
                                                                    THE GNOSTIC CHURCH  


Those who have already passed to the other shore, know well what the rigorous ordeals of Initiation are.


Separating ourselves from the monster of the thousand faces (humanity), to help him efficiently, is not a crime.


Thirty years of age I had when I was subjected to terrible and frightening tests ... What I saw then, what happened to me is well worth relate it.


It was on the night of the mystery when I felt the howl of the hurricane near me; then I understood...


How lonely I was that night, and yet ... wherever I went, here, there or everywhere, soon I was surrounded by the crowds; I do not know how the people came to me and then ...


Again only the hurricane howled, then I understood gone with the wind. Today I say it because...


"What rumor

It sounds far

That silence

In the serene

Black night interrupted?


Is of the horse the fast race,

Lying in the flying escape,

Or the rough roar of a hungry beast,

Or maybe the whistle of the Eagle,

Or the hoarse echo of distant thunder

That in the deep caverns boom,

Or the sea that threatens with its swollen breast,

New Luzbel, to the throne of its God? "


Because all those specters of the night of the mystery were also seen by that poet who sang like this:


"Dense fog

Cover the sky

And of spirits

It is populated


That here the wind

And there they cross


And without a story,

And here they take,

And there they turn,

They already come together,

They go,

They are already hidden,

Wander, fly. "


already appear,


"Vague swarm of vain ghosts

In various forms, of various colors,

In goats and mounted serpents and crows,

And in broomsticks, with a deafening murmur ... "


"They pass, they flee,

They come back, they grow,


They evaporate,

They are colored,

And between shadows

And reflexes

Close and far

They are already lost;

They already avoid me

With fear;

They are already shaking

With fury

In aerial fantastic dance

Around me".


With all the howls, whistles, neighs, squeaks, moans, squawks, meows, barks, snorts, snores, croaks, the seer poet continues to hear, speaking to us with words that are livid and phosphoric brushstrokes of El Greco, in extraordinary apparitions like of the Caprices of Goya.


 Many times I had to bravely face the Black Powers that the Apostle Paul of Tarsus said in Chapter II of the Epistle to those of Ephesus.


Unquestionably the most dangerous adversary of that night had the fatal title of "ANAGARIKA". I want to refer emphatically to the Cherenzi Demon.


That disgusting tenebrous creature had taught in the world "Black Tantrism." (Sexual Magic with seminal ejaculation).


The result appeared at first glance: developed diabolical tail and horrid horns.


That Tantric of the left hand came before my presence accompanied by two other demons.


He seemed to be very satisfied with the "abominable “KUNDARTIGUADOR”

organ, - the Satanic witching and terrible tail - , the sexual fire projected from the coccyx towards the atomic infernos of man, sequence and corollary of black Tantrism.


"At point-blank" as they say, I asked him the following question: Do you know me?


Answer: "Yes, I saw you one night in the city of Bacatá when I was giving a lecture".


What happened next was certainly not very pleasant: That "ANAGARIKA" had recognized me and enraged he threw fire through his eyes and his tail ... violently he wanted to hurt me; I defended myself with the best conjurations of high magic and at last fled with his companions ...


Solitaire I continued on my way in the Night of the Mystery; howled the hurricane...


In the deep depths of my consciousness I had the strange feeling of being saying goodbye to everything and everyone...


Panting, tired, after having fought many times against the tyranny of the Prince of the Powers of the Air, which is the Spirit that now reigns over the children of infidelity, I got into the "Gnostic Church".


Temple of luminous marble, that seemed rather of crystal by its rare transparencies.


The terrace of that Transcended Church dominated undefeated as a glorious acropolis, the solemn area of a sacred pine grove...


From that, the constellate, firmly resplendent, could be contemplated as it once was in the Atlantean temples, those now buried temples longed for by the extraordinary poetry of Maeterlink, from which ASURA - MAYA, the astronomer disciple of NARADA, made the previous observations to discover its cycles chronological thousands of years, teaching them later to his beloved disciples in the light of the pale moon, which today is practiced by his devout successors.


Slowly I advanced, walking very slowly and reverently in the holy place.


However, something surprises me: I see a certain character that crosses my path and blocks me. Another battle? I prepare for the defense but the character smiles sweetly and exclaims with a voice of paradise:


You do not scare me, I know you very well! ...


Ah! ... I recognize him at last ... he is my Guru Adolfo - whom I have always called him with the diminutive "ADOLFITO" - . Good God and holy mother! But ... What was I doing?


Forgive me Master! I had not recognized you...


My Guru leads me by the hand into the interior of the Gnostic Church ... THE MAHATMA takes a seat and then invites me to sit beside him; impossible to decline such a splendid invitation.


The dialogue that later became between Master and Disciple, was certainly extraordinary.


"Here in the Gnostic Church - said the Hierophant solemnly - you can only be married to one wife, two not".


"You, in the past, you gave vain hopes to a certain XX lady, who for that reason and in spite of time and distance, still continues to wait for you".


"Obviously, unconsciously you are doing a great evil, because she, waiting for you, lives in a city within the most complete misery."


"That Lady, could well return to the bosom of his family in the countryside, so it is clear that their economic problems would be resolved."


Astonished, perplexed, upon hearing such words, I embraced my Guru, thanking him infinitely for his advice.


Master - I said - What could you tell me now about my wife LITELANTES? "She does serve you for Sexual Magic - SAHAJA MAITHUNA - , with this ADEPT LADY you can work in the" NINTH SPHERE "(Sex).


O Guru, what I long for with infinite longings is the awakening of the KUNDALINI and the union with the INTIMATE. Whatever it may cost me...


"But what did you say, O disciple, whatever it costs?"


Yes Master, I said that ... "Tonight, one has been paid here and then he has been entrusted with the task of helping you in the awakening of KUNDALINI".


"You have passed the DIRENE test" - exclaimed the Hierophant - and then placing on my head a turban of immaculate whiteness with a gold button on his forehead, he said: "We go to the altar"...


Getting up quickly, I advanced with my Holy Guru to the Holy Altar...


I still remember that solemn moment in which, kneeling before the sacred altar, I had to give a solemn oath... "


At all cost! "Exclaimed my Master with a loud voice, and this phrase vibrating intensely was repeated after of sphere in sphere ...


I then covered my SOLAR PLEXUS with the palm of my left hand and extended my right hand over the "HOLY GRAIL" saying: I swear!


Terrible Oath! ...


Genuine legends of Castile, like that of Alfonso VII pulling from the hands of the Moors of Almeria the famous bowl or Grail - better said glass - , carved in huge emerald, and it was said was used by the great KABIR Jesus at his last dinner, It is terribly Divine ...


Swear before the Holy Vessel? ...


Ancient legends say that Joseph of Arimathea collected in that cup at the foot of the cross on the Mount of Skulls, the blessed blood that flowed from the wounds of the adorable...


Such Glass, before was given by the Queen of Sheba to Soliman or Solomon - The Solar King - and was patrimony, according to others, of the Tuatha of Danand, race "JINA" of the Gaedhil (The British Galicia).


It is not known how he came to this Revered relic to the hermitage of San Juan de la Peña in the Pyrenees and from there he continued his pilgrimage, now to the Galatian Salvatierra , now nova, because the Genoveses received him in the past as a prize for help Alfonso VII lent on the site of Almeria.




Very early in the morning I wrote to the suffering noblewoman who awaited me in the remote city...


I advised her with infinite sweetness to return to the land of his elders and forget my insignificant person that nothing is worth ...


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