THE DISSOLUTION OF THE EGO


Distinguished friends, ladies and gentlemen, today, December 9, the tenth year of Aquarius (1972), we meet again here, in this place, with the desire to study deeply the theme of the Dissolution of the Psychological Ego.


First of all it is indispensable that we analyze carefully this question of the Ego.


Various pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist schools emphasize the outlandish idea of a double ego: the first is called "Higher Self"; the second one is qualified as "I Inferior".


We say that "superior" and "inferior" are two sections of the same thing.


Much has been said about the "Alter Ego", and it is even praised and deified considering it to be Divine.


In the name of that which is the Truth, it is indispensable to say that the higher  I  and the lower I are two aspects of the same Ego, and that therefore praising the first and underestimating the second is, beyond doubt, something incongruous.


Focusing directly on this question, looking at the Ego as it is in itself and without this kind of arbitrary divisions (Superior and Inferior), it is clear that we make a correct differentiation between what is the "I" and what is the "Being". "


It could be objected to us that such differentiation is no more than another concept emitted by the intellect.


Those who listen to us will look for loopholes, asserting that one more concept or one less concept in matters of high Philosophy, is something that does not have the slightest importance.


There are those who can even afford to listen to these affirmations and then forget them, to pay attention to something they do consider important.


The people of Asleep Conscience usually overlook statements of this type, because they are already tired with so much theory. These people say to themselves: "What does another theory matter, what does one theory matter less?"


We must speak with complete frankness and base ourselves on facts, on direct experiences, and not on simple subjective opinions.


I am going to tell you, my friends, what I know, what I have seen and heard, and if you want to accept my assertions, they do well, but if you want to reject them, it is up to you...


Every human being is free to accept or reject, or interpret the teachings as he wishes.


In the beginning of my current reincarnation, I too, like many of you, had read various pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist books.


Looking for as like you have done, I went through different schools and met many theories.


It is ostensible that by dint of so much reading and rereading, I also came to believe in the existence of the two I's: The Superior and the Lower.


The different preceptors told me that the Lower Self had to be dominated by means of the Higher Self, in order to reach the Adept one day.


I confess frankly and unambiguously, that I was completely convinced of the existence of such two I's. Fortunately, a transcendental mystic event came to shake me intensely in the depths of my soul...


It happened that any given night, no matter the date, nor the day, nor the time, finding me outside the Physical Body, in a completely conscious and positive way, came to me, my Real Internal Being, the Intimate. Smiling, the Blessed One told me:


- "You have to die!" These phrases of the Intimate left me perplexed, confused, stunned. With a little fear, I interrogated my Inner Being (Atman), saying:


- "Why do I have to die? Let me live a little longer, I am working for humanity!"...


I still remember that moment when the Blessed One, smiling, repeated me for the second time:


- "You have to die!"


Later, the Adorable showed me in the Astral Light that which should die in myself. Then I saw the Pluralized ego formed by a multitude of tenebrous entities, a true swarm of perverse subjects, Psychic Attachments of different kinds, living demons embodying errors.


So it was, my friends, how I came to know that the I is not something individual, but a sum of Psychic Attachments, a total of multiple quarrelsome and shouting egos.

Some of these represent anger, others greed, those lust, others envy, these others pride; then laziness, gluttony and all its infinite derivatives continue.


I did not really see in the Ego anything worthy of being worshiped, any kind of Divinity, etc...


Upon arriving at this part of my presentation, it would not be strange that some attendees objected to my words, saying:


- "Possibly you, sir, saw your Lower Self, the sum of Psychic Attachments, as Eastern Buddhism affirms, it would be quite different if you had perceived the Overself in all its greatness".


I know very well, friends, the various forms of intellectualization that you have, your loopholes, your evasions, your different justifications, your reactions, your resistance, the desire to always highlight everything that tastes Ego.


It is clear that the Ego does not want to die and wants to continue in some exquisitely subtle way, but in the most  dense and gross forms.


No one can like to see their beloved I, reduced to cosmic dust, just like that, because someone said it in a conference room.


It is scarcely normal for the Ego not to feel like dying and to look for consoling philosophies that promise a corner in Heaven, a place on the altars of the churches, or a "beyond" full of infinite happiness.


We really regret having to disappoint the people, but we have no choice but to be, say, lapidaries, frank and sincere in these serious issues.


Since we Gnostics like to speak with concrete, clear and definitive facts, I will not have any inconvenience now in narrating another unusual event, with the purpose of showing them that the Higher I does not exist...


Another day, being in deep meditation, according to all the rules that the JNANA-YOGA commands, I entered into something that is known as Nirvi-Kalpa-Shamadi. Then I left all the Supra-sensible Bodies and entered the World of the Solar Logos, becoming a Dragon of Wisdom.


In such Logoic moments, beyond the body, the affections and the mind, I wanted to know something about the life of the Great Kabir Jesus; It was precisely at that moment when I saw myself become Jesus of Nazareth, doing miracles and wonders in the Holy Land.


I still remember that moment when I was baptized by John in the Jordan ... I saw myself inside a temple on the banks of that river; "the Forerunner" was dressed in a beautiful robe, and as I approached him, staring at me, he exclaimed:


- "Take off your garment, Jesus, because I am going to baptize you!"


I went inside the Shrine, and laying on my head the anointing oil and then a little water, prayed and I felt transformed.


What followed next was wonderful. Sitting in a room I saw three Divine Suns: The first was the Blue of the Father, the second the Yellow of the Son, and the third the Red of the Holy Spirit.


There are the Three Logos: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. When leaving that static state, when returning to my Physical Body, my confusion was tremendous. "I, Jesus of Nazareth, I, the Christ, God save me and Holy Mary! A miserable sinner, a worm from the mud of the earth who is not even worthy to untie the sandals to the Master, thus converted because in Jesus of Nazareth"!


Worried about all this, I decided to re-enter into meditation and repeat the mystical experience, changing only the reason for it: Now, instead of wanting to know something about the life of Jesus, I became interested in John and the baptism of the Nazarene.

Then came the previous mystic state; I abandoned all the Supra-sensible Bodies, and I was again in the Logoic state.


Once I returned to such a state, I fixed my attention more intensely on John the Baptist, and behold, I saw myself then become John, doing the things of the Precursor, baptizing Jesus, etc., etc., etc.


When losing the ecstasy, when returning to the Physical Body, then I understood that in the World of the Logos, in the World of the Christ, there is no type of Higher or Lower Self.


It is urgent that all here present understand that in the Christ we are all One, and that the heresy of separateness is the worst of heresies.


My friends, everything in this world we live in pass away: Ideas pass away, people pass away, things pass away. The only stable and permanent is the Being, and the raison d'être of the Being is the same Being. So you must distinguish between what the I is and what the Being is.


Q- Master, what substance are the Psychic Attaches that constitute the Ego made?


A- Ladies and gentlemen, it is essential that you understand what the mind and its functions are.


The Intellectual Animal, mistakenly called man, does not yet have an Individual Mind, he has not created it, he has not made it.


The mental body itself can only be created through sexual transmutations. I want everyone here to understand that in the Sacred Sperm there is the Sexual Hydrogen B-12.


Undoubtedly, the Esotericist who does not pour the Hermes Glass (which does not ejaculate the semen), in fact originates within his organism wonderful transmutations of the libido, whose result is the creation of the individual Mental Body.


The Manas, the Mental Substance proper say, is found in the interior of any subject, but is devoid of individuality; It has various forms, it is constituted in the form of Aggregates that have never been unknown to Esoteric Buddhism.


I ask the kind audience that listens to me, to follow with patience the course of my dissertation...


All those multiple quarrelsome and screamers egos, which as a whole form the Myself, the Self, are constituted by more or less condensed Mental Substance.


Now you can explain yourself, the reasons why every subject changes constantly of opinions.


We are, for example, sellers of houses and real estate. A client comes over, we talk to him, we convince him of the need to buy a beautiful residence; the subject is enthusiastic and emphatically ensures that the purchase is a fact, that nobody can make him desist from his desire. Unfortunately, after a few hours, everything changes: The client's opinion is no longer the same; another Mental aggregate now controls his brain, and the enthusiastic I, who had been passionate for the purchase of the property hours before, is displaced by the new I that has nothing to do with the business or the word pledged. Then the house of cards goes to the ground and the poor sales agent feels disappointed...


The ego that swears eternal love to a woman, tomorrow is displaced by another that has nothing to do with the oath, and then the subject withdraws leaving the woman disappointed...


The I that swears loyalty to the Gnostic Movement, tomorrow is displaced by another I that has nothing to do with the oath, and the subject withdraws from the Gnosis, leaving all the Brothers of the Shrine confused and amazed...


You see, my dear friends, what the infinite forms of the mind are; how they control the Capital Centers of the brain and how they play with the Human Machine.


Q- Master, in this planet in which we live, the egos make life bearable, since it is easy to understand that if we dissolve them and turn away from everything that is our desire, our life would be terribly sad and boring, is not it?


A- Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Authentic Happiness is radically based on the Revaluation of the Being.


It is unquestionable that each time that the Being goes through an Intimate Revaluation, it experiences Authentic Happiness.


Unfortunately, the people of today confuse pleasure with happiness, and enjoy bestially with fornication, adultery, alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc., etc., etc.


The limit of pleasure is pain, and every form of animal enjoyment is transformed into bitterness.


Obviously, the elimination of the Ego, revalues the Being, resulting in Happiness. Unfortunately, the Conscience bottled between the Ego does not understand, does not comprehend the need for Intimate Revaluation, and prefers bestial joys, because it firmly believes that this is Happiness.


Dissolve the Pluralized I and experience the bliss of the Revaluation of the Self.


Q- Master, for all the above, do we think the need to form a Mental Body so as not to have so many "minds" is evident and unavoidable?


A- I've heard a gentleman's question, and I hasten to answer it.


Certainly, the Intellectual Animal mistakenly called man does not possess Individual Mind, as we already said in this talk. Instead of a Mind it has many "minds", and this is different. What I am affirming can be very contrary to the pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultists, fully convinced of the theories they have read, which assert that the Rational Homunculus has a Mental Body.


Allow us the freedom to disagree with such assertions. If the Intellectual Animal had Individual Mind, if he did not really possess the various Mental Attaches that characterize him, he would have continuity of purpose: Everyone would fulfill his word, nobody would affirm today to deny tomorrow; the alleged buyer of real estate would return the next day with the money in hand after having pledged the word, and the Earth would be a Paradise.


Creating the Mental Body and dissolving the Pluralized ego is urgent when you want the authentic revaluation of the Intimate Being. Only that, only such sacred revaluations, can grant us True Happiness.


Q- Venerable Master, is it possible for a person who gives money to the church, who reads the Bible , who confesses, who does charitable works for institutions, who spreads the Gospels, who only has his own wife and other virtues, have also ego?


A- Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, may I inform you that the Ego disguises itself as a saint, a martyr, an apostle, a good husband, a good wife, a mystic, a penitent, an anchorite, a charitable, splendid, etc., etc. ., etc.


"Among the cadences of verse also lies the crime." Among the perfumes of the temple lies the crime; in the shadow of the cross it is also commits adultery and fornication, and the most abject criminals assume pietistic poses, sublime figures, martyr portrayals, etc.


It is good to know that many virtuous people possess very strong Psychic Attachments. Remember that "there is much virtue in the wicked and much evil in the virtuous."


In the Abyss, in the Nine Dantesque Circles, there are many mystics, anchorites, penitents who believe they are doing very well. Do not be surprised, then, that there are also exemplary and devout priests who follow them in the Avernus.


Q- Master, where is the spiritual value of the good intentions of a sincere person who lives wrong?


A- Very friends of mine, the question of the audience seems very interesting to me, and I like to give an answer.


Remember that the path that leads to the Abyss is paved with good intentions; "Many are called but few are chosen".


The evil ones of all times have had good intentions. Hitler, full of magnificent intentions, ran over many villages and because of him killed millions of people in the gas chambers, or in the concentration camps, or in the firing walls, or in filthy dungeons.


Undoubtedly, that monster wanted the triumph of the great Germany and did not spare efforts of any kind in this regard.


Nero burned Rome for the sake of his art, with the mystical intentions of making the lyre resound universally; and threw the Christians to the Roman circus for the lions to devour, with the desire to free their people of what he considered an epidemic or a scourge: Christianity.


The executioner who executes an unjust order, full of magnificent intentions, murders his fellow man.


Millions of heads fell in the guillotine during the French Revolution, and the executioners worked with magnificent intentions, because they wanted the triumph of the people.


Robespierre, full of magnificent intentions, took many innocents to the scaffold.


We must not forget what the "Holy Inquisition" was. Then the inquisitors, with magnificent intentions, condemned many unfortunates to the bonfire, to the colt, to martyrdom.


I want you, ladies and gentlemen, to understand that the important thing is good works and not good intentions, which can be more or less wrong.


The Lords of Karma, in the Courts of Objective Justice, judge souls for works, for concrete, clear and definite facts, and not for good intentions.


The results are always the ones that speak. It is useless to have good intentions if the facts are disastrous.


Q- Master, what is the procedure to follow to free us from the Psychological Defects that torment our mind so much?


A- Honorable public, it is urgent, cannot be postponed, cannot be put off, to annihilate the Ego, reduce it to ashes in a voluntary and conscious way, if we really want to avoid descent to the infernal worlds.


I want you to know that in relation to people, in coexistence with our relatives or with work colleagues, etc., etc., hidden defects emerge spontaneously, and if we are in a state of Alert Perception, Alert Novelty, then we see them as they are in themselves.


Defect discovered, must be submitted judiciously to the analysis, to the background meditation, with the purpose of being understood in an integral form...


It is not enough to understand a defect, we must go even deeper. It is indispensable to Self-Explore, to find the intimate roots of the Defect we have understood, until we reach their "Deep Significance".


Any flash of Consciousness can illuminate us immediately, and in thousandths of a second, really capture the deep meaning of the defect comprehended.

Elimination is different. Someone could have understood some Psychological Error and even have penetrated his deep Significance, and, nevertheless, continue with him in the different departments of the mind. It is not possible to be free of this or that error without the Elimination.


The latter is vital, cardinal and definitive when you want to "die" from instant to instant, from moment to moment.


However, it is not with the mind how we can remove errors. With the understanding we can label our various Psychological Defects, putting different names, passing them from one level of the subconscious to another, hiding them from themselves, judging them, excusing them, etc., etc., but it is not possible to fundamentally alter or eliminate them.


It needs a power superior to the mind; We need to appeal to a Transcendental Power, if we really want to eliminate errors and die in ourselves, here and now.


Fortunately, such superior power is latent in all human creatures. I want to refer to the "Kundalini", the "Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers".


In full Chemical Copula we can supplicate our particular Divine Mother, eliminate that psychological error that we have not only understood, but also, we have felt its deep Significance.


You can be sure that our Particular Cosmic Mother, wielding the Spear of Eros, will mortally wound the Psychic Attachment who personifies the error we need to eliminate.


It is precisely with this Holy Hatch, wonderful emblem of the Creative Energy, the weapon with which Devi Kundalini will eliminate from ourselves, here and now, the defect that we want to annihilate.


Naturally, the elimination of these Aggregates is done progressively, since many of them are processed in the 49 Levels of the Subconscious.


This means that any Psychological Defect is represented by thousands of Psychic Attaches that are gestated and developed in the 49 Subconscious Levels of the mind.


Someone could not be a fornicator in the Intellectual Zone, and yet be in the deepest areas of the Subconscious.


Many mystics who were extremely Chaste on the purely Intellective level, and even on 20 or 30 subconscious levels, failed at deeper levels when they were subjected to esoteric tests.


Someone might not be a thief on the purely rational level and up to 48 subconscious levels, and yet be at level 49. Thus, the defects are multifaceted, and very holy subjects can be frightfully perverse at the deepest levels of the Sub-conscience.


Through the esoteric tests, the Initiates discover themselves. Failures in the tests indicate, point out, the various psychological states in which we find ourselves.


Q- Venerable Master, could you tell us how we can carry out these works for those of us who are single?


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the Lance of Eros, the Holy Hast, can always be handled by Devi Kundalini, our particular Divine Cosmic Mother.


However, there is a difference between married and single. When the Hast is handled during the Sexual Trance, it has a wonderful superior Electric Power.


When the Lance is not used during the Erotic Trance, it has a wonderful but inferior power.


The bachelor, the single woman, can also advance even if her work is a little slower; however marrying the work will become stronger, more powerful, in the full sense of the word.


Bachelors and single women can advance to a certain point deeply defined by Nature; beyond that limit, it is not possible to advance without Sexual Magic.


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