THE RESURRECTION  


It is unquestionable that for Richard Wagner, as for all Christian countries in general, the Grail is "The Sacred Vessel" from which the Lord of Perfection had drunk at his Last Supper: The Divine Cup that had received his royal blood poured from the cross in the Mount of the skulls and devoutly collected by the Roman Senator Joseph of Ar-i-ma-thaea.



The Great Chalice was possessed by Patriarch Abraham; Melchizedek, the Planetary Genius of our world, transported him with infinite love from the country of Semiramis to the land of Chanaam, when he started some foundations in the place that was later Jerusalem, the beloved city of the Prophets; he used it wisely when he celebrated the sacrifice in which he offered the bread and wine of transubstantiation in the presence of Abraham, and left it to this Master. There was also this Holy Glass in Noah's Ark...


We have been told that this Venerable Cup was also brought to the sacred land of the Pharaohs, to the sunny country of KEM and that Moses, the Head of the Jewish Mysteries, the enlightened Great Hierophant, possessed it...


Ancient millenarian traditions that are lost in the terrifying night of all ages, they say, that this Magic Glass was made of a singular, compact matter like that of a bell and it did not seem to have been worked like metals; it looked more like a product of a kind of vegetation ...


The Holy Grail is the miraculous Chalice of the supreme drink; the vessel where the Mana that fed the Israelites in the desert is contained; the YONI, the UTERUS of the eternal feminine...


In this Cup of delights is contained the exquisite Wine of transcendent spirituality...


The Conquest of "ULTRA - MARE - VITAE" or "SUPER - LIMINAL WORLD" and "ULTRA - TERRESTRIAL", the esoteric Resurrection, would be something more than impossible without the SEXUAL MAGIC, without the woman, without the love...


The delicious Word of ISIS emerges from the deep bosom of all ages, waiting for the moment to be realized...


The ineffable words of the Goddess NEITH have been sculpted in golden letters in the glittering walls of the Temple of Wisdom.. .


"I am the one who has been, is and will be,

And no mortal has lifted my veil. "


The primitive religion of JANO or JAINO that is, the Golden, Solar, Quiritary and Super-human Doctrine of the JINAS, is absolutely Sexual...


Within the ineffable mystical idyll, commonly called the "charms of Good Friday," we feel in the depths of our hearts that there is a terribly Divine force in the sexual organs...


The "Stone of Light", the "Holy Grail", has the power to resurrect HIRAM ABIFF the Secret Master, the Sun King, within ourselves, here and now...


The Grail retains the character of a "MISTERIUM TREMENDUM". It is the fallen Stone of the Crown of Lucifer...


As a fearsome force, the Grail wounds and destroys the curious and impure, but defends and gives life to the just and sincere...


Unquestionably the Grail can only be achieved through the Spear of Eros, fighting against the eternal enemies of the night...


To realize in himself the Hyperborean Mystery, only becomes feasible by descending to the infernal worlds...


Said Resurrection is the true apotheosis or exaltation of what is most elevated and living in man: His DIVINE MONADE, eternal and immortal that was dead, hidden...


Indubitably that is, in itself, the Word, the Luminous and spermatic Fiat of the First Instant, Lord Shiva, the Sublime Husband of Our Divine Mother KUNDALINI, the ARCHI - HIEROPHANT and the        ARCHI - MAGICIAN, the particular UPPER - INDIVIDUALITY of each  one...


It is written with characters of fire in the book of life: "To the one who knows, the word gives power, nobody pronounced it, nobody will pronounce it, but only the one who has it embodied ..."


With the Resurrection of the Secret Master in each one of us, we reach Perfection in Mastery ... Then we are washed of all stain and the original sin is radically eliminated...


I worked intensively on the SUPER - DARK silence and the august secret of the wise...


I immersed myself in the sacred Mysteries of Minna, the dreadful darkness of a love that is death twin brother...


I reconquered my place in the First Heaven, or the moon, where Dante had the vision of the Blessed and recognize ecstatic to Piccarda Donati and the Empress Constance.. .


I returned to my place in the Second Heaven or Mercury, home of the active and beneficent Spirits...


I returned to the Third Heaven or Venus, region of the Loving Spirits, where Dante took care of Roberto, the King of Naples ...


I returned to the Fourth Heaven or the Sun, Abode of the Wise Spirits; chapter where Dante quoted Saint Francis of Assisi...


I reconquered the Fifth Heaven or Mars, region of the Martyrs of the Faith; chapter where Dante mentioned CACCIAGUIDA and his elders, the old and the new Florence...


I returned to the Sixth Heaven or Jupiter, region of the wise and fair Princes ... I returned to the Seventh Heaven or Saturn, exquisite abode of the Contemplative Spirits; magnificent chapter where Dante Florentine mentioned with great emphasis Pedro Danian and spoke against the luxury of the Prelates ...


I returned to Eighth or starry Heaven, Uranus region; immortal paragraphs where Dante mentioned the triumph of the Intimate Christ and of the Coronation of the Divine Mother KUNDALINI; Paradise of the Triumphant Spirits...


I returned to the Ninth or Crystal Sky, the Region of Neptune; extraordinary chapter in which the Dante launched his invective against the bad preachers...


Later I had to appear before the "Third Logos", "SHIVA", My Real Being, my own "UPPER - INDIVIDUALITY", SAMAEL in itself ... Then the Blessed One assumed a different figure, different from mine, as if it were a strange person; He had the appearance of a very respectable gentleman...


The Venerable asked me to do a Chirosophic study in the lines of his hand...


The line of Saturn in his omnipotent right hand seemed to me very straight, surprising, wonderful; However, somewhere I thought it was interrupted, damaged, broken...


- Sir! You have had some struggles, sufferings ... -


"You're wrong, I'm a lucky man, I always do very well ..."


- Well ... I see a little damage in the Saturn line ... -


"Measure that line well: At what age do you see that damage?" - Sir! ...


Between the age of fifty-three (53) and sixty-one (61) you had a hard time... "


Ah! ... That's at first ... But then what's up? "


"Eight years go by very quickly and then ... the triumph that awaits you ..."


After the study, the Venerable stood up and said:


"I like these Chirosophical studies but sporadically, my wife (Devi KUNDALINI) also likes them and suddenly I am going to bring her in. Ah, but I have to pay you for your work, wait me here that I will come back to pay you... "


The Blessed One went away and I was waiting for him ... In the distance I saw two daughters of mine, now people of legal age; however, they seemed still small; I worried a little and I called them...


It is indubitable that by that time of my present existence I had the usual fifty-three (53) years of age ... In the hand of the Blessed One I had seen my own future...


Obviously, the eight Initiations received had to be qualified; hard work; a year for each Initiation...


Experience now in Eight years the entire Book of the Patriarch JOB; to pay tithes of Neptune before the Resurrection.. .


"The Book of Job is a complete representation of the ancient Initiation and of the peoples that preceded the Supreme Ceremony.”


“The Neophyte in him is stripped of everything even his children and afflicted by an impure disease”


 "His wife anguishes him by mocking the trust he places in a God who treats him like this, and his three friends ELIPHAS, BILDAD, ZOPHAZ, torment him by judging him an impious, surely deserving of such punishment ..."


"Job, then, cries out for a Champion, a Liberator, because he knows that this one (SHIVA) is eternal and will redeem him from the bondage of the Earth (through the Intimate Resurrection), restoring his skin".


"Job, by Divine permission, is tormented, stripped, diseased, under the cruel action of those evil beings that Aristophanes called" The Black Birds ", St. Paul," The Cruel Powers of the Air ", the Church.


"The demons"; Theosophy and Kabbalah, "The Elementaries", etc., etc., etc ... "


"However, since Job is just and intones the subject of his own justification in the face of such rigors of Destiny, he overcomes at last with the Sacred IT of his Crucifixion in the wounded flesh, and Jehovah (THE IOD - HEVE Interior of each one) allows that he will reach the "Healer Angels" or JINAS, whose classic leader in other books, such as Tobias, is the Archangel Raphael ".


One night, after a cosmic party celebrated in my honor for having been well qualified in the First Initiation, I was duly instructed...


"You will have to pay the Crime of having killed the God Mercury", I was told...


- Forgive me that KARMA. -

"That has no forgiveness and you can only pay by working with the Moon."


Then I saw how the Moon in each work would come closer and closer to the Planet Mercury, until finally mixing with it...


My Real Intimate Being, the God Mercury, SHIVA my Monad, approaching me said to me: You will have to wear the boots of the God Mercury; later He put me on such boots...


Sensational, extraordinary was for me that moment when the Great Hierophant of the Temple showed me a sports field... "


Look! He told me: you turned the Temple of Mercury into a sports field...


Certainly we all killed HIRAM (The God Mercury, our Monad), when we ate of the Fruit forbidden in the Garden of Eden ... That is why we were warned: "if you eat that fruit you will die".


Later the road became frightfully difficult and I had to suffer intensely...


It is obvious that the Path of the Razor's Edge is absolutely Sexual; you know it..."


My son! "You have to suffer with patience the consequences of your mistakes", exclaimed my Divine Mother KUNDALINI...


Another night, full of pain, my Mother exclaims with a loud voice, saying:


"My son, you have changed me there in the physical world for other women..."


That was in the past, my Mother: Now I'm not changing you for anyone...


"You have changed me for other women."


Past is past, what is interesting is the present; I live from moment to moment; I'm wrong to argue with you...


"Past, present or future, you are the same ..."


You're right, my Mother...


(How to deny, then, that I had turned the Temple of Mercury into a sports field?).


And it happened that having gone on vacation to the Port of Acapulco on the Pacific coast, Mexico, I had to be instructed about the stigmatization of the Astral Body...


Outside of the Physical Body, a Holy Monk, a Hermit, tried to cross the palm of my hands with the purpose of stigmatizing me; in moments when that Cenobite hit the Nail to pierce my hands, Divine rays jumped...


In those moments I prayed to my Father who is in secret, asking for help: prayer came to the Lord...


It is unquestionable that in the Initiation I had received such stigmas but in symbolic form...


In the Mountain of the Resurrection I had to formed them, make them in the Forge of the Cyclopes...


The Anchorite led me to the Gnostic Church; SHIVA, my Divine Monad, walked together...


Inside the Temple I saw a religious ANDROGEN, dressed in the purple robes, next to the Pile of Baptism...


“He is very-strong and respond very well but he needs to better fulfill the Sacrament of the Church of Love”. Said the MAHATMA addressing to my Monad.


From then on I understood the need to further refine the creative energy; that's how I made the MAITHUNA, a form of prayer...


The Insertion of the Vertical Phallus within the Formal Uterus, makes Cross. Unquestionably, the five Christic stigmas in the Astral Body are formed with the Holy Cross.


The Resurrection is not possible without having previously formed the stigmas of the Adorable in the Astral Body...


That's how I formed my stigmas, that's how the Mystics of all times have formed them...


INRI ... IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRAM. The Fire Renews Nature incessantly.


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