Here’s an important conversation for thinking and awakened people. I find Alan’s train of thought almost identical to my own.
For added perspective, you may find value in this excerpt from Juan Q Seven on Telegram.
They] are fighting to live.
[They] will pay whoever, whatever amount, to win & keep the rights to control us & print money.[They] are errogant & think they can win. [Their] “help” in this movement is disguised to gather intel. Who pushed arrest date predictions the most, giving Fake News ammunition against Q? To those that know what Fake News says is bad for us, must be good for us, What accounts did the Fake News steer you to as a result? (Define herding) Why did ‘nothing’ happen on those arrest prediction dates? “Moves & countermoves.”
Do you think CIA assets are installed into this movement? “All assets deployed.”
When money [They] control is nothing more than numbers in a computer / account that can easily be manipulated, their resources are vast & used in all areas of information warfare.
Some of your most favorite large [independent media] accounts will just disappear one day when [Their] funds are dried up. Some accounts are here all day every day, like they’re on the clock. Pushing the same ol’ content & gathering a large following in the process. Keeping your eyes fixated on them & them alone. “Look here, not there. If the information isn’t coming from us / vetted by us, don’t trust it.”
Like I said. The Truth Movement isn’t new. It’s existed since the birth of the internet & that information is known, has been published & can be found at your fingertips by you yourself. Do not rely on others as your only source of information, not even me. Trump ‘n’ company WON this war. “You’re watching a movie.” No need to panic & act as if, if we don’t hurry & get certain info out & interpret certain drops correctly, that Trump will lose. That’s kooky talk. God won. Enjoy the movie & watch whatever scenes are of interest to you.
As we approach our ten year anniversary of sharing the “news” I would certainly love to relax my “addiction” to gathering the news every day. I have a (new) house that needs attention. I am confident that the White Hats have everything under control and the masses will awaken and we can get past this insanity. Humanity has already been saved. I am enjoying the show, but it’s getting old. You?