Q- Dear Master, when we Self-Realize Intimately and separate ourselves from the Wheel of Samsara, does this mean that we stop being within the Continuous Movement?


A- I hear a question from the audience, and I hasten to answer it with the greatest pleasure. Distinguished gentleman, it is urgent that you understand what the Continuous Movement of the Wheel of Samsara is in each and every one of its aspects.


Undoubtedly, the Continuous Movement not only exists in the Cylinder of the Archangel Hariton, but also in any Cosmic Cylinder.


Remember, clearly, that there are Days and Cosmic Nights. Everything flows and reflows back; comes and goes; up and down; it grows and decreases...


In everything there is a rhythm, and the ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT SPACE is electric vibration and, therefore, Continuous Movement.


What happens is that there are multiple and infinite forms of Continuous Movement.


Q- Venerable Master, you speak to us of three types of Elementals, and I want to ask you if there are these in the Wheel of Samsara either in Evolution or in Involution or are exclusive of Evolution.


A- Distinguished frater, observe in detail all the phenomena of Nature, and you will have the answer...


Many think that monkeys, apes, orangutans, gorillas, etc., etc., are evolutionary type. Some even suppose that man comes from the monkey, but such a concept falls precipitously when we observe the customs of those animal species. Put an ape inside a laboratory and see what happens.


Unquestionably, the various families of apes are involutions that descend from the intellectual humanoid.


The humanoid does not come from the monkey; the truth of this is the other way around: Apes are involute degenerate humanoids.


Let's now look at the family of pigs. It is clear that this type of Elementals are in a frank involute process.


Analogous states of Involution can be discovered in plants and minerals.


Copper, for example, within the interior of the planetary organism in which we live, is the specific center of gravity of all the Involution and Evolution Forces.


If we apply the Positive Force of the Universe to copper, we can contemplate then with the spatial sense, multiple wonderful evolutionary processes.


If we apply the Universal Negative Force to this metal, we can perceive with Integral Clairvoyance infinite involute processes very similar to those of the multitudes that inhabit the bowels of the Earth.


If we apply the Neutral Force to copper, both the evolutionary and the involution processes remain in a static state.


The Laws of Evolution and Involution constitute the mechanical axis of all Nature, the silver axis of the Wheel of Samsara...


The Laws of Evolution and Involution work in a coordinated and harmonious way in everything created.


Obviously, the Elementals of the Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms evolve and involute in their same natural scales. We could never conceive the crazy idea that the Elementals of Nature, for the fact of failing in this or that living species, can turn the Wheel backwards to return to the Abyss through the door through which they left.


I want all of you, gentlemen and ladies, to understand that in the Tartarus you enter through one door and exit through another.


This means, among other things that Evolutionary Anubis will always rise on the right, and that on the left will descend, perpetually, Involving Tiphón. The Samsara Chakra does not turn backwards. It is understood?


Q- Venerable Master, there is a belief among those who understand these Laws that in certain species of animals, and we would like an explanation only in the specific case of crows, rats and other more or less repugnant species.


A- With the greatest pleasure I will give an answer to the new question of the audience. Out of all doubt, there are disgusting creatures in Nature who accuse a marked Involution.


The ancient Egyptians, for example, hated rats; and it is obvious that these are in a state of frank Involution. Another is the case of the crows, and these, although they feed on death by the fact of unfolding in the Saturn Ray, possess certain wonderful powers that indicate Evolution.


I have been able to make evident what the raven's faculties are. On one occasion, when I was in a small town in Venezuela, in a certain house where a small child was seriously ill, I saw with amazement a group of crows that had settled peacefully on the roof of that house.


Those simple people then clarified the following: "This child will die."


When I asked the reason for such a sentence, they, in response, pointed me to those black birds; then I understood...


The case was hopeless, and really the creature died. What amazed me most were the faculties of those Elementals; they knew that the creature was going to die, and perched on the roof of that mansion awaited the supreme moment for the feast. Undoubtedly the macabre dinner could never arrive because the creature was given a Christian burial. However, the birds arrived and the Law was fulfilled.


Q- Dear Master, for the aspects that you have explained us extensively, does this mean that all those animal creatures such as cats, dogs, pigs, etc., have ever passed through the human form and are on the way to disintegration? ? Is it possible that these same creatures are on their way to the human form?


A- Distinguished brother, allow me to inform you that many Elementals of Nature passed through the infernal worlds. In other words, I clarify: After the Second Death, every Soul becomes the Elemental of Nature and initiates its evolutionary processes, as I have already said. Both from the hard stone, to continue through the vegetable and the animal, to the state of intellectual humanoid.


In the meantime, the Elementals of the different kingdoms evolve and get in involution, but could not return to the Avernus, since they do not possess the Ego. Only the Humanoids can enter the Avernus, because they do have the Ego inside them. With this the question is clarified and given the answer...


Q- Master, what is the relationship between the Essence and the Elementals?


A- It is good that the honorable audience that listens to me, fully understands that there is certainly no difference between the Essence and the Elementals.


It is clear that the Essence is the same Elemental, and the Elemental is the Essence itself.


When the Ego disintegrates in the infernal worlds, we become Elementals of Nature.


However, when the Ego disintegrates here and now, through "conscious works" and "voluntary sufferings", instead of becoming Elementals we become Masters; that is what is important.


Q- Master, I am curious to know, as a result of what you have explained to us about the Elementals being beyond Good and Evil, and that therefore they are innocent, if this innocence is lost.


A- Distinguished gentleman, honorable audience who listens to me, I beg you all to understand my words...

There are two types of innocence: The one of the victors and the one of the failures.


The Soul that escapes from Avernus after the Second Death to become the Elemental of Nature, obviously is failed, even though it has regained its innocence.


The Soul that disintegrates the Ego voluntarily and consciously, here and now, regains its innocence in a victorious way and becomes a Buddha.


There are Elementals that for the first time enter the Wheel of Archangel Hariton. They have never been human; They long to reach the state of humans.


There are Elementals that before to be one lived as Humanoids and went into involution in the Infernal Worlds.


Here are two extremes, two aspects of the Elementals:


1º- Elementals that start.

2º- Elementals that repeat the elementary processes.


Q- Beloved Master, I would like to know, since the opportunity of your Wisdom is presented, will you explain to us if an Elemental, when entering for the first time a human matrix, by the fact of coming without Ego it is easier to achieve its Self -Realization?


A- Honorable audience that listens to me tonight: It is urgent to know that the Essence, the Soul coming from the three Lower Realms to human matrix, does not yet have the necessary and indispensable experience that is required to reach the Intimate Self-Realization of Being.


Normally, every Essence that enters a human organism for the first time, falls into many errors, forms Ego, acquires Karma and then suffers the unspeakable.


Only later that Soul can, if it so wishes, achieve Self-Realization.


However, I repeat now what I said in past talks: Not all Souls achieve Mastery. For this to happen, a certain intimate restlessness is indispensable, and this is only possible when the Monad, that is, the Immortal Spark of the Spirit, truly intends to work on its Human Soul.


It is clear that not all the Monads, Spirits or Virginal Sparks have an interest in Mastery , as we already said this in previous Cathedra, it is not necessary to continue making clarifications on the subject.


Q- Venerable Master, in any case consider that by going voluntarily eliminating the Ego, we really are in a process of evolution, because we have always understood that evolution means ascent, so I hold that are not wrong who say that there exists the Permanent evolution until reaching unitotal Perfection. Do you have any objection to this concept?


A- I like the question that comes from the audience. Obviously, this in itself has a completely reactionary background. However, I hasten to answer it.


Do you think, gentlemen, that the Ego can Evolve? Do you suppose that dissolving it is Evolution? Any educated Clairvoyant will be able to verify the involutive processes of the Ego, of the Myself, of the Self.


It is amazing to see how the Ego plunges down the involution path, descending the Animal, Vegetal and Mineral scales, when we tread on the "Path of the Revolution of Consciousness ".


Or do you think, friends that with the dissolution of the Ego the Essence restarts a new evolutionary ascent, attached to the Wheel of Samsara?


Or is it that you believe that the Being, the Spirit, must live perpetually bottled between the evolutionary processes of Nature and the Cosmos?


We have never denied the Laws of Evolution and Involution; we just clarify them.

The evolutionary and involutive processes correspond exactly to the Great Wheel of Samsara. Such processes could not be repeated infinitely in the World of the Spirit, because that would in fact mean perpetual slavery.


Remember friends that Jesus, the Great Kabir, never wanted to be bottled in the "dogma of evolution".


That Great Hierophant spoke only of the "Path of the Revolution of Consciousness ", of the "narrow, narrow and difficult path that leads us to the Light and that very few find it".


When are you going to understand this, gentlemen? At what time? When will you resolve to enter through "the narrow gate and the narrow road"? Or is it that you want to correct the "flat" to Jesus Christ?


Those who dissolve the Ego reach the Radical Transformation, and that is Total Revolution.


Q- Master, it seems to me a concept of total injustice and contrary to the love with which the Great Architect of the Universe is identified; the one that it is admitted that after having reached the human state, and developed the intellect to the heights that we are currently in, in which the advances and the prowess of the modern science men marvel, we have to return to the state of horses, dogs and pigs How can such a concept even appear briefly in the mind of rational and intelligent man? Frankly, I think this insults the eminent dignity of man, made in the image and likeness of God!


A- I see in the audience a gentleman who tries to correct the "flat" to the author of the Doctrine of the "Transmigration of Souls", the Great Avatar Krishna, who lived a thousand years before the Christ.

The Great Hindu Avatar never said that the Samsara Chakra turned backwards, that the Archangel Hariton's Wheel was processed in reverse, stopping its march to turn in the opposite direction.


Ladies and gentlemen, the Wheel of Arcane 10 of the Tarot always follows its course, never returns.


Any car can go back, but the Wheel of Samsara never retreats.


Repetition of cycles according to the Law of Recurrence is different, and we see this proven in the "Days and Nights of Brahma", with its repetition always incessant; in the stations that are repeated every year; in the various Cosmological Yugas that never stop repeating, etc., etc., etc.


None of this is setback, my friends; all this moves according to the Wheel; all this is part of the Continuous Movement.


However, it is necessary to understand that the Law of Recurrence is repeated in spirals that are already higher and lower. The Spiral is the curve of Life.


If we have exhausted the various humanoid processes, obviously we must go up or down. Some rise, others fall into the Submerged Involution.


They ascend those who have dissolved the Ego; descend those who have not dissolved it.


The victors become Buddhas, Masters; the failures, after the Second Death announced by our Lord the Christ, by John in the "Apocalypse", are transformed into Elementals of Nature.


There are no setbacks, but continuity of cycles or periods of cosmic manifestation.


We already said in past talks that all these cycles or periods are counted, and in this there is no setback.


The Wheel advances, never returns. It begins with cycle number 1 and ends with 3,000. The account of cycles or periods of manifestation never goes the other way, therefore, mathematics clearly demonstrates that the Doctrine of the "Transmigration of Souls" is accurate.


Grave it would be, gentlemen and ladies, that the Ego did not have a limit and that it would continue eternally developing and unfolding. Think of what this would mean: Never would the world's evil have a limit; it would spread victorious through infinite spaces and dominate the Seven Cosmos. In this case, there would be injustice.


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, fortunately, the Great Architect of the Universe, quoted by the gentleman who has asked the question, has put a dam on evil.



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