THE SKY OF JUPITER


Almost contiguous to the brilliant Constellation of Pisces is that of Taurus, which unquestionably is intimately related to the transcendent esoteric work: "The capture of the Bull of Crete".


This had been sent to Minos by the god Neptune to be offered as a holocaust, but the King, greedy, unduly retained it for himself, due to which the animal became frightening and threatening, terrorizing the whole country.


According to the legend of the centuries, Hercules, the Solar Hero, thus easily obtained the permission to seize him, to chain him and drag him by sea to Mycenae.


It is indubitable that the work related to the Jupiterian Hells, is fully allegorized with the Sixth Feat of Hercules...


It is not superfluous in these lines to remember the first Jupiter of the Greek Theogony, Father of all the Gods, Lord of the Universe and brother of Uranus, UR - ANAS, that is, of the primitive Fire and Water; for it is known, according to the Classic, that in the Greek Pantheon there are about three hundred Jupiter.


In its other aspect of JOVE or IOD - HEVE, it is the JEHOVAH Male and Female or Androgynous and Collective ELOHIM of the Mosaic books, ADAM - KADMON of the CABALISTS, the IACHO or INACHO of Anatolia , which is also the BACO or DIONISIOS of Phoenician continuators of the primitive Theogony of Sanchoniaton ...


The character always assigned to Jupiter, the Venerable Father of the Gods, as "Celestial Man", gave rise to quite a few typical Nordic names, such as that of HERR-MAN and HERR - MANAS or HERMES, literally "The Divine Man" "or the " Lord Man ", Alcides or the Cid, Theogonic precursor of all our prehistoric Cid of the balladeers.


Unquestionably Jupiter, in the Punjab and in the Registan, is the HARI - KULAS or Hercules, the Solar Lord, "the Prototype of the Race of the Sun", the HARI - MUKH of Kashmir or the Sun on the horizon of life.


Jupiter or Io - Pitar, that is to say the Father of Io, is the Divine Spirit of all that ancient host of creators who, upon reincarnating in bodies with opposite sexes, gave rise to the Greek fable of the loves of Jupiter with the Virgin IO (iiiii ooooo), which was transformed into celestial veal, or "Sacred Cow" of the Orientals, in order to escape the wrath of Juno.

Jupiter and his Cow of IO (iiii ooooo) give us the meaning of another portion of archaic names, such as the same Geryon or Ferion - the one that carries the cows - , that of Hyperion Bósphoro; literally: "the driver of the Cow ", the same as Gautama "the BUDDHA".


Thus, the host of the Lords or ELOHIM, Jupiter is symbolized by the Sexual Hierogram of Io (iiiiii oooooo); it is ostensible that it has dozens of names in each language and a hundred or a thousand myths for each name of these, in their respective language.


All this ineffable legion of Divine Beings, all these ELOHIM, constitute, as a whole, the unique God and WITHOUT NAME of the Tartessians, the authentic sublime Jupiter of the ancient times...


Developed very carefully this transcendental theme, we can deduce solemnly the following: The Heaven of Jupiter is the Abode of the ELOHIM, the NIRVANA...


Those devotees of the Path who, upon reaching the Fifth Initiation of Fire, choose the spiral path, enter the NIRVANA...


Integral development is different. In the name of Truth, I must confess frankly and unambiguously that this was always my best wish...


The full unfolding of all my Superlative, Nirvanic possibilities, in all the presence of my Cosmic Being, was my aspiration...


However, it is unquestionable that before going up we must go down. Every exaltation is always preceded by a frightful and terrible humiliation...


Chaining the symbolic "Bull of Crete" was really the task to follow and this in itself seemed horrifying...


At that time of my present existence, many sexual temptations besieged me unmercifully in the tenebrous Tartarus...


SELF - EXPLORING ME psychologically I discovered in the deepest backdrops of my own mind, the famous "Bull of Crete".


I saw it, yes, black, huge, gigantic, threatening and provided with sharp horns...


Obviously expressed in my psyche with strong sexual impulses, passionate, unreflective...


It was urgent to chain the dark beast; it was indispensable to disintegrate it, reduce it to cosmic dust.


Undoubtedly I was assisted by my Divine Mother KUNDALINI the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers...


This great cosmic event was celebrated with a feast in the wonderful temple of Jupiter...


Then many Kings and Priests of Nature, covered with sacred purple, gave me the welcome.. .


That's how I re-entered Jupiter's Heaven, the Abode of Dominations, To the Nirvanic happiness...


In this way, eliminating inhuman elements, I reconquered my place among those ineffable Hierarchies, a conscious state that I had once lost, when in the Central Plateau of Asia, nearly a million years ago, I made the mistake of eating the forbidden fruit. .








                                                                             THE SKY OF SATURN


The Seventh work of Hercules, the Solar Hero, is the subsequent capture of the mares of Diomedes, Son of Mars and King of the warlike people of the Bistonium, who killed and ate the shipwrecked people that arrived on those shores.


Hercules and his companions only manage to seize those beasts after fierce combat with the Bistonium, who with Diomedes, had come to defend their possessions, to which they win, leaving the King given in grass to those anthropophagic females.


In the Saturnian Hells I had to capture and destroy the mares of Diomedes; subhuman elements of passion, deeply submerged in my own unconscious abysses...


Symbolic beasts next to the spermatic waters of the first instant, always ready to devour the unsuccessful...


At that time of my current existence, I was attacked incessantly in the tenebrous Tartarus...


The Adepts of bad Atlantean magic, resolved to fight me with unprecedented ferocity and I had to defend myself courageously...


Noble adorable ladies; Evil beauties, exquisitely dangerous, besieged me everywhere...


Unquestionably in the Saturnian Hells, we experience, live, relive, the Atlantean terrors ... "Hercules, as Aeliano says (Various Stories, book V, C.3), cleaned the Earth and the seas of all kinds of monstrosities, which of monsters, defeating the Necromancer Briareo, the one with the hundred arms, in one of his famous works or triumphs over the bad Atlantean magic that had dominated the whole Earth ".


Hercules, the true Krishna Arios of the Mahabharata, sensing the final Atlantean catastrophe that was approaching and with it the disappearance of the Divine Garden of the Hesperides , transplanted, wherever it was, that is to say in all the Penjab, Asia Minor, Syria , Egypt, Greece, Italy, Germania, the British Isles, Spain, Mauritania and even America, under the name of QUETZALCOATL ( The Luminous White Serpent ), the symbolic Initiatic tree that will save all these countries from catastrophe.


However, it is written: "Of every tree of the garden you may eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die."


Getting drunk with the delicious aroma of the forbidden fruit is indispensable, as Hercules taught it...


In view of the impassable barrier of the ocean for man, Hercules, full of  Titanic rebellion , extended his bow against the Sun as if to wound him to stop him in his swift race beyond the ocean, in which he was going to bury himself and where he could not follow him, but God Apollo commanded him to stay and be patient - because only with infinite patience can he perform "the Magnus Opus", " the Great Work " - in reward of which he gave him a "Glass of Gold ", the" Holy Grail ", resplendent eternal symbol of the female Uterus or YONI ...


It is unquestionable that the arrow of Hercules is but the Magnificent Stone, the PHALO or spear of Longibus, the Roman Centurion; the one with which he wound the side of the Lord, the same Holy Pica through whose secret power Parsifal heals the wound in the side of Amfortas ...


With the miraculous powers of these venerated relics, I defeated the King of the Bistonium, to the Knights of the Black Grail, to KLINGSOR, the animal EGO in bloody battles...


After the Saturnine work in the abode of Pluto, I was then transported in the EIDOLÓN to the "Solar Earth" of the Hyperboreans...


That is the Island of Avallon; the Magic Region "JINAS" where the Holy Gods live ... Sublime Island of Apollo; firm ground in the middle of the ocean of great free life in its movement ...


Ah! ... If the Emperor Frederick in the Middle Ages had realized in himself the Mystery of the Grail, the Hyperborean Mystery...


It is indubitable that then the dry tree of the Empire would have flourished again in splendid form...


It is ostensible that the Grail Kingdom would have reappeared wonderful, within the same Holy Roman Empire...


The path of life is formed with the traces of the hooves of the horse of death...


It is not possible to realize the Hyperborean Mystery in itself without having been previously judged in the Vast Chamber of Truth - Justice...


It is not possible to realize the Mystery of the Grail within oneself, without having been weighed before the Heart of the Deceased in the plate of the Scale that carries the Truth - Justice...


It is not possible to SELF - INTIMATE REALIZATION of the BEING, without having been declared "Dead" in the "Chamber of Truth - Justice".


Says the legend of the centuries that many initiates traveled in the past to the country of Brother John – the Solar Earth – to receive some Esoteric Consecration, magical very special...


These Brothers of the "Order of Saint John" on the "Island of the Solar Apollo", are well dead...


It is not, then, strange that I also had to travel to the "Land of Light" or "Solar Earth".


In the glorious hall of the Sancta Saturnial, before the royal Beings, sitting I had to answer certain questions. The Holy Gods took notes in a great book...


In those mystical instants, in all the presence of my Cosmic Being, some remembrances arose...


Ah! ... I had been there before and in the same Holy place, before the Venerable Thrones, many millions of years ago, by the time of the Continent "MU" or Lemuria...


Now I returned victorious after suffering a lot!...


Filled with the indispensable esoteric requirements, I left the lobby and entered the Temple...


Unquestionably the Temple of Saturn in "the Solar Land ", "Jina", of the Northern regions, was full of intense darkness...


It is obvious that the Sun and Saturn alternate their work in the government of the World...


And I saw Thrones and they sat down ... The Angels of Death came and went, here, there and there...


Divine people arrived at the temple; they came from different places of the enchanted Island, located at the end of the world...


"THULE last a sole nomen habens". "Ajryanem - Vaejo" the northern country of the old Persians, where the King Arthur's Palace is magically located, like the Mitgard, the resplendent Sacrosanct residence of the "Aces", the ineffable lords of the North... "


Oh, Maat! Here I am, it came before you! Let me then contemplate your radiant beauty! Look, my arm rises in adoration to your sacrosanct name! "" Oh, Truth - Justice, listen! I arrive at the places where the trees do not occur, when the soil does not bring up the plants...


"The skeletal figure of the God of Death, on the platform of the Shrine, weighed my heart in the balance of the cosmic Justice, before the Divine Humanity.


That Word of Power, before the brilliant beings dressed in the glorious bodies of KAM - UR, declared me "DEAD"...


On the platform of the Sanctuary was a symbolic coffin, inside which my body appeared...


This is how I returned to the Sky of Saturn, to the PARANIRVANA, the abode of the Thrones.


That is how I reconquered that Hierarchical state that I had once lost, when I made the serious mistake of eating the golden apples of the Garden of the Hesperides...


Later I went through the Ceremony of Death: Upon returning home I found something unusual...


I saw funeral posters on the walls of my mansion, announcing my death and inviting my funeral...


When I crossed the threshold I found with mystical astonishment a coffin of white color and very beautiful...


It is ostensible that inside that funeral box lay my corpse, completely cold and inert...


Many relatives and mourners, around that coffin, were crying and sobbing bitterly...


Flowers delights embalmed with their aroma the atmosphere of that enclosure...


I approached my mother, who in those moments was wiping her tears with a handkerchief...


I kissed his hands with infinite love and exclaimed: Thank you I give you Oh Mother! For the physical body that you gave me; That vehicle helped me a lot; It was certainly a wonderful instrument, but everything in life has a beginning and an end...


When I left that planetary abode, happy I decided to float between the Aura of the Universe.


I saw myself as a child, without Ego, devoid of the subjective elements of perceptions...


My little children's shoes did not seem very beautiful to me; For a moment I wanted to take them off, but then I said to myself: He will dress me as he wants ...


In the absence of the mortifying intellect, which makes no one happy, only the purest feeling existed in me...


And when I remembered my elderly father and my brother Germán, I said to myself: they have already died...


And remembering all those mourners I left in the painful Valley of SAMSARA, I exclaimed: Family? Which? I no longer have family...


Feeling absolutely disembodied, I walked away with the intention of reaching a remote place where I should help others...


In such moments of mystical enchantment, I said to myself: For a long time I will never take physical body again...


Later I felt that the Silver Cord, the famous ANTAKARANA, the Thread of life, had not yet been broken; then I had to return to the Physical Body to continue with the hard struggle of every moment...


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