Greetings Everyone! As promised today I would like to share with you Part II of How to Attract Abundace. If you’ve missed part one you can read it by clicking here. In this new reality that we have entered into just recently it is important to change our belief structure. I have been talking about letting go and reprogramming your mind for years now.
Today though I would like to remind you about CREATING a different reality for yourself through your BELIEF.
- The number one thing that I want you to understand is that all the stories of LACK in this world are FALSE, simply and completely false. Because in the universe andthis planet specifically there is ABUNDANCE which is yours for the taking.
- Number two It is imperative that you fully tune into the following sentence “ABUNDANCE IS YOUR BIRTH GIVEN RIGHT!” because, it is so! You are born to be abundant! Abundant in whatever you wish it to be, whether it be health, money, joy, love, or the opposite of the scale, suffering, sickness, etc., it is completely up to you. One thing is for sure ABUNDANCE IS YOUR BIRTH GIVEN RIGHT!
- Number 3. There are elemental beings that are assigned to you when you are born, these beings take your thoughts and energy and automatically begin to create whatever you are thinking about into your reality. Whether they agree with it or not, it is their job to assure that whatever you are thinking of will come to pass. THAT is why it so SO important to monitor your thoughts! Because if you BELIEVE that there is LACK in the universe, you will fear that there is not going to be enough for you to manifest what you want. If you believe that you don’t deserve whatever it is that you want or have, rest assured that your elemental guides will strive really hard so that you will continue to experience LACK. However, if you BELIEVE THAT YOU DESERVE TO BE ABUNDANT in whichever way you want it to manifest, THAT is what you are going to experience.
- Number 4. Think of it this way, imagine that there is a road which is filled with agony, frustration, a feeling of lack, hard work, suffering, where everyone is barely surviving all because they are under this assumption that the only way to have anything good is to suffer for it. Now imagine that there is a road that exists just a few feet above the first one. On this road everyone is happy, joyous, doing what they love to do, healthy, vibrant and abundant in everything that they wish to have. Now imagine that you have found a staircase which leads up to a door that you unlocks with a very special key. And once you have that key, you can WALK THROUGH THAT DOOR, and find yourself on this beautiful amazing road of SUCCESS, ABUNDANCE, LIGHT, JOY, PEACE, HARMONY. All you need is that one key which will open all of these treasures for you.
- Number 5. That KEY is WITHIN YOU! That key is called YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM. The only thing that separates you from stepping onto that new path, onto the new 5D earth that has already been created, is your belief that somehow you aren’t deserving of this beautiful experience. Thus, in order to generate that key, you must fully and completely without any doubts in your mind BELIEVE that you are ABUNDANT and DESERVE to have EVERYTHING THAT YOU WANT!
- Number 6. The MAGIC of this KEY. however, is your INTENT instead of EXPECTATION of certain outcomes. Because when we EXPECT we are bound to be disappointed simply due to the fact that when we set an expectation in our minds, we see it coming to life in a certain way, and when something else appears on the horizon, which eventually will lead us directly to that which we’ve envisioned and intended for ourselves, we won’t give it a try, but stop ourselves from moving forward all because what will begin to take shape will not meet our expectation. Were we to INTEND without EXPECTING we would forgo the odd shape and allow the experience to blossom fully into what we have been wanting to experience.
This article is taken from my book MISSION TO EARTH – A LIGHT WORKERS
GUIDE TO SELF MASTERY. Please click here to learn more about this book:
Stay tuned for my next newsletter where I will share with you Part III of a very important guide on how to attract abundance into your life.
Abundance Disc – Increase the flow of love, prosperity, and wealth into your life.. Helps to remove your abundance blocks. For more information please click here.
And for some of you during this time Natalya Ankh’s new Abundance Disc may come in handy. The name speaks for itself. It is about helping you to draw in abundance energies into your life so that you can use them to create what you wish. Filled with the loving energies of various celestial deities, this powerful tool should assist you in attracting the type of change that you wish into your life. This is a gorgeous disc and is something that you would showcase for all to see. It should be placed in a prominent location either in your home or office. To learn more about the Abundance amplifier disc please click here.
Wish the Abundance Disc was more obtainable for people living on a low income day to day basis, the handiwork & craftmanship is gorgeous and well worth the wait for it, I'm sure.