Advaita with Sai Baba
Man experientially forgets the divine being he and she also is.
It is bringing in to remembrance the self identity of this 'divine being' that all spirituality and hierarchy is focused upon.
When the mind sees only the manifested, the physical and even other worlds, it can then be said that the mind has turned away from advaita.
The mind has turned away from realization of self.
The mind has become unfit to learn.
Unfit because that mind is sub par? no.
Unfit simply because that mind is holding constructs linking it to the view or attitude of only seeing, only experiencing.... the , for example... physical manifestation, movement, meaning, and action that exists.
Advaita means there is no difference.
This is a simple matter.
The realization experiencing of this through the physical instrument is not simple to accomplish,
and requires skillful application of spiritual intelligence for one to begin to understand
how their mind has turned away from the experience of That.
What is it , for example, that one forgot to feel.
What is it that one forgot to remember.
What is that nagging voice or feeling that is just at the edge of graspibility, that holds one's next gold coin, on one's path or chain of remembrance. Of the processes where experiential remembrance becomes instituted.
Remembering that experiencing blossoms from consciousness.
You have a consciousness. You are a consciousness.
And you also have this nature.
It is a spiritual reality.
Within your consciousness is your Being , your being.
Within your being , your Being.. is your spiritual nature.
It is this you must explore. Investigate. 'Check out'.
Look deeper. Look in other ways. Look where you thought nothing else exists.
Look where you felt nothing else existed. Look where you feel nothing else exists within you.
Through successive dreams within dreams you have extended yourself from the divine principle from which you emanate.
Dreams within dreams.
You are still as well that divine principle.
It is not that you have separated from the divine principle at the source of your being,
as all of you has not.
So to say that metaphysically rejoining in to union with yourself is also joining in to the divine principle at the source of your being... is accurat
Now we will speak about imperfection.
The blind and even the cunning have basically convinced mankind that imperfection is tantamount
to separation from 'source'.
And of course then the personalized stories form to explain, embellish, and support and flow from that misapprehension.
So as the human equates obvious imperfection with obvious distance from 'god' ,source, divine principle,
which every human being is sourced in to and has as a beginning,
the human then innocently participates in a mass hypnotic delusion that he or she is separate from 'god' source' divine principle.
This is further reinforced for the human as in many many ways the attitude of the mind is then established and situated in a way which gives an over emphasized importance to the human or planetary scenes and is registering these realities, but not paying any real attention to the realities un to what we call the inner reality,ies wherein one's connection to source is continuingly revealed to their consciousness, within their consciousness, and is born in to their world of being .
Through successive dreams within dreams you have extended yourself from the divine principle from which you emanate.
Dreams within dreams.
You are still as well that divine principle.
It is not that you have separated from the divine principle at the source of your being,
as all of you has not.
So to say that metaphysically rejoining in to union with yourself is also joining in to the divine principle at the source of your being... is accurate.
One must open the mind.
Beyond what one believe's or thinks one knows, in places within other than what one has known ,beyond , beyond what one has felt, has yet felt.
This is the nature of realization of the dreams within dreams that the dreamer has found them self in.
Om Sai Ram,
in blessings of light,
in realization of that mutual light,
I am . Sai Baba
ifattributedproperly. namaste