In dealing with transcendental and practical esotericism, we can and must emphasize the following:
Everything about pure occultism has been said about our geomantic paintings, astrology, magic herbs, wonderful scrolls with cryptographic languages, despite being absolutely noble and true, it is certainly KINDERGARTEN, the minor part of the Great Wisdom of the Orient inherited and that consists in the radical transformation of oneself through the revolutionary asceticism of the New Aquarian Age. (Extraordinary mixture of sexual desire with spiritual longing).
We Gnostics are actually the chosen possessors of three great riches, namely:
- A) The "Philosopher's Stone".
- B) The "Solomon's Clavicle".
- C) The "Genesis of Enoch".
These three factors constitute the living foundation of the Apocalypse, in addition to the collections of Pistorius, the Theosophy of Porphyry and of many other ancient secrets.
The absolute radical change within ourselves, here and now, would be impossible without the "Philosopher's Stone".
Speaking clearly and unambiguously, I declare: The "ENS SEMINIS" (the entity of semen) is certainly that venerable matter - cited by Sendivogius - with which we must elaborate " the Philosopher's Stone ".
SEXUAL MAGIC is the way ... so I understood it in my present reincarnation when I wanted to elaborate the "Philosopher's Stone".
Through that blessed stone we can fulfill that maximum alchemist that says: "Solve et Coagule".
We need to dissolve the Psychological I and coagulate in us the Sexual Hydrogen B - 12 in the form of solar bodies, intimate powers, virtues, etc., etc., etc.
The "Philosopher's Stone" is the one that values the sexual seed and gives it the power to germinate, like mystical yeast that makes ferment and raise the whole metallic mass making appear in its integral form the King of Creation ; I want to refer to the authentic man, not the intellectual animal mistakenly called man.
The will - THELEMA - acquires the power of transmutation that converts base metals into gold, that is, evil into good, in all the circumstances of life.
For this reason, for transmutation requires a minimum amount of "Philosopher's Stone" or "Projection Powder".
Every vile metal dissolved in the crucible of Sexual Alchemy is always replaced by the pure gold of some new virtue. (Solve et Coagule).
THE "MODUS OPERANDI" see in the Eleventh Chapter, Fifth story, of this same treatise. (For more information, study the entitled: "The Mystery of the Golden Blossom" published before by this way).
Lighting the individual FOHAT, the Flame of Eros, in our Sexual Alchemist Laboratory, is certainly the foundation of the Dionysian Wave; I understood this deeply by studying at the feet of my Guru "Adolfito".
Unquestionably I was always assisted during the metaphysical copulation; this other Divine Guruji who was paid his salary in the temple, (see part 12) fulfilled the word pledged.
That Great Soul assisted me astrally during the chemical intercourse; I saw him make strong magnetic passes on my coccygeal bone, spine and upper part of my head.
When the erotic serpent of our magical powers woke up to start its march inwards and upwards, along the spinal cord canal, I felt then thirst and a very sharp pain in the coccyx that lasted several days.
Then I was honored in the temple, I have never been able to forget that great cosmic event...
At that time I lived peacefully in a small house, on the seashore, in the tropical zone of the Caribbean coasts...
The ascent of the KUNDALINI from vertebra to vertebra was performed very slowly according to the merits of the heart...
Each vertebra is very demanding; from this we can infer difficult tests; as corollary we affirm: It is not possible the ascent of the KUNDALINI to this or that vertebra if for this we do not fill the precise moral conditions.
In the Superior Worlds, these thirty-three spinal vertebrae are called with symbolic terms such as the following: "Cannons", "Pyramids", "Holy Chambers", etc., etc., etc.
The mystical ascent of the flame of love from vertebra to vertebra and from Chacra to Chacra, along the Medullary Canal, was certainly carried out on the basis of Sexual Magic, including sanctification and sacrifice.
The assistant MAHATMA gave me help by conducting the sacred fire from the coccygeal bone - base of the spine - to the pineal gland, located, in the upper part of the brain.
Later that "GREAT SOUL" made it flow with great mastery my erotic fire to the region between the eyebrows.
The First Initiation of the divine Fire as a corollary came, when the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers made contact with the Atom of the Father, in the magnetic field of the root of the nose.
It was certainly during the mystical ceremony of the last supper, when the cosmic date of the Initiation was fixed.
The Holy Grail! Like a sacred ember, it shines scorching on the table of the Paschal feast.
The true story of this Holy Grail is written in the stars and has its foundation, not in Toledo, as Wolfram of Eschembach says...
The main known origins of all these chivalric legends related to the Holy Grail are:
A) The "History Rerum in Partibus Transmarinis Gestarum", by Guillermo de Tiro (M. in 1184), a Latin work translated into French with the title of "Roman D'Eracle", and a book that serves as the base for the "Great Conquest of Overseas ", translated from French into Spanish in the late thirteenth century or early fourteenth.This conquest summarizes the five main branches ofthe First Crusade cycle: The "Chansó D'Antiocha", the "Chanson de Jerusalem", "Les Chetiis" (or captives), "Elijah" (the Knight of the Swan) .
B) The "Dolopathos" by Juan de Haute-Seille, written around 1190.
C) The one from the poem that Paris calls "Elioxa" or "Heli-Oxa" - La Solar Veal primitive name of the Insoberta or Isis - Bertha of the Swan knight, the latter works with great analogies, according to Gayangoscon the famous Amadis de Gaula.
D) The Parsifal and the Titurel of ESCHEMBACH.
E) The "Count of the Graal", by Chrétien de Troyes (1175), the "The Lohengrin" or "Swan-Ritter" (the Knight of the Swan), anonymous Bavarian work of the thirteenth century published by Goerres in 1813.
F) The "Tristan and Isolde", by Godfrey of Strasbourg (1200-1220) and how many similar "Tristans" are in literature.
G) The "Demand of the Holy Grail" with the wonderful facts of Lanzarote and of Galaz, his son (14th century), with all his concordant works.
I waited with infinite anxiety, date and time of the Initiation; it was a very sacred 27 ...
I wanted an Initiation like the one Montenero commander received in the temple of Chapultepec, or as another one that Ginés de Lara - the reincarnated Deva - had in that Sancta - Santorum or Adyita of the Knights Templar, in the extraordinary night of an eclipse of Moon.
But my case was certainly very different and although it seems incredible, the night of the Initiation I felt disappointed.
Resting with infinite anguish on my hard bed, in a humble hut, by the sea, I spent the night awake waiting uselessly...
My priestess wife slept, snored, sometimes moved between her bed or uttered incoherent words...
The sea with its furious waves hit the beach roaring frightfully, as if protesting...
It dawned and nothing! What a night of dogs, my God! ... ¡Oh my God and holy Mary! ...
What intellectual and moral storms I had to experience in those deadly nocturnal hours!
There is really no resurrection of death, no dawn in nature or in man without being preceded by the darkness, sorrows and nocturnal agonies that make his light more adorable.
All my senses were put to the test, tortured in mortal agonies, which made me exclaim: "My Father, if possible, this Chalice pass from me, but not my will but yours be done."
When the Sun came out like a ball of fire that seemed to come from the stormy ocean, LITELANTES woke up telling me:
Do you remember the party that was done up there? You received the Initiation...
What? But what are you saying? Party? Initiation? Which? All I know is that I've spent a night more bitter than gall...
What! - LITELANTES exclaimed, astonished - Then you did not bring to your physical brain any memory?
Do not you remember the big chain? Did you forget the words of the Great Initiator?
Overwhelmed with such questions I asked LITELANTS saying: What did the Great Being tell me?
You were warned - exclaimed the Lady - Adept - that from now on you will have double responsibility for the teachings you give to the world...
In addition - he said LITELANTES - you were dressed in white linen tunic of the Adepts of the Occult Fraternity and the flaming sword was given to you...
Oh! I understand. While I spent so much bitterness in my bed of penitent and anchorite, my inner Real Being was receiving the cosmic Initiation...
Good God and Holy Mary! But what's wrong with me? Why am I so dull?
I am a little hungry; I think it's time to get up for breakfast...
Moments later LITELANTES gathered in the kitchen some dry logs that served as fuel to light the fire...
The breakfast was delicious; I ate with a lot of appetite after such a painful night...
A new day of routine; I worked as usual to earn my daily bread, I rested in my bed near twelve o'clock...
Certainly, I was sleepless and just seemed a little rest; I also felt sorrowful at heart...
I did not have any inconvenience as to lie down in "dorsal decubitus", that is, position mouth - up and with the body well relaxed.
Suddenly, finding myself in a state of vigil, I see that someone enters my bedroom; I recognize him, he is a Chela of the Venerable Great White Lodge...
That Disciple brings a book in his hands; he want to consult me and request certain authorization...
When I wanted to give an answer, I spoke with a certain voice that amazed me; ATMAN responding through the creative larynx, is terribly Divine.
Go - he told my Real Being - Fulfill the mission entrusted to you. The Chela withdrew gratefully...
Oh! How changed I have been ... Now yes! I understand! These were my exclamations after the Chela withdrew...
Happy I got up from the hard bed to talk with LITELANTES; I needed to tell her what happened...
I felt a superlative thing, as if within my conscience an ethnic, transcendental, divinely esoteric type of change had taken place...
I longed for the new night; that tropical day was for me as the vestibule of wisdom. The sooner I wanted to see the Sun as a ball of fire sinking once more into the stormy waves of the ocean...
When the Moon began to steel the stormy waters of the Caribbean Sea, in those moments when the birds of the sky were collected in their nests, I had then to urge LITELANTES to complete their domestic chores.
That night we went to bed earlier than usual; I longed for something; I was in an ecstatic state...
Lying down again on my hard bed of penitents and anchorite, in that asana Hindustan of dead man - dorsal decubitus, face up, relaxed body, arms along the sides, feet touching at the heels with the tips of the fingers open on fan shape - , I awaited in alertness perception, alert novelty.
Suddenly, in a matter of milliseconds, I remembered a distant mountain; what happened then was something incredible, unusual...
I saw myself instantly there, on the far summit, far from the body, the affections and the mind...
ATMAN unattached, away from the dense body and in the absence of supra-sensitive vehicles...
In such moments of Shamadi, the Cosmic Initiation received the night before, was for me a palpable fact, a raw living reality that I did not even need to remember...
When my right hand I put on the golden belt; happy I could see that there was the flaming sword, exactly on the right side.
All the data that LITELANTES gave me had been accurate. How happy I felt now as MAN - SPIRIT! Dressed certainly with the white linen tunic...
In full Dionysian drunkenness I launched into the infinite sidereal space; happy I left the planet Earth...
Immersed among the ocean of the Universal Spirit of Life, I wanted to never return to this valley of bitterness and then I visited many planetary dwellings...
When I landed softly on a giant planet of the unalterable infinite, unsheathing the flaming sword I exclaimed: I dominate all this! ...
"Man is called to be the governor of all creation" - answered a Hierophant who was beside me - .
I kept the flaming sword between its golden sheath and immersing myself even more among "the sleeping waters of life", I made a series of extraordinary invocations and experiments.
Buddhic Body, come to me! ... Attentive to my call came to me the beautiful Helen, Geneva, the Queen of the "Jinas", my adorable spiritual soul.
She entered into me and I into her, and we entered forming that famous ATMA - BUDDHI which Eastern Theosophy speaks so much about.
With just reason it has always been said that the BUDDHI (SPIRITUAL SOUL) is like a thin and transparent alabaster vessel, inside which the flame of PRAJNA burns.(ATMA)
Continuing in successive order those singular invocations made from the very bottom of chaos, I then called my human soul, saying:
Causal Body, come to me! ...
I saw my human soul clothed gloriously with the causal vehicle (Higher Theosophical Manas).
How interesting was that moment when my human soul entered happily in me...
In those instants I integrated in an extraordinarily lucid way, that Theosophical Triad known by the Sanskrit terms: ATMA - BUDDHI - MANAS.
Unquestionably ATMA, that is, the INTIMATE, has two souls. The first is the Spiritual Soul (BUDDHI), which is feminine. The second is the Human Soul (SUPERIOR MANAS), which is masculine.
Later, inebriety with ecstasy, I called my mind like this:
Mental Body, come to me! ...
Several times I had to repeat the invocation, because the mind is belated to obey, at last it was presented with much reverence saying:
"Lord, here I am, I have come to your call, grant me that I have delayed! Did I fulfill your orders well?"
In moments when I was going to give an answer, it came out of my deep interior, the solemn voice of my Pythagorean Monad saying: Yes! ... You obeyed well, come in ...
That voice was like that of the RUACH ELOHIM that according to Moses, tilled the waters in the dawn of life...
It is good to say with great emphasis that I concluded these invocations by calling the Astral Body. This also took a little longer to come to my esoteric call, more at last it entered me.
Coated already with my supersensible vehicles, I could have called from the Chaos or Primitive Abyss to my physical body, which at those moments lay between its hard bed of penitent and anchorite, and it is obvious that also that body would have concurred to my call.
This is never impossible: My physical body, which at such interesting moments lay between its hard bed, with the help of the fourth aspect of DEVI KUNDALINI, could have left the three-dimensional region of Euclid to attend my call.
However, I preferred then to resurface from among that "VACUUM" - in the sense of full space - unlimited and deep, to return to planet earth...
I seemed myself in those moments a solitary ray emerging from the abyss of the Great Mother...
The return to this planet of bitterness governed by forty-eight laws, became relatively rapid.
Frankly and unambiguously, I declare: With full SELF - CONSCIOUSNESS re - enter the physical body penetrating inside this last one through that wonderful door of the Soul, mentioned by DESCARTES; I want to refer to the Pineal Gland.
It is a pity that the Cartesian Philosophy ignores what is the OBJECTIVE Knowledge.
Since such kind of pure knowledge is accessible to my cognitive faculties, I have been able to write these lines for the good of our beloved readers...