THE FIFTH INITIATION OF FIRE


We assert with great solemnity and without much prosopopoeia, the tremendous palpable and evident realism of three specific types of action:


A.) Acts based on the Law of Accidents.

B.) Acts based on the Eternal Laws of Return and Recurrence.

C.) Wonderful acts born of the Conscious Will.


The foundation of the first type of action is certainly the natural mechanicality of all this order of things.


Primordial element of the second type of action, is beyond any doubt, the incessant repetition of many dramas, comedies and tragedies.


This always happens from life to life through time and space, in the Painful Valley of SAMSARA.


The drama is for people more or less good; the comedy for the clowns and the tragedy for the perverse ones.


Everything happens again as it happened, plus the positive or negative consequences.


The cause causorum of the third type of action is certainly the Causal Body or Body of the Conscious Will.


As a consequence or corollary we can state the following statement: "Only acts born of the Conscious Will are possible, when we have given ourselves the luxury of creating for our own use, a Causal Body". The Sexual Hydrogen B - 12, through SEX - YOGA with his famous SAHAJA - MAITHUNA, (Sexual Magic), can and should pass to a Third Octave of higher order.


The crystallization of said hydrogen in the splendid and wonderful form of the Causal Body, will be processed with the notes C - D - E - F - G - A - B in the aforementioned Octave.


Food is different. The Causal Body also needs its food and it becomes perfect from the excess Hydrogen twelve not consumed in the Mental Body.


Obviously the Twelve Hydrogen (do not confound with the Sexual Hydrogen B - 12), can and must become Hydrogen Six (6) which is the specific food of the Causal Body.


Unquestionably the poor people, because they do not really possess the Body of the Conscious Will, are always fatally victims of the circumstances.


The categorical imperative, the determining faculty, the one that allows us to originate new circumstances, is only possible when the Causal Body or Body of the Conscious Will is possessed.


With great sincerity and tremendous GNÓSTIC realism, we have to affirm the following thing: the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, does not have the Astral, Mental and Causal bodies. He has never created them.


Unacceptable, unsustainable, inadmissible to suppose, even for a moment, the full manifestation of man when not even the aforementioned supersensible vehicles have been elaborated.


Basic, indispensable, urgent condition, when we really want to become authentic men, is to create within ourselves the aforementioned vehicles.


Serious error is to believe that tri-brained or tri-centered bipeds come to this world with such bodies.


In the marrow and in the semen there are infinite possibilities that, when developed, can transform us into legitimate men; however, those could be lost, and it is even normal that they are lost when we do not work with the fundamental scale of the hydrogens.


The intellective Humanoid is not a man, but he presumes that he is mistaken in that he is, and out of mere ignorance he tries to usurp a position that does not correspond to him; he believes himself the King of Creation, when he is not even king of himself.


Immortality is something very serious, but it must be achieved through the SAHAJA MAITHUNA (Sexual Magic).


Whoever makes an Astral Body, in fact and in his own right becomes immortal in the World of the Twenty-Four Laws.


Whoever gives himself the luxury of creating a Mental Body, ostensibly attains immortality in the World of the Twelve Laws.


Whoever forges a Causal Field, undoubtedly achieves the desired immortality in the World of the Six Laws.


Only by manufacturing the aforementioned solar vehicles can we embody that which is called Human Soul; I want to refer to the third aspect of the Hindu Trimurti: "ATMA - BUDDHI - MANAS".


Much has been said now about the famous "TO SOMA HELIAKON", "The Golden Body of the Solar Man".


Unquestionably, it is the costume of the Wedding of the Soul, cited by the Biblical Gospel of Christ.


Obviously such a vestment is composed of supersensible bodies, by those extraordinary crystallizations of the Sexual Hydrogen B - 12. In no way is it possible to penetrate the "SANCTUM REGNUM", "REGNUM DEI", "MAGIS REGNUM", without the Wedding Costume of the Soul.


With the healthy purpose of further illuminating these paragraphs, we transcribe the Parable of the Wedding Feast:

"Jesus answered and spoke to them again in parables, saying:"


"The Kingdom of heaven is like a king who made a wedding feast to his son;"


"And he sent his servants to call the guests to the wedding, but they would not come,"


"Again he sent other servants, saying, Tell the guests, behold, I have prepared my food, my oxen and fattened animals have been killed, and everything is ready, come to the wedding."

"But they, without paying attention, went away, one to his farm, and another to his business;"


"And others, taking the servants, insulted them and killed them."


"When the king heard it, he was angry, and sending his armies, he destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city."


"Then he said to his servants:" The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. "


"Go, therefore, to the exits of the roads, and call to the wedding all you find."


"And the servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all they had found, both bad and good, and the wedding was filled with guests."


"And the King came in to see the guests, and there he saw a man who was not dressed of wedding."


"And he said to him: Friend, how did you get in here, without being dressed of wedding?" But he fell silent.


"Then the King said to those who served: Bind him hand and foot, and cast him out into the outer darkness, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."


"Because many are called and few are chosen."


It is notorious and evident that that guest who was not dressed in the "Wedding Suit of the Soul" could not legitimately receive the qualification of "Man", however, such a term is granted simply out of love and respect for our fellowmen.


Grotesque would have been the parable if he had said that there was an animal that was not dressed as a wedding.


Obviously no animal - including the intellectual beast - is ever dressed in the "Wedding Suit of the Soul". But, let's go back to my personal case that we get a little closer to the purpose of this chapter.


In the name of truth I must say with total clarity that I was born with the four bodies: Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal.


Restore the power of fire in each body, recapitulate initiations, I was certainly indispensable, urgent, cannot be postponed.


After the four previous Initiations, I had to patiently review the Fifth Initiation of Fire.


In the term "review" I want in these lines to give an intrinsic, transcendent and transcendental meaning.


Since in previous lives I had already passed through the cosmic Initiations of Fire, I only needed to review them now.


When I asked the Logos of our ORS solar system for permission to enter the Mysteries of the Fifth Initiation of Fire, I was given the following response: "You no longer need to ask permission to enter the Initiation, you have the right to do so".


The blessed then entrusted to a noble specialist of the Causal World, the mission to assist and help me.


The aforementioned specialist had to intelligently conduct the Sacred Fire through the Spinal Medullary Channel of the Causal Body or Body of the Conscious Will.


The awakening of the Fifth Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers in the Mulhadara Chakra of the coccygeal bone was celebrated in the temple with a great feast.


The ascent of the KUNDALINI from vertebra in vertebra and from chakra in chacra along the spine of the Causal Body, was carried out very slowly according to the merits of the heart.


Since I was born awake and I certainly enjoy what we could call "Objective Consciousness" and "Objective Knowledge", it was very easy for me to bring the memories of the causal world to the physical brain.


I CLEAR UP: The modern revolutionary Psychology of the New Age of Aquarius, uses the terms "OBJECTIVE" and "SUBJECTIVE" in the following way:


  1. A) "OBJECTIVE". Real, Spiritual, True, Divine, etc.
  2. B) "SUBJECTIVE". Vague, Incoherent, Imprecise, fanciful Illusive,


In the world of natural causes I understood the need to learn to obey the Father on Earth as well as in heaven.


To enter the temple of the music of the spheres in that cosmic region, it was certainly one of my greatest joys.


On the threshold of that temple, the Guardian showed me one of the secret greetings of the Hidden Brotherhood.


The Guardian's face looked like lightning; when that man lived in the world it was called BEETHOVEN.


In the Causal World I found many BODHISATTVAS working intensely for humanity.

These Causal Men unfold marvelously, each under the direction of their Inner God.


Only Causal Man has definitely achieved immortality; that kind of beings is beyond good and evil.


To experience the Drama of the Cosmic Christ in those regions, to become one of the central characters of the entire Via Crucis, is certainly something that could never be forgotten. We need to refine ourselves, to be quintessential, to really purify ourselves, if we really wish to experience seriously the tremendous realities contained in the divine Christ symbolism.


Without stopping in any way my intimate longings, I sincerely confess that in the world of natural causes I saw myself carrying the weight of my own cross before the profane crowds, that enraged they stone me.


Very marked seemed to me  the face of the adorable, stamped miraculously in the Sacred Cloth of Veronica.


It is worth remembering that archaeologists discovered many stone heads crowned with thorns; such effigies belong to the Bronze Age.


This is clear that it comes to remind us of the Rune Thorn about which we already spoke extensively in the Esoteric Treatise on Rune Magic.


Anyone versed in Universal Gnosticism knows very well what such a Rune means.


The deep significance of the divine face with the head crowned with thorns is: "Will Christ".


With divine clarity and transparency, I saw ecstatic shine the Veronica cloth on the Ara Sacra on the Night of Initiation.


The final cosmic event inevitably became when the Fifth Serpent, after having passed through the Pineal Gland and the magnetic field of the root of the nose, reached its corresponding secret chamber in the tranquil heart.


Then, merged with my Real Interior Being, happy I felt that I was returning to the paradisiacal infantile state.


After the final ceremony I prostrated before my Guru "Adolfito", exclaiming: Thank you Venerable Master; I owe you all this.


THE BLESSED MAHATMA, standing up, replied: "Do not give me thanks, what I need to know is how you are going to behave now in life." The facts are speaking for me, Venerable Master, you are seeing him. Such were my words then.


Later I was visited by a Great Elemental Genius: I want to refer to that Deiduso personifying the Sphinx of the Desert of Egypt.


That being brought his feet full of mud. I understood its deep esoteric occultist meaning.

You bring your feet full of mud, I told him: The mysterious creature was silent; unquestionably, the foot-washing I was missing.


When I wanted to place the Holy kiss on her cheeks, she delicately called me to order saying: "Kiss me with purity"; I did it that way.


Later I was visited by ISIS, to whom no mortal has lifted the veil; my Divine Mother Kundalini. I interrogated her immediately about results.


Oh, my Mother! Do I already have the Five Serpents lifted?


"Yes, my son!"


I want you now to help me raise the Sixth and Seventh Snakes.


"Those are up."


In those moments the perfect remembrance of myself arose in me: Ah! I am an old Master; I was fallen; I remember now.


"Yes, my son, you are a Master."


Oh, Devi KUNDALINI! You are LAKSHMI, the wife of VISHNÚ. Adorable Mother! You are the divine bride of SHIVA. Venerable Virgin! You are the watery SARASVATI, the consort of BRAHAMA.


Oh, dear reader! listen to me: She is certainly the eternal feminine represented by the MOON and by the WATER; the Magna Mater from which comes the magic "M" and the famous hieroglyph of Aquarius.


Unquestionably she is also the Universal Matrix of the Great Abyss, the primitive Venus, the Great Virgin Mother that emerges from the waves of the sea with Cupid - Eros, who is her son.


Out of all doubt we must affirm frankly and unambiguously, that she is the PRAKRITI Hindustani and metaphysically Aditi and even MULAPRAKRITI.


We could never tread on the rocky path that leads to the final liberation, without the help of the Divine Mother KUNDALINI.



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