

The HATHA-YOGA-PRADIPIKA of the Great Hindustani Initiates emphasizes the transcendental idea that an intercourse performed with a consecrated woman is truly a true panacea for the attainment of higher mystical states.


The sexual act is a legitimate enjoyment of man; the consubstantiation of love in the psycho-physiological realism of our nature.


A certain great sage whose name I do not mention, commenting on something about Hindustani Tantrism, said:


"A sect of SHIVA in Bombay, India, today performs the sacred betrothal according to the rules of VATSYAYANA the author of KAMASUTRA."


"A chosen SHAKTI is placed naked on an altar; the High Priest consumes his offering with her through intercourse."


"The gigantic image of the God SHIVA, illuminated by numerous oil lamps, contemplates the carnal copulation from above."


"At a certain signal from the High Priest, a general cohabitation must be verified, in which each couple must represent SHIVA and his SHAKTI (or wife)."


"The adepts of the sect believe that with their sexual offering they glorify the universe maintained only by the eternal spontaneous procreation of the Divine and arrive precisely by act at the rhythmic consonance of eternity."


"Already weeks before the beginning of the" sacred betrothal "was the participant earnestly instructed by the priests: Woe! Who in this act allows the slightest profane thoughts, or else seeks the satisfaction of his own senses, ruthlessly there will be the wrath of the Divine befall him. "


"When in the temples of Assyria, Egypt, Persia, India, Greece, etc., etc., etc., priests and priestesses joined in a sexual act before the faithful, or when, as in the temples of SHIVA, they copulated the same time hundreds of couples in certain festivities of God, at the bottom of the apparent greater licenses there was an even more hidden and profound meaning ".


Through SAHAJA MAITHUNA, the sexual act of prodigies, a fluid essence is released, an extraordinary, wonderful, omnipotent magnetism, which suddenly discharged at the same point, in fact becomes the "Genius Lucis" of all charms magical.


An old Japanese proverb says: "Through worship you can make a dog's tooth shine."


"Your teeth are whiter than the pearls that flow from the seas," said the Great Kabir Jesus referring to the corpse of a decomposing dog.


Obviously, it stands out with complete meridian clarity that this is the traditional Magic, the famous oriental GUPTA-VIDYA, that mysterious science by means of which it is obvious that we can finally achieve the final liberation.


PARSIFAL, the mystical hero, bravely restraining the sexual impulse, retreating intrepid from that stormy blonde they called Herodias, without spilling the Vase of Hermes -The ENS SEMINIS-, it is unquestionable that in fact he wields in his omnipotent and terribly Divine right hand that spear of Longinus, the extraordinary emblem of the "GENIUS LUCIS", the Odic or magnetic force with which he makes the sign of the cross to turn the ANIMAL EGO into cosmic dust.


In this new era of the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, the collective copulation of times gone by turns out to be out of orbit, extemporaneous, outdated, retarded. This is the sidereal moment in which all of us must walk on the loving path of the Perfect Matrimony.


Wielding vigorously the revered spear in the LABORATORIUM ORATORIUM of the THIRD LOGOS, is beyond any doubt something radical if we really want to reduce to ashes the left and dark castle of the secret KLINGSOR or MEPHISTOPHELES that each one of us carries within.


COMPREHENSION AND ELIMINATION; basic, decisive, fundamental factors. It is unquestionable that all psychological defects must have been previously fully understood before their elimination.


A didactics is needed, that is obvious; fortunately we have it and it is by the way very simple and powerful.


Pray in the Thalamus of the Garden of Earthly Delights; in the nuptial bed of erotic wonders; to beg in the moment of the joys, in the unforgettable moment of intercourse, ask our Divine and adorable Divine Mother Kundalini, splendidly wield in those moments of kisses and tenderness, the magic spear to eliminate that defect that we have understood in all the departments of the mind, and then withdraw without spilling the sacred Wine, the ENS SEMINIS, means death, bliss, inebriety, delight, joy ...


EXCLUSIVE UNDERSTANDING is not everything; radical, absolute elimination is urgent, cannot be postponed, indispensable.


Any rational homunculus could clearly understand the abominable flaw of anger and yet, to make matters worse continue with her even when she devours her entrails.


This poor, intellectual animal mind cannot really fundamentally alter anything, we need a higher power, a living power capable of eliminating or totally discarding that sinister entity that psychically personifies that error that we have understood; Such authority is beyond any doubt, our Divine and Adorable Mother Kundalini, the sublime wife of the Holy Spirit, the igneous serpent of our magical powers, that solar electronic fire that splendidly unfolds and develops in the spine of the ascetic.


It is a vain thing to conceive ourselves of the animalistic and lunar mind! ... This alone can only lead us to error...


The intellect can afford to hide defects, repudiate them, condemn them, justify them, label them with different names, conceal them, hide them from the sight of others, transfer them from one department to another of the mind, etc., but never eliminate them.


The ESOTERIC-CHRISTIC lance of the Holy Grail and the pagan lance of the covenants held by Wotan, is the same and unique lance, pole or Holy Pike held sacred in all peoples since the most remote antiquity.


It is unquestionable that only with that weapon of Eros wielded by the Divine Mother Kundalini during sacred intercourse, can we really radically eliminate one by one all those dark entities that personify our psychological defects and that as a whole characterize the ANIMAL EGO.



                                                                                                          CHAPTER XXXVII

                                                                                              THE EGYPTIAN CONFESSION


After having created "TO SOMA HELIAKON" in the "FORGE OF CYCLOPES", -sex-, I then had to go through a time of deep reflection.


It should be opportunely clarified that within the "golden body of the solar man", as in a holy vessel, the superior emotion, the mind of the Gnostic ascetic and the conscious will are contained.


It is worth emphasizing the transcendental fact of the "Second Birth" after having dressed myself in the wedding garment of the soul in the ninth Dantesc circle.


In the residence of love I met other brothers and sisters who had also worked intensely in "the fiery forge of Vulcan" (sex). All of them were gloriously resplendent amid the indescribable divine charms of Good Friday.


Clearly it stands out with complete meridian clarity that I am speaking mystically about the temple of the "Twice Born".


Divine Humanity, extraordinary people of various nations, peoples and languages!


In that "Aula Lucis" I came to fully understand the transcendental idea that Man must also be carnally one with God.


It is unquestionable that the human creature can only become SELF-REALIZED intimately by giving his body to God.


Although it may seem paradoxical, it is obvious that not all the "twice-born" have dissolved the Ego.


After the second birth I was intensively instructed in the temple; I realized then that I needed to die from moment to moment if I didn't want to become a Hanasmussen with a double center of gravity.


Already in my past books I explained that the HANASMUSSEN are cosmic failures; Divine Mother Kundalini abortions; lost cases.


It is indispensable, it is urgent, to die radically in our own person, in the flesh, in the Self, with the firm purpose of embodying the power of God in us.


We need to be reconciled to the Supreme Maker so that He can recognize His own creature in the flesh.


The light and the dust must celebrate their betrothal and heaven and earth set free together in love.


A new heaven is already ready and so must a new earth be created equal to it in beauty and magnificence.


The exterior is only the projection of the interior. Who is already well dead and has God inside, projects a paradise.


Deep reflections touched my soul ... I fully and in integral form each of my own psychological errors.




Without you, my Divine Mother, I would never have been able to eliminate the Red Demons of Seth, those entities of darkness that personify our defects!


On any given day, no matter the date, day, or hour, the KETHER of the Hebrew KABBALAH visited me; The OLD MAN OD THE DAYS"; "MY FATHER WHO IS IN SECRET"; "the hidden of the hidden", "the goodness of goodness", "the mercy of mercies".


The Lord sat on his throne and said: "As you are working you are doing very well, you must continue with your work"...


Time passed and I died from moment to moment ... understanding and eliminating was my task.


It is written with burning coals in the great book of splendors, that those who have died in themselves be welcomed into the world of the dead...


My case was no exception to the funeral rule. Dressed in those funeral clothes that I always use to wear after each disincarnation, I then lived happily in the hidden abode.


I want to end this chapter by transcribing and even briefly commenting on each verse of the Egyptian confession. NEBSENI Papyrus:


  1. "O you, Spirit, who strides and who arises in Heliopolis, listen to me! I have not committed evil deeds." (It is obvious that he who was truly capable of malicious acts ceased to exist. Only the Ego commits such acts. The Being of the deceased, even with the living body, would never do anything evil).


  1. - "O you, Spirit, who manifest yourself in Ker-aha and whose arms are surrounded by a burning fire! I have not acted with violence." (By all lights, it stands out with complete meridian clarity that violence is multifaceted. The Ego breaks laws, violates honor, profane, forces the minds of others, breaks, wear out, tarnishes, intimidates others, etc. The Being respects the free will of our fellow men; it is always serene and peaceful).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who manifest yourself in Hermopolis and breathe Divine breath! My heart detests brutality." (The Ego is certainly rude, clumsy, incapable, a friend of lightness, bestial by nature and by animal instinct. The Being is different, refined, wise, capable, Divine, sweet, severe, etc.).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who manifest yourself at the sources of the Nile and who feed on the shadows of the dead! I have not stolen." (The Ego likes theft, robbery, looting, pillage, kidnapping, fraud, swindle, taking away, borrowing and not paying back, abusing the trust of others and withholding what is foreign, exploiting the neighbor, engaging in embezzlement, etc. The Being enjoys giving and even renouncing the fruits of action, it is helpful, disinterested, charitable, philanthropic, altruistic, etc., etc., etc.).


  1. "O you Spirit, who manifests yourself in RE-STAU and whose limbs rot and stink! I have not killed my fellow men." (Murder is without a doubt the greatest act of corruption that exists in the world. Not only is the life of others extinguished or extinguished with revolvers, gases, knives, poisons, stones, sticks, pitchforks, etc., etc., etc., but also the lives of our fellow men are annihilated, with harsh words, violent looks, acts of ingratitude, infidelity, betrayal, laughter shrieks, etc. Many parents would still live if their children had not taken their existence through bad actions. Many wives or husbands would still breathe in the sunlight if the spouse had allowed it. Let us remember that the human being kills what he loves most. Any moral suffering can make us sick and take us to the grave. All illnesses have psychological causes.).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who is manifested in heaven in the double form of the lion! I have not diminished the bushel of wheat." (The Ego arbitrarily alters the weight of food).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who manifests yourself in Letopolis and whose two eyes wound like daggers! I have not committed fraud." (The Being would never commit such a crime).


  1. "O you, Spirit, from the dazzling mask that you walk slowly and backwards! I have not stolen what belonged to the gods." (The Ego likes to loot the tombs of the Great Initiates; to desecrate the sacred tombs; to steal the venerated relics; to remove the mummies from their dwellings; to search among the bowels of the earth the holy things to desecrate them).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who manifests yourself in Herakleopolis and crushes and tortures the bones! I have not lied." (The Ego likes lies, deception, falsehood, hoax, the trampoline, vanity, error, fiction, the apparent, etc. The Being is different; it never lies, it always tells the truth whatever the cost. ).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who is manifested in Memphis and who makes the flames rise and grow! I have not stolen food from my fellow men." (The Ego takes pleasure in separating food from its fellow men, negotiating illicitly with other people's food, subtracting, extracting even part of what does not belong to it, starving peoples or groups of people, hoarding food, making it more expensive, taking out of them absurd capital gains, take away, steal, steal, deny a bread to the hungry, etc., etc., etc.).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who manifests yourself in the Amenti, Divinity of the two sources of the Nile! I have not slandered." (The Ego likes slander, deceit, gossip, slander; discredit others, denigrate, insult, etc. The Being prefers to be silent rather than profane the Word).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who manifests yourself in the region of the lakes and whose teeth shine like the sun! I have not been aggressive." (The Ego is by nature provocative, caustic, ironic, biting, insulting, stabbing, it likes the attack, the assault, the rush; it hurts with the subtle smile of Socrates and kills with the thunderous laugh of Aristophanes. In Being, always serene, sweetness and severity are wisely balanced).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who arises next to the scaffold and how voracious, you rush on the blood of the victims! Know it: I have not killed the animals of the temples." (The animals of the Divinity; however, the Ego hurts and kills the creatures of the Eternal. The Being only knows how to bless and love and make all things perfect).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who manifests yourself in the vast hall of the thirty judges and who nourishes yourself with the entrails of sinners! I have not disappointed." (The Ego takes pleasure in usurping, taking away, embezzling, stealing, frustrating, disturbing, disrupting, etc.).


  1. "Oh you, Lord of the Universal order who manifest yourself in the Hall of Truth-Justice, learn! I have never monopolized the fields of cultivation." (The land belongs to those who work it; the worker works, tills, sweats. However, the powerful, the landowners, retain, absorb the cultivable lands. Thus is the Ego.).


  1. "O you Spirit, who manifests yourself in Bubastis and who marches backwards, learn! I have not listened behind the doors." (The Ego is curious and perverse by nature and by instinct. They say that fences, walls have ears and it is ostensible that doors also. The Ego loves to intrude on the intimate things of others; Mephistopheles or Satan is always an intruder).


  1. "Oh you, Spirit, Asti, who appear in Heliopolis! I have never sinned by excess of words". (The ego is usually Charlatan, talkative, gabby, chatterbox, buzzard, garrulous, loquacious, gargantuan, tongue-tied, gaping, etc. The Being speaks strictly of what is indispensable; it never plays with the word).


  1. "O you, Spirit, Tatuf, who appears in Ati! I have never pronounced curses when some damage has been done to me." (The Ego likes to curse, denigrate, abominate, detract, etc. The Being only knows how to bless, love, forgive).


  1. "O you, Uamenti Spirit, who appear in the torture caves! I have never committed adultery." (The Ego is mystified, corrupted, flawed, false, it enjoys justifying adultery, sublimating it, giving it ineffable subtle tints, it gives itself the luxury of covering it up, hiding it from itself and from others; decorating it, adorning it, with legitimate norms and letters divorce; legalize it with new nuptial ceremonies. He who covets another's wife is in fact an adulterer even if he never copulates with her; truly I tell you that adultery in the subconscious backgrounds of the most chaste people, usually has multiple facets).


  1. O you, Spirit, who manifests yourself in the temple of Ansú and who looks carefully at the offerings that are brought to you! You know: that I have never ceased in society to be chaste. "(Absolute chastity is only possible when the Ego is well dead. Many anchorites who here in the physical world have achieved purity, virginity of the soul, honesty, candor, etc., when they were put to the tests in the supersensible worlds, they failed, they committed crimes, they fell like Amfortas the King of the Grail into the immodest arms of Kundry, Gundrigia, that stormy blonde they called Herodias).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who appear in Hehatú you head of the ancient Gods! I have never frightened people." (The Ego likes to horrify, horrify, scare, intimidate others, threaten, morally demolish the neighbor, prostrate him, abate him, frighten him, etc. Trading houses usually send their defaulting clients reminders that are sometimes very fine, but always threatening).


  1. "O you, destroying Spirit that manifests yourself in Kauil! I have never violated the order of time." (The Ego arbitrarily changes the schedules and alters the calendar. It is useful to remember the true order of the seven days of the week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. The pseudo sapients altered this order).


  1. "Oh you, Spirit who appears in Urit, and from whom I hear the voice of chanting! I have never given myself to anger." (The Ego is always ready to let go of anger, rage, dudgeon, irritation, fury, exasperation, rudeness, etc.).


  1. "O you, Spirit, who appear in the Hekat Lake region in the form of a child! I was never deaf to the words of Justice." (The Being always loves equity, law, is impartial, upright, just. He wants legality, what is legitimate, cultivates virtue and holiness; he is exact in all his things, complete, complete; he longs for precision, punctuality. By contrast, the Ego always tries to justify and excuse its own crimes, it is never punctual, it wants bribery, it is given to bribery and corrupt the courts of human justice).


  1. "Oh you, Spirit, who appears in Unes and whose voice is so penetrating! I have never filed lawsuits." (The Ego likes to complain, discord, dispute, quarrel, brawl, quarrel, it is a friend of fights, contentions, quarrels, lawsuits, brawls, discussions, lawsuits, wars, etc. By antithesis we will say that Being is different: He loves peace, serenity, he is an enemy of harsh words; he abhors altercations, fights. He says what he has to say and then remains silent, leaving his interlocutors full freedom to think, accept or reject; then he withdraw).


  1. "Oh you, Basti Spirit, who appear in the Mysteries! I have never made my fellow men shed tears." (The cry of the oppressed falls on the powerful ones like a ray of vengeance. The Ego promotes lamentations and regrets everywhere. The Initiate well dead, even if his body is still alive, wherever he passes he leaves sparks of light and joy).


  1. "O you, Spirit, whose face is at the back of the head and who comes out of your hidden abode! I have never sinned against nature with men." (The infra-sexual ones of LILIT, are degenerate seeds, lost cases, subjects that in no way can SELF-REALIZE. For those it will be the outer darkness where only the crying and creaking of teeth).


  1. O you, Spirit with the leg wrapped in fire and coming out of Akhekhú! I have never sinned from impatience. "(Restlessness, disquiet, lack of patience and serenity are an obstacle, an obstacle, an impediment, for the esoteric work and the INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION of the BEING. The ego is by nature impatient, restless , always has the tendency to get upset, angry, rage, trill, burn, get angry. It does not know how to wait and it is unquestionable that it fails).


  1. "O you Spirit who comes out of Kenemet and whose name is Kenemti! I have never reviled anyone." (It is obvious that the Initiate well dead because he dissolved the ego, he only has the Being within himself and it is ostensible that it is of Divinal nature and therefore would be incapable of injuring others. The Being does not offend anyone, it is perfect in thought, word and deed. The Ego hurts, mistreats, damages, insults, outrages, offends, etc.).


  1. O you, Spirit who comes out of Sais and who carries your offering in your hands! I have never been a complainant. "(The Ego likes fights, riots, brawls, quarrels, etc.).


  1. "O you, Spirit who appears in the city of Djefit and whose faces are many! I have never acted in haste." (The Ego always has a marked tendency to fall; it is rapturous, inconsiderate, reckless, unwise, impatient thoughtless, wants to run, walk fast, has no precaution. The Being is very different, deep, thoughtful, prudent, patient, serene, etc.).


  1. "O you Spirit who appears in Unth and who is full of cunning! I have never disrespected the Gods." During this present dark cycle of the KALI YUGA people make fun of the Holy Gods, Prajapatis or Biblical Elohim; the multitudes of the future sixth great race will once again worship the ineffable.


  1. "Oh you, Spirit adorned with horns and coming out of Santiú! In my speeches I have never used excessive words." Observe the charlatans of the different radio stations, thus is the ego; always talkative.


  1. "O you, Nefer-Tum who come out of Memphis! I have never defrauded or acted wickedly." The fraud has many colors of a psychological type. Cheated brides, betrayed husbands, parents abandoned or morally injured by their children, the worker unjustly fired from his job, the child who did not receive the promised prize, the esoteric group abandoned by their guide, etc. are disappointed. The Ego likes to defraud, pervert, corrupt, infect everything it touches.


  1. "Oh you, TUM SEP that you leave Djedú! I have never cursed the King." The heads of States are the vehicles of Karma; therefore we must not curse them.


  1. "Oh you, Spirit, whose heart is active and who comes out of Debti! I have never polluted the waters." It would be the height of absurdity for an Initiate with a dead Ego to commit the crime of throwing garbage or filth into lakes or rivers. However, it is obvious that the ego loves such crimes, enjoys doing evil, does not feel compassion for creatures; He does not want to understand that by infecting the liquid element, it actually harms everything that has life.


  1. "Oh you, Hi who appear in the sky! Know it: My words have never been haughty". The Ego is by nature haughty, arrogant, proud, arrogant, imperious, contemptuous, disdainful. However, he usually hides his pride under Aristippus's tunic - a garment full of holes and patches - and he even gives himself the luxury of talking with feigned meekness and pietistic poses, but through the gaps in his clothing his vanity can be seen.


  1. "O you, Spirit, who give orders to the Initiates! I have never cursed the Gods." The wicked people abhor and denigrate the Gods, Angels or Devas.


  1. "Oh you NEHEB-NEFERT coming out of the lake! I have never been impertinent or insolent." The impertinence and insolence are based on the lack of humility and patience. The Ego is usually heavy, irreverent, inappropriate, crazy, rude, hasty, clumsy.


  1. "Oh you, NEHEB-KAU, leaving the city! I have never intrigued or asserted myself." The Ego wants to climb, climb to the top of the ladder, make itself felt, be someone in life, etc. The “Ego” is a phony, a mess, a trickster, a schemer, a stagehand, a friend of the plot, of the weft; tricky, dark, dangerous.


  1. "O you, Spirit, whose head is sanctified and who suddenly comes out of your hiding place! Know it: I have not become illicitly enriched." The Ego lives in function of the "more"; the cumulative process of the ego is certainly horrifying: More money, no matter the means, even if it is swindling, cheating, defrauding, cheating, tricking; Mephistopheles is a perverse, evil, that's how Satan has always been, MYSELF.


   "O you, Spirit who comes out of the lower world and brings before you your severed arm! I have never disdained the Gods of my city." Those ineffable Deiduses, protective angels of the populations, familiar spirits, etc., deserve our admiration and respect. They are the Penates Gods of ancient times. Each citadel, town, metropolis or village has its spiritual rector, its Prajapati. There is no family that does not have its own spiritual ruler. The Ego despises such shepherds of the soul

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