Prometheus the Greek God is the MAHA-ASURA, the LUCIFER Hindustan who rebelled against BRAHMA the lord, for which reason SHIVA, the THIRD LOGOS, indignantly hurled him into the lower Patala.


Dante Florentino, illustrious disciple of Virgil, the excellent crowned bard of Mantua, in good time meets DITE, PROMETHEUS-LUCIFER in the NINTH SPHERE, obviously in the center of the earth, in the deep well of the universe, "in the place where the shadows were completely covered with ice and were transparent like glass straw."


The MAHA-ASURA, fatally chained to the severe rock of sex, cruelly goes through unspeakable bitterness; the fierce flames of lust torture him terribly; the insatiable vulture of useless reasoning gnaws at his entrails.


PROMETHEUS, LUCIFER, is a mysterious fire detached from the SOLAR LOGOS and wisely fixed in the center of the earth by the force of gravity and the weight of the atmosphere.


It is written in golden words in the book of life: "The superlative ingredient of ANIMA MUNDI is LUCIFERIC PHOSPHORUS".


As a sequel and corollary, it is here to assert, with great emphasis, the following: Mime's sterile work in its forge; the resounding failure of the creative powers comes when the fire goes out.


The ardent crackle of the elemental fire of the sages under the alchemist crucible is an axiom of Hermetic Philosophy.


INRI: (IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRAM). Fire ceaselessly renews all nature. You know it...


Exclude LUCIFER the MAHA-ASURA in SEX-YOGA and then observe what happens ... contemplate the failure.


In the resplendent dawn of the MAHAMVANTARA, when the man and the terrestrial chain were to appear, an Angel (the shadow of the Lord) was produced as if by charm, full of progressive desire, and it is obvious that the Divine Architect of the Universe gave him the dominion of the WORLDS-HELLS.


Thus, it is unquestionable that the superior semblance of that vile worm that crosses the heart of the world is IOAN, SWAN, CHOAN, JOHN, JUAN, THE VERB, THE ARMY OF THE VOICE, THE LOGOS.


PROMETHEUS-LUCIFER descending to the bottom of Hell to free the victims from their tortures, reminds us of Hercules, the Solar God, descending to Hades or the Cave of Initiation to save lost souls.


LUCIFER, is the active and centrifugal energy of the universe, fire, life, self-independence, psychological rebellion.


The hell of its revolutionary momentum is the vital expansion of the nebula to become new planetary units.


PROMETTHEUS-LUCIFER courageously steals the Divine fire to help us on the path of spiritual insurrection.


LUCIFER is the Guardian of the door and of the mysterious keys of the Sanctuary so that it is not penetrated but by the anointed ones who possess the terrible secret of Hermes.


The resplendent Lord of the seven glorious mansions known by the holy names of LUCIFER-PROMETHEUS, MAHA-ASURA, etc., is certainly the splendid Minister of LOGOS-SOLAR.


The Seven Lords of Time (the seven Chronids) know well that LUCIFER-SABAOTH has been entrusted with the sword and the scales of Cosmic Justice, since he is the standard of weight, measure and number; the HORUS, the AHURA-MAZDA; etc etc.


PROMETHEUS-LUCIFER putting his Word in the mouth of the aching Titan, referring to the miserable mortals, exclaims with all the strength of his soul:


"So that they do not sink, snatched to the dark Hades. For this, terrible tortures oppress me. Cruel sacrifice, which moves with pity. I who felt sorry for mortals"...


The chorus observes very pertinently:


"Great Benefit was the one you bestowed on mortals!"





"Yes and I also gave them the fire."


CHORUS: "So the flaming fire do these ephemeral beings possess?"


PROMETHEUS: "Yes, and through him many arts with perfection would learn."


However, it is easy to understand that with the arts that self-exalt and dignify man, the Luciferic fire received has become the worst of curses.


The animal element and the consciousness of its possession have changed the periodic instinct into animalism and chronic sensuality.


This is what threatens humanity as a heavy burial mantle. Thus arises the responsibility of free will; the titanic passions that represent humanity in its darkest aspect.


 The LUCIFERINE FIRE, it only remains for us now to say that such Fire is neither good nor bad, it all depends on the use we make of it; It is precisely on this that sin and redemption are founded at the same time.


Ah! ... If Amfortas the King of the Grail, excellent successor of old Titurel, had seized the royal moment, the terrible moment of sexual passion, if in those moments of supreme voluptuousness he had firmly wielded his sacred spear, the Evil Magician  could not have snatched the Holy Lance from him.


However, that remarkable lord, despite knowing the secret of the ELOHIM, the Mystery of the CREATING FIRE, fell in the arms of KUNDRY, HERODIAS...



                                                                                                             CHAPTER XVIII

                                                                                                       ANGELS AND DEVILS


The ULTRA-MODERN LUCIFER-PROMETHEUS, hideously regressing in time, has now become EPIMETEUS: "He who sees only after the event" because the glorious universal philanthropy of the former has degenerated over many centuries into self-interest and adoration.


Oh Holy Gods! When can we break these chains that bind us to the abyss of mystery?


At what time in the history of the world will the brilliant free Titan of yesteryear resurface in the heart of every man?


Dying in oneself is radical, if we really yearn with all the strength of the soul to harmonize the two Divine and Human natures in each one of us.


Invulnerability before the lower titanic forces, impenetrability on a large scale, are only possible by completely eliminating our psychological defects, those horrible Red Devils mentioned in the book of the Hidden Dwelling...


SETH, the animal EGO, with all its sinister subjective aggregates, is usually terribly evil indeed.


It is written with burning coals in the tremendous book of the Mystery, that the Luciferic gift, terrible like none, later became and to our misfortune and that of all this afflicted world, but rather the main cause, the sole origin of evil. .


Stormy Zeus, the one who gathers the clouds, clearly represents the host of the primary progenitors, the PITRIS, the Fathers who created man in their image and likeness...


They are not ignore of the few wise men who have being in the world that LUCIFER-PROMETHEUS, MAHA-ASURA, the "Giver of fire and light" horribly chained to Mount Caucasus and condemned to the penalty of living, also represents the rebellious DEVAS who they fell into the animal generation at the dawn of life ...


It is worth mentioning in this book some of those Titans who fell at dawn...


Let us first remember Moloch, once luminous angel, horrible king stained with the blood of human sacrifices and with the tears of the desperate fathers and mothers, although, because of the sounds of drums and timpani, the cries of the children were hardly heard when they were, thrown into the fire, they ruthlessly sacrificed for  this  execrable monster, beautiful God of other times ......


The Ammonites worshiped him in Rabba and in its humid plain, in Argob and in Basam even the most remote streams of the Arno...


The legend of the centuries tells that Solomon son of David, King of Zion, built a temple to Moloch on the mount of reproach.


The seven lords of time say that later the old sage dedicated to such a fallen angel a sacred forest in the sweet valley of HINNOM...


It is a fruitful scented land that, for such a fatal reason, has since changed its name to Tophet and the black Gehenna, a true type of hell...


After MOLOCH, MAN-ANGEL of the archaic Volcanic Lemuria, where the rivers of pure water of life flowed milk and honey, then comes BAAL PEHOR the obscene terror of the children of MOAB, who inhabited from Aroer to NEBO and even far beyond. the southern part of the Abarim desert ...


People of HESEBOM and HERONAIM in the kingdom of Zion and beyond the flourishing valleys of SIBMA, carpeted with vineyards and in Elealé, to Lake ASFALTITES.


Frightening, left, dark BAAL PEHOR: In SITTIM he incited the Israelites during their march along the Nile to make him lubricious oblations, which brought so many evils ...


From there, this ELOHIM fallen among the red Luciferian fires, cunningly extended his lewd dark orgies to the very mountain of scandal, very close to the forest of the murderous MOLOCH...


It is obvious that this is how abominable concupiscence was established alongside hatred, until the pious JOSIAH cast them into hell...


With these terribly evil Divinities who in the old continent MU were truly exemplary men, humanized angels, came those who, from the delightful banks that bathe the stormy waters of the ancient Euphrates to the torrent that separates Egypt from the land of Syria, carry the undesirable names of BAAL and ASTAROTH...


Continuing afterwards in successive order appears BELIAL: From the EMPYREUS certainly has not fallen a spirit more impure nor more grossly inclined to vice than this creature who in ancient Lemurian times was really an angelic Master or Guru of ineffable splendors...


This Demon - Deidusus in former times - had no temples and no sacrifices were offered to him on any altar, and yet no one is more frequently in temples and altars.


When the priest becomes an atheist, like the sons of Eli, who unfortunately filled the house of the Lord with prostitution and violence, they in fact become BELIAL's slaves...


Sublime HIEROPHANT of the archaic times of our world, delicious angel, now evil Lucifer-Demon: He also reigns in the palaces and in the lavish courts and in dissolute cities, where the noise of scandal, lust and outrage rises above the tallest towers...


And when night darkens the streets, then BELIAL's children wander full of insolence and wine.


Witnesses of them are the streets of Sodom and that horrible night in which a matron exposed herself at a GAABA door to prevent a more disgusting abduction.


Inspire me Muses! Speak to me, Gods, so that my style does not detract from the nature of the matter...


And what shall we say now of AZAZEL, glorious Cherubim, extraordinary man of the ancient land?


Oh! Oh! Oh! How much pain ... This very excellent creature also fell into the animal generation ... How terrible is the thirst for sexual lust!


Deploy the fallen one of the shining shaft  the imperial ensign, which advanced, extended and shaken in the wind, shines like a  the imperial ensign meteor, with pearls and the rich shine of gold that seraphic weapons and trophies draw on it ...


And then comes MAMMOM, the least elevated of the ANGEL-MEN of ancient Arcadia, also fallen into the bestial generation...


He was the first to teach the inhabitants of the earth to plunder the center of the world, as they did by extracting treasures from his mother's womb that would be worth more than to remain hidden forever...


MAMMOM's greedy gang shortly opened a wide gash in the mountain and extracted large gold ingots from its bosom...


And as for the angel MULCIBER, what shall we say now? It was not truly less known, nor was it ever devoid of fanatical worshipers in ancient Greece. That is known to the Divines and the humans...


The classic fable tells how it was precipitated from Olympus, thrown by the angry Jupiter over the crystalline divine walls. It was useless then to have raised high towers in the sky...


Genius man of the purple race on the MU continent, fallen into the abyss of sexual passion...


And to conclude with this small list of Deiduses struck down by the ray of Cosmic Justice, it is necessary to say that they are in no way lacking in the PANDEMONIUM, the great capital of SATAN and his PAIRS, ANDRAMELECK, of which we have spoken so much in our past. Gnostic books, and ASMODEUS his brother...


Two resplendent THRONES of the starry sky of URANIA fallen also in the animal generation...


Exemplary MEN, GODS with human bodies in the land of MU, wallowing abjectly in the bed of PROCRUSTES...


The LUCIPHERIC-CHRISTIC host that incarnated in archaic Lemuria, induced by that NEMESIS or SUPERIOR KARMA (which controls to the ineffable ones and which is known as the law of KATANCIA), made the mistake of falling into the animal generation.


Nefarious was for the human species the sexual fall of the Divine Titans who did not know how to use the Gift of PROMETHEUS and rolled into the abyss.


Our Saviors, the AGNISHVATTAS, the superior Titans of the Luciferic fire, can never be deceived: They, the brilliant children of the dawn, know very well how to distinguish what is a fall from what is a descent.


Some sincerely mistaken ones are now determined to justify the angelic fall.


LUCIFER is, metaphorically, the driving torch that helps man find his way through the reefs and sandbars of life...


LUCIFER is the LOGOS in its highest aspect, and the "adversary" in its lower aspect, reflecting both in and within each one of us.


LACTANCIO, speaking of the nature of CHRIST, makes the LOGOS, the VERB, the "Firstborn brother of Satan and the first of all creatures."


Among the great tempest of Luciferian fire, squads of Angels and Demons (Prototypes and Antitypes) fight each other.

If that good Lord Amfortas, king of the Holy Grail, had known how to use the Luciferic Gift wisely in the supreme moment of sexual temptation, it is obvious that he would then have undergone a radical transformation.



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peter daley posted a status
Mulling over the hidden events which are on my website,
"The Divine Heresies".
3 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Peter- Martia?"
3 hours ago
peter daley left a comment on Comment Wall
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There were three attacks on the earth, the first was a planetoid aimed in collision. Martians deviated it after some fatalities. George King…"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks Ivy. I have that Youtube page saved on my laptops bookmarks now. I'm gonna go check out the vids on there in a little bit. I see that they have quite a bit of UFO and ET vids."
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ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"Welcome, Peter!

Justin, this is the YouTube channel of the Aetherius Society, it looks interesting:"
13 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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