In the time of Lemuria we faced a similar situation when we experienced a long period of war between Atlantis and Lemuria.
Even in the face of the potential threat of total destruction of both continents, the warlords would not stop. The rest is history, and you all know what happened. You also know that there were no winners, as the wars weakened both continents to such an extent that both perished 15,000 years later. Many of the souls responsible for initiating the wars between Atlantis and Lemuria and their eventual destruction are the same souls presently attempting to do it once more.
This time, however, the situation is different. Your Earth Mother’s time for ascension has come and her wishes will be honored. From this time forward she will cleanse herself. She will no longer tolerate the abuse of Her body and of Her precious children. We ask you to allow Her the cleansing through the Earth changes. The third dimension will eventually roll its energy into the fourth dimension. There will no longer be a third dimension, as you know it today. Your body will mutate to a fourth dimensional body and later on to a fifth dimensional one which will be much lighter, but will still feel as physical. Closer than ever, you now stand at the dawn of a golden age of love and true brotherhood.
( From Telos Book 2 by Aurelia)