SEVENTH SUBMERGED SPHERE OR OF SATURN


Friends, gathered here again, we have to talk deeply in relation to the Saturn Submerged Sphere.


We are certainly not talking about "eternal damnation" or endless punishments.


Unquestionably, eternal damnation in itself does not exist, and all punishment, however serious it may be, must have a limit, beyond which happiness reigns.


We therefore differ in relation to clerical orthodoxy in this sense, radically.


Undoubtedly, the involution processes of life, carried out between the bowels of the Earth in the Infra-Dimensions under the geological crust of our world, conclude with the Second Death , after which, released the Essence , restored the pristine purity of the Psychic Material , new processes of a completely evolutionary type have to be reinitiated.


It is, then, obvious and evident, our opposition to the dogma of an absolutely eternal condemnation.


Our way of understanding the atonement of guilt emerges, at first glance. We could never conceive that an expiatory account, no matter how serious it might be, did not finally reach an end.


It is clear that Divine Justice would never fail. All guilt, however serious it may be, has its exact expiatory mathematical equivalent; it is not possible to pay more than what is owed, and if the Divinity charged more than it should, it would obviously not be fair.


So I began our talk today, my dear friends, in the form of a preamble, before entering the Saturn Submerged Sphere, with   the unavoidable purpose that you understand our Esoteric-Occultist point of view, radically opposed to all sectarian dogmatism. Let's now, to delve a little deeper into this question of the Submerged Spheres.


In our last talk we studied the Sixth Dantesque Circle carefully, and today it is convenient that we boldly penetrate the Seventh or of Saturn.


If we carefully read Dante's "Divine Comedy," we will find such a region turned into an ocean of blood and fire.


Let us be free to say that this point of view is completely allegorical or symbolic. It is meant the concrete and definitive fact that in the aforementioned Saturnine Region, a certain reddish, bloody color prevails in a definitive way, which characterizes markedly the violent animal passion.


When we talk about colors, we must know that above the solar spectrum, in the Higher Dimensions of Nature and the Cosmos, the entire spectrum of the ultraviolet shines and that below the solar spectrum, the range of the infrared shines fatally. The latter is characteristic of the Infra-dimensions of Nature, under the geological crust of our world.

Thus, that passionate, bloody red color of the Submerged Saturnine Region could not be exhibited in our Three-dimensional World of Euclid.


Such color finds its opposite in another similar one of the ultraviolet range, on the mentioned three-dimensional region.


It is interesting to know that everyone who enters the Seventh Dantesque Circle, carries in its radiant aura the abominable blood color, which makes it certainly related to that submerged area of our planet Earth.


It is therefore the Seventh Dantesque Circle, the abode of the VIOLENT AGAINST NATURE, of VIOLENT AGAINST ART, the FRAUDULENT, the VIOLENT AGAINST GOD, the VIOLENT AGAINST THEMSELVES, against their own property or against the property of others.


Moving with the Astral Body, consciously and positively in this submerged region, I could see the violence that reigns in such a frightful zone of bitterness.


I still remember two very remarkable demons, to whom I approached diplomatically, with the purpose of not hurting susceptibilities and provoking unnecessary psychological reactions. These were pronounced against the Cosmic Christ; they denied him emphatically, feeling perversely satisfied with his miserable satanic condition.


Everywhere violence reigned; between the bloody submerged environment, they saw here, there and everywhere, unnecessary destruction, frightful blows against things, against people, against everything.


I felt as if the Saturnine influence with its definitely centrifugal forces was proposed in this region to disintegrate everything, reduce to cosmic dust people, furniture, doors, etc., etc., etc.


I was astonished to find there a very respectable creature whose eyes still hurt the soft light of day.


It was a very famous doctor, a true Samaritan who in life has only proposed to cure the sick with true love and without any exploitation...


It would be amazing what I am saying. Many could object saying: "How is it possible that being a good one is going to give to the Region of the bad guys?" One could also argue about the question of life and death: That good lord of yore, obviously, still lives, still encourages under the Sun; So, why does he dwell in the Seventh Dantesque Circle?


It is necessary to respond to such enigmas, to clarify, to investigate with precision, to inquire, to investigate.


If we think of the multiplicity of the ego, it is not strange that any of these Psychic Attachments related to the crime of Violence against Nature, is living in its corresponding submerged region, although the Personality still lives on the face of the Earth.


Obviously, if this doctor does not dissolve the pluralized I, he will descend with the involution wave among the bowels of the world, to stand out especially in the Seventh Dantesque Circle (there is much virtue in the wicked and there is much evil in the virtuous).

After the cycle of the 108 existences that are assigned to all Soul on the face of the Earth, it is unquestionable that it descends with the involution surge, even when there are beautiful virtues.


It does not hurt to remember now Brunetto Latini, that noble lord who with so much love taught, to Dante Florentino, the road that leads to the Immortality of man. Noble creature submerged in that Abyss for the crime of Rape against Nature.


Q- Master, could you explain to us when we commit the crime of Violence against Nature?


A- With the greatest pleasure I hasten to respond to the lady who asked the question ... There is Violence against Nature when we violate the sexual organs. There is such a crime when a man forces his wife to perform intercourse, not being able to do so.


There is such a crime when the woman forces the man to perform intercourse, not being willing to do so.


There is such a crime when the man is self-obligated to violate himself, to perform intercourse, not finding his body in suitable conditions for it.


There is such a crime when the woman is self-obligated to perform the copulation, not finding her body in really favorable conditions.


There is such a crime in those who commit the crime of rape, possession of another person against the will of the same.


Since among the cadences of the verse the crime is also hidden, it is not surprising that Violence against Nature is committed when the Phallus is forced to enter into an erection, the latter not being found in really favorable conditions for intercourse.


There is Violence against Nature when, under the pretext of practicing Sexual Magic, or even with the best intentions of Self-Realization, the man is forced to perform the Chemical Copula or force his wife for this purpose, not finding the creator organs in the precise moment of love and in favorable harmonious conditions, indispensable for intercourse.


There is Violence against Nature in those ladies who need Intimate Self-Realization, they violate their own Nature, self-obligating themselves mercilessly to perform copulation, certainly not being in the conditions required for it.


There is violence against nature in masturbators, or in those who perform the chemical copulation while the woman with menstruation.


Violence against Nature exists when the spouses perform sexual union when the woman is pregnant.


There is Violence against Nature when Vajroli Mudra of strong type is practiced, several times a day or at night, not finding the sexual organs in really favorable and harmonious conditions.


There is violence against Nature when Sexual Magic is practiced twice in a row, violating the Laws of Magnetic Creator Pause.


Q- Master, in the event that the spouse does not have the full potential and is practicing Sexual Magic, is she does not violating the  Nature also?


A- With the greatest pleasure I hasten to give an answer to the gentleman who asks the question. It happens that the unused organ atrophies; if someone, if any male abstains radically and absolutely, it is ostensible that he would harm himself, because he would become impotent.


Obviously, if such a man wanted to be cured of such a nefarious bad, he could do it by practicing Sexual Magic: Connecting the Phallus and the Uterus without ejaculating the Semen.


It is clear that in principle such a connection would be almost impossible, due precisely to the lack of Phallus erection. However, when trying to do so, bringing the Phallus closer to the Uterus with mutual exchange of caresses, there is no Violation against Nature, but erotic medical therapy, indispensable for such a cure.


In principle, this class of patients can use some clinical medical treatment, based on the advice of the Doctor, with the purpose of precisely achieving the first sexual connections.


It is ostensible that if the couple withdraws before the orgasm to avoid the ejaculation of the semen, the latter is reabsorbed in the body fortifying the Sexual System extraordinarily, whose result is exactly the cure.


Throughout this process, I repeat, there is no Violation against Nature.


Q- Master, when you talk about Violence against Nature, does it refer exclusively to the violence of the human organism?


A- Distinguished friend, I want you to know, clearly and definitively, that when we talk about Violence against Nature, we are emphatically referring to all types of sexual violence, clearly specifying the sexual organs of human beings.


I do not mean by this that there are no other types of violence against Natura. If someone forced, for example, the inferior creatures of Nature to perform artificial copulations by violating free will, there would be Violence against Nature; If someone artificially inseminated animals, as is the custom today, there would be Violence against Nature


There is Violence against Nature when we adulterate, or when we adulterate vegetables and fruits with the famous grafts or genetically that have been invented by the wise men of this Black Age of Kali-Yuga.


There is Violence against Nature when we are castrated or when we castrate the beasts.


Therefore, there are innumerable crimes that fall into this order of Violence against Nature.


Oh, friends! Gentlemen and ladies who listen to me, people who receive this Christmas Message, remember that the incense of the temples also hides the crime; the beautiful paintings that the painter embodies in his canvases also hides the crime; Among the most delicious harmonies with which the musician delights us here on this planet Earth, crime also hides; that between the perfume of the prayer that whispers delicious in the temples, also the crime hides.


The crime is dressed as Holy, as Martyr, as an Apostle, and although it may seem incredible, he disguises himself with priestly vestments and officiates at the altars.


Remember friends, ladies and gentlemen, to Guido Guerra, quoted by Dante, grandson of the pudgy Gualdrata, noble lord who during his life did so much with his talent and with his sword.


Remember also Tegghiaio Aldobrandi, whose voice should be grateful in the world; noble men who now live in this Seventh Infernal Circle, for the crime of Violence against Nature.


Q- Master, if we disintegrate the ego of Violence against Nature or almost all the "I's" that have bottled our Essence, but we have one, will we also fall into any of these Dantesque Circles?


A- Distinguished lady, I am glad your question, which is very timely...Someone could eliminate from his psyche those Psychic Attachments related to the crime of Violence against Nature, and, however, fall into any of the other Dantesque Circles. As long as the Animal Ego exists in us, it is obvious that we are safe candidates for the Abyss and the Second Death.

Q- Master, if we have already reached the last of the 108 existences that are assigned to every human being, and we are working on the Path of the Razor's Edge, would they give us another opportunity to finish our work?


A- Noble lady, I am very pleased to hear it ... Know, with complete clarity, that the Laws of Nature are not governed by tyrants, but by Just and Perfect Beings.


If someone, despite having completed his cycle of 108 existences, enters the Path of the Razor's Edge and disincarnates while on the Real Path, it will obviously be helped by assigning him new existences with the purpose of achieving his Intimate Self-Realization; but if he deviated from the Secret Way, if he reneged, if he did not dissolve the Ego and relapse into his own crimes, he would inevitably fall into the Abyss of Perdition.


Q- From the foregoing in the course of this lecture, I come to the conclusion that once we have to involute in the Atomic Abysses of Nature, we are really inhabitants of all the Dantesque Circles of our planetary organism. Am I correct, Master?


A- I want to tell the gentleman who asks the question, who is certainly right. When someone enters the Submerged Involution of Nature, it descends in time, slowly, from circle to circle, highlighting very especially in that area where his worst crime is specifically located.




Q- Master, do lesbians and homosexuals come like this because of Karmic Law, or does the offspring of those children have a relationship as hereditary? Which of the two factors prevails?


A- I listen to the question that an International Gnostic Missionary asks, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is good to know that those Humanoids who in previous lives rushed violently down the path of sexually degeneration, obviously getting from existence to existence, they finally become homosexuals or lesbians before entering the infernal worlds.


It is, therefore, lesbianism and homosexuality the result of degeneration in previous lives, fatal Karmic consequence ... That's it!


Q- Master, if a lesbian or homosexual for a moment achieves knowledge of his punishment, by the Karma of his degeneration, and asked the Law for help, could this grant him the grace to return to his normal state, or not? Or has not the enough strength to ask for this benefit?


R- Gentlemen, ladies, there is a proverb that says: "To God begging and with the mallet giving". The Divine Mercy is next to Justice, but "works are loves and not good reasons".


If any of those degenerates of the Infra-Sex really repented, that demonstrates it with concrete, clear and definitive facts; to immediately marry a person of the opposite sex, and to really get in the way of authentic and legitimate Sexual Regeneration...


That this type of person clamor, pray and beg is correct; but he must do it, demonstrate your repentance with deeds. Only in this way is salvation possible for this class of creatures.


However, it is very difficult for homosexuals and lesbians to have courage, a true desire to excel.

Undoubtedly, in these people, in whom certain areas of the brain no longer work, rotten seeds, where it is almost impossible to find a yearning for regeneration.


Some subjects of this class have made their crime a mystic disguised in holiness; these last exponents of human rot are even worse and more dangerous.


We should not, then, create illusions about these people; they are lost cases, outright failures.


Q- Master, according to that, those who reject the opposite sex, do they have lost all hope of Realization, or is there any open door?


A- Distinguished friend, listen: Infra-sexualism is symbolized in Ancient Kabbalah by the two women of Adam: Lilith and Nahemah.


Lilit in itself, frankly allegorizes the most monstrous of sexual degeneration.


In Lilith's Sphere we find many hermits, anchorites, monks and cloistered nuns who mortally hate sex.


We also find in the aforementioned sphere, all those women who take abortifacients and who kill their newly born creatures.


Another aspect of the Lilit Sphere corresponds to pedophiles, homosexuals and lesbians.


Unquestionably, both those who reject sex violently and those who abuse it by falling into homosexuality and lesbianism, are lost cases, terribly evil creatures; for this class of entities "all doors are closed, except one: that of repentance".


The Sphere of Nahemah is represented by another type of Violent against Nature: unredeemed fornicators, fornicators of the abomination, etc., people who are very well defined in the Don Juan Tenorio or Casanova type, and even the Devil type, who It is the worst of the worst.


Ladies and gentlemen, let's continue talking a little about Violence against God ... When we get to this part of our talk, I want to remember Capaneo, the old man from Crete, one of the seven Kings who besieged Thebes, and who now lives in the Seventh Submerged Zone or Saturn, under the geological crust of our earth.


Dante Florentino, disciple of Virgil the great poet of Mantua, in his "Divine Comedy" cites this terrible case related to that particular subject.


That shadow shouted: "As I was in life, I am after death." Even when Jupiter tired his blacksmith, from whom he took, in his anger, the sharp beam that wounded me on the last day of my life, even when one of after another to all the black workers of the Mongibello, shouting: Help me, help me, good Vulcan! As he did in the battle of Flegra, and shoot me with all his might, he could not get revenge on me fully "...


The ARROGANCE and the PRIDE of the Violent against the Divine, is in the Seventh Infra-dimension Submerged the worst torture.


There is Violence against the Divinity, when we do not obey the superior orders, when we attempt against our own life, when we blaspheme wrathful.


There are many subtle ways of Violence against the Divine. Undoubtedly, the Violent against God is the one who does not want anything with Mystical or Spiritual matters, the one who supposes that he can exist without the Divine Mercy, and that in the depths of his Soul he revolts against everything that smells Divinity...


There is Violence against God in that self-sufficient subject who smiles stupidly and in a skeptical way when he hears issues that in some way have to do with the Spiritual Aspects of life.

There is violence against God in the "scoundrels of the intellect", in those wiseacre who deny all spiritual possibility to man; in those who believe they have monopolized Universal Knowledge; in the paragon of Wisdom; in the "ignorant illustrated" who not only ignore, but also ignore that they ignore; in the iconoclasts that make a clean sweep when they analyze religious principles, but leave their henchmen without a new spiritual basis. There is Violence against God in the Leninist Marxists, pseudo-sapient that have taken from humanity the Spiritual Values.


I am reminded in these moments, a meeting in the Submerged Worlds with Karl Marx...


I found him in those Tenebrous Regions. That subject had awakened in evil and for evil; however, he was a fallen Bodhisattva.

Lenin followed him like a shadow, unconscious, profoundly asleep...


I questioned Marx with the following words:


- "Many years ago you disembodied, your body became dust among the grave and yet I find it alive in these Regions, so what was your Materialist Dialectic?"


That subject, looking at the pulse clock on his wrist, did not dare to give me any answer, turned his back and withdrew; but a few meters away, he gave a sarcastic, horrifying laugh...


Through intuition I managed to capture the living essence of such laughter; in it was the answer that we could summarize with the following sentence: "That dialectic was no more than a farce, a dish to deceive incautious"...


It is curious to know that when Karl Marx disincarnated, he received religious funeral honors from Grand Rabbi.


In the "First Communist International", Karl Marx stood up saying: "Gentlemen, I am not Marxist". There was then amazement among the attendees, shouts, screams and from it many political sects were born: Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Anarchists, Anarcho-Syndicalists, etc., etc. So, it is interesting to know that the first enemy of Marxism was Karl Marx.


In a Parisian magazine we can read the following: "Through the triumph of the world proletariat we will create the Universal Soviet Socialist Republic, with capital in Jerusalem, and we will take possession of all the riches of the nations so that the prophecies of our Holy Prophets of the Talmud will be fulfilled".


Certainly, these cannot be phrases of a materialist, nor of any atheist; Marx was a Jewish religious fanatic.


I do not want to criticize political matters in this talk; I am referring emphatically to essentially Occultist issues.


Karl Marx, certainly moved by religious fanaticism, invented a destructive weapon to reduce to cosmic dust all the religions of the world. Such a weapon is, beyond all doubt, a "jargon" that would never resist a thorough analysis. I refer to the Materialist Dialectic.


The "scoundrels of the intellect" know very well that for the elaboration of such a lying dish, of such a farce, Marx used the Metaphysical Dialectic of Hegel.


Evidently, he stripped this work of all the Metaphysical Principles that gave its author, and with it he elaborated his dish. It is worth repeating in this talk, that Marx, as the author of such a lie, of such a farce, of such a communist dialectic, never believed in it, and therefore he had no problem in confessing his feelings in full assembly exclaiming: "Gentlemen, I am not a Marxist."


Undoubtedly this man, only fulfilled one of "The Protocols of the Sages of Zion" which says: "It does not matter that we have to fill the world with materialism and disgusting atheism, the day we succeed, we will teach the Religion of Moses universally , coded and dialectically, and we will not allow any other religion in the world "...


I do not want to condemn any particular race with this; I am referring, frankly, to some Semitic characters with Machiavellian plans. These are the Marx, the Lenin, the Stalin, etc., etc., etc.


From a rigorously Occultist point of view, I could see that the aforementioned fallen Bodhisattva fought for Divinity in his own way, using a cunning weapon to destroy other religions.


Marx was a Priest, a Rabbi of the Jewish Religion, a faithful devotee of the doctrine of his ancestors.


What is astonishing is the credulity of the fools, who, believing themselves to be erudite, fall into the skeptical trap set by Karl Marx.

These naive Marxist-Leninist Materialist Dialectics, obviously turn into Violent against Divinity, and for that reason they enter the Seventh Dantesque Circle.


Q- Venerable Master, in the Masonic Order to which I belong, it is said that Religion helps man to die well and that Masonry helps man to live well; therefore, I believe that most of the Masons I know do not know what religion is and confuse it with something totally negative. Since we are dealing with violence against God, would you like to give us the correct concept of what "religion" means?


A- Good friend who asks the question, dear sir, people who listen to me, "religion" comes from the Latin word "religare", which means to re-link the Soul with God.


Masonry is not properly a Religion; it is rather a Universal type Confraternity. However, it would be highly recommended that this worthy institution study the "Science of Religion ".


In no way do we suggest that someone affiliate with this or that school; everyone is free to think as they wish. We only limit ourselves to advise the study of the Science of Religion.


The latter is precisely Gnosticism in its purest form, Divine-type Wisdom, Profound Analytic Esotericism, Transcendental Occultism.


Q- Let me insist, dear Master; since I have heard in some talk within the Gnostic Teaching , that the Universe was created by seven Masonic Lodges, and this undoubtedly linked the Primordial Masonry with the Father; reason why I have the concept that, in synthesis, Masonry is the common denominator of all religions, and therefore comes from the Gnosis. Would you like to clarify this?


A- Dear sir, those who have studied deeply the Masonry of a Ragon or Leadbeater, know very well that Esoteric Masonry, Hidden, existed not only under the porticoes of the Temple of Jerusalem, but also in ancient Egypt and the submerged Atlantis Unfortunately, that honorable Institution entered the involution circle, descending, with the Age of Kali-Yuga or Iron Age in which we are currently.


However, it is evident that in the future Sixth Great Race will have a brilliant mission to fulfill, precisely when the powerful Esoteric Civilizations of the past shall resurrected.


We do not deny the Divine origin of such Institution. We already know that the Seven Cosmocrats officiated with Holy Liturgy at the dawn of the Great Day, when they impregnated the Chaotic Matter so that life could arise.


From century to century, through the different "Cosmic Rounds", the "Workshops" became denser and denser, until finally reaching the state in which they are currently located.


We recommend the Freemason Brothers, study in depth the Solomon's Esotericism and the Divine Wisdom of the Land of the Pharaohs.


It is necessary, it is urgent that the Masonic Brothers do not fall into the Marxist-Leninist skepticism, dialectic of fools, do not pronounce against the Divinity, because this, besides being contrary to an Esoteric Order of Divine origin, would inevitably lead them to the Seventh Dantesque Circle, tenebrous region of the Violent against God.


Q- Venerable Master, how is the specific case of some Gnostics who, believing to be identified with the Doctrine of the Christ, are also identified with the opposite party that is Marxist atheism?


A- Distinguished gentleman, it happens that do not cease to exist in occult or esoteric type currents, some sincere elements that truly yearn to work for a better world.


It is unquestionable that these, poisoned by red propaganda and wishing to create here in the Western World the "Soviet Paradise", work with enthusiasm to achieve the total realization of that great longing.


They are sincere wrong and people of magnificent intentions, but wrong. Remember that the path that leads to the Abyss is paved with good intentions.


If these subjects lived for a time as workers in the Soviet Union, I am sure that upon returning to this region of the Western World, they would be rabidly anti-Communist...


It is very interesting to know that in the Western Hemisphere there are more communists than in the Soviet Union. What happens is that there, behind the iron curtain, people already know the communist reality, they have lived it, and therefore, they cannot be deceived by the red propaganda. On the other hand, since we still do not have a Marxist-Leninist government, the red agitators can play with the unwary, in the same way that the cat plays with the mouse before devouring it.


From a strictly Esoteric point of view, we can emphatically affirm the following: In the Submerged Worlds, in the Tenebrous Regions of the Seventh Dantesque Infra-dimension, the Communists wear black robes. They are truly characters of the "Left Hand", priests of Black Magic.


I will conclude by saying: The Venerable Grand White Lodge has qualified Marxism-Leninism as authentic and legitimate Black Magic.


Those who have seen the Secret Way that leads to Final Liberation, could not be military in the ranks of the Left Hand without falling, for that reason, in the crime of Violence against God.


Q- Dear Master, although we all know what fraud is and we always relate it to things of an economic nature, covers all types of frauds this crime that is purged in the Seventh Dantesque Circle?


A- Friends, there are many forms of fraud, and it is good to clarify all this. The Dante symbolizes the fraud with a horrifying tenebrous image. Dante depicts the monster of fraud in the following way: "His face was that of a righteous man, so good was his appearance, the outside, and the rest of the body that of a poisonous viper." He had two abominable faces, full of hair up to the armpits, and the back, the chest and the sides, so surrounded by bows, that there has not been turkish cloth or tartara so rich in colors, not being able to compare also to those of the fabrics of Aracena "...


Dante says that "in the tail of that figure there was a terrible sting" (this symbol expresses very well the crime of fraud). Let us think for a moment about the various colored bonds with which the fraudulent wraps his victim; in the venerable face with which the fraudulent ones appear; in its poisonous viper body, in its horrible claws, and in the sting with which they hurt its victims...


The types of fraud are so varied that one is really surprised. There is fraud in the one who forms an Esoteric Circle and then abandons it.

There is fraud in the one who opens a Lumisial and then puzzles him with his crimes: Already falling in love with the other woman, seducing for the purpose of practicing Sexual Magic, committing adultery in secret, wishing the Isis of the Temple, exploiting the brothers of the Shrine, promising what he cannot fulfill, preaching what he does not practice, doing the opposite of what he teaches, scandalizing, drinking alcohol before the amazement of the devotees, etc., etc., etc.


There is fraud in the man who promises a woman marriage and does not keep his word; in the woman who gives the word to man and then disappoints him by falling in love with another man; in the father of a family that promises to the son or daughter such and such a gift, this or that help and that does not fulfill its promise, etc., etc., etc. All these forms of fraud are Violence against the Father; that is why Dante allegorizes them with the frightful monster with a venerable face.

 There is fraud in the individual who borrows and does not return the money; there is fraud in the lottery and gambling vendors, because the victims, convinced that they can win, lose their money and feel cheated.

Q- Venerable Master, we understand that the Seventh Dantesque Circle is denser than all the previous ones, so we would like to explain the material constitution of this infra-dimension.


A- Friends, the Seventh or Submerged Region of Saturn is of an amazing material density, because each atom in that submerged region has 672 atoms of the Absolute in its belly.


Obviously, this specific type of atoms is too heavy, and for this reason the Seventh Region Submerged is too gross and painful.


Since the same number of Laws (672) govern that dark submerged zone under the geological crust of our world, life becomes unbearable, extremely difficult, terribly complicated and frightfully violent.


Q- Master, I would like to know if the element or elements in which the inhabitants of that Circle move is not seen by them either and if they think that they are also doing very well.


A- Honorable friends, I want you to know that that cavernary region of our planet is a mixture of ore and fire.


However, there the flames are only known for their effects, for the violence, for the rough instinctive and brutal blows, etc.


I repeat what I said at the beginning of this talk: What Dante symbolized with blood is exclusively the bloody color of sexual violence in the aura of the lost, and in the infrahuman atmosphere of that area.


Undoubtedly, an inhabitant of that Saturnine Region would never think of himself as something bad. They always suppose that they march on the path of Righteousness and Justice. Some of these know that they are demons, but they self-console with the idea that all human beings are.


But those who do not ignore that they are demons, would never admit the idea that they are evil, because they firmly believe that they are good people, just and righteous.


If someone rebuked them for their crimes, if they were admonished, if they were called to repentance, they would be offended, slandered and react with acts of violence.

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