THE MIRACLE OF TRANSUBSTANTIATION





 In the Gnostic mass we find a beautiful story that literally says the following:


"And Jesus, the Gnostic Divine Great Priest, sang a sweet song in praise of the Great Name and said to his Disciples: Come to me and they did so."


"Then he turned to the four cardinal points, spread his still gaze and uttered the deeply sacred name" LEW ", blessed and breathed into their eyes."


"Look up, he exclaimed: You are already clairvoyant. They then raised their gaze to where Jesus pointed to them, and they saw a great Cross that no human being could describe."


"And the Great Priest said: Look away from that great light and look to the other side. Then they saw a great fire and water and wine and blood. (Here the blessing of bread and wine)".


"And he continued: Truly I tell you that I have not brought anything into the world but the fire, the water, the wine and the blood of redemption."


"I have brought fire and water from the place of light, from the reservoir of light, from there where the light is found."


"And I have brought the Wine and the blood from the abode of Barbelos. After some time has passed, the Father has sent me the Holy Spirit in the form of a white dove, but listen: The fire, the water and the wine, are for the purification and forgiveness of sins ".


The gospel of TACIANUS testifies to the sacrament of the body and the blood saying:


"And Jesus took the bread and blessed it." "And he gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat." "For this is my body, which is given to you." "And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and offered it to his disciples." "And he said: Take and drink. Because this is my blood, which will be shed in the remission of sins." "And from now on I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until the day I drink it with you in my Father's kingdom." "Do this in my commemoration."


Luke cleverly reveals the deep meaning of this mystical magical ceremony saying: "The day of unleavened bread has arrived, in which it was necessary to sacrifice the Paschal lamb." "And Jesus sent Peter (whose gospel is sex) and John (whose gospel is the Word), saying: Go and prepare the Passover for us to eat."


The secret name of Peter is "PATAR" with its three consonants that are radical in high esotericism: P reminds us of the Father, Pater, Padre who is in secret, the old man from the days of the Hebraic Kabbalah. T or TAU, cross letter studied in our previous chapter, famous in SEX-YOGA. RA, SACRED FIRE, Divinity, Logos.


JOHN, JUAN is broken down into the five vowels IEOUA (IEOUAN, SWAN, CHOAN, IOAN), the Verb, the word...


Peter dies sacrificed on an inverted cross, with his head down and his feet up as if inviting us to go down to the FORGE OF CYCLOPES, to the NINTH SPHERE, to work with water and fire, origin of worlds, beasts, men and Gods.


All authentic White Initiation begins there.


John the ineffable lays his head on the heart of the great KABIR Jesus as if declaring: Love feeds on love...


Clearly, it is very easy to understand that the  creative Word  in mystical lurk awaits, huddled at the bottom of the ark, the precise moment to be realized.


To the one who knows, the word gives power, nobody pronounced it, nobody will pronounce it, but only the one who has it INCARNATED.


"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."


It is written, with words of fire in the great book of cosmic existence, that first we must firmly walk the path of PETER...


The Word that lies hidden in the deep and mysterious bottom of all ages, clearly teaches that afterwards it is necessary to walk on the path of JOHN...


However, it is unquestionable that between these two terribly Divine paths, there is an abyss...


It is urgent, it is indispensable, to build a bridge of wonders and prodigies between the two paths ... and then die from moment to moment.


Transmuting to speak in the most pure Ortho of the Divine language, is certainly the deep mystical meaning of the Gnostic anointing...


The bread and wine, the wheat seed and the fruit of the Vine, must be royally transformed into the flesh and blood of the intimate Christ...


The SOLAR LOGOS with its vigorous and active life makes the seed germinate so that the spike grows from millimeter by millimeter and then remains enclosed, as in a precious chest, within the dark hardness of the grain...


The solar rays, solemnly penetrating the vine stock, develop and unfold in secrecy until they mature into the holy fruit...


The Gnostic Priest in a state of ecstasy perceives that cosmic substance of the CHRIST-SUN enclosed in the BREAD and the WINE and acts by detaching it from its physical elements so that the Christic atoms penetrate victoriously within human organisms.


Those solar atoms, those igneous lives, those secret agents of the adorable one, work silently within the TEMPLE-HEART, inviting us again and again to tread the path that will lead us to NIRVANA.


The mysterious help of the Christic atoms stands out clearly...


And the light shines in the darkness and the twelve showbreads appear on the altar, an allusion to the zodiacal signs or different modalities of the cosmic substance...


This reminds us of the twelfth card of the TAROT, the Apostolate; the Magnus Opus, the union of the cross with the triangle...


As for the Wine that is derived from the ripe fruit of the Vine, it is the wonderful symbol of fire, blood and Life that is manifested in the substance...


It is unquestionable that although the words Wine, Life, Vine have different origins, they do not stop having certain symbolic affinities...


Not otherwise is Wine related to Vis "Strength" and Virtus "Moral Strength", as well as to Virgo "Virgin" (The Igneous Serpent of our magical powers).


The SAHAJA MAITHUNA (SEXUAL MAGIC) between Male and Female, ADAM-EVA, in the delicious bed of authentic love, truly keeps sublime rhythmic concordances with the mystical agape of the great KABIR Jesus...


The enchanting Germ of the sacred spike has its intimate exponent in the human seed...


The sacrosanct fruit of the Vine is really the natural emblem of Life that manifests itself in all its splendor in the Substance.


Transforming the Bread (SEED) into solar meat and the delicious Wine in Christ Blood and holy fire, is the most extraordinary miracle of SEX-YOGA.


The GOLDEN BODY OF THE SOLAR MAN, the famous "TO SOMA HELIAKON" (Complete Synthesis of the Christic Vehicles), is flesh, blood and life of the creator LOGOS or Demiurge.


The living secret crystallization of sexual energy in the resplendent form of that glorious body is only possible with LOVING MAGIC...


Einstein, one of the great lights of the intellect, wrote a wise postulate that literally says: "The mass is transformed into energy." "Energy transforms into mass."


It is obvious that through SAHAJA MAITHUNA we can and must transform ENS SEMINIS into energy.


It is unquestionable that our "SEXUAL MODUS OPERANDI" allows us to transform the creative energy into the glorious flesh of the golden body of CHRIST-MAN.


To transform Bread into Meat and Wine (Life) into Royal Blood, into Living and Philosophical Fire, is to perform the formidable miracle of Transubstantiation.


The Wagnerian Parsifal, after much bitterness, is wisely led by his Guru GURNEMANZ to the Sacred Sanctuary of the Holy Grail, with the evident purpose of teaching him the Mysteries of Transubstantiation.


From above, from the sky, from Urania, a very pure ray of light descends as if by enchantment, falling on the Divine cup, making it shine with purple color...


Amfortas, with his face transfigured, raises the Chalice (living symbol of the female YONI) high and very slowly moves it in all directions, blessing with it, the Bread and Wine for the tables, while the happy choirs sing the Eucharistic Hymn. .






                                                                                                                  CHAPTER XXV

                                                                                                     SEARCH AND YOU WILL FIND


The sacred scriptures say: "Seek and you will find, ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you."


It is written with burning coals in the book of all mysteries, that the Lanú or Disciple must ask if he really yearns with all the strength of his soul the INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION.


The Divines and Humans well know that PARSIFAL as Chela or Disciple, did not become king of the Grail because he did not ask why AMFORTAS pains.


The bread and wine of the transubstantiation is distributed by the sacred tables where all the brothers sit, except PARSIFAL who remains standing and in a state of mystical rapture; delicious and ineffable circumstance from which it finally emerges only by the heartbreaking laments of the good Lord AMFORTAS.

GURNEMANZ the old Hierophant, believing him unconscious and even ruthless in the face of all this, in fact assumes a severe attitude and withdraws him indignantly from the Holy Precinct...


Watcching very carefully and seriously the brilliant theme of this regal Wagnerian Drama, glorious as none, we can discover, not without a certain mystical amazement, the three classic esoteric degrees: APPRENTICES, COMPANIONS and TEACHERS.


The adolescent of the first part of the Drama, still knows nothing about the mansion of delights and the corner of love with its dangerously beautiful women-flowers, nor about that KUNDRY, HERODIAS, GUNDRIGIA, exquisitely sinful; is still the APPRENTICE of Occult Masonry...


The PARSIFAL of the second part is the man who valiantly descends to the Ninth Danteque Circle; the aspirant who works in the VULCAN LIGHTED FORGE; the PARTNER.


The Hero of the third part is the MASTER who returns to the temple after having suffered much.


The boy in the first part of the Drama has not even awakened CONSCIOUSNESS; he is just one of those many pilgrims who travel in much secrecy through the dark jungles of life in search of a compassionate traveler who has among his treasures a precious balm to heal his aching heart ...


The happiness is very great when he meets the old hermit GURNEMANZ on his painful path, who then serves as his guide or Guru...


The PARSIFAL of the second part is the ascetic who consciously descends to the HELL WORLDS; the man who works in the FORGE OF CYCLOPES; the mystic who defeats the seven priestesses of temptation...


The devotee of the third part is the ADEPT dressed in the wedding garment of the soul - a wonderful synthesis of the solar bodies - in which the higher emotion, the authentic mind and the conscious will are contained.


The triumphal return to the temple of the Grail, is the main characteristic of the Parsifal of the third part.


The anchorite returns to the sacred enclosure wielding in his formidable right hand the Holy pike, the blessed shaft...

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