THE THIRD INITIATION OF FIRE


Unquestionably death is something deeply significant. To delve into this subject, to deepen it wholeheartedly, sincerely, with infinite patience and in all levels of the mind, is certainly urgent, it cannot be postponed.


As a consequence or luminous corollary, we can and must affirm with solemnity the following postulate: "Only by fully discovering the Mysteries of Death, we can discover the origin of life".


If the germ does not die, the plant is not born. Death and Conception are intimately associated.


As we exhale the last breath of our existence, we inevitably project, through time and space, the electrical design of our own existence...


Ostensibly such an electric - psychic design comes later to impregnate the fertilized egg; this is how we return.


The path of life is formed with the traces of the hooves of the horse of death.


The last moments of the dying are secretly linked to the amorous enjoyments of our future earthly fathers.


The destiny that awaits us beyond death will be the repetition of our current life, plus its consequences.


What continues beyond the sepulchral grave, are my affections, my tenderness, my hatreds: I want, I do not want, I envy, I desire, I come, I kill, I steal, I am lustful, I have anger , I covet, etc., etc., etc.


All this legion of “I`s” - true Legion of DEMONS - personify psychological defects, get back, returns, reincorporates.


Absurd would be to speak about an individual I, it is better to speak with complete clarity about the PLURALIZED I.


Orthodox esoteric Buddhism teaches that the EGO is a sum of psychic aggregates.


The Egyptian book of "The Hidden Abode" mentions with great emphasis the red DEMONS of Seth, (the DEVIL “I`s who constitute the EGO).


Such quarrelsome and shouting Aggregates, constitute the tenebrous legions, against which Arjuna had to fight by order emanating directly from the blessed Lord KRISHNA. (See BHAGAVAD - GITA).


The Personality does not return; she is the daughter of her time; it has a beginning and an end. The only thing that continues is certainly a lot of DEVILS...


We can achieve immortality in the Astral World; however this is only possible by manufacturing the EIDOLON, (THE ASTRAL BODY).


Very diverse authors of type Pseudo – Esotericist and Pseudo - Occultists, fall into the error of confusing the EGO with the Astral Body.


Modern metaphysical literature talks a lot about projections of the Astral Body; however, we must have the courage to recognize that fans of the occultism often unfold in the EGO to travel in the Sub - Lunar regions of Nature through time and space.


The Astral Body is not an indispensable tool for existence; It is worth remembering that the physical body fortunately has a vital background or LINGAM SARIRA, which guarantees its existence in its entirety.


Unquestionably the Astral Body is a luxury that very few people can give; Rare are the subjects born with that splendid vehicle.


The "Raw Material of the Great Work ", the ALQUIMIC ELEMENT with which we can manufacture the Astral Body, is the Sexual Hydrogen B- 12.Obviously, the aforementioned Hydrogen represents the final product of the transformation of food, within the wonderful laboratory of the organism.


It is evident that this is the most important matter with which sex works; the elaboration of this substance develops in rhythmic consonance with the seven notes of the musical scale.


It is not hurt to understand that the "ENS SEMINIS" and its peculiar Hydrogen B - 12, is seed and fruit at the same time.


Transmute this portentous HYDROGEN to give it intelligent crystallization in a Higher Octave, it means in fact, to create a new life within the existing organism, to give evident form to the "Astral or Sidereal Body" of "ALCHEMISTS and KABALISTS".


"You must understand that the Astral Body is born of the same material, of the same substance, of the same material from which the physical body is born, the only thing that differs is the procedure".


"The entire physical body, all the cells, remain, so to speak, impregnated by the emanations of matter that is B - 12. And when these have become saturated enough, the matter B - 12 begins to crystallize.


"The crystallization of this matter constitutes the formation of the Astral Body."


"The transition of the Matter B - 12 to a condition of emanations and the gradual saturation of the whole organism with these emanations, is what is called in alchemy TRANSMUTATION or TRANSFORMATION".


"Just this transformation of the physical body into ASTRAL, is what the ALCHEMY calls: Transformation of coarse metals into fine metals, that is, obtaining gold from ordinary metals."


The esoteric procedure can be discovered in SEX - YOGA, in MAITHUNA, in SEXUAL MAGIC. Connection of the LINGAM YONI - PHALLUS - UTERUS without ejaculation of the ENS SEMINIS.


The restrained desire will originate the wonderful processes of the crystallization of Hydrogen B - 12 in a higher octave.


Food is different. Unquestionably the Astral Body also needs its food and nutrition, that is obvious.


Since the physical body is wisely controlled by forty-eight laws, it is very clear and manifest that the Hydrogen capital of the cellular body is Hydrogen (48). ) forty-eight.


Saving this specific type of hydrogen is actually relatively easy when we walk along the path of the straight line.


The surplus of Hydrogen (48) forty-eight, not spent in the physical activities of the three-dimensional world of Euclid, is wonderfully converted into the Hydrogen (24) Twenty-four.


Ostensibly the aforementioned Hydrogen Twenty-four, always becomes the extraordinary food of the Astral Body.


It is urgent to assert with great emphasis that the Sidereal or Astral Body of ALCHEMISTS and CABALISTS, develops and unfold splendidly under the absolute control of the twenty-four laws.

Every organ is clearly known by its functions and one knows that it has an astral body when one can travel with it, (see chapter 6 of this same treatise). My particular case was certainly extraordinary. I must specifically state that I was born with an Astral Body.


In a magnificent way I had made it before was born, in very ancient ages of an MAHANVANTARA ancestor, long before the dawn of the Moon Chain.


Restoring the igneous powers in the aforementioned Sidereal Body, certainly was for me the most important thing; I understood this before requesting the Logos of the Solar System to enter the Third Initiation of Fire.


It does not hurt to tell my beloved readers that the Great Being, after granting me the requested, dictated special providence by helping me.


From this you can infer that a certain specialist in the Third Degree of Fire Power was given to me.


That Guru - Deva fulfilled his mission by directing the third Igneous Serpent through the Medullary Channel in the Astral Body.


LITELANTES and me, we perceived with the sixth sense to the astral specialist that during the metaphysical copulation did help us.


The awakening of the fire in the astral body is always announced with a terrible lightning in the night.


Originally the Third Degree of Fire Power in such a beautiful vehicle, it has a beautiful immaculate white color; later it becomes shining between the aura of the Universe, with a beautiful gold color.


I confess frankly and unambiguously, that during the esoteric work with the Third Degree of Fire Power, I had to live symbolically all the Cosmic Drama.


One who is nothing more than a vile worm crawling through the mud of the earth, feels really moved when suddenly and without deserving it, becomes the central character of such a Drama, although this is merely symbolic.


Unlike the two previous serpents, the Third Degree of Fire Power, after touching the atom of the Father in the magnetic field of the root of the nose, continues its march to the heart.


Between the "magnetic field" of the root of the nose and the heart, there are secret ways, "Nadis" or wonderful channels.


A certain secret path connects the root of the nose with the Capital Chakra, which from the center of the brain controls the Cardias. For that way the fire circulates; later it continues its march to the very heart, mysteriously circulating through the ANAHATA NADI.


Living the entire Drama of the Christ in the Astral World is beyond of doubt something that could never be forgotten.


As the Third Degree of Fire Power develops and unfolds harmoniously in the Astral Body, the various events of the Christic Drama become open.


When the sacred fire reaches the marvelous port of the tranquil heart, we experience then that symbolism intimately related to the death and resurrection of the Christ.


Terrible is that moment in which Symbolic Longibus, nails in the side of the Initiate the Holy Lance, the extraordinary emblem of the phallic force.


Parsifal healed with such spear the terrible wound that burned painful in the side of King Amfortas.


When I was secretly approved by a certain sidereal power, the tenebrous Adepts of the Left Hand attacked me full of great hatred.


Among the Mysteries of the Great Cathedral is never missing the Holy Sepulcher and it is evident that it could not miss mine in the Initiation.


In instants in which I write these lines, the Initiatic moment of Ginés de Lara comes to my memory.


There was, indeed, in that esoteric instant of the distinguished initiate, a maiden of the "Great Lineage", daughter of the founder of the Monastery, accompanying him, or more "Ome Good" than the Master Guide himself, who led him to the Sancta - Sanctorum or Adytia of that temple, where the neophyte found, in the center of a rich marble room, a sumptuous tomb, hermetically closed, and whose heavy lid easily lifted with his own hands Gines, obeying the Master, and saw in it, with great surprise to him, to his own physical body.


Unlike Ginés de Lara, I saw my own Astral Body in the sepulcher; I understood then that I must go through the esoteric resurrection.


Unquestionably, the Grand Master Mason HIRAM ABIFF must resurrect in us. "The King is dead." Long live the king!.


Real, crude, legitimate, authentic resurrection is only possible in the Second Mountain. In these paragraphs we are only referring emphatically to the symbolic Initiatic Resurrection.


Within the Holy Sepulcher I had to remain astrally for three days before the aforementioned Symbolic Resurrection.


The descent into the dark abode of Pluto was indispensable, after all the resurrective symbolic process.


Tenebrous recapitulations I had to start between the deepest entrails of the Earth; there where Dante Florentino found the city of Dite.


The gradual ascension was carried out slowly, through the various strata of the submerged mineral kingdom...


Scenic, vivid, progressive, ascending recapitulation was indispensable for the full knowledge of the Self, of Myself.


To recapitulate ancient abysmal errors, it is usually useful when it comes to dissolving the EGO.


Knowing our own psychological errors is certainly urgent, cannot be postponed. I am a Saint! I exclaimed before a group of elegant ladies, that tenebrous ones took seat in sumptuous abyssal room...


Those women laughed at me mockingly, at the same time that with a certain provocative pout they repeated ironically: Holy! Holy! Holy! ... Those unfortunate creatures were right. At that time the EGO had not dissolved yet, I was a fallen BODHISATTVA...


It is written, with burning coals, in the Book of All Splendors, that in the abode of Pluto "the truth is disguised as darkness." "Demonius est Deus Inversus" wrote HPB


Symbolic Ascension, Initiatic, instructive, however different from the Logical Ascension of the Third Mountain.


Nineteen days after starting the abysmal ascending march, the Adepts of the Occult Brotherhood eliminated from my lower abdomen, a certain layer or atomic substance similar to the skin of the human organism.


Within the microcosm man, such an atomic layer is like a great door that gives access to the low abysmal depths...


While that atomic element exists in individuals, the essence will remain too self - enclosed in the EGO.


Removed that atomic door in the astral counterpart of the belly, the Adepts must then cure such ventral zone.


When the Third Degree of Fire Power manages to leave the top of the Skull, it assumes the mystical figure of the Holy Spirit, White dove with the head of a venerable elder.


Immaculate divine creature posed on the tower of the temple in mystical lurking, joyful waiting for the supreme moment of the Initiation.. .


Remembering old mistakes of previous reincarnations, I had to spend thirty-three days for an unusual, extraordinary event...


Three of the four fundamental states of consciousness had to be put to the test of fire...


Defining these four states of consciousness is urgent for the good of our beloved readers:


  1. A) EIKASIA.
  2. B) PISTIS.
  3. C) DIANOIA.
  4. D) NOUS.


The first of these four states is profound unconsciousness, barbarism in progress, infrahuman sleep, cruelty, etc., etc., etc.


The Second of such states corresponds exactly with all the reasoning processes: opinions, sectarianism, fanatics, etc., etc., etc.


The Third manifests as conceptual synthesism, Scientism, intellectual revision of beliefs, induction, deduction of reflective type, very serious studies on phenomena and laws, etc., etc., etc.


The Fourth is Awakened Consciousness; state of Turiya, Clairvoyance really objective, enlightened, perfect; Polivoyance, etc., etc., etc.


I emerged victorious in the difficult test; unquestionably in the path of the "Razor's Edge " we must be tested many times.


The Hermetic Symbolism of the aforementioned esoteric test was very interesting. "Three maidens" very serene in the fire. Victory! It was the result.


Today I am already firmly established in the DIANOETIC AND NOETIC states. It does not hurt to assert that EIKASIA and PISTIS were eliminated from my nature through the terrible ordeal of Initiation.


Thirty-seven days after having initiated abysmal revisions, I then had to study directly the twelve zodiacal constellations, under whose regency we constantly evolved and step backwards.


Each of the twelve zodiacal constellations shines with its peculiar tone.


The Astral Light of the Leo constellation is a beautiful gold color and one feels inspired when we contemplates it.


The end of all the processes related to the ascension is always announced by four angels, who turn towards the four cardinal points of the planet Earth, make each sound their trumpet.


Inside the temple I was given the white dove of the Holy Spirit, as if to say: "Work intensely in the Ninth Sphere" if you want to incarnate in yourself the "THIRD LOGOS". All these symbolic processes of the ascension concluded after forty days.


The final ceremony was held in the Causal world; what I then felt and saw, was certainly extraordinary.


The Great Initiator was then SANAT KUMMARA, the founder of the Great College of Initiates of the Venerable White Lodge.

In the Altar, with the cane of seven knots in his powerful right hand, that Great Being shone terribly Divine.


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