvious that the second is of the solar type.


Many Gnostic students may be a bit surprised that Ida being cold and lunar in nature, it has its roots in the right testicle.

Many disciples of our Gnostic Movement may find the news that, being Pingala of a strictly solar type, it really starts from the left testicle as something unusual and insolit.


However, we should not be surprised because everything in nature is based on the law of polarities.


The right testicle finds its exact Anti-pole in the left nostril.


The left testicle finds its perfect Anti-pole in the right nostril.


Esoteric physiology teaches that in the female sex the two witnesses start from the ovaries.


It is unquestionable that in women the order of this pair of temple olives is harmoniously reversed.


Old traditions that arise from the deep night of all ages say that when the solar and lunar atoms of the seminal system make contact in the Triveni near the coccyx, then by electrical induction a third magical force awakens; I want to refer to the KUNDALINI, the mystical fire of the Gnostic ARHAT.


It is written in the old texts of ancient wisdom, that the lower orifice of the medullary canal in ordinary people is hermetically closed; the seminal vapors open it for the sacred snake to penetrate through there.


Along the medullary canal a wonderful set of varied channels is processed; let us remember SUSHUMNA, the VAJRA, the CHITRA, the CENTRALIS and the BRAHMA-NADI: through the latter the KUNDALINI ascends.


It is a horrible lie to affirm that after having incarnated the JIVATMA within the heart, the sacred serpent undertakes the return journey until it is once again enclosed in the MULADHARA Chakra.


It is a horrible falsehood to affirm that the igneous serpent of our magical powers, after having enjoyed its union with PARAMA-SHIVA, separates starting the return journey through the initial path.


Such a fatal return, such a descent to the coccyx, is only possible when the initiate spills the semen; then he falls struck down under the terrible ray of Cosmic Justice.


The ascent of the KUNDALINI along its spinal canal is carried out very slowly according to the merits of the heart. The fires of the CARDIAS control the miraculous ascent of the sacred serpent.


DEVI KUNDALINI is not something mechanical as many suppose; the sacred serpent awakens with the true love between man and woman and never ascends up the spine of adulterers and pervers.


It is good to know that when HADIT, the Winged Serpent of Light, wakes up to start its march along the spinal medullary canal, it emits a mysterious sound very similar to that of any viper that is prodded with a stick. This comes to remind us of the magic " " ...


The KUNDALINI develops, revolutionizes and ascends within the wonderful aura of the MAHACHOHAN...


It does not hurt to know that when the serpentine fire reaches the level of the heart, the igneous wings of the caduceus of Mercury open; then we can penetrate any department of the Kingdom instantly.


The ascent of the sacred fire along the spinal canal from vertebra to vertebra - from degree to degree - is terribly slow...


It is ostensible that the thirty-three degrees of occult Masonry of a Ragon or Leadbeater correspond to this sum total of the spinal vertebrae...


When the alchemist spills the Glass of Hermes, I mean ejaculation of the "ENS SEMINIS" ..., it is unquestionable that then there is a loss of esoteric degrees, because the Kundalini goes down, one or more vertebrae descends according to the magnitude of the fault.


Amfortas the Venerable Lord of the Holy Grail, between the shameless arms of Kundry, Gundrigia, Herodias, the tempting Eve of the Hebraic Mythology, spills the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, then falls struck down with the Arcanum Sixteen of the Kabbalah.


The fall of the rebel angels benefited no one and unfortunately harmed everyone...


If they had not poured out the Holy Wine it would be very different their Nemesis; then the lyre of Orpheus would never have fallen on the pavement of the temple in pieces...


Going down to the Ninth Sphere is not forbidden and is even indispensable for all exaltation; but falling is different and Amfortas fell, you know...


When the KUNDALINI reaches the SAHASRARA, the thousand -petals lotus located in the upper part of the brain, then it marries Lord Shiva, the Third Logos, The Holy Spirit.


It is written in letters of gold in the hidden mystery book, that the famous TATTVA SHIVA-SHAKTI governs the SAHASRARA (The Church of LA-OD-I-CE-ANS).


In the Magisterium of Fire we are always assisted by the Elohim; they advise and help us.


The ADHYATMIKA University of the Sages periodically examines applicants.


The key to human salvation is found in the marrow and in the semen, and everything that is not there is to waste time uselessly ... KUNDALINI is the Goddess of the word adored by the wise; only she can give us enlightenment.


As soon as the KUNDALINI awakens and begins its subliminal ascent inward and upward, the Alchemist achieves six transcendental experiences, namely: ANANDA, a certain spiritual bliss; KAMPA, Electrical and Psychic Hypersensitivity; UTTHA, increase in the percentage of OBJECTIVE AWARENESS; GHURNI, intense mystical yearnings; MURCHA, states of lassitude or spontaneous relaxation during esoteric exercises; NIDRA, some specific mode of sleep that combined with meditation becomes Samadhi (Ecstasy).


Bearing witness to the Truth can never be a crime: As KALKI AVATARA or SOSIOSH of the new Aquarian age, I emphatically declare the following:


With all the multiple pseudo-esoteric procedures in vogue in various schools, the awakening of the KUNDALINI is not possible.


The bellows system with all its various Pranayamas; the various Asanas and forms of HATHA YOGA; Mudras, Bhaktis, Bandhas, etc., will never be able to activate the serpentine fire.


The igneous particles that usually escape from the sacred flame during certain Yogic practices do not mean the awakening of the KUNDALINI, unfortunately many sincere mistakers and full of magnificent intentions mistake the sparks for the flame.


The Serpentine fire can only be awakened and developed exclusively with SEXUAL MAGIC (SAHAJA-MAITHUNA).


The advent of fire is the most extraordinary cosmic event; the fiery element comes to radically transform us.


In the moments when I write these fiery lines, a certain transcendental memory comes to mind.


Ever during a disembodied journey, in a state of ecstasy or Samadhi, I dared to question my Divine Mother Kundalini in the following way: Is it possible that someone in the physical world can SELF-REALIZE without the need for Sexual Magic?

The response was tremendous: "Impossible, my son!" "That is not possible". And she said it so vehemently ... that frankly I was moved.


Serpentine fire is the mystical unfolding of the unit, of the "MONAD"; the feminine eternal aspect of BRAHMA, "GOD MOTHER"...


The fiery snake confers on us infinite powers, among them the MUKTI of final bliss and the JNANA of liberation...


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