NINETH DANTESQUE CIRCLE OR OF NEPTUNE


Very estimable friends, gathered tonight we propose to study the Ninth Dantesque Circle with the purpose of deepening more in this question.


We have come through these talks to the very center of the Earth, which is of frightful inertia, however it is the very core of our planet.


When arriving at this part, the Dante in his "Divine Comedy" unusually quotes the "Spear of Achilles". We have been told that such a Spear, if in principle it hurt and caused damage or bitterness, then it was a true blessing.


This comes to clearly remind us of the "Spear of Longinus," with which the Roman centurion wounded the side of the Lord.


This same "Lance", wielded by Parsifal, the wonderful hero of the Wagnerian Dramatic, came to heal the side of Amfortas.


Already in our past texts we speak in concrete form about this "Weapon of Eros".


Then we said that such Spear is of phallic type, that wisely handled can be used for the disintegration of the Pluralized Self, to the plural ego.


It is very noticeable that Dante mentioned precisely the "SPEAR OF ACHILLES" in the Ninth Sphere, and this is something that should make us meditate...


It is worth remembering that the "Holy Pike" is the very emblem of the Phallus, where the principle of all life lies, the Transcendent Sexual Electricity with which we can disintegrate, reduce to cosmic dust the Pluralized ego.


I want in this talk to also quote the "HOLY GRAIL", that Divine Cup or Miraculous Chalice in which the Great Kabir Jesus drank at the Last Supper.


It is clear that such a jewel is the living symbol of the Uterus or "Divine Yoni" of the Eternal Feminine.


Since we have entered into the theme of the Ninth Sphere, we could not forget in this talk to mention the Chalice and the Spear of the Great Archaic Mysteries.


In the Ninth Sphere the involution creatures are definitely disintegrated. What happened to Nemrod and his Tower of Babel? What will become of the modern fans of such a Tower? 


After the Great Catastrophe that is coming, the intellectual rogues of the Tower of Babel will enter the infernal worlds, to be reduced to cosmic dust in the Ninth Sphere.


What happened to Efialtus? He managed to move the Gods incarnated in ancient Atlantis; however, it was reduced to dust in the Ninth Dantesque Circle.

¿ What happened to Briareus, the one hundred arms, living allegorical representation of the "Lords of the Dark Face " that populate once submerged Atlantis ... In the Ninth Infernal Circle or of Neptune was dissolved into dust of the earth.


In this Submerged Neptunian Zone the TRAITORS are reduced to ashes ... Woe to Brutus, Cassius and the inner Judas of every living one!


And what happened to you, Alberigo de Manfredi, Lord of Faensa? What good were your good intentions and having entered the Order of the "Joyful Brothers"? The Divine and the humans very well know the horrible crime that you committed. Were not you the one who murdered his relatives in the middle of a feast?


The legend of the centuries says that pretending to reconcile you with them, you made them assassinate in a famous banquet, precisely at the end, at the very moment when the desserts were served. However, you continued living; thus it seemed to the people; but in truth you entered the Ninth Infernal Circle at the very moment when the crime was consummated. Who was inhabiting your body? Was not it a demon?


Woe to the traitors! Woe to those who commit such crimes! These are judged immediately by the Courts of Objective Justice and sentenced to death. The "Cosmic Executioners" execute the sentence; and such unfortunates disembody immediately, going to the Ninth Dantesque Circle, although their physical bodies do not die; well known is that any demon replacing the traitor, is stuck between his body, so as not to alter the karmic processes of those people or family members who in one way or another, are related to such perverse personalities.


Although it may seem incredible, many "living dead", whose true owners live in the infernal worlds, are currently walking through the streets of the cities.


Q- Venerable Master, if the Essence bottled in the Pluralized ego is the one that transmigrates to the infernal worlds, does this replacement of which you speak to us mean that another Essence takes the body of the living dead?


A- Friends, I repeat: Any demon can replace the ex-owner of the body. It may also be the case, that the demon who is the owner of the situation, master and lord of such an abandoned vehicle, is one of the least harmful demons that were part of the Ego precipitated into the Underworld.


Thus, the Judges of the Celestial Justice condemn the crimes of high treason with the death penalty.


Q- Master, what is it understood by the crime of "high treason"?


A- Friends, there are many genres of treason, but some, so serious, that in fact they are paid with the death penalty.


That of inviting this or that person or persons to a banquet and then murdering them in the same, alleging this or another reason, is a crime so serious that it cannot be paid in any other way; in this case the traitor disincarnates immediately and his body is in the hands of some demon.


It is evident that the people in no way realize what has happened in the depth of the personality of the traitor, but the Judges of the Celestial Justice the only thing that interests them is that the sentence is fulfilled, and that is all.


Q- Master, I have not understood enough about the Essence, because I do not understand that the demon that replaces the ex-owner of the traitor's body has a physical life lacking in Essence.


Q- What does Master G. tell us about this?


  1. Master G. says that there are many people on the streets only with their Personality, but lacking in Essence. That is to say, they are "alive" and, nevertheless, they are "dead".


Friends, I remember that verse that says:


"Those who in sweet calm are not dead,

Of peace they enjoy in the cold grave;

Dead are those who have killed the Soul

And that they still live "...


The devil that replaces the owner of a body may no longer have Essence of any kind, and with this my explanation is completely clarified. These are the cases of the soulless ones cited by HPB in their "Secret Doctrine". I am not the first to mention this issue, nor the last, but I am the first to clarify it completely.


Q- Venerable Master, would you like to give me an explanation about what you said earlier, related to the Cosmic Executioner?


A- I see here in the auditorium an International Gnostic Missionary, who has sincerely asked the question...


The Tribunals of Objective Justice (to differentiate them from the Subjective Justice of this vain world in which we live), have under their service "Cosmic Executioners".


At  this moment I am reminded of two of them very famous who worked in the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs. This kind of executioner acts according to the Great Law, and is beyond Good and Evil; they have power over Life and power over Death.


I remember with complete meridian clarity something unusual that happened to me in my present existence ... After having concluded all the Esoteric-Initiation processes, I was subjected to a lot of tests, but there was one in which I failed lamentably. I want to refer emphatically to the sexual problem.


At that time, many years ago, the inevitable always happened to me: I failed in the decisive moments and swallowed the apples of the Garden of the Hesperides unfortunately...


In the Physical World I kept the most absolute Chastity. The disaster always happened to me outside the body, in the Superior Worlds; in the presence of many ineffable ladies I failed.


Again and again I succumbed to the impudent processes of Gundrigia, Kundry, Salomé, the Seductive Eva of Hebrew mythology ... The seriousness of the case is that despite having emerged triumphant in all the previous Esoteric-Initiation trials, they had come to these failures happened to me precisely at the end of the "Mountain of Initiation ".


My case was truly regrettable, and in all those erotic scenes, under the Tree of Science of Good and Evil, I was not the owner of myself: A demon got into my mind, took over my senses, he controlled my will, and so I failed miserably...


I suffered the unspeakable, "the wound of Amfortas" bled on my side and the remorse was frightful...

It happened to me that at last one day, mortally wounded in the depths of my Soul,  I cried out to my Divine Mother Kundalini for help, and this one did not made itself wait ....


One night, my adorable mother took me out of the Physical Body and took me to the Courts of Objective Justice.


Great was my terror when I saw myself in the presence of the Judges in the Court of Karma. Many people filled the Hall; there was dread in all faces and anguish in all hearts.


I took a few steps in the room de la truth justice, and the Judge opened the Book and read: "Crimes against the Moon God, adventures of Don Juan Tenorio, the era of medieval troubadours and knights-errant and feudal cities "


Then, with a tremendous voice, he pronounced the sentence of death and ordered the Cosmic Executioner, in an imperative manner, to execute it immediately.


I still remember the unspeakable terror of those instants: My legs trembled at the precise moment when the executioner, unsheathing his flaming sword, directed it threateningly against my helpless person.


In those seconds that seemed centuries of torture, all the sacrifices for humanity, my struggles for the Gnostic Movement, the books I had written, etc., etc., etc., passed through my mind, and I said to myself: "And this is the fate that now awaits me, so much that I suffered for humanity? Is this the payment that the Gods give me? Oh, Alas! Alas!"


Suddenly I feel something move and stir violently inside me, while the executioner directed the tip of his sword towards me...


Then I see with mystical astonishment a lustful demon, terribly perverse, that coming out of my body by the Spine, takes the form of a horse that neighs...


The executioner now directs his sword towards the evil beast, and it falls headfirst toward the bottom of the black precipice. Its legs and tail are upwards, and finally, the whole body of that awful abomination penetrates completely under the epidermis of the planetary globe, to get lost in the gloomy bowels of the Avernus...

So it was, my friends, how I was free of that lustful ego created in the Middle Ages , when I walked like a Bodhisattva fallen on a regal mount on the cobbled roads, that from castle to castle took me through the lands of the feudal lords.


Already free of that abomination of Nature, I felt happy; I did not fail again in the sexual tests, I was the owner of myself and I was able to continue on the Path of the Razor's Edge.


Behold, ladies and gentlemen, the good so great that the Cosmic Executioner did to me. Unquestionably, this class of beings are beyond Good and Evil, and they are terribly Divine.


I do not want to do demagogy in any way; I do not intend to praise even remotely the infamous executioners of Subjective Justice, of earthly justice, of that vain justice that is bought and sold. I am referring exclusively to the Sacred Individuals of Objective Justice, of Celestial Justice, and this is radically different...


Q- Master, at the beginning of his impressive narration about the beings that enter the Ninth Dantesque Circle, refers to the current builders of the Tower of Babel, and mentioned the scientists who send rockets into space. I would like to clarify what these wise men of modern science are guilty of?


R- Distinguished gentleman, with the greatest pleasure I hasten to answer your question ... Old texts of the Ancient Wisdom say that the Titans of the submerged Atlantis wanted to assault Heaven and were precipitated into the Abyss.


I want you, ladies and gentlemen, to fully realize that the wise men of the 20th century are not the first to launch rockets into space, nor are they the only earthlings who have been able to send astronauts to the moon.


Nemrod and his henchmen, the fanatics of the Tower of Babel, inhabitants of the submerged Atlantis, created better rockets powered by nuclear energy and sent men to the Moon.


This is up to me; I saw it, and I bear witness of it because I lived in Atlantis. I still remember an airport on the submerged continent. Many times, from a neighboring restaurant ("Caravansin" or "Asana"), I saw many times depart those ships between the shouts of enthusiasm of the exalted crowds. What was all this about? What happened to the Titans? Now we can only find dust in the Ninth Infernal Circle...


Friends, ladies, do not forget that space is infinitely sacred, and that therefore interplanetary navigation is controlled by very strict Cosmic Laws.


The mistake of these modern henchmen of the Tower of Babel consists precisely in their self-sufficiency. These ignorant illustrated, these know-it-all men start from the wrong principle that they are already "Men", do not want to realize that they have not yet reached the stature of such; they are only "rational homunculi", "intellective Humanoids".


To be "Men", you need to have given the luxury of creating for your personal use, an Astral Body, a Mental Body, a Causal Body. Only those who have created such Supra-sensible Vehicles can really embody their Real Being, who would place them in fact within the realm of Men.


Absurd is therefore that rational animals leave the "zoo" (the planet Earth) to travel through infinite space.


It is therefore to know that these know-it-all men of the Tower of Babel will be fulminated with the terrible Ray of Cosmic Justice and perish in the Ninth Dantesque Circle.


Dressed with the Eidolon (Astral Body), I have spent whole hours in the bowels of the Earth, in the same permanent center of gravity, in the core of our world.


It is such a terribly dense Region, because each atom of the mentioned zone carries in its belly 864 atoms of the Sacred Absolute Sun.


The same number of Laws (864) control the unhappy creatures that in process of frank disintegration, are in that area...


Walking there, I saw a stone on which there was a head similar to the human one; It moved very slowly, mechanically repeating everything that I could think of saying. It was someone who had already been totally mineralized, and who was unquestionably decomposing and disintegrating, finally reducing himself to cosmic dust.


Continuing my way through the bowels of the world, I felt suddenly on my shoulders as if a diabolical entity had rested on me. I shook with force and that creature then fell to the ground, a little later...


Then, continuing along the lonely road of the tenebrous Tartarus, in those frightful depths, where the time is terribly long and tedious, I entered an unclean room where there was a prostitute who wallowed in the "Procrustean Bed", disintegrating slowly. That harlot lost fingers, arms, legs, slowly, little by little, and copulated incessantly with how much larva approached her...


I left there, of that horrible room, terribly moved ... Finally, something unusual happens: I see a couple of witches dressed in black, floating slowly on the floor go to a kitchen.


There the harpies prepare their concoctions, their filters, their spells, to cause harm to other unfortunates of the Dark Tartarus...


Time is passing and I begin to feel annoyed in such gross materiality; I long to then leave it, climb to the surface of the Earth, see the soft light of day again ...


My aspiration is not vain. Soon I am helped, and my Real Being takes me again from among those Abysses, to contemplate again the beautiful mountains, the deep seas, the sunlight and the glittering stars...


Friends, remember the "City of Dite", the Ninth Infernal Circle. Those who have get into involution in time exhale their last breath...


Lucifer-Prometheus, "the Adversary", that vile worm that pierces the heart of the world, had the most beautiful face, although now he is chained to the fatal rock of impotence...


Let us not think of a dogmatic Lucifer, but of the "inner Lucifer" of each one, in that reflection of the Logos that is within the intimate depths of every person.


It is said that "he cries with six eyes", and this number invites us to reflect. "666" is the number of the Great Whore, and adding each number to each other, we have the result: 18. Continuing with new additions we would arrive at the following synthesis: 1 + 8 = 9, the Ninth Sphere, the Ninth Dantesque Circle.


Lucifer is therefore that revolutionary force that is at the bottom of our sexual system, and that wisely managed can transform us into Gods.


To those who do not know how to handle the Luciferic Force, with whom will I compare them? Possibly to the apprentices of electricity or to the unwary ones, who not having such a profession, ignoring the danger, dare to play with electric cables of high voltage; undoubtedly they are fulminated and precipitated to the Abyss.


The negative aspect of Lucifer-Prometheus inevitably leads us to failure, and therefore it is said that he is "the Adversary" who dwells in the heart of the world. The antithesis of Lucifer, or the superior aspect of it, is the Solar Logos, the Cosmic Christ.


Lucifer, it is a ladder to go down to the Avernus and a ladder to climb. Understanding is indispensable; remember that our motto watchword is Thelema (Will)...


It is necessary to learn to distinguish what is a "fall" from what is a "descent"; we need to go down to the Ninth Sphere (Sex), to fabricate the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being and dissolve the Ego.


In the Ninth Circle is the "well of the universe," the center of planetary gravity.


It is worth remembering that in the Ninth Submerged Sphere, they have the creative organs of the human species, their full representation.


No one could climb without first having taken the trouble to go down. "To all exaltation a terrible and frightful humiliation precedes to him".


Going down to the Ninth Sphere is indispensable. Some do it in life, by their own will spontaneously and for their Intimate Self-Realization, and others, the majority, the multitudes, do so unconsciously when they descend into the Abyss of Perdition.


Q- Venerable Master, I would like you to explain to us why sex is also called the Ninth Sphere. Is it related to the center of the Earth?


A- Friends, it is urgent to understand that in the Higher Dimensions of Nature , submerged under the epidermis of the Earth , there exists, by Law of Antithesis, a Ninth Circle of Glory, where the Initiates of the White Universal Fraternity can see in concrete form , traced the sign of infinity, the Holy Eight, placed horizontally. Those who have studied the Esoteric Kabbalah know very well the intimate meaning of this magical figure.


The upper end of such sign symbolizes the brain; the lower end allegorizes sex, and the center of this magnificent figure is the atomic point where the Nine Submerged Regions gravitate. There then, the brain, heart and sex of the planetary genius...


The fight is terrible: Brain against sex; sex against brain. When sex overcomes the brain, when it is out of control, we are rushed headlong into the Abyss. When the brain and sex balance each other, we Self-Realize intimately.


All the creatures that exist on the face of the Earth have been created according to this Holy Symbol of Infinity; Now you will explain, then, why sex corresponds to the Ninth Sphere.


Nine months remains the creature in the womb. Nine Ages was humanity inside the belly of the Great Nature, Rhea, Cybele, etc., etc., etc. With this I believe very seriously to have answered the question of the gentleman.


Q- Venerable Master, I would like to know how the Essence comes out to the Sun light, once the Ego has been reduced to cosmic dust in this Ninth Circle of the center of our planet.


A- Let us now go back to the questions of the Infernal dimensions or Infra-Dimensional of Nature, after having spoken about the Sign of Infinity and the Higher Dimensions of Nature.


After exhaling the last breath in that region where the "Throne of Dite" is, the Essence, the Psychic Material, what we have of Soul, is free, without Ego, because, as we said, the latter is reduced to cosmic dust.


Emancipated the Essence, assumes a so beautiful childish figure full of radiant beauty. This is the solemn moment in which the Devas of Nature examine the liberated Essence.


After having checked them over and over again that they no longer possess any Subjective, subhuman element, they grant them pass (document) of freedom. I mean by this that they give to the Soul the bliss of Liberation.


Happy moments are those in which the Soul of the deceased penetrates through certain luminous "atomic doors" that allow it to immediately exit into the sunlight.

Once the creature is free on the epidermis of our world, it restarts a new Evolution. Then he becomes a Gnome or Pygmy of the Mineral Kingdom; Later on, he will continue his Evolution ascending the Vegetal and Animal scales until he reconquers in a distant day, the state of Intellectual Humanoid that was once lost.



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