Distinguished friends, today March 19, 1973, 11th year of Aquarius, we met to finalize these talks that unquestionably will have to be published as a book for the good of the Great Cause.
In conclusion, I want to emphasize the need to directly experience all that we have explained.
"The Experience of the Real" is the cardinal and definitive for the Creative Understanding.
The time has come to understand, with complete clarity, that we certainly have a definitive psychological factor, through which it is possible to verify what we have said in all these meetings.
I want to refer with great solemnity to the very basis of our Psychic Organization, to that element that has not yet been lost: The Essence.
It is indubitable that in it, in the Consciousness, there is the Buddha, the Doctrine, the Religion and the Wisdom.
Synthesizing, we can affirm that in the Essence, in the Consciousness, the essential data for the Regeneration, the Intimate Self-Realization and the complete experience of everything that we have said in these talks are deposited.
This means that if in this primary element the primordial foundation of all our Psychic Organization, are the basic principles of Regeneration , obviously, the first thing we must do is destroy, annihilate, that Second Nature of hellish type, within which the Essence is imprisoned .
It is clear and evident that when you set free the Essence, when it is released, it awakens radically.
The advantages that the cited event can really provide us, as you see, are multiple.
The first of these advantages is magnificent in itself, because it has the ability to guide us fundamentally, guiding our steps wisely through the Path of the Razor's Edge, which will lead us to the Final Liberation.
The second of these advantages leads us on the path of the various Direct Experiences until the total verification of each and every one of the affirmations we have made in these talks.
Integral illumination, luminous experience, practical confirmation, is the modus operandi of the un-bottled Essence, awakened, Self-Conscious.
Complete annihilation of all the Undesirable Elements that constitute the Myself, the Self, is beyond all doubt, something that not can be put off, cannot be postponed.
We need to learn to voluntarily direct all the functionalisms of our Psyche. It is not good that we continue to become slaves; we must become masters and lords of themselves.
As the Undesirable Elements are being eliminated, Consciousness wakes up. However, we need to become serious, because until now we have not been serious people.
Each one of us, at present, is nothing more than a log between the raging waves of the sea of existence. I repeat: We need to become serious; this affirmation implies frightening Self-Surveillance from moment to moment, from instant to instant.
Remember what we have already said in previous talks: In relation with our fellow one, the defects that we carry hidden emerge spontaneously, and if we are alert and vigilant as the lookout in time of war, then we discover them. In all Self-Discovery there is also Self-Revelation. Defect discovered must be rigorously analyzed, studied in all levels of the mind, and comprehended in its entirety through the various processes of Deep Internal Meditation.
A little later, and having fully understood the defect that we have analyzed, the supplications come to Devi Kundalini, our Particular Divine Cosmic Mother, with the purpose of eliminating and disintegrating the defect in question.
The work is very deep, my dear brothers, terrifyingly serious, too deep.
Only in this way is it possible to eradicate, eradicate from our psyche many undesirable, infrahuman, tenebrous elements, within which the Essence is imprisoned.
As Consciousness awakens, the possibilities of Direct Experimentation become increasingly lucid and continuous. First of all, my dear friends, I want you to learn to handle, practically, the different flashes of Awakening Consciousness.
In practical life we can carefully note the concrete fact that all people live with the Consciousness asleep.
In these moments, memories of something unusual come to my mind. Some 17 or 18 years ago, when I found myself in a market in the Federal Colony with my Litelantes-Priestess Wife, at a time when we demanded a watch that she had sent to compose in a watchmaker's shop, we were suddenly shaken by a violent explosion of dynamite.
Litelantes, horrified, asked me to return home immediately. It is obvious that my answer was frankly negative; I did not want to expose our lives to a second explosion that I knew was about to happen. Their pleas were useless ... In such moments the sirens and bells of the firemen resounded.
Those humble and martyred servants of humanity, rushed to the site of the explosions ... "Of all these firefighters who had just entered the theater of events, none will be saved, they will die". Such were my words.
Litelantes, horrified, kept silent. Moments later, a second explosion shook Mexico City terribly...
The result was the death of all those humble servants. They disintegrated automatically, because the corpses were not found, only the boot of a sergeant was found around.
I frankly was amazed at the degree of Unconsciousness in which such firefighters were. If they had been "awake," they would not have perished.
I still remember the crying of the women who fled from that market, and of the children who, horrified, clung to the skirts of their mothers.
If I had not been "awake", obviously I would have perished, because in the place where I had to take the bus, so indispensable to return home, hundreds of people died.
I have not yet been able to forget so many corpses that, lying on the edge of the sidewalk of the street, lay covered with newspaper. Unquestionably, those victims were due to curiosity...
It was curious, unconscious people, "asleep", that after the first explosion had come to the scene to watch the show.
They would never have come as curious people to the scene. Unfortunately, they slept soundly; that's how they found death.
When we returned home, our neighbors were alarmed; They supposed we had died.
Certainly they were amazed that despite being so close to the place of the catastrophe we could still come back alive. That is the advantage of being "awake."
You have to wake up, friends, and learn to live alerts from moment to moment, from instant to instant. It is unpostponable to always divide the attention into three parts:
3rd- PLACE
SUBJECT: Do not forget about yourself, Self-Watch in every second, in every moment. This implies the state of Alert in relation to our thoughts, gestures, actions, emotions, habits, words, etc., etc., etc.
OBJECT: Thorough observation of all those objects or representations that reach the mind through the senses. Never identify with things because this is how one falls into the fascination and the dream of Consciousness.
PLACE: Daily observation of our house, of our bedroom, as if it were something new; ask ourselves daily: Why have I come here, to this place, to this market, to this office, to this temple, etc., etc., etc.?
These three aspects of the Division of Attention, at any time constitute a separate chapter, or something different from the process of the dissolution of the ego.
Unquestionably we need Self-Study, Self-Observing from moment to moment, if we really want to discover our own Psychological Defects; for, as we have already said, in relation to our fellowmen, the hidden defects arise spontaneously, naturally.
It is not merely about being Self-Observing the steps we take, nor the forms of the body, etc.
Self-monitoring involves the silent and serene study of all our Intimate Psychological Processes: Emotions, passions, thoughts, words, etc., etc., etc.
The observation of things without identification will allow us to know the processes of greed, attachment, ambition, etc., etc., etc. It is irrefutable that a greedy person will have a hard time not identifying with a diamond ring, or with a few bank notes, etc., etc.
The observation of the places will allow us to know how far our attachments and fascinations reach in relation to different places.
It is thus, this triple play of attention, a complete exercise for Self-Discovering and Awakening Consciousness...
I was still very young, a tender adolescent, when I instinctively practiced the wonderful exercise cited here.
In moments when I talk to you about this, I am reminded of two special cases that I am going to relate...
First: One night of so many entered through the doors of a wonderful mansion; silent I went through a beautiful garden to reach a lavish room. Moved by an inner impulse, I passed a little further and penetrated boldly into a lawyer's office.
Before the office I found a lady of regular height, with a gray head, a pale face, a thin lip, and a blunt nose.
It was that lady of respectable appearance and medium height. His body was not very thin, but not too fat. His look seemed rather melancholy and serene.
In a sweet and gentle voice, the lady invited me to take a seat at the desk. In such instants, something unusual happens: I see on the desk two glass butterflies that had a life of their own, moved their wings, breathed, looked, etc., etc., etc. The case, by the way, seemed too exotic and rare: Two glass butterflies, and with a life of their own?
Accustomed as I was to dividing attention into three parts, first, I did not forget myself; second, I did not identify with those glass butterflies; third, I carefully observed the place.
When contemplating such glass animals I said to myself: "This cannot be a phenomenon of the Physical World, because in Euclid's Three - dimensional Region I have never known glass butterflies with their own life, unquestionably, this can be a phenomenon of the Astral World "
I then looked around and asked myself the following questions: "Why am I in this place? Why have I come here? What am I doing here?"
Turning to the lady, I spoke to her in the following way:
- "Madam, allow me to go out for a moment to the garden, which I will return later". The lady nodded and I left the office for a moment.
Outside, in the garden, I gave a long jump with the intention of floating in the surrounding environment; Great was my astonishment when I verified by myself that I was really outside the Physical Body. Then I understood that I was in Astral.
In such moments, I remembered that for a long time, several hours had left my Physical Body that this, unquestionably, was now resting in his bed.
After the singular verification, I returned to the office where the lady awaited me. Then I wanted to convince her that I was outside the Physical Body.
- "Madam," I said, "you and I are outside the Physical Body, I want you to remember that a few hours ago you went to sleep in bed, now you are here talking with me outside your Physical Body, because it is known that when the Body sleeps, the Consciousness, the Essence, unfortunately stuck between the Ego, walks out of the Corporeal Vehicle ".
Saying all these words, the lady looked at me with the eyes of a sleepwalker, but did not understand; I understood that that lady had the Consciousness asleep...
Not wanting to insist more, I said goodbye to her and left the place. Then I went to California, with the purpose of carrying out some important research...
On the way, I found a disembodied man who in life had been a heavy bulker in the public markets; the unfortunate, carrying on his back an enormous bundle, seemed to suffer the unspeakable ... Approaching the deceased, I said:
- "My friend, what's wrong with him? Why do you carry that heavy burden on your aching back?" The unfortunate man, looking at me with sleepwalking eyes, answered:
-"I am working".
- "But sir," I insisted, "you have already died a long time ago, that load that you carry on your back is just a mental form, abandon that"...
Everything was useless; that poor dead man did not understand me; he had his Consciousness too asleep...
Wanting to help him, I floated around him in the surrounding environment with the purpose of alarming him, of making him understand that something strange was happening in his existence; to let him know in some way that he was dead, etc., etc., but everything was useless.
Subsequently, after the rigorous investigations, I returned to my Physical Vehicle that lay asleep between the bed.
Q- Master, do you mean that there is no possibility of Direct Experience, as you have stated in your talks, without the dissolution of the Psychological Defects?
A-I will answer carefully this question that comes out of the auditorium ... Gentleman, friends, ladies who listen to me, Direct Experience is associated with the percentages of Awakening Consciousness.
Normally, people have only 3% of awakened Consciousness, and 97% of Sub-consciousness or Asleep Consciousness.
Unquestionably, when you get to possess 4 or 5% of awakened Consciousness, the first flashes of Direct Experience begin.
Distinguish between "flashes" and "total plenitude", which are different.
Someone who owns, for example, a 10% awareness Awake, therefore, will have a higher percentage of lucidity than those who have a 4 or 5%.
In any case, as the Essence is released, as the Ego begins to dissolve, the capacity for direct investigation will also increase in a progressive and orderly manner.
The exercise of the Division of Attention in three parts, as we have explained in this talk, will allow us to demonstrate the degree of acquired Consciousness to the point of satiety.
I have taught, here, doctrine and procedures to Awaken Consciousness. I have given the system effective to intelligently use the acquired Consciousness percentages.
When the Ego has been radically annihilated, the Consciousness is fully awake; in these circumstances we can descend at will within the infernal worlds with the purpose of seeing, hearing, touching and feeling the harsh reality of such submerged regions.
This type of research, being so much progress, it is only possible to perform to satisfaction with an Absolutely Awakening Consciousness.
Q- Master, you spoke to us of two advantages that come from the Essence , being the first one that guides us to live properly and the second that allows us the Direct Experience. In the experience he had in the market of the Federal Colony, due to a tremendous explosion, which of the two faculties of the Essence was the one that allowed him to save his life?
A- Noble sir, Be allowed to inform you that the second of such qualities of Consciousness, that of Direct Experience , allowed me to know in advance the event that was going to happen, which was the death of such firemen.
Q- Master, could you explain to us what is the difference between what are the Projections of the Mind and the Real Experiences?
A- With the greatest pleasure I will give an answer to this new question from the audience ... Let me inform you, ladies and gentlemen, that the Mental Projections are completely subjective, very different, of course, from the Real Experiences that They are objective type.
In the first case, the mind projects what it has subconsciously elaborated, and identified with such projections, it falls into the fascination and dreams proper to the Unconscious.
In the second case, the mind has exhausted the process of thinking, does not project, is open to the new, receptive without identification and in the absence of all fascination and all dreaming process.
I am going to illustrate this answer with a supersensible story: Finding myself outside my Physical Body, in moments when he slept soundly in the bed, I summoned a certain disembodied person who in life was a family member, by the way, nearby.
The deceased appeared dressed in a certain gray suit that he wore during his life; he came laughing alone, he really looked like a sleepwalker, he talked nonsense (something he had heard from someone) ... Useless were my attempts to be recognized: The unhappy man slept soundly ... Certainly he did not see me; deep down, truly, he perceived only his own mental forms, and laughed like a madman of tying, like an idiot.
Here are two aspects that come to clarify then, the question in question. The deceased one projected his own mental forms, dreamed of them, was absolutely fascinated with them and did not even notice me.
In the second case, I was completely conscious, awake, I knew that my Physical Body had fallen asleep between the bed, I did not project, I had exhausted the process of thinking, I opened myself to the new, I received the disembodied, I investigated, I realized of the deplorable state in which he was ...
With such a story I have illustrated, then, the question that has come out of the audience.
Q- Venerable Master, in relation to the exercise of the Division of Attention in three parts that is done here in the Physical World, how can it affect the Astral World if they are two totally different worlds?
A- My friends, if we observe the life of normal, ordinary dreams, we can see the concrete fact that many scenes of the dream correspond to the occurrences of daily life, to the events that we have lived here in the World Physical, to the acts of each moment.
As a direct consequence of what we are affirming, we can emphasize the news that the exercise of the Division of Attention in three parts, is also repeated as in the case of dreams, in those hours when the Essence bottled between the Ego find out of the Physical Body.
I believe that you do not ignore that when the Body sleeps, the Essence, bottled up among the Myself, moves away from the Physical Body.
So, if we get used to practicing such an exercise here in the Physical World, from moment to moment and from instant to instant, then we will repeat it instinctively during the hours of sleep and the result will be the Awakening of Consciousness. Then we can see, hear, touch and feel everything in these talks we have been saying in relation to Hell, the Devil and Karma.
As the Ego dissolves, the Consciousness will awaken more and more, and this we will be able to demonstrate through the exercise of the Division of Attention in three parts.
Absolutely dissolved the Ego, the exercise taught here will allow us to use the Consciousness, on a voluntary basis, for the investigation of the Great Realities.
Q-Master, how could the difference between the Real and the Unreal, the Illusion of the True, the Objective of the Subjective, be made accessible to the understanding of the common people?
A- An interesting question has come out of the audience, and it is clear that I hasten to give an answer.
My friends, some nights ago we were watching some scientific news on television...
Through various representations of the screen was the public informed about experiments that scientists of today are doing with the brain.
By connecting certain nodes to the brain, scientists can control the various sections of the brain. In these conditions, the Human Machine can be handled by means of waves, and this is already absolutely proven.
Experiments were also carried out in the bullring: A scientist, by means of such a system, was able to stop the bull, to make him desist from the attack in instants in which he just made the luck with the cape.
With this it has been perfectly demonstrated that every organism is a machine capable of being controlled like any other.
In the case of the humanoid machine, it is obvious that the various inhuman Psychic Attaches, which succeeding each other, control in different times the various cerebral areas, completely replace the brain nodules, waves and automatic machines through which Scientists can control brains.
In other words, we will say that scientists, at certain moments, through their electrical systems, play the same role as Psychic Aggregates, that is, they demonstrate the reality of such Aggregates through the role they play.
Someone has to control the brain to perform acts. It is controlled by the Psychic Attachments or controlled by scientists through special electrical systems.
In any case, the investigations completely confirm what we say: The intellectual humanoid is an unconscious, automatic, subconscious machine.
How could an unconscious machine accept that it is asleep? How could such a machine claim that the world is maya, illusion, etc.?
The humanoid machine, by the very fact of being a machine, dreams, but ignores that it dreams, denies that it dreams, firmly believes that it is awake, and would never accept the thesis that it is asleep. The automatic and mechanized humanoid is not capable of differentiating the objective from the subjective, by the very fact of being mechanized, and takes as objective what is subjective, and vice versa.
The sleeping machine, the humanoid automaton, is far from being able to understand the difference between Objective Consciousness and Subjective Consciousness; The machine has its own thesis based precisely on the deep sleep of Consciousness. It is not possible in any way to make a sleeping man understand the difference between Consciousness and Sub-consciousness, between Objectivity and Subjectivity, between Sleep and Vigil, etc., etc., etc. Only by awakening Consciousness is it possible to accept such differences.
Unfortunately, the human mass believes to be awake, and even gets offended when someone tells him that he has the Consciousness asleep. Speaking in the Socratic language, we would say that the "ignorant learned", the profane asleep, the Unconscious Machine, "not only ignores, but also ignores that ignores, not only does not know, but also, and what is worse, does not know that does not know."
My friends, it is necessary to stop being machines; when someone accepts that he is a machine, he begins to stop being a machine; a little later, the veil of illusions turns to pieces.
We need to become Human Beings, and this is only possible by destroying, annihilating the Psychic Attaches that incessantly alternate among themselves to control the Organic Machine.
It is indispensable to have reality, to stop being mere automatons moved by waves or by Aggregates, which is the same, and to become Responsible, Conscious and True Individuals.
Q- Master, what difference is there between the exercise of the Division of Attention in three parts and the Dissolution of the Ego to Awaken Consciousness?
A- Ladies and gentlemen, through all these talks we have been especially interested in the dissolution of the Ego, by the complete destruction of all those Psychic aggregates within which the Consciousness is bottled.
It seems to me that we have spoken too clearly, that we have given a perfect didactic for the absolute annihilation of the psychic aggregates.
We have explained to the point that, only through the radical annihilation of the Inhuman Elements that we carry within, can we release the Essence, awaken it.
In today's talk we gave a specific, defined exercise. We speak of the "Division of Attention in three parts", with the purpose of using in an increasingly more and more perfect way, the different percentages of Awakened Consciousness that we are achieving through the Death of Myself.
In the first case there is complete doctrine related to the annihilation of the aggregates. In the second case, there is a wonderful exercise, a practice that will allow us to use the Consciousness that we achieve in a perfect, clear, precise way.
In any case, it is necessary to truly become competent investigators of Esotericism and Pure Occultism. This is what we want, and with such intentions we have given through these talks, the indispensable doctrine.