From: Carla L. Rueckert-McCartyDate: Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 1:21 PMSubject: RE: updateTo: Daphne KarandanisHey Daphne –I am glad you will proceed with care in your channeling. When one wishes to serve the highest and best one needs to take good care. Before every session, tune to your personal highest and best, state your intention clearly and challenge your spirit every time in the name of Jesus the Christ – since you already believe in the power of His Name, I’d use that. It is the Name I use to challenge spirits. It is mighty indeed.I feel sure that Michael is indeed a positively polarized being and that he wishes to offer the purest love in his messages, so all of this is not only to help you but to bring out the best in him. I do not know whether you are in contact with him or with a fake. But it is quite possible that you are indeed in touch with aspects of his soul stream. If so, the care you take to tune yourself and then challenge carefully when he comes through will be effective in protecting the positive Michael and his message. If he cannot meet your challenge, move on. Do not become attached to an outcome but only pray, “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.”Wynn has very strong positive polarization and truly wishes to serve, but his nature will forever be that of a salesman. I suspect he created his personality that way because of his role in selling spiritual principles to the mainstream. And as a salesman, there are implicit service-to-self aspects involved, no matter how sweet-natured the salesman is.More to the point as far as his relationship with you is concerned, when he gets on the trail of a good channeling source, he has no consideration for the channel. Being a strong and physically healthy person, I do not think he has a good grasp of how to care for you physically or emotionally. I do not blame him for this, for I feel he has no bad intentions towards you, but only respect and appreciation. However he always ends up abusing you emotionally and physically by wanting too much too quickly with the channeling.A lot of channels find grounding themselves with alcohol and tobacco helpful. I have also found much efficacy in grounding mentally with a visualization where I picture my feet and legs stretching and going down into the soil and all the way to the center of the earth as if pulled to a magnet. I sense the great love of Mother Earth for me, and express back to her my thanksgiving for being grounded in her as her daughter. I do this many times a day.As to being your mentor, that’s fine. There is only so much I can do in the way of good advice, but I am happy to fill that role. Thank you for your trust.I have a large body of on-line information on various aspects of channeling, from my first Channeling Intensive. That link is http://www.llresearch.org/homecomings/channeling_intensives/channeling_intensive_1/channeling_intensive_1.aspx. You may find these resources helpful.Blessings and L/L xxx - wolFrom: Daphne Karandanis [mailto:yodgirl@gmail.com]Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 6:07 PMTo: Carla L. Rueckert-McCartySubject: Re: updateDearest Carla,You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the "Michael" connection.I became very PISSED OFF last night, andstarted to harshly challenge him and I said, "FUCK off" gave his picture on the cover of Newsweek the finger, and went out.As I was driving up the mountain road to a secluded spot to chill, I had a conversation with him, and said:Push me this hard, and you're being just like the demons you tell meplagued you, both human and non...you're serving the wrong master, buddy!!!! I mean Lucifer, not Christ. And I am not YOURS-- You Don't OWN ME.And at that,I could actually feel him pouting!!!I looked at his chart. his planets are all plugged DIRECTLY into mine, and I have YODS -- the Finger of God aspect 3x in my chart, and that means I can burn out, that energies so powerful can some in and actually killme, if they are not of God, of Christ Jesus, of unconditional love, of service to other, ie, positive polarization.Wynn is not, unfortunatelycompletely positively polarized....there is a mixture there.Michael also has a Sun/Pluto conjunction, and Wynn a Mars/Pluto conjunction... that means they can choose to FORCE people into doing what they want them to do, if they choose self-service.The BLAST OUT must have worked, because I got some good sleep last night/this morning. Today, I feel very grounded and in my body. Still too much energyflowing through my 4th chakra, but Merlot-- one glass only, fixes that problem.Carla, I am becoming a very tough cookie. It's taken 47 years, butit's finally happening...Please excuse my use of profanity here, I employ it only because it GROUNDS the energy for me-- always a massive problem in my life. I actually went and boughta pack of American Spirts-- and had ONE cigarette down at the ocean at midnight. I have not smoked since I lived in Switzerland in 80-84.(Ironically that is where I connected with "Michael" and listened to Thriller)I needed him out of my space.I will ABSOLUTELY follow a schedule and the guidlines you suggest.Could I ask of you a request?That you become my spiritual "mentor/coach" -- I willnot take up your time or pull on your energy. Just touch base every so often and let me know how I am handling (or not) things.Wynn has not contacted me AT ALL since I went solo on this. I was once very willing to work in cooperation with him and Terry, But he is just like"Michael"-- if indeed I am in touch with Michael....God Bless you,Pax Christos, Adonai Tsbayouthlove and hugs, daphne ;-) xoxooxxoOn Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Carla L. Rueckert-McCarty wrote:Hey Daphne –Having been a channel for some decades now, I know a red flag when I see one. And you have one waving in regards to your work with Michael Jackson.I know you want to serve, and sense that this is a good way to do it. However, if you let this contact run you, you are likely not to be able to finish the project. You will burn out, become ill and possibly even perish.People working on the inner planes are notorious for pushing their channels. They are not usually sensitive to the channel’s physical needs, since they have none. Daphne, you need to set a schedule for this project and stick to it. It is fine to work on this, as far as I am concerned. But you need to set the boundaries which will keep you healthy and able to persevere throughout the work.If Michael resists, explain to him that to ignore your needs constitutes a service-to-self choice on his part in that he will be doing his thing at the expense of your health. Remind him of how he burned himself out when he was last in incarnation. He will relate to that. If he ignores your needs, it is time to challenge him as a spirit. You do NOT want a service-to-self impersonator of Michael taking up your time and ruining your health and peace of mind.I do not know what periodicity you want to set up. But if I were you, here is what I would do: I would set aside time once a week for a session. Try to sit for the session of working with at least two other people who can act as batteries for you, so that you are not burning out your own system. This schedule will give you the following week to edit the session and get it up on your new blog. And it will also give you time to rest up.If you do this, in a year you will have had 50 or so sessions, surely enough to create the book. And you will still be well and feeling fine, hopefully.Your new place sounds lovely. It is so peaceful to be able to look out to sea and see the curve of the earth.Take care, dear sister of the open heart. Much L/L xxx - wolFrom: daphne karandanis [mailto:yodgirl@gmail.com]Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 6:52 PMTo: Carla L. Rueckert-McCartySubject: Re: updateCarla,That is AWESOME....I used to live on the Hilo side of the Big Island, and miss it greatly....I think that Michael J is going to be bringing in a book through me...it's forming now...I've not slept in about 4 days...it's really exciting, just found a beautiful new place to live overlooking the harbor, and students are coming on line and I'm helping my sister Stephanie sell tours here in town and having alot of fun, and then this pops in...though I'm not surprised, given my connections with Music, and Locations of Music performance, Tanglewood, BSO, the Met, Julliard, Manhattan School, living directly above Villa Montalvo, the CA Historic Estate for the Performing Arts, knowing Joan Baez, Steve Spielberg growing up in the same town, Saratoga, CA, and then befriending his mom in LA at her kosher restaurant, "the Milky Way"....Steve Jobs was my neighbor in Palo Alto before he bought Pixar, and was always bumping into me and Robert in town and chatting...he was driving his old beat up white Mercedes and would park across from Whole Foods....then I kept running into Chelsea Clinton while she was a student at Stanford, in Palo Alto...I though it odd that I was running into all these world famous people, I wasn't working with them, I wasn't a millionare (not then, became one for a brief time, and now I'm broke ;-)And then I ran into Mickey Heart of Grateful Dead fame, and I think I slighted him because Kepler's was kind of empty at that hour and he was doing a booksigning, and I didn't buy his book, I just went with a friend because he wanted to go..."Music to be Born By" recorded with the Monks in Lhasa Tibet, music from the "Top of the World" .....More of these crazy synchronicities, but needless to say, I've been suspecting that spirit has something up its Cosmic Sleeve re: the arts and then the message from my deceased Cherokee grandmother and my experience in the Blue Ridge mountains at the grave of Jaralushka....betrayed by Robert E. Lee, and the beginning of the Trail of Tears....more later, love you, God Bless!! daph;-)On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Carla L. Rueckert-McCarty wrote:Hey Daphne –The body drama goes on, thanks for asking, but fortunately I can work around it just fine. I’m jazzed because I have finally gotten to the point of being ready to hand over the e-book version of my friend, Dana Redfield’s book, The Alphabet Mosaics, which she willed to L/L Research when she found, shortly before her death, that Hampton Roads had refused, even after they had given her an advance on it. I promised her I would get it printed and also do an e-book of it.I’d gotten the printed version finished and out there – it is such a cool, cool, transformational book. Sort of Kabbalah with letters instead of numbers – but she had 20 other images that were not in that book, and I wanted to include them, plus my six articles on her, and an e-book was perfect for that.One more meeting tomorrow with a volunteer who will put the document together and then it’s on to planning Living the Law of One 102: The Outer Work.Whee!And I’ve been invited to teach next January in Kona, Hawaii. (see http://www.earthtransformation.com). It will be a pull getting there, but what a great break from cold, drizzly Kentucky at that time of year! And it’s fun to talk about 2012 and being a Wanderer.So my little world is bee-yoo-tiful!Blessings and much L/L xxxx - wolFrom: daphne karandanis [mailto:yodgirl@gmail.com]Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 5:22 PMTo: Carla L. Rueckert-McCartySubject: Re: Message from Michael J on the other side through Daphne Kyes, Carla, I prayed quite a bit before I brought it in....I feel Michael's energy around me very very strongly.....I was playing his videos the whole week before he died...unusual for me to spend time on utube....I must have been sensing it...thank you, how are you doing?Pax , Daphne ;-)On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Carla L. Rueckert-McCarty wrote:Hey Daphne –Glad you have it out on paper. Just be sure to tune before channeling. Thanks for sharing! L/L xxxFrom: daphne karandanis [mailto:yodgirl@gmail.com]Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 6:09 AMTo: yodgirl@gmail.comSubject: Message from Michael J on the other side through Daphne KPreface: I've not been able to sleep for three nights and finally Michael just said type it out...so he's wanting this to be known: He Loves Us and he's not far away, nor gone. Just in a different frequency. Like tuning the band on a radio station...I hope I can sleep now...God Bless you,Pax Christos, DaphneMichael:I'm here, and I'm waiting, and like, what is this lag between my thoughts and people knowing that I am not really gone at all? I can see ALL of you, and some of you are hearing me, and cannot believe it, and some of you are willing to believe it, and for you folks, esp., I am very grateful.I did not want nor intend to die. It was a malfunction of my circulatory system combined with the adverse affects of pain meds I'm addicted to because I have severe back injury from accidents and trauma and not maintaining my health due to intense pressure in the industry. Sony killed me...they squeezed the life-blood out of me...and I am so at a loss, and PISSED OFF, my children need me.Did you see Paris talking at the stadium? She's never been in front of more than just a roomful of people, she had no idea of the magnitude of my career, and she just blurted out from her heart her most vulnerable feelings...she helped to open peoples' eyes...Fools, they say they are not mine, but LOOK at them, they ARE my children...Paris' eyes are smokey green, like my father's, and my older son has my more prominent nose...people are still so racist...but my children love me, and Mom loves me and them, and Diana and Liz love them and Tito and Jermaine.I miss the baby...he is me...I am him...This place I am in is a heaven world, but they tell me that the show "must go on" people will know that I am not gone because the London show will continue, and my energy will be so visible to everyone there and so palpable that they will finally know that death is NOT the end, it is a doorway...You were asking me about my nose this afternoon during your nap, and I tell you, it started out slow, you know, I just wanted to "fit in" and look nice for my fans and my father was telling me I was so ugly...and then I saw what I could do, I could morph, change, into what I wanted to be, rather than feeling stuck in a cage like a wooden character who is doomed to a life of terrible misery.But it got out of hand...the pressure of the concerts, the phenomenal success of Thriller, we never dreamed, even Quincy, that it would do so well, go so big, and then I felt, you know, the fans expect perfection, I have to be BETTER, and that means in every way, so I had to be physically the embodiment of what I was trying to proclaim, express, in my lyrics and music...and I got sharper, more focused more intense, edgier...Now some would say I'd lost my balance, my equilibrium, and in part that was true. You know, I did really love Lisa-Marie, but kind of like I love Janet, my sis, we just could talk until the wee morning hours, she really understood me. We love and care about each other...same with Brooke, but that's not a painful relationship, that is a fun one. Lisa-Marie carries alot of the same wounds that I do, around her dad...She said I was more like him than anyone else in the world. And she wrote that song about "Missing Daddy", you know she was only 5 when he died, at least Paris is a little older, she's 11...I'm so proud of her, she's an angel, my babies...I am not gone. I am just not in the physical. I will make myself very known to many people, including your work partner/dear friend Wynn....I will help him with his music, but HE MUST ASK FOR IT, and believe in himself that his MUSIC is what will heal hearts, not just the metaphysical work...'cause music is the language of the soul.That's why I had you meet Brian, yeh, Holland....I am plugged into you and Terry and Brian and Wynn and others you will meet in the next 8 months...there is going to be a project. And you, Daphne, are going to play a central role, not just bringing my energy through, but in your own creativeexpression...you are a volcano waiting to blow...I knew you in Egypt and Lemuria, and Wynn also, and Terry from Maldek....you and I have worked together before, and you have worked with Al Jarreau and Stevie Wonder, and Michael MacDonald and Diana, oh Diana....she was a 2nd mother to me, you know?When you were in Hawaii in 2004, before you moved back to Cape Cod and started to teach music, you were at the humane center with the kittens, and Ain't No Maountian High Enough came on the radio and you were crying so hard...I felt it....I could sense it...not at a conscious level, but my soul knew the connection I had with you, and I've been actively helping you with your music since Mar of 2004....that is why you've made tremendous strides in such a short time. You were my patroness, and you were a highpriestess, and would attune to the musical vibrations and put them into the temples and lock them in the stones with certain relevant "keys"...nowYour sister Stephanie is the keybearer, your grandfather left her that legacy, and your Cherokee grandmother left you the gift of the bearer of the Fruits of Music and the Land...that is why you had such an intense emotional reaction to seeing the film "The Last of the Mohicans", in 1992, with your mother, with whom I also have a connection...but she is in confusion in her heart now, and needs to forgive....There is so much to share with you and your group. Pls. contact me often, and I will assure you your sleep will lighten and refresh you...you knew I was going to pass, that is why you were up all night for 3 nights watching my old videos of Human Nature, and Al Jarreau's song, Alonzo is similar in emotional tone, that is why you soar on it...and I came into your life this life during your time in Switzerland, in St. Gallen, and you were listening to two artists primarily besides me-- Kate Bush, who wrote "When you wish upon a Star"...which is about Peter Pan, (me), and Phil Collins, he was still with Genesis at the time, as well as Jarreau, who'd been a social worker in San Francisco....You are at the beginning of an amazing adventure. As for me, they say I'm to be the equivalent of Beethoven for this age, from up here...but when Ascension happens, you'll be with me again, and it's on its way, it's only a matter of 3-4 years and we'll be working together. I promise. I don't break my promises...and as I told my fans in London in March, the BEST is still yet to come, and that is entirely the truth, it is....I love you all, and I came to bring love into the hearts of people of the world...I hope I did a good job...they tell me I did...Love you all with all my heart...Michael
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