Distinguished friends, let's go tonight to consciously study the Fourth Dantesque Circle, located in the natural Infra-dimensions, under the Three - dimensional Region of Euclid.


Those of us who have gone through the various transcendental esoteric processes in the Higher Dimensions, have been able to verify, by themselves and directly, the crude realism of the Solar Submerged Mineral Kingdom.


Unquestionably, in the Solar Hells of the resplendent star that gives life to this whole Solar System of Ors, we do not see the grotesque Dantesque spectacles of the Earthly Hells.

It is obvious that in the Solar Submerged Mineral Kingdom, there is the most perfect mineral purity.


Undoubtedly, in the radiant star that is the very heart of this great system in which we live, we move and have our Being, only the Solar Spirits dwell joyfully.


Since there are sacred and eternal individuals, it is not possible to think of conclusive and definitive failures, like those of our earthly world.


It is thus evident the concrete fact that there are no tenebrous inhabitants in the natural infra-dimensions of the Solar World.


Another case, very different, is that of the infra-dimensions of our planet Earth.


It is pathetic, clear and manifest, for all Esoteric investigators, the involute states of the Fourth Circle, under the geological crust of our Earth.


Since the Sun is the source of all life, and the wonderful agent that sustains all existence, according to the Law of the ETERNAL-TROGO-SELF-EGOCRÁTIC-COMMON COSMIC, obviously, the fatal and negative antithesis of all this we come to find it, really, in the antithetical Solar aspect of the Fourth Earth Submerged Zone .


In that Tenebrous Region, in those Atomic Infernos of Nature, we find two specific types of people  into involution state: I want to refer emphatically to the SPENDTHRIFT and MISERS; two classes of subjects that can never be reconciled with each other, and that again and again attack incessantly each other.


Analyzing this question in depth we must affirm, solemnly, that wastefulness is as absurd as miserliness.


Within the merely Trogo-Self-Egocratic—Common Cosmic process, we must always remain faithful to the balance. It is clear that the violation of the Law of Equilibrium brings painful karmic consequences.


In the field of practical life we can verify, consciously, the disastrous consequences that come from the violation of the Law of the Scale.


The prodigal, the spendthrift, the one who wastes his money, even though deep down he feels very generous, it is indubitable that he is violating the Law.


The miser, the one who does not make circulate the money, the one who selfishly retains it in an improper way, beyond the normal, ostensibly is harming the community, taking away the bread of many people, impoverishing their fellow ones. For this reason he is violating the Law of Balance, the Law of the Scale.


The wasteful, although apparently is making well by circulating the currency intensively, it is logical that produces imbalance, not only in itself, but also with the general movement of values. This in the long run causes tremendous economic damage to the people.


Prodigal and avaricious become beggars, and this is proven.


It is indispensable, it is urgent to cooperate with the Law of the Eternal-Trogo-Self-Egocratic-Common Cosmic, not to hinder the economic balance, not to harm oneself, not to harm others.


Since many ignore what is the Law of the ETERNAL-TROGO-SELF-EGOCRÁTIC COMMON-COSMIC, it is necessary to clarify the following: This Great Law manifests as reciprocal feeding of all organisms.

If we carefully observe the bowels of the Earth, we will find copper as the center of gravity of all the evolutionary and involutive processes of Nature.


If we apply the merely positive force to this metal, we will see with Objective Clairvoyance, extraordinary evolutionary developments. If we apply the negative force, we can directly show involution, descending impulses in all the atoms of said metal. If we apply the neutral force, we will see processes of atomic stabilization in such a metal.


It is very interesting, for esoteric researchers, to contemplate the metallic radiations of copper between the living entrails of the planetary organism.


One is astonished to see how the emanations of the aforementioned metal, in turn encourage other metals, in time that as a reward, also feeds with the emanations of them.


There is then an exchange of radiations between the different metals that exist inside the Earth; there is reciprocal feeding among the metals, and what  most surprising is the exchange of radiations between the metals that exist in the interior of the Earth and those that lie within the submerged mineral kingdom, in other worlds of the Solar System. That is the Law of the ETERNAL-TROGO-SELF-EGOCRATIC-COMMON COSMIC- in full manifestation. This Great Law allows the coexistence between the worlds.


This reciprocal feeding between the planets, this exchange of planetary substances, originates the equilibrium of the worlds around their gravitational centers.


In other words we will say the following: There is reciprocal feeding between the plants, between the minerals, between the organism of all species, etc., etc., etc.


The economic and human processes, the fluctuations of the currency, the debit and the financial credit, the exchange of goods and coins, the particular economy of each one, what each one receives and spends, etc., etc., etc., It also belongs to the Great Law of the eternal-TROGO SELF-EGOCRATIC COMMON COSMIC.


It is clear, we repeat, it is evident that, in our Solar System, the radiant star that illuminates us, is in fact the administrator of this supreme Cosmic Law. It would not be possible the functionalism of such Law violating all balance.


Now we can explain, clearly, the fundamental reason why prodigals and misers, alter the balance of payments and cause baneful consequences in the Cosmic and human balance.


 It is therefore not strange to find in the Solar antithesis, in the Fourth Dantesque Circle, the prodigal and the miser.


Q- Dear Master, you have made us an exposition in a truly transcendental exhibition, about the Fourth Dantesque Circle; informing us that spendthrift and misers dwell there.  Would it be inconvenient to explain what kind of suffering can suffer the beings who live there?


A- My friend, your question seems quite interesting to me, and I hasten to answer...


Since in the Submerged Worlds we only see results, I invite you to reflect. Ask yourself what avarice is; how a miser looks like a beggar; what it is the life of the avaricious, their illnesses, their sufferings, in what form they die.


Let's go to the other extreme. Let's think for a moment of the person who has squandered all his fortune. In what situation is it? What is the fate of their children, of their family in general? Etc., etc., etc.


In the Casino de Monte Carlo, many cases of suicide were known. Players who were left in misery, who lost their millions, committed suicide overnight. What shall we say now of these two types of people? Friends, in the infernal worlds there are only results, and these are catastrophic, terrible, frightening. In the Avernus, desperate, the prodigals and avaricious blaspheme against the Divinity; they curse, they fight against each other, they submerge in frightful despair.


Q- What I do not understand, Master, is that if the Fourth Dantesque Circle is much more dense and material than the Second, considering that the guilty of lust are the greatest sinners against the Holy Spirit, even though the prodigal and miser people commit So much harm, do not you think that the greatest punishment should be for the first?


A- Gentleman, ladies and gentlemen, I want to repeat now what emphatically clearly stated in a previous talk: "Original sin" is lust, and this serves as a foundation for all the involution, descending processes of the Nine Circles Dantesque, submerged between the entrails of our world. However, it is evident that within the total sum of all the descending processes, in each one of the Nine Natural Infra-dimensions, certain specific defects, defined, intrinsically related each one with its corresponding circle.


It is good to know, friends, ladies and young people who listen to me, that in the Fourth Circle the spendthrift and miser are perfectly defined. That is all!


Q- Master, since both as much as wastefulness and miser, in my view, directly concern the hunger of peoples and individuals; and that the Great Law of the Eternal-Trogo-self-Egocratic-Common Cosmic is related to balance, it seems to me that this can lead us directly to the problem of food, and that surely this also has to do with the suffering that the Fourth Dantesque Circle will suffer, if we do not keep a balance in the balance of our nutrition. Could you tell us something about it?


A- Distinguished gentleman who asks the question: Already in our last talk about the Third Circle we emphasized the case of gluttons. Undoubtedly, they in themselves and by themselves, violate the Law of the Eternal-Trogo-Self-Egocratic-Common Cosmic by bringing to the interior of their organisms excess of food and drink. It is clear that any violation of the Law of the Scale causes imbalance and the result is pain.


Q- Master, these beings who enter the Fourth Circle, are they only those who have already exhausted the cycle of 108 human existences?


A- Respectable lady who asks the question: Let me inform you emphatically, categorically and definitively, that everyone who enters the submerged involution of the infernal worlds, including the inhabitants of the Fourth Dantesque Circle, has in fact exhausted the cycle of 108 human existences.


However, I already said in a previous talk that there were exceptional cases. I wanted to refer specifically to the definitely perverse, to those who, due to their excessive malignity, had to enter the submerged infernal involution without having yet exhausted their cycle of existences.


Q- From the above, I come to the synthesis that in the Fourth Solar Dantesque Circle, all those who unbalance the balance of the universal economy, that is, from the purely economic point of view. Am I correct, Master?


A- Gentleman, friend, your question is correct ... Certainly you can not violate with impunity the Law of the World Economic Balance, without receiving your deserved. Law is Law, and the violation of every Law brings pain.


Q- Dear Master; When you spoke of the gluttons when dealing with the imbalance of the Balance, by analogy the same can be said of those who voluntarily, out of ignorance, lack adequate nutrition, especially because of ignorance of the Law of the Eternal-Trogo-Self-Egocratic- Common Cosmic Could we then consider that the Orthodox of the kitchen religion, that is, the vegetarians, would live in the Circle that you are dealing with in this conference?


A- Distinguished gentleman who asks the question: Let me tell you with complete clarity, that everyone is free to eat as he likes. There are unbearable vegetarians who have made food a "cooking religion", and there are also on the face of the Earth bloodthirsty carnivores, almost cannibals, that have destroyed their organism.


Of everything there is in this life, and everyone sin by the imbalance, all violate the Law of the Scale, and the result of all violation is not very pleasant.


However, it is worth repeating that everyone is free to eat as they please ... However, we must not forget the Law: If we destroy our bodies, we have to bear the consequences ...


It should be specified that there are also many vegetarians in the Abyss. However, none of them lives there for the crime of being a vegetable eater, but for many other causes and reasons.


In matters of food, let everyone eat what he wants; the important thing, I repeat, is not to break the Law. That's it!


Q- Master, could you tell us if there is any procedure or system that could teach us to have a perfect balance in the Balance?


A- Distinguished lady, it is good that you understand that your Inner Monad, your Immortal Spark, "your Father who is in secret," as the Christic Gospel said, is the eternal regulator of the TROGO-SELF-EGOCRATIC COMMON-COSMIC- process. He has power to give us and power to take us away.


If we act according to the Law, if we live in harmony with the infinite, if we learn to obey the Father who is in secret, so in Heaven as on Earth, we will never lack the daily bread. Remember the magnificent prayer of the Our Father, meditate deeply on this, listen...


Q- Master, how can we do the Will of the Father if we are asleep, if we cannot  see or hear him?


A- Madam, gentlemen, friends, the Law is written. Remember the Decalogue of Moses. Do not violate the written Commandments, live them, respect them.


If each one of those present here, if every person of good will intends to live in accordance with the Law and the prophets, will do the Will of the Father, both in Heaven and on Earth.


One day will come when the devotee of the Royal Road awakens Consciousness. Then he will be able to see the Father and receive his direct commands, and obey them consciously.


First we must respect the Written Law, and then we will know the  Commandments of the Blessed...

Q-Master, what can you tell us about the materiality and the laws that govern the Fourth Solar Dantesque Circle?


A- Respectable gentleman, friends, hear me well: The Fourth Dantesque Circle is made up by much more denser atoms than those that come to shape and structure the 3 previous circles.


It is evident that each atom of the Fourth Dark Circle carries in its belly 384 atoms of the Absolute. This specific type of atoms gives the Fourth Region Submerged, a terribly gross and material aspect, immensely heavier and more painful than that which is lived and breathed in the 3 previous circles.


However, it is not surprising to see there, in those Regions, stores, warehouses of all kinds, merchandise, cars, things of all kinds, which, after all, are just gross, crystallized mental forms, for the minds of the deceased.


I still remember a very curious case: One night of those many, within my Astral Body inside that Tenebrous Region of Tartarus, before the counter of a luxurious warehouse (mere mental form of a merchant submerged), I had to call Bael. That terrible Wizard of Darkness, dressed in a red-colored tunic and red oriental turban, came to me sitting in a car. Back, his henchmen brought him pushing his carriage. The left character, fallen Angel, luminary of the firmament in other times, looking at me with hatred, launched himself upon me, biting my right hand ... It is clear that I conjured him, and at last that phantom was lost in the darkness of the horrible Pluto`s abode .


Oh friends! One is amazed in these Regions to see so many and many exploiters of bodies and Souls. There lottery players, and cards; there many priests and hierarchs, mystics who insatiable covet the property of others.


Really, one is filled with astonishment to see so many prelates and anchorites, penitents and devotees who loved humanity despite their miserliness, live all those lost of the Fourth Region Submerged still believing that they are going very well, and most serious, is that they would never accept the concrete fact that they are going badly.

Q-Master, could you tell us if in this Fourth Dantesque Circle there are no Masters of the White Lodge , who instruct those who inhabit there with the purpose of understanding that they go wrong?


A- Hierophants of the Light, Nirmanakayas of Compassion, Splendid Kabirs, Sons of the Flame , there are them everywhere, and many of them have renounced all happiness to live in the depths of the Abyss, with the purpose of helping the decidedly lost.


Unfortunately, the inhabitants of Tartarus hate the Sons of Light, they call them perverse, they call them the "White Demons", they curse them and they would never accept the idea that they are going badly.


The decidedly lost always believe that they march on the path of Good, of Truth and of Justice.


Q- Master, could you tell us if in the Fourth Dantesque Circle there is air, fire, water, earth or what?


A- Distinguished lady, very miser people are people who have metallized too much. I invite you, then, to understand that the Fourth Circle is essentially metallic or mineral, extremely dense.


Obviously, the creatures that live in the water, the fish, do not see the element in which they live. Similarly, those who dwell in the Air Element, we do not see such an element. Likewise, those who live in the mineral element, may see mental forms, figures of stores, canteens, taverns, banks, etc., etc., but they will not see the element in which they live; this will be, for them, as transparent as air.


What shall we say now about the Water Element? Obviously it is through this element that the Eternal-Trogo-Self-Egocratic-Common Cosmic- crystallizes, making possible the reciprocal feeding of all creatures. If the Earth were left without water, if the seas dried up, if the rivers disappeared, all the creatures that inhabit the face of the Earth would die. With this, the concrete and definitive fact that water is the agent through which the Law of the Eternal-TROGO-SELF-EGOCRATIC-COMMON-COSMIC- is crystallized is fully demonstrated.


In the Fourth Dantesque Circle, the waters are black and the fundamental element, I repeat, is the mineral.


Do not the prodigal and the misir violate the Law? Do they not alter the balance of the economic balance of the peoples? Do they not alter the modus operandi of the Eternal-Trogo-Self-Egocratic-Common Cosmic-? Reflect on all this, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen...



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