“Blood Moon” Total Eclipse (April 4) = Moon of Manifestation!
We’re right in the midst of a powerful Eclipse cycle!
These cycles happen twice a year, and the one we’re in now has been particularly intense and filled with opportunity.
Eclipses always come in pairs, and this “Blood Moon” Eclipse occurs on 4.4. 2015, giving you the gift of Abundance Manifestation.
Here are some of the highlights for this Total Full Moon Eclipse:
▶ This Lunar Eclipse is the third of 4 consecutive “Blood Moon” Eclipses, part of a rare “Tetrad”, meaning “Four in a row”.
▶ It occurs on a Double 4.4. Day, triggering a strong Manifestation Code.
▶ The Sun and Moon form a T-Square with Pluto and Uranus – stimulating you to ACT.
▶ The Eclipse “Achievement Triangle” triggers an exquisite 14-15-16 Numerology Code!
A Total Full Moon Eclipse exponentially expands the emotional Full Moon energy, making it much more intense.
This particular 4.4. Eclipse also nudges Pluto-square-Uranus one more time, a cycle that began close to three years ago and has transformed you to the core!
In Numerology, April 2015 is a 12 Universal Month.
12 is ingrained deeply in our psyche – we have 12 hours in a day, 12 months in a year, 12 inches in a foot, 12 signs in the Zodiac.
12 teaches us to say NO to sacrifice and victimization.
With a “root number” of 3 (12 = 1+2 = 3), we’re going to FEEL all of life very deeply in April. 3 is a creative, uplifting, social and emotional number of self-expression. By expressing the full spectrum of your emotions authentically, you will keep your April light, fun and drama-free.