Dr. Angela Barnett
channeled from the Crystalai Council
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Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
The way that I make the ADVANCED DNA ACTIVATION MUSIC is by using this process that is much like what you do when you use the candle to experience the FULL SPECTRUM OF LIGHT ENERGY transforming you into the Ultra Violet Blue HUE of the Fifth Dimension.
Remember to also think of the candle as the light frequencies in the Pyramid Chart.
Focus on the relationship of Blue Light in the Candle and the Blue Area of the Brain Chart. When you begin looking at the candle flame, you will notice that there is no blue color in the area of the candle where the picture shows it. However, after you move your consciousness into the Full Spectrum of Light, which raises your frequencies, you can see things that you didn't see before. You can see the blue spectrum in the candle and you can see the blue spheres above and below the candle, which are the Holograms of the Parallel Spiriutal Anti Matter Light Spectrum.
This is showing you that you can raise your frequencies of perception into a reality that wasn't there before. You do the same time every time you listen to the music that I create. You are having your frequencies raised as a result of listening to the music because I create the music by going into these higher dimensions of light and sound like the ones in the picture. When you listen to the music, your brain activity changes from the yellow part of the brain to the blue part of the brain. That is because the music contains the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound just like the Candle does. The more you focus on adjusting your frequencies into the Full Spectrum, the more of the Cosmic Frequencies of the 13,-15 dimensions activate the 12th dimensional freqeuncies of Christ Consciousness within you.
What is Christ Consciousness? It is the level of Frequency Accretion needed for you to be able to travel through all 12 stargates after you turn your body into an Orb. A Christ Child who grows to the age of 33 is an Entity who has saturated every cell in his or her body with the Cosmic Hydrolaise which is the pre vapor of plasma. It is the Spiriitual Water that glues all realities together. When a 33 year old Christ child absorbs all of this liquid light energy from the Cosmic Dimension it activates the Plasma Body within. It is the Plasma body that can ride in the Crystal Star Merkaba Vehicle and travel to other Star Systems.
The humans angelic raceline were all originally Christs walking on Earth. We had our Christ hood taken from us as a result of Electric Wars that caused our subharmonic waves in our DNA to become disconnected. This article will explore the Candle, the Brain, the Christ Consciousness, the orbing process and how our DNA got unplugged. We will also examine how to plug our DNA back together as we spin the overtones of the electro into the basetones of the magnetic.
Brain and Light Pyramid Chart
Just SEEING the Blue Sphere is step one. When you imagine yourself as a mini me standing where the stem of the candle is, see yourself wrapped in the light energy, walk into the candle until you feel yourself absorbing all of the light energy.
step one-Do this until you can see the candle light projecting the blue hue where the pyramid shows that it will be seen.
When you fill your Mid Brain with this same Blue Light Energy you are turning on the Frequency Specific part of the brain. Before you started looking at the Light Energy you were in the Yellow part of the Brain. That is called the upper cerebellum.
Filling the Mid Brain with the Blue Sphere is step two.
Remaining in the Frequency Specific Mid Brain is the KEY to moving into the Fifth Dimension.
The candle is used to help you realize what the music is doing to your brain and to your body.
However, I would have to say that the Candle Technique is more of an INACTIVE PROCESS. I use the process of creating the frequency speicific light energy of the dimensions of 5th, 8th, 12th and 14th dimensions into my Crystal Heart and then into my Mid Brain. This is another way of IGNITING the Fifth Dimension within your body. In the Keylontic Science given by the Guardians we learned to bring the light from the Frequency range that each Spinning Merkaba from each dimension of the Cosmic Spectrum, the Universal Spectrum and the Galactic Spectrum of Light and Sound contain.
When we use the Technique given by the Ascension Guardians through the Keylontic Science teachings, we learn to use these Spiritual Tools called Merkabas.
The reason that the Merkaba is able to collect the light and sound of the dimensional frequencies so that you can pull those frequencie directly into your body is because it is made of the Electro-Magnetic ratio of Male- Female.
Now, here is the first definition of WORDS that must be changed in our new Cosmic Dictionary.
The Male is not a man and the Female is not a woman.
The removal of polarity is not removing the difference between male and female.
It has nothing to do with bringing back the "FEMININE"- as so many New Age Teachings have been claiming sense the year 2000 time frame.
The MALE is the Pattern and Spin rate of the Electro part of the Divine Creation Plan.
The Electro carries the pattern that is needed to mend our DNA that was sliced apart by disconnecting the Electro from the Magnetic.
The Electrons are in the Overtones of the DNA and the Magnetic is the Base Tones of the DNA.
There were Over tones and Base Tones separated at different Dimensional Levels in each of the DNA.
The most CRUCIAL DNA STRANDS in the Body are the FIRST DNA STRAND.
That Strand had it's Electro Overtones disconnected from its Magnetic Base Tones 5.5 million years ago.
This was done through an ELECTRIC WAR of the Universe that was actually brought about from an Electric War in the Cosmos.
It is called an Electric War because everything in the universe is created by a DIVINE ELECTRICITY.
Here is another word that must be given the COSMIC DEFINITION.
The electricity created by Einstein was the Third Density. RESULT of a Formula that actually works on all Density levels.
Einsteins formula says Consciousness plus Energy equals Reality.
C plus E equals Reality.
The amount of Consciousness that was put into creating ENERGY (Electricity) in this Density gave us the Reality of that form of Electricity.
However, when we rise into the Fifth Density and use the Consciousness that is in that Multidimensional Field of Reality and put it together with the Energy of the Spin rate of the Cosmic Merkaba, we create a Source of Electricity that comes comes Directly from SOURCE.
That use of the Universal Merkaba and the Cosmic Merkaba was made disfunctional in our bodies at the first DNA strand and through out our Universe as a result of the ELECTRIC WARS.
This is the Scientific Formula that can be used to LINK our reality of the third, fifth, eighth, twelfth and fourteenth dimensions into one ETERNAL SOURCE OF ENERGY.
That Scientific Formula is completely and clearly outlined and taught precisely by Ashayana Deane in her SLIDERS 5-12 DVD's. (I have never physically attended her workshops. I have purchased every DVD that she has created, and studied them just like a Physics Major would study that subject as a Doctoral Candidate in a University).
I have always looked at this ASCENSION as a completion of all of the life times, all of the Cosmic Experiments, all of the Cosmic Teams that I have been with for Billions of Years finally being Completed. I have signed up for many sets of Missions for this One Lifetime because I am representing the Crystalai Council and the Breneau Consciousness of COMPLETE ASCENSION for the Cosmos- not just for the Planet.
I am in continuous communication on a frequency level. I find the God Language that Ahsayana Deane uses in Keylontic Science very interesting. However, I still only communicate with my teams on the Frequency Level. That is the only communication that was used in my Universe before the Tower of Babel, 5000 years ago.
This planet must move back into Telepathic- Frequency Specific Language before it can assimilate into the new Standing Wave Patterns of the New Ascension Earth.
That is why this transition is all about Light and Sound.
It is all about tuning up our Frequencies by spinning the Merkaba Correctly and using that spin rate in relationship with the Electro Tonal connection of the Over tones and Basetones in the DNA.
When I create the music, I ride my Merkaba that is formed in the 12th Dimensional Consciousness of my Rasha Body- 12 inches above my head.
That Merkaba is made of the upper pyramid ( actually it is not a pyramid because it has four sides-that is called a dectrohedron) The bottom side of the merkaba is very important because that is the area where the Male- Electro meets the FEMALE- Magnetic Pyramid.
The Male and Female must spin together correctly in order to re-activate that connection of energy that unites the overtones and basetones of the DNA.
If you look at the candle and draw a pyramid, the base of the pyramid would be near the top area of the STEM. The point of the pyramid would be at the pink-silver top point of the candle.
That pyramid would be the Cosmic Merkaba- ELECTRO --TOP HALF.
See the Light Spectrum of the Cosmic Merkaba-- It includes that outer spectrum of light. It is the spectrum of light that includes the Plasma- the Pre-Plasma of Hydrolaise Vapor and the Pink Silver Light which is the Heliotalic Spectrum that spins together with the Plasma to create the Neutron body.
That would be just the Cosmic Merkaba.
So, when I create the Frequency Music, most of my focus is up in that part of the Candle- the place where the Frequencies of Light and Sound are the TRANSFORMATION CHEMISTRY OF OUR ASCENSION.
If you draw another Pyramid inside of the Cosmic Merkaba, you would be drawing the UNIVERSAL MERKABA. The Light Spectrum of that Merkaba includes all of the Stardust Energy, which is also made of the Pre Light and Sound Substance of the Cosmic Hydrolaise and "Heliotalic Light.
The Stardust is one light spectrum lower than the Plasma. However, the template that create these light forms are the same. The DIVINE BLUE PRINT or TEMPLATE of the entire COSMOS is made from the Breath of Source IGNITING AND IDEA into the Cosmos.
That exact same IDEA is replicated in each DENSITY. We can only see the DENSITY that is BELOW us.
We would have to be in the Fifth Dimension to see the Fourth Density. That is basically what most people are seeing right now. It is not that they are not in the Fifth Dimension. It is just that they are still SEEING the Fourth Density
We must change our PERCEPTION of Reality by Raising our Frequencies. We can't SEE it until we can HEAR it.
That is because the Sound and the Light of the Merkabas of Electro- Magnetic Spin Rates braid the broken DNA subharmonics back together.
We need to use the Candle again. Now we draw another Merkaba Pyramid inside of the Universal Merkaba. This will be the Galactic Merkaba.
The Cosmic Merkaba contains dimensions 13,14 and 15-- But the 15 is beyond the Silver Pink top of the Flame, and then just a breath outside of that 15 dimension of the EARTH's MATRIX is the Source Field of Infinite Void. That is where the TRUE CREATION takes place. That is where the TEMPLATE of all Creation remains Eternally for all Infinity.
The 15 dimensions are only the EARTH'S MATRIX. The Earth is always within it's Cosmos.
Well, the Earth was in it's Cosmos until December 2012 when the Earth was realigned into a new alignment of reality that required our Cosmos to become a NEW COSMOS.
We can't have a new Earth without a new Universe and a new Cosmos.
This ASCENSION EVENT is not a local Planetary event. Ascension can only take place at the Cosmic Level.
The COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE is the meeting place of 13 Cosmos beginning the creation plan for the new baby Cosmos that they created.
I am just channeling their information to you through their Frequencies.
Now, we can see where this GALACTIC MERKABA would be.
First, each merkaba always has it's base in that same area near the top of the Stem.
The Galactic Merkaba contains the same spectrum of light energy at a lower Spin Rate. That means the Merkaba is not spinning as fast as the Universal Merkaba. That is what creates more density. That is why the 8th dimensional density is more dense than the 12th dimensional density.
The light of the Galactic Merkaba is INVISIBLE to us. It is not in our VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM. The Invisible light and the x-ray light spectrums create a different reality than we are able to concieve. The Density becomes so Etheric that the Angels are able to fly through the clouds.
When we get down to the Solar Merkaba, we are in the Fifth Dimensional Reality.
This is where we are now. We are in the Fifth Dimension.
We just haven't learned how to see it yet.
Look again at the BASE of the MERKABA. All of the bases of all of the Merkaba sit at the same place in the STEM OF THE CANDLE.
Now, draw a stick figure body onto that stem. The place where the Light Ignites at the tip of the Stem would be the right above the arms in the Crystal Heart area of the body.
The Merkabas are igniting that light of all of the Merkabas from all Dimensions into the HEART of that little body.
The body is your body. When you are gazing at the Candle and walking into the Candle, you are igniting the light in your Crystal Heart.
We call it the Crystal Heart because it is made of Crystal-- etheric Crystalline- which is actaully Cellesma in it's purest form. It is the Blue Body Essence that our Soul is made of. Our Soul sits right under the Heart. That is why we call it the CRYSTAL HEART.
When I ride my Merkaba, I always create a MINI ME who rides in the Crystal Star Merkaba in the Crystal Heart.
That is why all of my meditations always begin with
I create the Crystal Star Merkaba 12 inches above my head and then inhale it into my crystal heart. Then I place the mini me, who is actually me SOUL SELF in the Merkaba.
Now, I can ride in my Merkaba DOWN into the Earth's Cosmic Core- 13.5 Dimension and collect those frequencies and then ride up to 12 inches below the Earth's Crust and collect the Christic Frequencies or Universal Frequencies, and then I inhale those into the Merkaba and bring them into my Crystal Heart.
That is what we do to make the Stem of the Candle ignite into the Full Spectrum of Light.
This time it is your Crystal Heart that is igniting.
Because our Soul went to sleep about 5000 years ago and now we are waking him up.
We haven't been a fully ignited 5th dimensional being for a very long time.
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