THE TWO WITNESSES


The two witnesses curl around the dorsal spine forming the holy eight. The two witnesses coiled on the spine form the caduceus of Mercury.


The two sympathetic cords are located on the right and left sides of the dorsal spine. The two witnesses alternately ascend from left to right around the spine to form a wonderful knot in the space between the two eyebrows. 


The sympathetic cord that comes from the right side follows its course on the left and vice versa.


The one coming from the left side is cold. The one coming from the right side is hot.


Cold is Lunar. The hot one is Solar. Through this pair of sympathetic cords, the Solar and Lunar atoms of our seminal system ascend to the brain. When the Solar and Lunar atoms make contact with the Coccyx, the Kundalini inevitably awakens.


The medullary canal has a lower orifice that is normally closed in ordinary people. The seminal vapors open that hole so that the Kundalini enters through there. Yoga has a special exercise to open that hole quickly. That exercise is called Pranayama.


The Kundalini, upon ascending victorious from Chakra to Chakra, unties the knots and impediments that oppose the ascent of the Kundalini.


It is necessary to warn the Gnostic brothers and sisters that we must learn to polarize the sacred fire of the Kundalini. Some devotees eat meat, drink alcohol, enjoy sexual animal passion daily even though they never spill the semen. The result is that they polarize the fire in the chakras of the lower abdomen, and they lose the happiness of enjoying the Lotus of the thousand petals (the Church of Laodicea). This chakra is the Diamond eye that confers on us the perfect Ecstasy, the ineffable bliss of the God men. The power to go out consciously in spirit and in truth to travel through the regions of Nirvana.


All those who have raised the serpent on the rod must be absolutely chaste in thought, word and deed. You should practice internal meditation daily, and not be gluttons, liquor drinkers, or carnivores. Always clean, always orderly, always pure. This is how the fire is polarized in the Church of The Odyssey. Then we enjoy ecstasy.


The two witnesses have the power to awaken the Kundalini. "These are the two olives and the two candlesticks that are before the God of the earth."


"And if anyone wants to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths, and devours their enemies: And if anyone wants to harm them, it is necessary that he be thus killed." "These have the power to close heaven, so that it does not rain in the days of their prophecy, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague as many times as they want" (Revelation II. Verse. 3- 4-5-6).


Those who are working with the Kundalini must have unshakable faith in the Divine Mother. She is the one who leads her devotee by the hand. She is the one who leads her child from chakra to chakra. She is the one who assists the Gnostic student, and teaches and corroborates it and prepares it for its realization. Every devotee should beg his divine Mother to grant him the sacred fire, and after the advent of fire, every devotee should daily meditate on the Divine Mother. She will teach him, she will lead him by the hand, she will guide his steps in the difficult path of the razor's edge. This path is full of dangers inside and out.


Swami Sivananda gives a prayer that is used to meditate on the Divine Mother. That sentence is: "Divine Mother I am yoursyou are my only refuge and support Protect meguide mehave pity on me ." Know brothers and sisters that the Divine Mother always responds. Without her grace it would be impossible to carry the Kundalini from chakra to chakra to the Church of Laodicea.



                                                                                CHAPTER IV

                                          MANTRIC SONG TO AWAKEN THE KUNDALINI


The sacred Mantras have the power to awaken the Kundalini. The Angel Aroch, Angel of command, taught us the most powerful Mantric chant that exists in the entire universe to awaken the Kundalini. The Angel sang such a moving song ... such a sweet song ... and we were filled with ecstasy. Then the Angel invited us to follow his example and we sang. That Mantric song is written like this: Kandil Bandil Rrrrrrrrrr . That Mantric song is sung like this: Kan: with a high voice. Dil: in a low voice. The letter should be vocalized as if imitating the noise of an engine, but with a voice similar to that of a child. So brothers, this is how the Kundalini song is sung (kaaadiiill,Baaaannndiiiiilll.rrrrrrrrrrrr.


All those who are working with the Kundalini must not forget the letter S.


Know, beloved ones, that the letter has the power to transmute the seminal liquor into different energy values. The seminal liquor must be transmuted into seven types of staggered energy. The seven degrees of power of fire. The letter should be sounded like a very fine and gentle whistle. The upper teeth are clenched with the lower ones, to give that very fine and very delicate whistle. That is the subtle Voice that the Yogi must learn to tone and handle.


The Yogi must have the Hermes vessel, hermetically closed up. The Yogi who suffers from nocturnal pollutions, or who fornicates daily or constantly, resembles the man who wants to fill a bottomless pitcher or barrel. The Yogi must transmute the seminal liquor into seven types of energy. The letter has the power to transmute seminal liquor into seven types of staggered energy.


The Kriya of Babaji, the Yogi Christ of India, teaches the power of the letter (the sweet and still whistle). Behind the very fine whistle that the Yogi knows how to produce with his mouth, there is the subtle voice, an even finer whistle, which, when it resounds in the cerebellum, gives the Yogi the power to instantly get out in  astral body.


All those devotees who are working with the Kundalini must not stop practicing with the letter S. The S, intoned like this Sssssssssss like a very fine whistle, transmutes the seminal liquor into the sacred fire of the Kundalini.


The Mantric chant of the Angel Aroch, and the sweet and gentle whistle, are Urgent to awaken the Kundalini.



                                                                               CHAPTER V

                                                                THE CHILDREN OF WISDOM


Every true Gnostic marriage can and should beget Sons of Wisdom. Know beloved disciples, that the children of Wisdom are not children of fornication.


When Gnostic couples want to give a body to some Grand Master of the White Lodge, they must inevitably go down to the ninth sphere with the nine arcane of the Tarot. That arcane is Sex. The Mother of the children of wisdom prepares for nine months before creating with the power of Kriya-Shakti. During this time she must pray a lot to the Divine Mother, begging her with all her heart, with all her soul, to give her the happiness of conceiving a Great Master in her womb, to help humanity. They are nine months of preparation, nine months of chastity, holiness, meditation, before performing the secret act with the husband.


The future father of the child must not be a fornicator either. He must abstain for nine months. He and she should only pray a lot to the Divine Mother, begging her for the happiness of having a Great Master for a child.


Husbands should not eat meat. Husbands must be vegetarian. Husbands should be chaste in thought, word, and deed.


The sacred copulation takes place in Spring during the month of flowers, May. In the month of May the Buddha descends to bless humanity.


The act must take place on a Friday at dawn. At that time the morning star is vibrating intensely.


The couple must withdraw from the act without having ejaculated the seminal liquor. The lunar hierarchies know how to use a male gamete and a maternal ovum to make the womb fertilized.


The mother must lie down each month in a different position; one month to the right, and another to the left. This is how the body of the creature that is within the womb will receive all the cosmic benefit.


In Lemuria all this work was done within the great Mystery temples. Then there was no pain in childbirth.


This is how the children of Wisdom come into the world. This is the creative system of the Kriya-Shakti.


With this Ancient system that is lost in the night of the centuries, every Yogi marriage could provide a physical vehicle to any of the Great Master of the Venerable White Lodge.


This marvelous key clearly demonstrates that you don't need to ejaculate about 80 to 300 million of zoosperms per milliliter to create a new human being. God said grow and multiply. God did not say grow up and fornicate. Seminal ejaculation is a Crime. Seminal ejaculation is brutal fornication. The ancient system of Paradise reproduction was carried out without seminal ejaculation in men, and without the female orgasm.


The tenebrous Lucifer ones of the ancient Moon land taught man seminal ejaculation. Then he lost his powers. This is represented by the departure from Eden.


We do not teach things against nature. The normal and natural thing is not to spill the semen. We are not teaching sexual refinements; we are teaching what is truly natural, normal. People are scandalized because the philosopher's stone is a stumbling block and a rock of scandal for the wicked (The stumbling stone is Sex).


The wicked hate sexual magic. The wicked are repulsed by anything that takes away the full satisfaction of their carnal passions.


The wicked are disgusted by chastity. That is the law of these poor people: They live to enjoy carnal pleasure, and they hate chastity.



                                                                                  CHAPTER VI



Sexual magic (The Arcanum AZF) is known in India by the Sanskrit term Urdhvaratus. Everyone who practices with the Arcanum AZF is called in India, Urdhvaratus Yogi.


The great Arcanum is found in a Hindustani book entitled "Secrets of Yoga." Its author is a Yogi from South India.


It is a horror to know that the sinister Bonzos of the Dag Dugpas Clan, dedicated to horrible and fatal Tantricism, ejaculate the seminal liquor during their Black Magic practices.


Bonzos have a fatal technique to reabsorb spilled semen. That technique is the Vajroli unfortunately misused. We do not want to expand anything on the Vajroli applied in its aspect, or purely negative phase, because we know that there are many weak-minded people who could easily fall into the horrible Tantricism of the Bonzos. Then Karma would fatally fall on us.


The semen spilled and then absorbed into Verya Feminine, is horribly charged with atoms of the secret enemy, satanic atoms collected from the human being's own atomic hells. The inevitable result of this Tantrism is the descent of the serpent downwards, towards the atomic abysses of nature. This is how the human personality ends up definitively separating from the Divine Spirit. Then the human being becomes a Devil.


In other times the arcanum AZF was practiced in the Ashrams of Hindustan. The Yogins prepared themselves with the Vajroli for sexual magic. Unfortunately the little brothers with the little sisters began to form scandals, and the Gurujis then drew the curtain of esotericism, and banned AZF. However, in secret Yogis and initiated Yogines practice AZF (although apparently it is prohibited).


The reality is that this prohibition did more harm than good, because the Bramacharya system is a failure because no one is able to keep Bramacharya (absolute abstention). Some who apparently keep it, suffer from nocturnal pollution. Thus they lose the semen they accumulate, and they become victims of the Abyss.


AZF is a system for creating strong, healthy, and great children. With AZF the sperm to fertilize the womb is selected.


The zoosperm that manages to escape during the practice with the Arcanum AZF is in fact a selected and powerful zoosperm that has to give rise to a true Superman. Thus we can form a Race of Gods.


With AZF the complete development of all dorsal fires is achieved. With the Arcanum AZF the total realization in depth is achieved.

The great Yogin HPB after being widowed by Count Blavatsky had to marry to practice with the Arcanum AZF. Only in this way did she achieve the full development of the Forty-nine fires.


The Yogi-Avatara Lakiri Lahasalla, was called by Babaji for Initiation, when he was already married. Thus the Yogi Avatara was realized.


The Gurujis of the Ashram have to pay the Karma of not having spoken clearly when it was necessary to speak clearly. Nothing was gained by watching over the Sanctuary. Better to have the courage to speak up clear.


In the union of the Phallus and the Uterus is the key to the Arcanum AZF. The important thing is to withdraw from the sexual act without spilling the semen. The glass of Hermes should not be spilled, never in life. Thus we become terribly Divine Gods.


Our motto is Thelema (Will).


With the Urdhvaratus the Kundalini is awakened and fully developed.



                                                                               CHAPTER VII

                                                                THE COSMIC MOTHER


God has no figure. God is Coessential with the Absolute Abstract Space. God is that ... that ... that...


God has two aspects: Wisdom, Love. God as Wisdom is Father. God as Love is Mother.


Christ is the son of God. Christ is not an Individual, Christ is an Army. Christ is the Army of the voice. The verb.


Before the dawn of the new Cosmic day, the Father, the Mother, and the Son were One, That ... That ... That...


God as Father resides in the eye of Wisdom. This eye is located between the two eyebrows.


God as Mother resides in the Heart-Temple.


Wisdom and Love are the two Main Columns of the great White Lodge.


Within every human being there is a soldier of the Army of the Voice. That is the internal Christ of every Man who comes to the World.


The Sevenfold man is only the shadow of that soldier of the Army of the Voice.


We need to incarnate the Sun Man, the inner Christ. The Divine Mother helps us. Ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you.


God as Love is Isis to whom no mortal has lifted the veil. Who is the one who would dare to lift that terrifyingly divine veil? Woe to the profane and profaners who dare even touch the veil of Isis!


When the Devotee makes his prayers to the Divine Mother, he must be sleepy and immersed in deep inner meditation. The true devotee does not get up from his bed, eat or drink until he receives the answer from the Divine Mother.


The Cosmic Mother has no form, but likes to take some form to answer the Supplicant. She can introduce herself as Isis, Rea, Cibeles, Tonantzin, María, etc., etc., etc.


When the Divine Mother has given her answer to the devotee, she instantly disintegrates her form because she does not need it.


The Divine Mother is the second aspect of That and is called Love. Love is a substance that is Coessential with the very deep Abstract Space.


The Divine Mother is not a Woman, nor is she some Individual. It is only an unknown Substance.


Whatever form That takes it disintegrates moments later. That's love.


God Mother is Love. God  Mother adores us, loves us terribly. The Mother Goddess of the world rises through the medullary canal turned into a serpent of fire when we work with the arcane AZF


The Mother Goddess of the world is Devi Kundalini.


The Divine Mother carries her child in her loving arms. The inner Christ of every man is that Child. The Mother is That ... That ... That ... Isis ... Love ... Mystery...


The devotee who wants powers must ask the Divine Mother for them. The true devotee humbles himself before God the Mother.


If the devotee truly resolves to correct his mistakes and tread the path of holiness, he can ask the Divine Mother for forgiveness of his past Karma and the Divine Mother forgives him. But if the devotee does not correct himself nor follow the path of holiness, then it is useless to ask forgiveness from the Divine Mother, because she does not forgive him.


The Divine Mother forgives her truly repentant children. She knows how to forgive her children because they are her children.


All the Karma of bad deeds, of past reincarnations can be forgiven by the Divine Mother. When repentance is absolute, the punishment is not more necessary.



                                                                              CHAPTER VIII

                                                             EGYPTIAN CHRISTIC PRANAYAMA


Prana is the great breath. Prana is the Cosmic Christ. Prana is the life that beats in every atom, as it beats in every sun.


Fire burns by Prana: water flows by Prana; the wind blows by Prana; the sun exists by Prana; the life we have is Prana. Nothing could exist in the Universe without Prana. The smallest insect could not be born, nor could the most timid flower sprout without Prana.


Prana exists in the food we eat, in the air we breathe; in the water we drink, in everything.


When the seminal energy is sublimated and totally transformed, it supplies the nervous system with very rich Prana, which is deposited in the brain as wine of light, as wonderful Christic energy.


There is a close connection between the mind, Prana and Semen. By controlling the seminal energy with the force of the will, we will have achieved everything because the mind and the Prana will then be under our control.


Those who spill the semen will never in life be able to control the mind or the Prana. Those are the Losers.


Whoever achieves sexual control, will also achieve control of his mind, and control of Prana. These kinds of men achieve liberation. Such men achieve the Elixir of Long Life.


All the immortals who live with the Yogi Christ of India (the divine Babaji), keep their physical bodies through thousands of years without death being able against them. Those brothers, after achieving supreme chastity, achieved control of Prana and Mind.


Prana is Universal energy, it is Life, it is Light, it is Joy.


The main objective of the practice of Pranayama is to achieve the union of the Solar and Lunar atoms of the seminal system to awaken the Kundalini.



                                                                   ESOTERIC PRACTICE


FIRST. Let the devotee sit in a chair with his face towards the East.


SECOND. Make a lot of Prayer, begging the Divine Mother to awaken the Kundalini.


THIRD. The chest, neck and head must be in a vertical line. The body should not be bent to the sides, neither forward nor backward. The palms of the hands should rest on the legs in a very natural way.


FOURTH. The devotee's mind should be directed inward, towards the Divine Mother, loving and worshiping her.


FIFTH. Close your eyes so things in the physical world don't distract you.


SIXTH. Cover the right nostril with your thumb, mentally vocalizing the mantra Ton, while you breathe, or very slowly inhale the air through the left nostril.


SEVENTH. Now close the Left nostril with the index finger. Hold your breath.  send the Prana to the Church of Ephesus located in the coccyx to awaken the Kundalini, and mentally pronounce the mantra Sa...


EIGHTH. Now exhale slowly through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the Han mantra...


NINETH. Now close the left nostril with your index finger.


TENTH. Inhale the life, the Prana, through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra Ton. Now hold your breath by vocalizing the mantra Ra. Close both nostrils with your thumb and index finger. Send the Prana to the magnetic center of the coccyx to awaken the Kundalini.


ELEVEN. Exhale very slowly through the left nostril mentally vocalizing the mantric syllable Han.


TWELVE. This constitutes a complete Pranayama.


THIRTEEN. Six Pranayamas in a row should be performed at dawn and dusk.


FOURTEEN. The devotee will get up from his chair and kneel on the ground.


FIFTEEN. You will now place your palms on the floor with your thumbs touching each other(then forming a triangle).


SIXTEEN. Leaning forward, prostrate on the ground, full of supreme veneration, with his head facing the East, he will rest his forehead on the back of his hands, in the Egyptian style.


SEVENTEEN. The devotee will now vocalize with his creative larynx the powerful mantra Ra of the Egyptians. This mantra is vocalized by lengthening the sound of the two letters that make up the mantra Ra , like this: Rrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaa . Vocalize yourself seven times in a row.


These are the seventeen points of the Egyptian Pranayama. The mantra Ra has the power to vibrate the Kundalini and the chakras to awaken them.

The Pranayama Mantra are Ton Sa Ham Ton Ra Ham.


With Pranayama the Kundalini awakens. With Pranayama the dark regions of darkness and inertia are dispelled. With Pranayama we dispel laziness and clumsiness.


Prana relates to the mind. The mind is the vehicle of the will. The will must obey the Great Soul of the world.


All internal vehicles must be controlled with Pranayama. Prana is life.


The right nostril is solar. The left nostril is lunar. The two witnesses are relate to the nostrils. The seminal vesicles are united to the two witnesses by a pair of nerve cords(in women are linked to the ovaries). In last synthesis we can assure that the two witnesses of the Apocalypse are born in the seminal vesicles. The two seminal vesicles are the two oceans of life. It is said that Moses found his Master at the confluence of the two oceans.


We have taught in this chapter an Egyptian Pranayama for the devotees of the Western world.


Those who want to awaken the Kundalini must persevere daily and throughout their lives in Pranayama.


The room for the practice of Pranayama should not be damp, nor should it be poorly ventilated, or dirty. It should be a clean, pure, neat room. Pranayama should also be practiced in the field, in the mountains, by the sea, etc., etc.


With Pranayama we transmute sexual energy into Christ energy. With Pranayama we awaken the Kundalini and open the chakras fully.


Pranayama is a sexual transmutation system for singles.



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