


On this week’s An Hour with an Angel, Geoff West spoke with science officer Serenia and Albert Einstein. So as not to overtax the reader, we’ll post Serenia’s discussion of her work with formulas and hydration tomorrow.

Today we post Einstein’s discussion of his life’s intentions, his understandings of multidimensional science, and the brick wall that science faces. In the course of the interview, Einstein extended his formulation of his well-known equation of mass-energy equivalence, E=MC2.
Those who would prefer to read Serenia interview today can go to http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/serenia-cleansing-the-waters-of-earth/

An Hour with an Angel with Einstein and Serenia, April 1, 2013
Geoffrey West: Many will know the name Albert Einstein, but some may not fully understand what he is famous for. In some circles there is debate about the true role that Einstein has played involving humanity’s understanding of science. I honestly do not know if he has plans to address any of that at this time. Given the time that we have left, I think he will be wanting to focus and elaborate more on the Theory of Relativity, to which he has been given credit.

It would take too long to fully explain, but it generally falls into two categories: the Special Relativity, and General Relativity. According to Wikipedia, General Relativity generalizes Special Relativity and Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, providing a unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time, or space-time, in particular.

The curvature of space-time is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. And this is perhaps a little bit of what Serenia was talking about with the unified grid a few moments ago.
The relation is specified by Einstein’s field equations, a system of partial differential equations. Now, that’s going to be a mouthful, for many.

The Special Theory of Relativity was an expansion of Galileo Galilei’s Principle Theory of Relativity. Galileo postulated that all uniform motion is relative, and that there is no absolute and well-defined state of rest. Einstein expanded that into his E = MC2 formula, where energy equals mass times the speed of light in a vacuum squared.
So, we welcome Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein: Welcome to you. So, yes, I follow Serenia, and introduce myself, for I am Albert Einstein. It is interesting to be in this way (1) and to have this opportunity to speak to you. I do not come simply as a scientist, but also as a human being, as a fellow human being - yes, with much star lineage, for I had traveled the galaxies prior to making my decision to come to Earth, like many of you. And I came, in service to the Mother and to the one that you know of as Michael, to be a bringer and an anchor of peace.

Well, hindsight is always 20/20, is it not? And so you cannot really reflect in that way. But definitely my work and my sacred purpose on Earth was cut short. No, I do not mean that my life-span or the time allotted to me was stolen away somehow. But what I mean is I did not apply myself in ways that allowed me to complete the work that I began. So, in many ways I also left incomplete equations.
So, for example, it is MC2 to infinity [∞].

E=MC2 http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/einstein-reformulates-emc2-2/infinity/ http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/einstein-reformulates-emc2-2/infinity/

That one little symbol is rather important, is it not? For it speaks to the continuity and the infinite nature of creation and the universe. And here I had tried to squeeze it into a manageable form, when it was never intended to be so small.

So, I come this day in a very public forum to share that, not so much with light-workers, but this is the forum I am given to speak to the scientists, and so I take it and I give this to them.
What is science? It is a body of knowledge, as you think of it, but truly it is driven by a group of individuals that then formulate what they think of as a body of truths. [laughs] Well, let us say it can be a growing body of understanding, but it is certainly not completely reflective of the truth of how things work.

Because that was always what I wished to do, to understand as human men how things worked. And I felt - perhaps because of my lineage, perhaps because of my impatience, but I always felt - that I was so restricted by having to land and to live in the 3rd dimension. That did not work for me at all, really.

And as you have all decided as well, it does not work for you. And so this is quite pleasing to me, because it is all of you breaking out of jail at the same time!
I did not come simply to congratulate you on your ability to shift dimensions, but to also share with you the understanding that each one of you is a completely inter-dimensional, multi-dimensional being. You always have been.

It has only been the constriction of your minds and the collective beliefs that have kept you in prison, just as it kept me in prison. And just as it limited me in my thinking, in my postulations, in my grand explanations, which were but child’s play.
I do not say this as an apologist, for I have come to understand my role. But I would ask you, do not base how you go forward on incomplete formulas and incomplete understanding.
Now, what would you have me say, my dear friend Geoffrey?

GW: Well, I think people… or at least my understanding is that you wanted to talk a little bit more about your Theory of Relativity, which you have touched on; that you would like to add that little sideways letter 8, to infinity. How, exactly, can that make the difference?
Speaking as someone who doesn’t understand much about science, we can talk about energy as being the mass and the speed of light squared, in a vacuum, to infinity. Can you help us understand that a little bit?
Is there a way in three-dimensional discussion to understand that a little bit better?

AE: Yes, there is a way in three dimensional. But what it does is it breaks you out of the three dimensional, and that is what is the good news of what I bring this day.
The biggest problem - and now I do speak as scientist and as a man - there has always been a brick wall that the physicists, who are very aware of the infinite nature of the universe (more so than most scientists, but perhaps I am biased), but there has always been that brick wall that they come up against because it never has fully explained the next step.

It is like a cake recipe, to put it very simply, that if you put these ingredients and this explanation of the continuum of the mass of the light, which is really the love - that is where the infinity comes in - that it will only take you so far. And even in quantum physics, it will only take you so far.
And so there has always been this frustration about how can we break through to the understanding, the explanation, of how the universe truly functions?

Because while the Theory of Relativity explains a great deal, it stops short. [aside] Sometimes I have trouble with this language.
So, when you add - and the scientists do understand - the infinity, what it takes them from is their understanding of what they have thought of as uni-dimensional universe.

Because even in their explanations of dimensional universe, it has still been uni-dimensional. And so part of my work and what I am doing now is helping you to understand in fact the expanse of the universe as it truly exists.
Now, is it infinite?

Yes. But there is still a way to comprehend it. And in the comprehension, in the growth of understanding of how this works what you are able to do is to jump to a level of science that is equal, or at least begins to bring you to an equal playing field with your star brothers and sisters of the alternate dimensions.

So, for example, right now they have used my theory to say, now, there is in the space continuum, the time-space curvature continuum, there are 11 dimensions. But in fact that is incorrect because what they are still doing is looking at the 11 levels and they are still missing the 12th within the 3rd dimension.

So they do not understand as yet that their thinking in the expansion has need to take a different slant and a bigger jump. And this will get them through the what they think of as the wormholes, the white holes, the black holes, to a grander understanding.

Now, this explanation of how the energy works is never to be used in any way that is not of peace. That is why it could not and would not be shared until this time. I understand why Michael limited me at this time. It was painful enough. But as the old belief in war and control goes away, now you have access to the broader understanding.
So what I am saying to you is what you think of as time and space is wrong. Or perhaps I should gentle it and say incomplete.

GW: Absolutely. Now, in terms of what you have shared, Albert, maybe this would be an analogy that might work for some of our listeners. I realize it won’t work for all. But in the most recent Star Trek movie, the movie that describes how the crew of the Starship Enterprise first came together, Ambassador Spock is a Vulcan who goes back into time, back to when he first met James T. Kirk, the captain of the original Enterprise.

Along this journey of uniting the whole crew, Spock meets the chief engineer, Montgomery Scott, who will become the chief engineer. Spock is telling Scotty that it is he who invented the equation for trans-warp teleportation. And Scotty doesn’t believe Spock, arguing that trans-warp teleportation is impossible, until Spock gives him that equation. And in a shocked state, Scotty replies that it never occurred to him to think of space as the thing that was moving.

Is this part of the expansion of our understanding of science and our interaction with life? Am I somewhere on track with what you are talking about?

AE: This is a very good analogy. Space is never still. And that is why, when you are creating the new, and we talk to you - well, the Council talks to you, and so do I - about coming to the still place, the still point, why for so many of you it is so difficult. Because you do not inherently know within your very molecular structure, and the structure of the universe, how to be still in space, because space is in constant movement, infinite movement, infinite expansion.

So if you do not take that into your understanding and equations, then you cannot comprehend it.
Now, time, as you know, is a very useful construct. [laughs] It has been used for a long time, has it not? But time is simply what you have put in place. Even though you think time is constantly moving, in fact, time is static.

So, you use time as a static starting point, finishing point, in between point, to travel in space. So you can think in some ways of time as your personal spaceship, as your personal travel guide, as your merkaba, some would say, to help you transit and negotiate and move through the infinity of space.

But these are based on many elements, but they are also based - on some false assumptions that you adopt to position yourselves. But think of yourself right now where we are speaking, in the time and space continuum. But that is not true! Because we are also speaking throughout the continuum.
So you are many places at once, and can be. Now, you don’t like that.

Very often it makes you feel fragmented, as if you do not have a home and you do not have your feet firmly planted on Gaia. But once you begin to think of it, it is quite delightful that you have that infinite capacity to be many places, many dimensions, many realities, but you choose to anchor as your home base in a given, selected point in time.

Now, note that I say “time,” not place or space. So you use the idea and the construct of time to help you anchor into a form, into a soul mission, into a purpose and an experience that your infinite self, in infinite time and space, chooses to have as an expression of the Mother.

GW: Okay. Now, there are… a few questions are coming up here. Without spending too much time on the negativity aspect of it, but maybe just to address it fairly quickly, can you elaborate a little bit on the harm that nuclear weapons have on the souls?

AE: They tear them apart. I do not wish to minimize the destructive nature of such terrible weapons. Now, there is the power of destruction that is rich and beautiful, to destroy evil and darkness, to destroy pollution and misconception. That is why I came, to fill out the formulas that I had left behind. But what these forms of weapons do is they shred the soul, or, shall we say, they attempt to shred the soul. (2)

I have spoken to you this day, in your time, about still-point. I have never spoken of this before. Because one of my missions now, as a bringer of peace, is to teach creation and to help not only you, my friends, but many throughout the multiverse how to begin to create. And so I bring you often to the still-point where I use this analogy of implosion-explosion, of creation.

But when you have a nuclear weapon, do not forget all the formulas of malcontent and destructive nature of hatred that goes into that. And what it does in that implosion-explosion is that it attempts to fragment the soul. And even to eliminate, while we know that that would not be possible.

But that is the nature of such weapons. And that is why they are so dangerous. They are dangerous physically, yes, but they are so harmful. And because of the unified grid it does not only attempt to fragment the souls of those who are in harm’s way. But those who send such weapons of destruction - that mirror bounces right back at them, and they are fragmented as well.
That is why it has been so long in terms of what you think of as years for people to come back to this understanding and concept of themselves being a unified grid.

GW: Okay…

AE: It was a terrible, terrible mistake.

GW: Yes, indeed. And certainly we can look forward to the fact that these weapons are no longer being allowed to the degree that they are. So thank you for answering that question.
With the time that remains, we want to, of course, go on to the very positive aspects. So, many of your theories have been greatly expanded by quantum theorists.

So with the remaining few minutes that we have, can you elaborate a little bit on what new breakthroughs in science are ready to be brought to us, and which scientists maybe we should be paying closer attention to at this particular time?

AE: Many of my students are literally undercover. But there are many breakthroughs in science, and of course I cannot ever - well, nor would I wish to; I think I have claimed quite enough in terms of being infamous, have I not? - but the understanding of how to jump time and move through space, so what you think of as time travel, is imminent. There I go, with the time reference!

And the ability to move inter-dimensionally you are already learning. But in terms of science being able to quantify and to do this, and therefore to access, as well, much of the elements and qualities that are resting, shall we say, elsewhere, is also very close.

Your idea of space travel has been very primitive. Now, it was a starting point; we know that. But this is getting ready for, also, a major breakthrough. And that will come from what you think of as the private sector.
So I am not going to pinpoint scientists because I want them to be left to do their work. That was always a problem. But understand, they are diligent.

And when they are listening to me, I am whispering in their ears and sitting there chatting with them. And they are listening, as they are listening to their star brothers and sisters, as they are listening to their hearts.

The alignment, the biggest shift in what you think of as science and quantum physics in particular is the embrace of the unknowable, and the pairing of that with the heart and love, because they have come to realize that these are indivisible.
Thank you for allowing me this time with you tonight. Thank you.

GW: Thank you very much, Albert Einstein. It’s wonderful. So, I guess with that, then we will begin to wrap up this week’s Hour with an Angel.

AE: Farewell.

GW: Until the next moment of now, be grounded in love and peace, and blessings to you and all around you. Farewell.

[music] [end]
(1) Speaking through a medium or channel.
(2) On this matter, see “Damage Done to a Soul Caught in a Nuclear Blast,” at http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/light1.html#damage1 http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/light1.html


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