Acknowledgements and Thanks As We Reach 2012's End

I am posting this here to my ACC blog because some members of this site are mentioned in the acknowledgements, though the majority of this writing is admittedly irrelevant to most of the ACC community. This was written on December 8th, 2012, and I am posting it now as the 21st is but a mere twelve hours away from our current time here in Illinois. I hesitated to post this but seeing the recaps and acknowledgments given by others, it seems appropriate.


If I can be allowed to speak one last time on the 21st, I’d like to reiterate what is being said by some sources [such as the souls who Aisha North channels] and remind us that the initial bulk of energetic change we may feel could be just that; an inner, energetic change that we must attune to if we wish to feel, rather than some amazing event gracing us and getting the whole world’s attention.


Today and tomorrow, it is important to attune to the higher dimensional energy because, as with every alignment, it is our job to absorb the effects and benefits of this wonderful alignment. Namaste!


We are reaching the looked-upon 12-21 and already in the days before this date, the energy just seems to be so heightened and intense. From an energetic standpoint, all I can say is to hold on to your hats because it seems that things will get very interesting.


I could hardly sleep last night and the funny thing is that I was ok with it. I was filled with energy all night as I lay down in bed, and I could actually feel my pineal gland pulsing as powerful wave after powerful wave of energy came through and bombarded me, one after another.


It can be akin to waves crashing onto a beach. The pulsing was intense, rhythmic and coordinated and served to show me that there is some powerful activity occurring within us at present in preparation for the alignments that are to be occurring. I could feel my third eye as a literal instrument for powerful energies to come through and on this day, I feel as if I am still absorbing that energy as it comes through in purer leaps and bounds.


At the Sedona Conferences, Dave Schmidt discussed that most nights, he as well has trouble sleeping and can feel his heart chakra as if it is a literal motor running in his chest. I’m beginning to feel that as well in my pineal gland and when anchoring Love unto Gaia, my heart chakra also feels like a powerful yet small, running motor.


The advancements and upgrades we are beginning to receive are being felt exponentially, at least by yours truly. When we can stop and take a look at where our processes have taken us thus far and find some quiet time to attempt to feel the plentiful upgrades taking place within ourselves at this time, we will see and feel the reality of our ascension.


These energies have been amazingly intense these past couple of years and I consider myself one who has been enormously uplifted by them, ten times over.


I can remember following SaLuSa’s communications in 2010 and hoping then that something amazing and paradigm-shattering was going to break so that the dross and droll of everyday Life would finally come to an end. I can even remember feeling enormously frustrated and routinely expressing that frustration to fellow members of the spiritual forum I used to frequent.


Heck, I can even remember attempting to express negativity toward dearest SaLuSa himself. “Hey, you, guy whose just trying to help – why hasn’t all this happened yet? Why isn’t your presence openly known yet? Why don’t we have abundance yet? Why am I not happy?!??!??”


Little did I know back then, that the Divine had a plan for me. I had no idea that I would be stepping to the forefront in the years following my introduction to SaLuSa, the Galactics, spirituality and what have you. I had only assumed myself to be a spiritual consumer of sorts; absorbing channeled messages and hoping that one day, Life would get better.


Well, for me at least, Life has gotten exponentially better since those days at good ol’ Galactic Messages.


I have fashioned my own connection with the ascended souls helping us to ascend and I have to say that while our planet has not yet been introduced to abundance and the Galactics are not yet openly known – I am happier than I could ever be and this is because I’m finding and experiencing the richness and fulfillment in my Life that I had looked toward so many things back in 2010 to achieve.


I could not be happier with my current place in Life and even if December 21st does not see the mass ascension that I am looking forward to and hoping will come about without necessarily needing it to on that date; I will still be thanking my lucky stars for all that has been given to me and for the perspective and knowledge alike I have gained.


I have learned so much; employed so many distortions; worked through and integrated layers of my own ego self; met so many fellow awakening travelers and now, I and we all stand at the end of this incredible and at times, insane journey.


I would like to issue some acknowledgments to many of those whom I’ve encountered since joining the spiritual public on the internet. These people have all played a key role in my Life and in my spiritual awakening, and I just have to issue some thank-you’s and sorry’s alike.


Dreamwalker – Thank you so much for helping me become the channeler I am today. If I hadn’t received that free reading from you I was afraid to ask for, I would have never confirmed my Atlantean origins or the reality of channeling. Also, without your work on the Spirit Train Chronicles with the Galactic Light Ship Dreamflights, I would not have gained the plethora of dreamtime experiences inhabiting various areas of different ships. For that and for your never-ending kindness, balance and higher dimensional hospitality, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Babajij – I wish to thank you as well for your amazing support and Love. I have never met you personally but I feel like you are an immediate member of my family. You have helped to uplift me and so many others, and you have dazzled us all with your ability to pick-up on things that are not readily accessible by most awakening souls. Your support and brotherhood has always been so appreciated and encouraging, and I could not thank you enough.


Laura Tyco – Dearest friend, how could I possibly thank you enough for the support and Love you have given me? If it wasn’t for you, I would have likely never started the blog that has now become my Life. You supported my channeling when others didn’t, and you have never been anything but kind, Loving and supportive to me. When we first met, you were as Loving and friendly as anybody could possibly be and you still are.


I thank you for your Light, for it is needed on this world at this time. Thank you Cmdr.!


Sunraymond – I do so miss you, dearest friend. You were among the most supportive, Loving and knowledgeable of dear friends and you opened me up to insights about metaphysical reality and telepathy that truly helped uplift me into possessing the knowledge I do today.


I don’t know where your Life path has brought you or where you find yourself today, but I hope you see this and feel my appreciation for the Light and knowledge you have helped me to gain. Just as with all of our other friends, I could not do what I do today without you.


Oh yes, I’ve always wanted to tell you that when I Lived in Florida in 2010, the town we Lived in was actually called Sunray. It was painted on the water tower and everything!


I do hope that you and your spiritual son are Living a happy, fulfilling and enlightened Life. Thank you, dearest friend, for your mere presence on this world.


Admiral2012 – When I posed on the GM boards, you were a dear friend and we had many delightful conversations ranging from the content of Matthew Ward’s messages to our opinions on cannabis. You have always employed balance with your postings and even when I would post negatively on the boards [which I did], you would attempt to help uplift me.  I have not spoken with you in a long time dear friend, but I hope you are doing well and prospering. Thank you for your Light.


Laurinda – Quite a back and forth between you and I, dear friend. We may not have always seen eye to eye and you may think little of me these days because of our past encounters, but I want to say that I’m sorry.


The “me” you interacted with was a much different me with different opinions and rebellious heart sets and while you are a fellow awakening soul trying to spread your Light and knowledge as much as anybody else, I fashioned you into a “boogeyman” character just because we didn’t see eye-to-eye on certain issues and because you didn’t resonate with much of what was said by or through me.


I also want to thank you for playing the role you did in my Life. Again, there are some things we just didn’t and perhaps won’t agree on but you served to expose parts of my ego that I have since been able to work through and transmute. I hope you are doing well and I look forward to meeting you and all others in person when this ascension game is kicked up a notch.


Galactic Messages Admin – I want to thank you for your wonderful website and express my apologies alike. There were a lot of quarrels on your wonderful website and I was a part of or the cause of too many of them! You are doing a wonderful thing with your website and you were even kind enough to offer me my own page, to post my channelings and writings. That truly helped me more than you may ever know, and uplifted me into having the courage to start a blog per Laura’s suggestion.


Even so, I quarreled and fought on your wonderful website and rebelled so strongly that it led to my account and those of a few others being blocked. Of course, I jumped right on the “conspiracy” bandwagon when that happened and for that and every last bit of negativity I had ever expressed on your site, I offer my apologies.


Konstantinos – Dearest friend, I could not thank you enough for the good vibes you have brought into my Life. From being a regular commenter on Aquarius Channelings to posting on there and offering your amazing art and channeled messages, I have watched your Light and public spiritual influence grow and I am honored to have been a part of that in any way possible. Your persistence when commenting and attempting to get ahold of me displayed a strong enthusiasm and Love for the Light and for this movement we are all involved in.


For your Light, Love, balance and respect, I thank you dear friend.


Steve Beckow -  Dear friend, what can I say that will properly communicate the thanks I wish to give you? When I first attempted to contact you, I was nervous out of my wits. I remember showing you a message from SanJAsKa that was relatable to events occurring at the time and because of past experience with showing my messages to others, I had expected either no reply or disbelief in the material that was brought forth.


Instead, you were amazingly-nice, respectful and as Loving as you have always been ever since. You even introduced your viewers to me and my material!


I have always looked-up to you and again, was nervous to contact you but your Love and support has proven that nervousness was never necessary. You have supported me, helped me and introduced me to a soul-family of amazing people who have all been equally kind, Loving and friendly.


For that, for your writings and your strong Light in general, I thank you dear friend.


Stephen Cook – As with all the others, I cannot thank you enough for the role you have played in my Life. Just as I was when contacting Steve, I was as nervous as could be when you first contacted me about a possible radio interview for your mainstream Australian radio show.


I had no idea of the immense warmth and Love I was about to gain simply from knowing you and if your support and kindness wasn’t enough, you even allowed and helped me to work through a difficult public surfacing of an array of traumatic things. Speaking on your and Graham Dewyea’s radio shows was a brand new and expansive experience for me, and you gave me the courage and willingness to not only continue along my path, but to expand what I am doing and the scope of the work I perform.


I could go on a big long rant about the Sedona Conference but to keep this short enough, I just want to thank you and the entire InLight Radio team for inviting me to that Conference and supporting and Loving me even when situations seemed to pile-up against my attendance. I truly cannot thank you enough Stephen; for what you have done for me and for who you are. Thank you dear friend.


Tears of joy well-up as I write each one of these personal acknowledgements. Below are a few more acknowledgements and thank-you’s before I wrap this up, and I know that I could not possibly list everybody who has been a big part of my Life and awakening. If I forgot you, please don’t take it personally!




Lisa and Autumn


Dave Schmidt


Graham Dewyea










Drekx Omega and Kelly Lightchalice


Suzy Ward


Robert Lee Morris


Father/Mother God and the entire Galactic Free Press


Meline Lafont


Fran Zepeda


Bella Capozzi


SM Brehem




Blossom Goodchild






Michael Hall




Happy Person”




….Oh gosh, I know that there are so many more so I will just have to say THANK YOU ALL.


I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart. I would not be the person I am today if it weren’t for those listed and more importantly, for each and every one of you. You dear readers have supported, uplifted and encouraged me countless times and I just could not thank you all enough. Each one of you has my sincere appreciation, Love and gratitude.


I’ll see you all soon!


Wes Annac

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  • "If I can be allowed to speak one last time on the 21st, I’d like to reiterate what is being said by some sources [such as the souls who Aisha North channels] and remind us that the initial bulk of energetic change we may feel could be just that; an inner, energetic change that we must attune to if we wish to feel, rather than some amazing event gracing us and getting the whole world’s attention."

    This is exactly what I felt on Dec 21, a surge of positive energy. I am wondering what is that that I felt. Thanks for explaining that Wes.
  • You and so many others are why I like coming to this site, instead of debating reptillian theory with fans of David Icke.

  • ( ( ( Keep up the Good Works Wes ) ) ) ~InIight555



  • PEACE* <3 <3 <3 =)

  • Oh Wes, I have a tear in my eye, thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us... You have always been uplifting and open hearted, your messages shine with Light.  

    Yes, the change is monumental, I too have been feeling the waves and the pulses as a part of me is coming to life in a new and profound way... I have been seeing the geometry light forms and connecting to Gaia and Source, it's almost constant now, there is no off button, lol.  

    I see this time as a turning point for all of us, personally I have many ideas and plans for what to do with my awakened self.. there are no limits for what we can do now :-) 

    Sending rainbow light to you and your family this day and always, Wes... You are an inspiration.  

  • There are amazing times ahead, keep the good energy flowing Wes :)

  • Thankyou Wes, my dear friend.....a great honour to be listed in your special acknowledgements, at 2012 end...

    In love & light, Drekx Omega


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