That sad rational homunculus mistakenly called "Man" is very similar to a fatal ship manned by many left and dark passengers. (I want to refer to the Psychic aggregates, the egos).
Unquestionably each of these in particular has its own mind, ideas, concepts, opinions, emotions, etc., etc., etc.
Obviously we are full of infinite psychological contradictions; if we could see ourselves in a full-length mirror as we are internally, we would be horrified of ourselves.
The type of mind that in a given moment expresses itself in us through the various cerebral functionalisms, depends exclusively on the quality of the ego in action (see chapter 3, paragraph entitled the EGO).
It is evident, clear and manifest, in each one of us, the inner existence of many minds.
Certainly we are not possessors of an individual, particular mind; we have many minds.
We need with maximum urgency, without delay, to create the "MENTAL BODY", but this is only possible by transmuting the Sexual Hydrogen B - 12.
Through the SAHAJA MAITHUNA (Sexual Magic), we can and must pass the surplus of the Sexual B SI - 12 not used in the fabrication of the Astral Body, to a second octave of higher order.
The crystallization of such hydrogen in the splendid and wonderful form of the Mental Body, is an axiom of the Hermetic Wisdom.
Ostensibly this crystallization of the mentioned sexual hydrogen, is solemnly processed according to the notes C - D - E - F - G - A - B in transcendent SECOND EIGHTH.
Food is different; It is evident that any organism that comes to the existence, needs its specific food and nutrition. The Mental Body is not an exception to the general rule.
The excess of Hydrogen 24 not spent in the feeding of the Astral Body, becomes Hydrogen Twelve. (Do not confuse the latter with the Sexual Hydrogen B - 12). As a consequence or obvious corollary, it is licit to clearly assert that the Twelve Hydrogen is the cardinal and definitive food for the Mental Body.
It is not possible to achieve the full individualization of the understanding, without the creation of a Mental Body.
Only by creating such a vehicle do we possess "INFERIOR MANAS ORGANIZED", particular individual Concrete Mind.
The foundation of this creation is found in the "Ninth Sphere" (sex). Working in the "Vulcan's Fired Forge" is indispensable.
It is evident that one knows that he possesses a Mental Body, when he can travel with him consciously and positively through the supersensible worlds.
My particular case was certainly something very special, I was born with a Mental Body; I had already created it in a very remote past, long before the dawn of the MAHANVANTARA of PADMA or LOTUS OF GOLD.
Actually now I only needed with maximum urgency, cannot be postponed to recapitulate the Fourth Initiation of Fire and restore the flaming powers in the aforementioned vehicle.
The Resplendent Dragon of Wisdom - I want to refer to the Logos of the Solar System of ORS - entrusted to a specialist the noble mission of assisting and helping me.
Raising the fourth serpent along the medullar canal of the Mental Body, from vertebra to vertebra and from Chakra to Chakra, is certainly something very slow and frightfully difficult.
"Before the golden flame can burn with serene light, the lamp must be well taken care of and in a place free of all wind".
"Earthly thoughts must fall dead before the doors of the temple."
"The mind that is the slave of the senses, makes the soul as invalid, as the boat that the wind mislays on the waters."
Astonished I perceived the multiple splendors of the wonderful Pentalpha on the most sacred candlesticks of the temple.
I pierced the threshold of the Sanctuary blissfully; my thoughts flamed hotly.
I clearly understood that during the work in the Ninth Sphere, I should carefully separate the smoke from the flames.
Smoke is horror, darkness, bestiality; the flame is light, love, transcendent chastity.
Any external impact causes wave reactions in the mind; these last ones in themselves have their fundamental nucleus in the EGO, the I.
To exercise absolute control over the aforementioned mental reactions is certainly indispensable.
We need to become indifferent to the praise and the vituperation, to triumph and defeat.
To smile before the insulters, to kiss the whip of the executioner, is indispensable. Remember that hurtful words have no value other than that which the offended person gives him.
When we do not give any value to the words of the insulters, they remain like a check without funds.
The Keeper of the Threshold, in the World of Mind, becomes personifying the EGO
To face the terrible test with heroism, to really overcome the terrible brother - as it is called in occult Masonry - , is indispensable in the Fourth Initiation of Fire.
Without any fear, promptly unsheathe the flaming sword; what happened next was extraordinary; the larva of the threshold fled in terror.
It is obvious that such proof always comes after the "Igneous Wings" have been opened.
It is a tremendous truth that when the Sacred Fire ascends to the height of the heart, the radiant angelic wings always open.
Unquestionably the fiery wings allow us to instantly enter any department of the Kingdom.
Another wonderful Cosmic event that I had to experience in myself during the multiple processes of the Fourth Initiation of Fire, was certainly that of the victorious entrance of Jesus into the beloved city of the prophets.
Whoever really wants to enter the Jerusalem above (The Superior Worlds), must free himself from the body, the affections and the mind.
It is urgent, indispensable, to ride on the symbolic ass (the mind) tame it, control it; only in this way is it possible to free ourselves from it to enter the Worlds of the Spirit, ( the Celestial Jerusalem ). I felt that my worn out physical body was disintegrating and dying; At that time, the Divine Rabbi of Galilee cried out with great voice, saying: "That Body no longer serves you."
Blissful I escaped from the destroyed form and dress with the "TO SOMA HELIAKON", "THE Golden Body of the Solar Man".
When the Sacred Fire shone solemnly in the flaming star and on the starry Cross, my particular, individual, Divine Mother Kundalini was lionized in the temple.
THE KUNDALINI flourished in my fertile lips made Verb, when the fire reached the creative larynx.
I still remember that moment when the party was held. The Adepts of the Hidden Brotherhood rewarded me with a wonderful symbol that I still keep it.
Extraordinary was that moment when the KUNDALINI fire reached the height of the cerebellum; then my mental body went through the symbolic crucifixion of the Lord.
Notorious was the rise of the Erotic Flame to the thirty-second vertebra; in those moments of great solemnity I understood the Mysteries related to the degree of Lion of the Law.
"When an Inferior Law is transcended by a Superior Law, the Superior Law, washes the inferior Law ".
"The Lion of the Law is fought with the scales".
"Do good deeds so that you pay your debts."
A certain metallic bell made all the fields of the universe shudder solemnly, when the divine fire opened the lotus of the thousand petals. (The Chakra Sahasrara). In those moments of supreme bliss I heard ineffable choruses that resonated in the sacred space.
Later I had to patiently bring the erotic flame to the magnetic field at the root of the nose.
Taking advantage of a certain nervous thread, secret, I continued later driving the fire to the region of Thalamus, region where the Capital Chakra that controls the heart is located.
Finally I took advantage intelligently of the ANAHATA Nadi, to bring the sexual flame to the TEMPLE - HEART.
The final ceremony of that Initiation was truly extraordinary, sublime, terribly divine.
That mystical night the temple was dressed in glory; impossible to describe so much beauty...
SANAT KUMMARA, the Great Hierophant, awaited me austerely on his royal throne; I entered with deep veneration inside the sacred enclosure...
Before this Great Immolate, as HPB usually calls him, my Divine Mother KUNDALINI with infinite love put on my head the yellow mantle of the BUDHAS and the extraordinary diadem in which the Eye of SHIVA shines.
This is my Beloved Son! My Mother exclaimed and then added "He is a BUDDHA".
THE ELDER OF DAYS, SANAT KUMMARA, the illustrious founder of the Great College of Initiates of the White Lodge on Planet Earth, approached me and placed in my hands the symbol of the imperator. (The sphere with the cross on it).
In those moments, angelic chords were heard, regal symphonies based on the rhythms of MAHAVAN and CHOTAVAN that sustain the universe firm in its march.