Albert Einstein once wrote: “ A human being is part of a whole, call by us the “Universe”- a part limited in time and space”
Albert Einstein thoughtfully offered this observation, which many years ago would have been an illuminating thought…considering it came from a scientist. Yet to me, it is now interesting to say “part of the whole”. I see that we are now waking up to the realization that this observation is itself is limiting, for we are realizing that we are that very being that we call The Universe. A spot on a wall may be a spot, yet it is still “wall”. I like thinking about the marvelous creation called Time-Space, as it seems like a gorgeous gift that “we” as the “One” have given to ourselves… to experience definition, individuality, polarity, duality, gravity, remember-ance, beauty with edges, vision, sense and limitation. For me, every limitation can now be a gift from the “Me” to the “me” towards understanding and reveling in the intricate, expansive, cohesive, ordered yet random immensity of it “All” – Wow! I so love our quest as seekers and scientists to witness, explain, experience, ponder and rejoice in the expanding acceleration we call “God”, that continues, without limitation, to include “Us”