Hyperspace can be demonstrated mathematically with Hyper-geometry. Jinas science belongs to Hyperspace and Hyper-geometry.
If we know the volume, we have to also accept the Hyper-volume as the fundamental basis of the volume. If we accept the geometric sphere we must also accept the Hypersphere.
Hyperspace allows Gnostics to perform extraordinary acts. Jesus was able to remove his body from the tomb after three days, thanks to Hyperspace. Since then the Risen Master lives with his body within Hyperspace.
Every Initiate who receives the Elixir of long life dies but does not die. On the third day he escapes from the tomb using Hyperspace. Then the tomb is empty.
The disappearance or appearance of a body in the three-dimensional objective space, or the passage of a person through a wall are carried out with full success when Hyperspace is used scientifically.
Scientific Gnostics place their physical body in the "Jinas State" and consciously move in Hyperspace.
When the body of the Yogi enters Hyperspace, we say that it is in the Jinas state.
The Yogi in the Jinas state can pass through the fire without being burned, he can walk on the water as Jesus did, he can float in the air. It can cut through a rock or wall from side to side without taking any damage.
The Science of Jinas is based on Hyperspace and is a special branch of Atomic Physics.
Ignorant people who have never studied HYPER-GEOMETRY in their lives deny the Jinas states. Such people are worthy of pity because they are ignorant.
The old Geometry is based on the absurd hypothesis that for a point in a plane it is possible with complete security to draw a parallel to a line, but only one (essentially speaking).
The Gnostic movement rejects the Euclidean view of the three known dimensions, as it is already totally out of date for the atomic age.
The so-called Unique Parallel (suspended in the absolute special sense) is multiplied within the different dimensions of Hyperspace. Then it is no longer unique.
The Unique Parallel of Euclid is a sophistry to trap ignorant people. Gnosis rejects that kind of sophistry.
The Gnostic Revolutionary movement cannot accept the unprovable postulate that says: "At any point in our mind we can draw a real parallel to visible reality and only one".
The Unique Parallel Does Not Exist. The Dogmatic Absolute three-dimensional space of the Geometer Euclid is Unprovable and False.
The absurd claim that the physical world of experimentation is the only real one, turns out to be a very common reason of the ignorant Illustrated ones that they have never investigated electromagnetic fields, and the so-called pro-matter as a causa causorum of physical matter.
The fourth dimension in Hyperspace. The Gnostics have special systems to put their physical body into Hyperspace. It does not matter that the ignorant laugh at the Jinas states. He who laughs at what he does not know is on the way to being an idiot. Really only the Idiot laughs and laughs at what he does not know.
The Gnostics affirm that the infinite interplanetary space is curved. We affirm that the Infinite lives in ceaseless movement. We affirm that there is an infinite series of rotating spaces of different dimensions that mutually penetrate and interpenetrate without merging. We affirm that all those spaces of the starry Infinity have a Hyper-ellipsoidal shape. We affirm that with the force of the mind, man can put his physical body into any Hyper-ellipsoidal rotating space. We strongly affirm that revolutionary Astrophysics will demonstrate to the world the existence of Hyperspace. We affirm that within a line there are other Hyper-spacers.
We affirm that the Savior of the world currently lives in Hyperspace with the same body that he had in the holy land. We affirm that every initiate who receives the Elixir of long life dies but does not die. We affirm that all those who receive the Elixir of long life, escape with their physical body on the third day, taking advantage of the opportunity that Hyperspace offers us. These retain their physical body for millions of years. The immortal Babaji and his sister Mataji have kept their bodies for many millions of years and will fulfill a great mission with the humanity of the future sixth and seventh Great Races. We firmly affirm that anyone who works with the Arcanum AZF can ask for the Elixir of Long Life. Those die but they don't die. We affirm that every human being can put his physical body in the Jinas state whenever he wants, if he truly has faith in the Divine Mother. Every sage of Elemental Air can take the great leap. The Jinas science Masters can escape from earth to live on another planet with the physical body that they have here. They can take that body of flesh and blood to another planet. That is the great Leap. Some men of Jinas science have already made the great leap. With Pranayama we achieve the power that allows us to put the physical body in the Jinas state. There are many keys to putting the physical body in the Jinas state. It is urgent to practice Pranayama, before using these keys. It is interesting that the witnesses Ida and Pingala, in the last synthesis, have their roots in the male's right and left testicles, and in the female's ovaries. Through this pair of nerve channels, the Solar and Lunar atoms of the seminal system go up to the Chalice (the brain). The two nostrils and the sexual organs are connected by the two witnesses. This invites us to reflect. Actually Pranayama is among other things, a sexual transmutation system for singles.
Every Gnostic must begin his Jinas practices after having prepared himself intensely with Pranayama. The great Masters of Yoga float in the air when they are practicing Pranayama. Only the body that escapes the law of Gravity can float in the air. They can only escape from that law, the body that gets into Hyperspace.
With mental strength consciously wielded we can put the physical body into Hyperspace. Jinas science is a matter of vibration. Above and below the limits of objective perception exist worlds placed in other dimensions. With the force of thought we can through certain keys of Jinas science that we give below, accelerate the oscillatory frequency and normal vibration of the physical body. Then we penetrate with the body into Hyperspace. When scientists achieve absolute control of atomic motion, they will be able to put any body into Hyperspace. The devotees of the Jinas science, before their practices with Pranayama, should pray to the Divine Mother, begging her to give them the power to put the physical body in the Jinas state. One must practice a lot of Pranayama to conquer the powers of Jinas. The student must carefully select the key that he likes the most to practice Jinas science. It is urgent that the student understand that the Jinas science demands absolute chastity and supreme holiness.
Remember well beloved Disciple that the Divine powers of Jinas science are very sacred. These powers can only be used to heal the sick from a distance, to heal, to enter the temples of the White Lodge, to study the wonders of creation within the bosom of Nature.
Anyone who tries to make selfish use of Jinas powers will turn into a horrible Demon, and will inevitably roll into the abyss.
Law is law. Karma punishes abusers.
The devotee should choose the Jinas key that he likes the most, and practice with it daily, intensely until he achieves victory.
This science is not for the weak, or for versatile, fickle, inconstant people. This science is for people who have as much patience as that of holy Job. This science is for people who are tenacious, tireless, courageous, firm as steel.
This science is not for Skeptical people; Those people are of no use for Jinas science.
This science can never be exhibited because the White Lodge forbids it. The science of the Jinas is not It is not a matter of prestidigitation, illusionism or something like that. This science is terribly Divine and is only practiced in secret. When the Author of this book wanted to make a public demonstration of Jinas science, Master El Morya instantly intervened, saying: "We have been helping you for ten years and now you want to show your powers?" Powers are very sacred. Powers should not be displayed in public. Since then we have understood that Jinas science is secret.
Many would like demonstrations. We brothers of the Temple are not laboratory rabbits. Real is what you experience yourself. No one can experiment on someone else's skin.
We give the key for everyone to experiment on their own skin. To people who are full of doubts, to skeptics, we advise them not to get into these studies because they can go crazy. The battle of tremendous antitheses can unhinge the brains of the skeptics and lead them to the madhouse. Jinas science is for people with unshakable faith like steel. This is not for people full of doubts.
Here are the Jinas keys for people full of faith.
Lie down the devotee on the left side. Rest your head on the palm of your Left hand. Doze off the devotee, watch your own sleep, become a watcher of your own sleep
When the devotee begins to see the visions of the dream, get up very slowly from his bed, but Keeping the Dream as a precious treasure. Before leaving his house, the devotee must take a little jump with the intention of floating in the surrounding environment. If the devotee floats on the environment when he makes the jump, it is because his physical body entered the Jinas state. If the devotee does not float, it is because he is not in the Jinas state. When the devotee is in the Jinas state, he can leave his house confidently, without any fear. In the Jinas state, devotees can travel to the most remote places on earth in a few moments.
If the devotee fails in the experiment, if he does not attain the Jinas state at first, he should not be discouraged, get into his bed and repeat the experiment as many times as many hours and minutes at night. Some achieve success immediately, those are the lucky ones who practiced Jinas science in ancient reincarnations. Others have never practiced that science and have to begin to achieve that power by practicing Pranayama and exercising for several years until they achieve the Jinas powers.
Actually this key is a modification of sleepwalking, a voluntary, provoked sleepwalking.
During sleep tremendous subconscious energies work that the devotee must take advantage of as a Lever to put his body into Hyperspace.
There is a very common almond commonly called Deer's Eye. That Almond has wonderful Jinas powers. The Devotee must fall asleep holding that almond in his hand. Place the devotee in the same position as the previous key, but keeping the wonderful Almond in his right hand. It is urgent to remember that this almond has a Wonderful Elemental genius that can help the devotee to put his body in the Jinas state.
During this practice the devotee should fall asleep by saying the mantra Invia. Then an elemental genius will attend to help him put the body in the Jinas state.
The devotee should get out of bed keeping sleep as pure gold. Before leaving the house, the devotee should take a little jump with the intention of floating in the environment. If the devotee floats, he can leave his house in state of Jinas. If it doesn't float, repeat the experiment for hours, or months, or years to achieve victory.
There is a Master whose name is Oguara. This Jinas really helps all those who call him in the name of the Christ. The devotee will lie down in the same previous position, but calling the Jinas Oguara in the name of Christ, saying: " In the name of the Christ , by the majesty of the Christ , by the power of the Christ , I call you Oguara , Oguara , Oguara . Put my physical body in the Jinas state . " Repeat this invocation many times until falling asleep, then the student gets up keeping the dream as pure gold. Give the devotee a little jump with the intention of floating in space. If it floats, it is because it is already in the Jinas state. If it does not float, get into the bed and repeat the experiment.
The devotee seats at front a table. Crossed arms position on the table. The devotee falls asleep with his head resting on his crossed arms. The devotee must invoke the Jinas Masters to assist him in these practices. It can be called Babaji (The Yogi Christ of India) or his sister Mataji. Harpocrates or Saint Peter can be invoked, etc. When the student begins to dream, get up from the chair, without reasoning of any kind, automatically, instinctively and keeping the dream as pure gold. Then the student must jump as long as possible with the intention of floating in space. The devotee should mark on the ground with a pencil the exact place where the jump reached. Every day the student must repeat the experiment tirelessly, patiently, always painting a line on the ground with a pencil to mark the length of each jump. This system is wonderful because the Jinas student appreciates his degrees of Jinas progress. Your jump today may have been a meter long; tomorrow it may have increased by one centimeter, the day after tomorrow another centimeter, etc., so the student can accurately measure his Jinas progress. At last you will notice with amazement one good day, that you have taken too long a jump, a strange jump, that no athlete can take, these signs clearly indicate your progress in Jinas science. After such a strange leap, the devotee will be able to remain floating in Hyperspace, he has achieved Victory. This key is formidable. The important thing in the occultism is practice. People are already tired of theories; now practical occultism is needed. Theorizers neither do and not let do. The student should not waste time theorizing. It is better to practice quietly. Keep triumphs secret. Much silence must be kept because this science is secret. Is better shut up. So we avoid teasing of useless theorists, who neither do and not let to do, those are social parasites.
At the precise moment of awakening from normal sleep, the student can jump out of bed instantly, without conscious or subconscious analysis; without the process of conceptual choice, instinctively, in raptures by wisdom and filled with faith as strong as the steel of a well tempered and battle-ready sword.
Before leaving the house, the student must jump then, and if he floats in the environment, it is because his body has already entered in the Jinas state. Then the student can go wherever he wants with his physical body in the Jinas state.
If it does not float, the student must repeat the experiment. With patience you go a long way in these studies.
The tiger knights of Aztec Mexican put their physical body in the Jinas state with the help of the elemental force of the Tiger.
Some Mexican Codices paint us the tiger knights going to the temple in the figure of a tiger. It is said that when they arrived at the temple they took on a human figure again.
In ancient Mexico, the temple of the tigers was very sacred. The elemental strength of the tiger allows to put the physical body in the Jinas state. The student can lie on a tiger skin. Let the devotee fall asleep invoking the Devas who reign over the tigers. Beg them to help us with the strength of the tiger.
The Aztec devotees of the sacred order of tigers identified themselves with the tiger, fell asleep, and then, preserving their sleep as pure gold, rose from their bed walking on all fours like the tiger. Then they said full of faith: " We belong to us ."
Thus, with the body in Jinas and with the figure of a tiger, the Tiger knights arrived at the temple. The Mexican Codices tell us that there they took their human figure again.
The Yogis of Hindustan sit meditating on a tiger skin.
The Aztecs say that the first human race was devoured by tigers (symbol of divine force).
"May suns of enthusiasm light the way for you."
"May the Xhcoc sing as you go".
"May the forces of the tiger be with you."
"Let the fireflies of wisdom illuminate your intellect."
"May the murmuring hummingbird shade your breaks."
"Let the emerald frogs mark the paths, croaking without rest."
"May she, nature, be lavish with you."
"May the Universal force bless and guide us."
The Western Yogi lying on the tiger skin and with the semi-naked body must do the esoteric practice of the tiger knights. Thus you will enter into the Jinas state.
Those who know how to come out in the astral body can invoke their body from afar. The first thing that the Gnostic who is going to work with this key is to get out in the astral body. When he is already far from his body, he can call any of the Jinas Masters and beg them to bring him his body, Harpocrates, Babaji, Mataji, Saint Peter, Oguara, etc. can be invoked. It is prayed for the Christ, it is requested for the Christ, it is pleaded for the power of the Christ. Then the Jinas geniuses take the body out of the bed and bring it to the devotee who asks for it.
Before reaching the body before the devotee. First you see some balls that come. The last ball is red. Behind that ball comes the body in the Jinn state. When the body is getting closer, the student then feels that his shoulders are getting heavy. The emotion that one feels when the body comes before us is tremendous. The most curious thing that is astonishing is when we discover that the physical body also has consciousness, it responds to what we ask it.
The devotees must now master all emotion and control the mind so as not to fail in the experiment. If the devotee gets carried away with emotion then instantly both body and devotee instantly return to bed, and the experiment here fails.
In occultism, Table Work is called the instant in which the physical body thus invoked from afar must inevitably enter the sidereal body of the devotee. This work is difficult because the body must learn, and the soul must master the emotion, and know how to order.
The body must enter the soul through the crown chakra or lotus of the thousand petals located in the upper part of the sidereal head.
The devotee must give the order to the body, and the body obeys, if it does not obey well it is because it does not know; then the devotee should teach him.
The physical body must be ordered to stand on the sidereal head of the astral body and to penetrate into the devotee through that door. The result is wonderful. The body obeys and enters into the devotee. (On the astral plane, it is not the devotee who must enter into the body. On the astral, things are different. There it is the body that must enter into the devotee).
This is how the devotees remain with their body within the astral plane. The Jinas system of this seventh key is for people who are already very practical in the use and management of the astral body.
With the body in the Jinas state, we can visit the temples of the Great White Lodge and receive direct teaching from the great masters who initiated the dawn of creation.
This is what is called Practical Occultism, this is what is urgently needed now, and the students of the various schools of occultism have justly got tired of so much theory. Unfortunately most students want to get gifted powers, effortlessly, without sacrifice, with all kinds of comforts, quickly, in a few days, like blowing and making bottles.
We must warn that everything costs in life, nothing is obtained as a gift. Whoever wants to have these Jinas powers must have the patience of holy Job, the courage of the tiger, the tenacity of the bull, and an inexhaustible thirst for true divine wisdom.
This science is not for fickle people. The fickle, it is better that they give up these studies. This science is not for curious people either. With the cosmic laws you cannot play with impunity without getting burned. Law is Law, and the sacred must be respected.
There are many substances that help in Jinas science. The occultism student must know these substances and handle them. Jinas science is terribly divine. The Orphic egg, the golden egg of Brahma, the Egyptian egg, etc., clearly symbolizes the raw material of the Great Work. Universes, plants, animals, men and gods come out of the Raw Material.
The egg is full of great hidden powers. The chicken egg is used for the Jinas states.
FORMULA: Warm an egg in the water. Make a little hole for the pointed part. Extract the white and the yolk. The white and yolk must be extracted through the hole made in the egg.
Reduce the crust of the egg to powder. This powder is used by Yogis for Jinas science.
Before doing Jinas practices every night, the devotee should put this powder on his chest and under his arms, in the region of the armpits. Then the student bundle up and begin his Jinas practices. You can have a good amount of this powder for Jinas practices.
In these powders are found the great powers of Jinas science. These powders are wonderful.
The student who is studying and practicing Jinas science must inevitably end up with three psychological mistakes: anger, greed, lust. Only in this way is it possible to avoid the attack of the tenebrous ones. If the student does not correct these defects, he will not achieve really positive progress in the full sense of the word.
Men who devote themselves to Jinas science should only wear yellow bathing pants for their practices. That's it. The naked body is best for Jinas practices, because the chakras rotate freely without the hindrance of clothing.
Women who practice Jinas science should wear a very long and wide tunic for their practices, as wide as possible. The tunic must be very beautiful, imitating the tunics of the Samaritans. The woman who indulges in Jinas science should not cut her hair. Hair is really the symbol of modesty and chastity in women. In ancient times adulterous women had their hair cut off. That was her punishment.
The woman who practices Jinas science should not wear bathing suits, like men. Divine hierarchies demand modesty, modesty, chastity.
These yellow robes are only for Jinas science.
The yellow robe for Jinas science should be worn directly on the skin of the body. No other items of clothing are to be worn under the wide tunic.
You must always have a special room to work with Jinas science. However, when that special room is not available, then the sleeping room, the bedroom itself, can become a true sanctuary. Having chastity, everything is fine.
The bedroom should be smoked daily with the five perfumes. These five perfumes are the following: Frankincense, Myrrh, Aloe, Sulfur, Camphor.
It is necessary to paint on the threshold of the piece, the sign of the Pentagram, the five-pointed star. The lower two rays should be out. The top beam should be inward. This star can be painted with charcoal. You can also paint it in a picture framed with its glass, and then put it at the head of the bed. In this case, the top angle is up, and the two bottom angles are down.
The room or bedroom must be all adorned with yellow colors. Yellow carpets or rugs, yellow lighting, yellow ornament, etc.
The Initiate in addition to his yellow bathing pants, it is good that he has his yellow robe to get up.
Inside the bedroom or work room the Image of Christ, Buddha, and the Virgin should always be present. Either she is represented as Isis, or the cosmic mother of India, Mary Tonantzin, or simply as the white dove of the Holy Spirit. All these images do not represent any divine or human person but simply God the Mother. We already know that God as Father is wisdom, and as Mother is love. As Father resides in the eye of wisdom located between the two eyebrows. As Mother resides in the heart temple. The serpent on the rod also represents the divine mother.
The symbol that we like the most should be carefully selected and used in the work chamber.
You must have an altar inside the bedroom, and the fire in the altar. Fire should never be lacking in an initiate's house.
This is the Yellow Book, this is the Wisdom of the Buddhas, this is the science of the cosmic mind.
Buddhas wear yellow cloaks. The color of the mental world is yellow. When man frees himself from his four bodies of sin, he is a Buddha. All Buddha wears a yellow cloak. The ray of the Christ is golden yellow.
The science of the mind truly constitutes the Yellow Book. This is the Yellow Book because it is the science of the mind.
The initiate must lock himself in daily at ten o'clock at night to work on the science of the mind.
The initiate must carefully avoid all kinds of discussions and fights with incredulous people who neither do and not let do, who want the world to march according to their wise affirmations, full of foolishness and malice of the worst kind.
Devotees must bathe daily. The room must always be neat, tedy, clean.
The Jinas esotericism is very sacred. Here in this Yellow Book we have taught the Sacred Science of the Jinas, for all human beings, except for the Morons. these ones neither believe it, nor want it, nor accept it because they are morons.
Flowers should never be missing from the workroom. The flowers, the perfumes, the symbolic images, the good music, contribute to form an atmosphere full of wisdom and love.
With infinite joy we have concluded this work that we humbly offer to poor suffering humanity.
We have been told that there are three rays of inner self-realization. Those three rays are: The Mystic, the Yogi and The Path of the Domestic Home.
The beloveds of Gnosis leaning on their staffs walk this Triune path. Our motto: it is Thelema (Will).
Here you have, dearly beloved, an absolutely practical occult book. For the love of loves, we brothers of the temple advise you with infinite humility not to waste time theorizing. The opium of theories is more bitter than death.
Be humble to achieve wisdom and after reaching be even more humble.
Practice with the teachings in this book and you will develop your divine powers.
Be constant dearly loved ones, be patient, have absolute faith in the Divine Mother Kundalini. The Lady of all adoration leads her devotees from chakra to chakra.
When the igneous serpent of our magical powers awakens, the devotee goes through six short unforgettable experiences, namely: divine happiness, trembling of the body and limbs, astral exits, spiritual voluptuousness, pain in the coccygeal bone and strange fainting spells, sleep very deep and full of spiritual lucidity.
These six signs indicate to the disciple the awakening of the Kundalini. Just as the gardener waters his inner and delicate garden with the sublime nectar of love until the delicious fruits of Eden appear.
The Yellow Book is really a practical esoteric manual. Know well beloved disciples that this text is a sure guide on the path of initiation.
Study this book and practice with intensity and supreme patience. With the awakening of the Kundalini many hidden powers appear. When this happens, be careful not to fall into pride. Having those powers be like someone who does not have them. Then acknowledge your own psychological state. Take refuge in nothingness. You are only the sinful shadow of the one who has never sinned.
Develop your inner powers, but dissolve the Ego, the myself, the reincarnating Ego. Only by dissolving the ego will you achieve total liberation.
The Ego is a horrible larva embedded in the various backgrounds of the mind. When the ego dissolves, that great lord of light enters the soul and makes his home there.
We, the brothers of the temple, feel great bitterness when we see some great Master who, despite having awakened the Kundalini, still keeps the ego alive in the deep depths of the mind.
Beloved, here is a book to awaken the Kundalini and develop all the hidden powers. Practice, beloved ones, but dissolve the ego. Acknowledge your own psychological state. Fast a lot, pray, tread with faith, patience and charity the rocky path that leads to Nirvana.