This is a blog and comment of most importance for Advanced students of 5D,it is related to a earlier post I wrote some time ago the ''Grand Master Universe''  and the blog I posted  May 5th. called [ Archangel Michael: ''Advanced'' Fifth Dimensional Universal Laws..] 
Read the blog posted May understand , A.M. stands for ''Archangel Michael''This is the best or closest to the Urantia book info on Ascension but there are a few differences but not many. Its all coming from the same source ?,Also I inserted chapter in part from my last E-book '' the Grand Master Universe'' which helps to explain how close these two blogs are, I'll start with the concept of
''[Advanced'' Fifth Dimensional Universal Laws..] 
A.M. [ the Ascension Chakra or Medulla Oblongata at the base of the skull – the back portal of your Sacred Heart – and your Sacred Mind, which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain.] In the UB this is called the home of the Mystery monitor called the ''Adjuster'' who exists in the back portion of the super material mind,super imposed over the same area of the brain.He was chosen by us before we come here and he also chose us. His job is to adjust or thoughts for Ascension.The Holy Spirit exist in the top half of the mind, the higher self inhabits the front section of the mind and the Ego remains in the lower section of the mind And our'' I Am'' self resides in the middle of the mind. The erea of the HS and the Higher Self overlap each other in the space that they occupy, so therefore it is reasonable to think that they are in some form of communcation. And the HS is in constant communcation with the Creator Father as he is an extension of him. The HS is half in the Father and half of him is in us in that portion of our minds. The Higher self or mind is relaying and sending the info or prayers and petitions we make to the HS who sends them to God. The HS is like a long distance operator who translates our messages that we send eithor through the higher self or directly to the HS to the Father. The HS filters the reply down to us through the higher self or by sending us coded messages by tones or clicks when we get the info correct from him or God.  Note;The UB doesn't say this info is for the 5D for it was written nearly 100 years ago, so they were alluding to 4D I think. For we have to go through 4D 1st to get to 5D.But today 5D is upon us so we are basically skipping 4D by going through it at a high speed.

A.M. [ “Fifth-Dimensional Sacred Triad.”] is the Holy Trinity ascension process for the Age of the Holy Spirit. A.M.[ Sacred Triad, which is connected to all of the higher-frequency Sacred Triads throughout the multi-dimensions. After completing this stage of evolution, there will no longer be an Over-Soul/Higher Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions] This sacred triads or Trinity is held together by the holy Spirit in the 3D and 4D which we must bond with to get to the higher levels of 4D and then into 5D were we bond also with the Adjuster with the help of the Devine Mother daughter Spirit.I spoke of this in my recent blogs for Ascension into 4d &5D. Here they are talking about the lower 5D assuming you already did your homework to get through 4D.and are ready for 5D.That's why it said for the ''advanced'' I was told in the [a Course in Miracles] ''ACIM'' not to go into it to much until it was time, especially about the possible future self called the Adjuster and to stick to the Other Self the H.S. for those still working there way up to 5D need not to be so concerned about the adjuster but concentrate on the relationship with the HS and bonding with him.For he is our guide not only for 5D but also to connect back to God, Michael of Nebadon. So we are multi-dimensional beings, starting with our I AM Presence of our Soul~self expressed through our Heart center, then we have the Higher Self an expression of who we are to become, then we have the Other Self the Holy Spirit our guide back to God~head, whom we will bond with for this life time, then the possible Future Self That some day in the distant future we will fuse with but not nessacerly in this life-time. And the last self is the Lower self, which will dissolve sometime in the near future after we enter 5D and higher.

 A.M. [The Milky Way Galaxy is also divided into twelve sectors or quadrants, just as the universe is divided into Sub-Universal sectors. Each quadrant within the Galaxy have governing Councils of Light in multiples of twelve. Hopefully, you are gaining a better understanding as to the importance of the numbers twelve and 144, for these numbers apply to all of the “holograms of creation” throughout this Sub-Universe.]
If you read my older blog on the ''Grand Master Universe'' from the UB I have made a drawing of it in 2009. You will see the most sacred number is 7, everything in this universe is done in 7's and there are 7 universe's to one super universe and 7 super-universes to make the Grand Master Universe. I will re-post it with this comment to help people better understand this concept. We don't want to lose anyone on this journey to 5D. For where we go one we go all. We are all one. Hoped this helped those awakened souls to skip 4D and jump to 5D...Adonia.. Rev. Joshua

This drawing of the Grand Master Universe which I made from the directions and descriptions given in the Urantia Book paper edition #15 for the seven Super universes . Which originally described was a wheel with seven spokes from the central hub. After I completed it in ''6~9~O9'', I took the last circle away, and presto, we have a flower. But in this drawing I have both. Maybe that’s why the Hindus and yogis used the lotus flower to represent God-head, also for the heart chakra and crown. I will see flowers differently from now on. I will try to keep it simple as I explain how I interpret the information, as to how it all, the Grand Master Universe, was set up. I believe this is also the wheel within a wheel Ezekiel talks about in the bible.

First let’s start from the very center hub of the wheel or flower. It is called Havana, and I think that was translated to mean Heaven for us Westerners. It is also called the first isle or center of the Grand Master Universe where the first original God had his abode or home. We can call God father of all Creation, first Creator or Supreme Creator the alpha and omega. He is eternal, always was and always will be. He is infinite. He in turn at some point in time created the first son that is called the eternal son and at that instant the Infinite Spirit, the mother or creator of all spirits was born. This emotional relationship became the first trinity between the father and sons connecting the first two Gods. That connection is called the infinite spirit coming from the universal father.

Now going out from the central hub we have the center of the rim itself which, in the drawing, looks like the center of the flower where the seeds are. This center is called Paradise or second isle of the eternal son. This fist original creator son created the Super universe of Paradise which is then separated into seven universes. From each universe there is a Super universe stemming out from it. The eternal son created many millions of Deity Gods, but only seven created super universes and these are called Masters. Our Super universe is called Orvonton. There are seven universes to make one Super universe.

All Super universes are created by an order of Master Michaels. Our Master Michael created and resigns in the seventh universe called Nebadon. That’s why he’s called Michael of Nebadon. As can be seen in the drawing our universe, called Nebadon, is the last of the seven completed universes and headquarters. The only Super universe that is completed that we know of is Orvonton.

The Urantia Book doesn’t say why only a Master Michael can create a universe, since there are over 700,000 of the order of Michaels. Some of them are advisers to the Master Michael, others have their own agendas. Their future plans are also not revealed to us and they are still growing in numbers. What is known is that these 700,000 Michaels are now also becoming masters. Some are creating new universes which are incomplete at the present moment.

None of the Michael Creator Gods can leave their chosen universe (headquarters) until their universes are completed and the central gravitational forces of the central universe are working fully and each must someday earn their sovereignty of their creations as our Master Lord Michael (of Nebadon) has done through his seven bestowals, the last being our world as Joshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) a Dual Orgin Being. Thus becoming a Master Michael.

Clouds by Woody Woodworth

The Urantia Book says the plan of the universe originally provided for the following units: seven Super universes, 70 major sectors, 7,000 minor sectors, 700,000 local universes, 70,000,000 constellations, 7,000,000,000 local systems, 7,000,000,000,000 inhabitable planets.

Each of the seven Super universes is constellated approximately as follows: One system embraces approximately 1,000 worlds; one constellation (100 systems) = 1,000,000 worlds; one universe (100 constellations) = 10,000,000; one minor sector (100 universes) = 1,000,000,000 worlds; one major sector (100 minor sectors) = 100,000,000,000 worlds; one Super universe (10 major sectors) = 1,000,000,000,000.

Quite heavy, but anyway, we can see that 700,000 local universes equal the 700,000 order of Michaels who will then someday become Master Michaels. But I am unsure at this moment if that means they will someday be involved in these already created universes or that there will be some 700,000 new universes in super universes expanding out from what is already created into the great void! Maybe they will concentrate first on what is already created. It is said that all such estimates are approximations at best for new systems are constantly evolving while other organizations are temporarily passing out of material existence. I didn’t want to put this information into the book because I thought it was too much. People can’t even understand that our Creator Master Michael is the grandson of the Original God called the ''Father of Fathers''which means “basically” for us there are three Father Gods. This is called the Original Trinity. And there is a Trinity of Trinity’s.

Christians only believe in one or two. They believe Jesus was the son of the first original God and that he sits on the right hand side of his throne as a God. In one way they were close. Jesus was talking about himself or one aspect of himself since he was “two” God and man in one,a Dual Origin Being. Jesus, being a highest form of material evolutionary Being created by our father Michael (what we could be some day) and Michael being a Paradise son of the orders of Master Michael one half of Jesus.

Jesus is now sitting on the right hand of Master Michael’s throne as a completed evolutionary being. But this did not happen until or after the resurrection and meeting with Michael’s father, (the Eternal Son) as a Dual Origin Creator. The Urantia book explains it by saying that he now shares his throne with Jesus the master son, who administers to material evolutionary beings such as earthlings through the office of the Christ.JC was the 1st evoltionary Being who evolved from animal to human to master Spirit to a Bestowal son and then to become a God after his Dual Orgin Bestowal here with Michael the Father. But he is not a Creator God but still a God and so far one of a kind.

So now as we can see the amount of Creator Gods could be 700,000 ,each creating seven trillion inhabitable worlds. That’s a lot of Gods and a whole lot of inhabitable worlds for us to try to consider and understand. Even with our growing concepts it will require some stretching of the mind to grasp it. But for our salvation it’s only necessary to understand our Super universe as it is now, our family of Gods and the complex duality of who Jesus was and is. If one can grasp that, then they can possibly understand that Jesus the man is back now and the other half of Jesus, the God,Michael will still return someday as his true self, not necessarily as the Jesus we knew but in his glory as Lord Michael or Christ Michael in his spiritual form. But this probably won’t happen until the age of light and life or in an emergency dispensation (such as ours) when it looks as though his creation may not survive from the Dark Forces The Son Sananda [Jesus] may also came as his self when we Defeat the Cabal and move into 5D.


I know it’s a lot to grasp or understand, but we still have some time to figure it all out if we wish to. That will require studying The Urantia Book. What I give here is only a basic outline of what there is to know. One has to have an open mind to all of this because what we have been taught in the past is only first grade material compared to this stuff and there will be more to come. We have a lot of homework to do if we want to really understand by 2012~2024, at the end of an age and the begining of a new age, called the ''Age of the Holy Spirit''. And I didn’t give any details of all the different types of God deities in Paradise or Havana. That’s too much at one time to try and comprehend. Suffice to say there is more to understand of our Master Michael’s creation, our family.

Now let me explain about the Avonals who are brothers of the creator son's. There are over one billion of them created by the Eternal Son in Paradise. 110,000 of them are in service in our universe of Nebadon. They are much more important than we would think, ranking second to the Creator Sons. They are sort of like our school teachers and principals combined. They are called magisterial sons. They are master teachers, leading us back to the “three” God heads I spoke of before. And at the end of an age they are there with others to grade us and see if we passed and can go on to the next level or if we failed and must take the whole course over again until we get it right. I think it’s a bit of a quirk that they play both teachers and judge. And remember this is not the final judgment day. We get one more chance to fuse with the God within us (thought adjuster) in the seven levels of the morontia life of the manson worlds.But we must now Bond with the Holy Spirit to Ascend into 5D.

And now for some more mind boggling fun! The Grand Master Universe rotates in a counter clockwise direction as shown in the drawing and at the same time it breathes in and out. We are now just beginning the breathing in cycle. Maybe that’s why linear time seems to be getting shorter or time is passing by quicker. Also in the drawing of the wheel or flower our Super universe of Orvonton shows only seven universes, but according to the information there is going to be 100,000 universes in each Super universe some day .

So these seven which I blew up in size would line the border of Paradise and the other 993,000 would look like dots filling up the Super universe as shown in the surrounding universes, each having 100,000 in them. Now I don’t know the exact distances but I would presume it’s in the billions or trillions of light years. That also means that these newly and now forming universes can expand and that means that they will go out further into the great void of uninhabitable space someday.

So the picture we now have here could expand, still in its present form, with its present borders into infinity, never ending in eternity. But that’s too much for us to grasp with our finite minds, and too large of a picture for us to draw so we’ll just stay where we are. This is more than enough to contemplate. We must also remember there are one billion inhabited planets in the first isle or central universe called the Havona (Paradise Systems). The billion worlds of the Havona are arranged in seven concentric circuits immediately surrounding the three circuits of paradise satellites. There is upward of 35,000,000 worlds in the inner most Havona circuit. And over 245,000,000 in the outer most with disproportionate numbers intervening. Each circuit differs but is perfectly balanced and exquisitely organized and each is pervaded by a specialized representation of the infinite spirit, one of the seven spirits of the circuits.

The Havona circuit is the one and only settled perfect and stabilized organization of worlds. This is a wholly created perfect universe, from which come our adjusters and the eternal son plus many other kinds of deities who interact with Paradise and the seven Super universes and again many different types of deities or Gods come from paradise, Havona systems, too many to mention here. We should be concerned only with the ones directly related to us or interacting with us. First would be our Creator Master Michael of the order of Michael's, then the order of Avonals, then the order of Dayonals, and then the Mother of Spirit, then Melchizdek father, recent of days and ancient of days and the list goes on. And remember, those deity families are in each universe.

To me that is mind-boggling to say the least. The first half of The Urantia Book, 1,127 pages, is devoted to explaining all of this and how it works, plus the history of our planet Urantia I have now been studying it off and on for over 36 years [1972] and I am just beginning to understand it. If I had a few more lifetimes I might be able to comprehend it somewhat, along with the book '' A cource in Miracles''.

But the main thing is how does this information relate to our lives and Ascension into 5D? Being able to know the full story for sure will strengthen us even if we don’t understand it all completely, especially if we mix in the new information that is now coming down to help us integrate the divine plan into our lives.

This is the teachings from the large format Urantia book,blessings .
Paradise, the Eternal Isle, is the one stationary and most immense creation in all the universes. Paradise is a real place as well as a spiritual residence. It is a material world in the shape of an elliptical disc. This Isle of God is the home of the Father and his eternal associates, the Eternal Son and the infinite Spirit. "God dwells, has dwelt, and everlastingly will dwell in this same central and eternal abode. We have always found him there and always will." ~ The Urantia Book, 11:1.2

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