FIRST INFERNAL CIRCLE OR OF THE MOON


My friends, today gathered here again, we are going to study the First Dantesque Circle of the Hell Worlds.


It is indubitable that this First Submerged Region corresponds to the "LIMBUS", the "Orc" of the classics quoted by Virgil, the poet of Mantua.


We have been told, with complete meridian clarity, that such a mineral zone is vividly represented by all the CAVERNS OF THE WORLD, which together astrally become complementary to the First Submerged Region.


Dante, the old Florentino, says that in such a region "he found all those INNOCENTS WHO DIED WITHOUT HAVING RECEIVED THE WATERS OF BAPTISM". (All this must be understood in a strictly symbolic way).


If we carefully study the "Ramayana", the sacred book of the Hindustan, with mystical astonishment we can demonstrate the conclusive and definitive fact, that the Sacrament of Baptism, is very previous to the Christian Era.


In the "Ramayana" we can verify the unusual case of Rama, who was certainly baptized by his Guru.


Unquestionably, no one in ancient times received the baptismal water, without first having been fully instructed about the Mysteries of Sex. It is therefore the Sacrament of Baptism, a pact of Sexual Magic.


It is extraordinary that upon entering any Mystery School, the first thing that was received is the Sacrament of Baptism.


It is indispensable, it is urgent, to transmute the "Pure Waters of Life" into the "Wine of Light" of the Alchemist. Only in this way is it possible to achieve the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being.


In the "Orc" of the classics, in Limbo, we find many enlightened men who died without having received the "waters of baptism".


Wrong sincere, full of magnificent intentions, but wrong; people who believed Liberation possible without the need for Sexual Magic.


Thus, in the First Sub-Lunar Region, under the epidermis of this planet in which we live, the DEFUNCT dwell cold and sepulchral.


One feels true sadness, supreme pain, when contemplating so many millions of disembodied people wandering with the Consciousness asleep in the Region of the Dead.


See them there, like cold shadows, with the Consciousness deeply asleep, like specters of the night!


The shadows of the dead come and go everywhere in the First Dantesque Circle; they are occupied in the same activities of the life that happened, they dream of the memories of yesterday, they live totally in the past ...


Q- You have explained to us, Master that in the First Sub-Lunar Region, called "Limbo", inhabit the Souls of those who have not been baptized, understanding by "Baptism" a pact of Sexual Magic. What moves me to ask the following question: Do all beings that have not practiced Sexual Magic penetrate this region automatically when disincarnate?


A- Distinguished friend, your question is quite interesting, and I hasten to answer...


I want you to understand, that the First Submerged Region is like the antechamber of Hell, obviously the shadows of our loved ones live there; millions of human beings who never transmuted the Seminal Waters into the "Wine of Light" of Alchemy.


There are few Essences, those Souls, who after death, really achieve a "vacation" in the Superior Worlds.


It is indubitable that most of the human beings return immediately to a new human organism, spending a season in Limbo before rejoining again.


However, due to the critical state in which we currently live, innumerable deceased are permanently submerged in the infernal worlds, passing through the Tenebrous Spheres of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.


The last of these regions is final. There the lost pass through the Final Disintegration, the Second Death, so indispensable. Thanks to this frightful annihilation, the Essence, the Soul, manages to free itself from the regions of the Tartarus, to ascend to the planetary surface and to restart a new Evolution, which will inevitably begin again from the Mineral Kingdom.


Q- How is it to be understood, Venerable Master, what in the language of the Roman Church is said: "That innocent children enter the Limbo"?


A- Distinguished friend, this "innocent children" must be understood in a symbolic, allegorical way.


Interpret the word "innocent", not in its original pristine form, but as "radical ignorance." Certainly, one who does not know the Mysteries of Sex, is ignorant, although he presumes to be wise and possesses a vast erudition.


Remember that there are many "ignorant illustrated" who not only ignore, but also ignore that ignore. It is understood?


Q- Master, do you want to say that the person who has not manufactured his Solar Bodies has not been baptized?


A- Distinguished young, I am glad your question, which gives us the basis for a beautiful explanation...


The Sacred Scriptures clearly speak of the "Wedding Suit of the Soul", the "To Soma Heliakon", the "Golden Body" of the Solar Man, a living representation of the "Supra-sensible Bodies" that every human creature must form.


In our past books, we already spoke clearly about the work related to the creation of the Existential Bodies of Being and therefore I believe that our Gnostic students will now be able to understand us.


It is indubitable that the "Intellectual Animal" mistakenly called man, does not possess such vehicles, and therefore must create them, working in the Fiery Forge of Vulcan (Sex).


It comes to my mind in these moments, the case of a friend who disembodied a few years ago. He was a convinced Gnostic, however, he did not manage to manufacture his Existential Bodies of Being; This I could make evident in the Region of the Dead, in Limbo.


Outside the Physical Body I found him: He looked gigantic, and his spectral face was certainly a pantheon or cemetery.


I walked with him through different places, through different streets of a city. Unquestionably under the Three - dimensional Region of Euclid, in the Limbo...


- "You are dead," I said.


- "How? Impossible, I'm alive!" Such was his response.


When passing near a regal mansion, I made him enter with the purpose of looking in a mirror, he obeyed my indication and then I saw him very surprised...


- "Try to float", I continued telling him, "take a little jump, so you can convince yourself that he is already dead" ... That ghost, obeying, wanted to fly, but I saw him precipitate headlong, instead of ascending like birds. In those moments he assumed various animal figures. "You now have the shape of a horse, a dog, a cat, a tiger", so I told him as his different animal facets stood out.


Certainly, that phantom was formed by a set of quarrelsome and shouter Egos, which penetrated and interpenetrated each other without getting confused. Useless were my efforts. That disembodied could not understand me, was an inhabitant of the Region of the Dead, a sum of egos personifying Psychological Defects.


Even though that friend had known the Gnosis, he had not managed to fabricate his Astral Body. Now I had only a set of ghosts before my eyes, giving the impression of a facade personality. It is obvious that such a subject had not received the Sacrament of Baptism. In other words, we would say that he had not transmuted the "Pure Waters of Life" into the "Wine of Light" of the Alchemists.


Q- Master, do you mean then, that those who live in the Region of the Dead, or Limbo, will always have the opportunity to return to a new matrix?


A- Distinguished friend, do not forget that the God Mercury, with his caduceus, always brings out the souls submerged in the Orc, with the purpose of reincorporating them into a new organism. Only then is it possible that on any given day, we can be truly baptized. It is understood?


Q-Dear Master, I understand that the Essence and the Egos of the deceased enter Limbo, but that it is not a region of suffering. I am right?


A- Distinguished gentleman, since you speak about Essence and about egos, it is good that we put the cards on the table at once, to clarify concepts and define doctrinal positions.


Many believe that the Ego, the I, the Self, is something too individual. This is wrongly assumed by the many writers of modern psychology.


We, the Gnostics, go further: We like to deepen, delve into all these mysteries, inquire, inquire into, etc., etc., etc.


The Ego does not possess any individuality. It is a sum of diverse Psychic Attachments that personify our Psychological Defects; a bunch of mistakes, passions, hatreds, fears, revenge, jealousy, anger, lust, resentments, attachments, greed, etc., etc.


These various aggregates have varied animal forms in the hypersensitive regions of nature.


When dying, all that set of quarrelsome and shouter egos, all that varied range of Psychic Aggregates, continues beyond the grave.


Within such Negative Values, our Essence, the Psychic Material, is embedded.


It is therefore ostensible that such soul matter embedded within the ego submerges in the orc, in limbo, to return a little later to this physical world.


Q- Master, for an ordinary sleeping person, would Limbo be a continuation of his life?


A-There is no tomorrow for the Personality of the dead. All Personality is the daughter of his time. Born in his time, he dies in his time.


That which continues beyond the sepulcher is the Ego, the sum of diverse animal and brutal psychic aggregates. When I looked at the friend of my story, with pain, I could understand that the Personality of that one had been annihilated. All I had now before my eyes was a sum of grotesque animal figures, penetrating and interpenetrating each other to give a false appearance of Personality, sepulchral, cold,spectral.

What had become of my friend? Where it was? Since he had not manufactured the Astral Body, it is obvious that he had ceased to exist. If my friend had fabricated an Astral Body through Sexual Transmutation, if he had actually practiced Sexual Magic, it is clear that he would have fabricated the Sidereal Vehicle, and then he would have continued with his Astral Personality in the Hypersensitive Regions of Nature. Unfortunately this had not been the case...


Being baptized then, implies having practiced Sexual Magic. Who has not done so, has not received the Sacramental Waters; He is an inhabitant of Limbo.


Q- Master, this False Personality formed by these grotesque egos, who at one time was his friend, could he become his enemy in that region without a future?


A- Young friend, it is urgent that you understand that the Ego is constituted by many ones of them, and that some of these can be our friends or our enemies. Undoubtedly, some ego of that phantom, to which I have referred, continue to be my friends, but others, it is obvious that they can be enemies, or simply grotesque indifferent ghosts. In any case, it is the Ego that returns from the Limbo Region to repeat, in this Physical World, all the painful dramas of past existences.


Personality, as I said, is perishable, never returns, and this is something that you must understand clearly. Know how to differentiate between the Ego and the Personality. Understood?


Q- Do I have to understand, Master, that the True Sacrament of Baptism can only be received by the one who starts in the "Path of the Razor's Edge "?


A- Distinguished Sir: The Authentic Sacrament of Baptism, as I said in this talk, is a pact of Sexual Magic.


Unfortunately, people go through the baptismal ceremony, because of the rite, but they never comply with the pact. Because of that, they enter the Limbo. If the people fulfilled that religious covenant, they would enter fully into the Path of the Razor's Edge, in that "Path" mentioned by Christ when he said: "Narrow is the door and narrow the path that leads to the Light, and very few they are the ones who find it."


It is indispensable to know that the Secret Way that leads to the Souls until the Final Liberation, is absolutely sexual.


Q- Master, then the disembodied who have the right to a "vacation", are those who have started to practice Sexual Magic?


A- Distinguished lady who asks the question: I invite you to understand that the Ego can never enter the Celestial Regions. For the Psychic Aggregates, there is only the Abyss and the Second Death. It is understood?


However, we go deeper to elucidate and clarify this talk ... When the Ego is not too strong, when the Psychic Attachments are very weak, achieve the pure Essence , the Soul, free for some time, to enter the Regions Celestial and enjoy some "vacations" before returning to this Valley of Tears.


Unfortunately, today, the Animal Ego has become very strong in many people, and for that reason, human souls do not have the happiness of such "vacations".


Certainly, those souls who manage to penetrate the "Devachan" as the Theosophists say, or in the "Causal", are very rare nowadays.


I want you all to understand the concrete fact that those Souls, today very rare indeed, who can enjoy for a time such happy "vacations" between death and the new birth, are what we might call in the world, " very good people. " Because of this, the Great Law rewards them after death. It is understood?


Q- Master, those Souls who manage to escape from the Ego to enjoy a "vacation", when re-entering into another matrix, do they have to re-bottle themselves in the Ego?

A- Friends, the Ego can only be destroyed, annihilated, in two ways: First: Through Conscious Work in ourselves and within ourselves, here and now. Second: In the infernal worlds, through the submerged involution , going through appalling sufferings.


Unquestionably, the Celestial Vacations do not dissolve the Ego. Once the Essence , the Soul, exhausts the fruits of its reward, upon returning to this Valley of Tears, it must be previously bottled between its Ego, the I, the Myself.


Q- Master, when the Essence returns to a new matrix bottled in the Ego, after those "vacations", does it not bring the longing to free itself to achieve its Self-Realization?


A- Distinguished lady, your question is magnificent ... I want to say to you emphatically the following: The ascent to the Superior Worlds comforts us and helps us.


When the Essence returns from a "vacation" in the Superior Worlds of Cosmic Consciousness, it is strengthened and with greater enthusiasm. Then he struggles tirelessly to achieve his total liberation. However, any effort would be useless if it did not comply with the Sexual Magic Covenant contained in the Sacrament of Baptism.


Q- Master, could you tell us what the regions of the First Dantesque Circle or the Moon are like , how we live and what is done?


A- To the gentleman who asks the question, I respond immediately. The First Dantesque, Sub-Lunar Circle, represented by all the caverns of the Earth , seen internally is quite interesting.


There we find the first submerged counterpart of our cities, streets, villages, counties and regions. It is not surprising then that in this region a life similar to the present one is lived ; in any way we should be astonished by the fact that the deceased visit the houses where they lived, or wander through those places they once knew, occupying themselves in the same trades or jobs that they used to do ...


I remember the pathetic case of a poor loader of heavy bales. His Ego walked after death, carrying on his back a load, bundle or bundle. When I wanted to make him understand his situation, when I gave him to understand that he was already well dead and that he did not have to be carrying heavy bales on his body, he looked at me with sleepwalking eyes. I had the Consciousness asleep. He was unable to understand me.


The deceased continue selling in their stores, or buying merchandise, or driving cars, etc., etc., etc., each one in those jobs in which he was previously employed. It is amazing to see those canteens full of inebriated discarnates, those houses of prostitutes, fornicating even after death, etc., etc., etc.


Q- Master, what process do those who live in the Limbo follow to return to this Three-dimensional World?


A- Those who live in the Limbo must recapitulate the life that has just passed, revive it slowly.


Once this retrospective process is concluded, all the acts of our previous life are simply reduced to mathematics. Then the Judges of Karma make us return to this Valley of Tears with the purpose that we amend our mistakes and look for the path that will lead us to Final Liberation. That is all!



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