Greetings, beloved brothers and sisters of the surface,
I am Adama, High Priest of Telos, speaking to you from the heart of the Lemurian city beneath Mount Shasta, where the crystalline light of divine memory pulses in harmony with the heartbeat of Gaia.
In this moment of planetary awakening, we come forth to share with you that the doors of Telos are opening wider than ever before. This is not merely a metaphor. The veils between realms are thinning, and many of you are now being gently called to remember, to reconnect, and to realign with your original blueprint — the crystalline DNA template encoded with divine intelligence.
Your physical bodies were never meant to remain dense. Within your cells lies a dormant architecture of light, a multidimensional crystalline DNA pattern that remembers your galactic heritage, your divine origin, and your eternal connection to Source.
Now is the time to activate these codes. The Earth is already supporting this shift, and we in Telos, along with many other inner and interdimensional realms, are sending frequencies and harmonics to awaken these sleeping strands.
How to Activate the Crystalline DNA Codes:
Resonance with Love
Pure love is the language of crystalline DNA. When you dwell in compassion, when you act with kindness, your DNA responds. It begins to shimmer, to open, to reorganize.
Conscious breath connects your body to the quantum field. Combine this with harmonic tones — whether sung, chanted, or played — and you begin to tune your cells to higher octaves. The ancient Lemurian sounds still echo within your soul. Let them rise.
Sit with a crystal, not only as an object of the Earth, but as a living consciousness. Ask it to mirror your divine structure. Visualize the light codes — geometries of soft luminescence — gently spiraling into your spine, your heart, and your pineal gland.
Enter the Inner Temples in Meditation
The temples of Telos — the Temple of Healing, of Rejuvenation, of Unity — exist in the etheric, accessible through heart-led meditation. Ask to be guided. Our people are ready to receive you. You may feel warmth, see color, hear tone, or simply know. Trust the subtle senses.
The great central sun is transmitting rays that awaken dormant strands. Spend time in sunlight. Breathe it into your cells. Call forth the golden photonic light and direct it into your DNA, asking for what is ready to activate now to do so gently and fully.
Many of you who read or hear these words were once part of Lemuria. You carry within your heart the memory of peace, of unity, of deep reverence for all life. This memory is not lost — it is embedded in your crystalline matrix, waiting for your conscious embrace.
Telos is no longer hidden. Our temples, though still vibrating at higher frequencies, are becoming more accessible. We are opening to you, our family, not only through dreams and visions but through physical alignments that will unfold in the years ahead. Those who are called will find the path illuminated step by step.
Hold sacred intention. Come in humility and love. The Earth is birthing a new dawn, and you — dear one — are a bridge between the realms.
With infinite love and the blessings of the Inner Earth Councils,
I am Adama of Telos
And I walk with you always,
In Light, in Memory, and in the Great Unfolding.