SEXUAL TRANSMUTATION FOR SINGLES


Yoga means Union with God. No one can reach Union with the well beloved without having first awakened the Kundalini.


No living being could positively awaken the Kundalini without having reached supreme chastity. It is essential to wash your feet in the waters of renunciation. "Be determined to enter through the narrow door; for I tell you that many will try to enter and will not be able to" (Ch. 13-24 Luke).


It is urgent to know that the narrow, tight and difficult door is sex: We left Eden through the door of sex; only through that door can we enter Eden. The Eden is the same Sex. No one can enter Eden through false doors. We have to enter the way we left. That is the Law.


Those students of occultism who for one reason or another cannot work with the Arcanum AZF should have a thorough knowledge of the science of sexual transmutation. There is another secret key with the help of which single devotees can open the Ark of Science.



                                          PRACTICAL OF TRANSMUTATION FOR SINGLES


First position. The devotees of the path placed on the ground should imitate the position of the Toad.


Second position. The devotees lying on their bed (or also the ground) in a supine position (face-up) with the trunk tilted upwards and the head as low as possible, should then inflate or swell like the toad when it is furious.





Will and Imagination united, in vibrant harmony, identify the Gnostic student with the toad. Imagine being among a stream of pure waters of life. Unite your will and imagination to raise your sexual energies from your sexual organs to the sacred chalice of the brain. The Gnostic student must make his seminal energy rise through the pair of sympathetic cords that twist in the spinal cord forming the famous caduceus of Mercury.





Will and imagination united in vibrant harmony. Inflate the student as does the Toad. This is only possible with breathing. As you breathe in the vital air, imagine the seminal energy ascending through your two sympathetic channels that twist gracefully in the spinal cord. Bring that wonderful seminal energy to the brain. Then lead it to the heart. Then exhale the vital air fixing the energy in the Heart-Temple. Our Motto is Thelema (Will).





Imitate the song of the Toad. That mysterious Croak of the toad is the Mantra.





The Divine Cosmic Mother gave all of us Brothers and Sisters this wonderful Key to the Ark of Science. The Divine Mother watches over all her children. The toad on the immaculate flower of the lotus, among the pure waters of life, is an archaic sex symbol in the old Egypt of the Pharaohs.



                                                                                   CHAPTER X

                                                            ESOTERIC ORDER AND DISCIPLINE


Every Gnostic student must be ordained. The student of Gnosis must be truly disciplined. No student of Gnosis could make real progress, if he eats meat, or drinks alcohol. The meat decomposes like any corpse inside the stomach.


The food of flesh and blood favors criminal instincts. The digestive system cannot digest meat. The last metabolism state of the meat has a lot of uric acid which, after passing through the liver, enters the bloodstream. Uric acid brings diseases such as rheumatism, liver diseases, kidney ailments, premature old age, etc.


It also consumes all the suffering that the animal feels when it is killed with impunity and that it eliminates to its muscular system due to the stress it suffers when it is vilely annihilated that is nosy and stressful chemistry..... and every day the earth is stained  with the blood of innocent creatures of the father's love. In every life there is the love and the miracle of Being of the Creator ... and must be respected


The Gnostic must be tempered. Not a wine drinker, not a meat eater, not gossiping about people, not gluttonous, not lazy.


The Gnostic must collect himself daily, at 10 o'clock at night, in his bedroom to practice internal meditation. The Gnostic must get up at dawn to practice all his esoteric exercises.


The Gnostic must be neat, neat, decent, chivalrous, honest, always fulfilled, always cheerful, never angry with anyone or against anyone.

The truly self-fulfilling devotee should never should drink alcohol. Know that alcohol hurts. Alcohol is from the abyss. Alcohol drinkers inevitably fall into the abyss. Drunkards do not achieve the Self-Realization.


The devotee should bathe daily and dress very well. The untidy Gnostic, the one who never bathes, the one who is always in the greatest mess, causes harm to humanity because with his propaganda in very bad taste, he drives away many of these studies. People then say to themselves: are Gnostics like this? I don't want to degenerate! I will not enter these studies !, etc.


The Gnostic must not be a fanatic. We must study everything, reject the useless, and accept the useful. Gnosis is not against any religion, school, order or sect. We have fought for the moral purification of many schools, religions and sects. We have not been against any religion, school or sect. We know that humanity is divided into groups, and that each human group needs its own system of instruction. Really, all religions, schools and sects are very precious pearls set in the golden thread of the Divine.


We must build Churches of love since that the basic principles established in the religions and whose gravitational center were Masters of Ascended full consciousness left the foundations of wisdom for the awakening of humanity so that all religions can officiate in them without distinction of name or creed: Religions in their basic fundamental wisdom are truly ineffable and divine (and that later the devil stuck his tail in them). All schools, religions and sects are needed. Religious jealousy is the same passionate jealousy elevated to religious jealousy. It is shameful to be religiously jealous. Siblings must transcend jealousy. That is a very low passion. The Gnostic movement is made up of people from all schools, religions and sects.


 Know that neurasthenia is Satanic. Always cultivate sweetness, patience and love. Educate your children with Wisdom and Love. Cultivate joy, sweetness and love in your homes. Know that neurasthenia damages the lotus flowers of the soul. Teach your children by example. Always be joyful and happy. Gnostic homes must always be Sanctuaries of love and happiness. Neurasthenic screams, sticks and whip, keep happiness away; then, the white dove of love leaves the heart forever. That is the misfortune of many homes. Live with Wisdom and Love.



                                                                                  CHAPTER XI

                                                                     THE MEDITATION


On one occasion we heard from the lips of a Hindustani Swami an exotic statement. That Master explained to his audience the need for Hatha Yoga, as indispensable to reach the heights of Samadhi. The Yogi said that many people had achieved nothing in Internal Meditation, despite their long efforts and daily training. The Swami conceptualized that these kinds of failures are due to Exclusion from Hatha Yoga.


We frankly disagree with this statement by Venerable Swami. Those who after 10 and 20 years have not achieved enlightenment with the practice of internal meditation, should look for the cause in lack of sleep.


It is urgent to combine meditation with sleep.



                                                                                CHAPTER XII

                                         FIRST CLAIRVOYANT AND CLAIRAUDIENT EXPERIENCES


If the YOGI perseveres, in internal meditation, if he is constant, tenacious, infinitely patient, after a certain time the first clairvoyant perceptions appear.


At first only luminous points, then there appear faces, pictures of nature, objects as in dreams in those moments of transition that exist between wakefulness and sleep. The first clairvoyant perceptions arouse the enthusiasm of the disciple. These perceptions are showing you that your inner powers are kicking in.


It is urgent that the student does not tire. It takes a lot of patience. Developing inner powers is very difficult. There are really many students who start, but very few those who have the patience of the holy JOB. The impatient fail to take a single step on the path of REALIZATION. This kind of esoteric practice is for very tenacious and patient people.


In the sacred INDIA of the VEDAS, the yogis practice internal meditation four times a day. In our Western world due to concern for daily living, and hard struggle for existence, meditation can only be practiced once daily. That is enough. The important thing is to practice daily without leaving a single day. The incessant, continuous, tenacious repetition finally sets the chakras to spin, and after some time the first clairvoyant and clairaudient  perceptions begin.


Luminous spots, light pictures, living figures, bells sounds, voices of people or animals, etc., accurately indicate that the student is progressing in the development of his inner powers. All these perceptions appear in moments when, immersed in deep meditation, we find ourselves asleep.


Many, many kinds of lights begin to appear, with the practice of inner meditation. At first the devotee perceives very bright white lights. Those lights correspond to the eye of wisdom, which is located between the eyebrows...


White, yellow, red, blue, green lights, as well as lightning, the sun, the moon, stars, sparks, flames, etc., are particles formed from supersensitive elements (TANMATRIC PARTICLES).


When small luminous balls appear glowing with white and red colors, it is an absolutely sure sign that we are making progress in the practice of concentration of thought. The moment will come when the devotee manages to see the Angels, or the ARCHANGELS. Thrones, Powers, Virtues, etc. The student usually also sees between dreams, during meditation, great temples, rivers, valleys, mountains, beautiful enchanted gardens, etc.


Strange sensations that sometimes fill the devotee with fear are usually present during meditation practices. One of these sensations is an electric current in the coccyx chakra. Also in the Lotus of the thousand petals, located in the upper part of the brain, certain electrical sensations are usually felt. The devotee must overcome fear if he wants to progress in the development of his Inner powers.


Some people have these visions in a few days of practice. Other people begin to have their first visions after six months of daily exercises.


In the first period of daily training, we only interact with beings from the astral plane. In the second period of esoteric training, we relate to the beings of the mental world. In the third period, we interact with the beings of the purely spiritual world. Then we really begin to become competent investigators of the higher worlds.


The devotee who has begun to have the first perceptions of the higher worlds must at first be like a garden sealed with seven seals. Those who go around telling others everything they see and hear fail in these studies because the doors of the superior worlds are closed to them.


One of the most serious dangers that assail the devotee is vanity and pride. Many students are filled with pride and vanity when they begin to perceive the reality of the supersensible worlds, then they qualify themselves as MASTERS, and without having achieved the full development of their internal powers, they begin to misjudge others, grounded in their incomplete clairvoyant perceptions.


The result of this wrong procedure is that the devotee throws a lot of  karma on himself because he becomes a slanderer of others and then fills the world with tears and pain.


The student who has had the first clairvoyant perceptions must be like a garden sealed with seven seals, until his inner MASTER initiates him into the great MYSTERIES, and gives him the order to speak.


Another of the serious errors that assail all those who submit to esoteric discipline is to despise IMAGINATION. We have learned that imagination is TRANSLUCENT. The mirror of the soul, the divine clairvoyance. For the devotee, imagining is seeing. When the frontal chakra begins to rotate, the images that come to the TRANSLUCENT, become bright, resplendent, luminous.


The devotee must distinguish between IMAGINATION AND FANTASY. Imagination is positive. Fantasy is negative, harmful, detrimental to the mind because it can lead us to hallucinations and madness.


All those who want to awaken clairvoyance by despising IMAGINATION, will fall into the same absurdity as those who want to practice meditation with the absolute absence of sleep. These people fail to develop their inner powers. These people violate natural laws, and the inevitable result is failure.


IMAGINATION, INSPIRATION, INTUITION, are the three obligatory paths of INITIATION. Images appear first, and for last we enter to -a purely spiritual world.


Every clairvoyant needs INITIATION. Clairvoyance without ESOTERIC INITIATION leads the student to the world of crime. It is urgent to receive the COSMIC INITIATION.


If a clairvoyant penetrates into the subconscious of nature, he will be able to read there all the past of the earth and its races. There you will also find your loved ones. You can see for example your loving wife married to other men, or perhaps adulterating. If the clairvoyant does not have INITIATION, he will confuse the past with the present, and then he will slander his wife saying: "she is being unfaithful to me; she is an adulteress because I am clairvoyant and I am seeing her in the internal worlds in full adultery." In the subconscious of nature there are the memories of our past reincarnations.


If a clairvoyant penetrates into the Memory of NATURE, he will find there all the evils of the human species. In the Infra-conscious of nature lives the SATAN of every human being (The Psychological Ego). If the clairvoyant has not received the INITIATION of the SAINTS. The clairvoyant WITHOUT INITIATION will see there the SATAN of the saints incessantly reliving all the crimes and evils that they committed in ancient reincarnations, before being SAINTS. However, the inexperienced clairvoyant and lacking of INITIATION, would not really know how to distinguish between the PAST and the PRESENT. Between the SATAN OF A MAN and the TRUE BEING OF A MAN. The result would be slander. The inexperienced clairvoyant would say: "that man who thinks he is a saint is a murderer, or a thief or a terrible black magician; because with my clairvoyance I am seeing him." THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT IS CALLED SLANDER. Many clairvoyants have horribly degenerated into Slanderer. One of the serious dangers of slander is the crime.


The man who is jealous, distrustful, etc., etc., will find in the infra-conscious records of nature all his doubts and suspicions turned into reality; then he will slander his wife, his friends, his neighbors, the Masters, saying: "You see, I was right in my doubts." "My friend is a thief", (or "a black magician", or "a murderer"); "My wife is adulterating with so and so, as I have suspected, my clairvoyance does not fail, I am not wrong", etc., etc. The poor man, due to his lack of INITIATION, would not have sufficient analysis capacity to realize that he has penetrated into the UN-CONSCIOUS OF NATURE, where his own mental creations live. Considering all these dangers, it is necessary that esoteric students do not make judgments on people. DO NOT JUDGE, FOR NOT BEING JUDGED. The devotee should be like a garden sealed with seven seals. He who already has the first Clairvoyant and Clairaudient perceptions is still an inexperienced clairvoyant and if he does not know how to be silent he will become a slanderer of people. Only great clairvoyant initiates are not wrong. RAMA, KRISHNA, BUDDHA, JESUS ​​CHRIST, HERMES, etc., etc., were true infallible, omniscient clairvoyants.



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