This blog here will get into one of our many Human relatives across the cosmos the Andromedans. Their Solar System will also be talked about. Info here comes from Sheldan's Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors which I would definitely recommend. 


Present Status and Location

The Andromedan confederacy which has thousands of members are positioned between 150 to 4000 light years from Earth. They were first accepted into the Galactic Federation Of Light 3.5 million years ago. They are one of the Federations 14 original Regional Federation Counsils. The Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light as great scientists and healers. The Andromedans were very dedicated to bringing peace to our galaxy. The key to their society is their loving acceptance of their immence divinity.


Andromedan Society

With the exception of the Lyrans, the Andromedans pride themselves on being the oldest and farthest-ranging members of the Galactic Federation Of Light. The Andromedans decided that their primary headquarters should not be limited to just one Solar System. Instead, they decided to pay homage both to their diversity and the large size of their regional counsil. They created a rotating system whereby each different segment of their council would be able to have an opportunity to act as a host to regional counsil meetings. Every few thousand years they switched the location of their regional counsils headquarters. According to rationale, every Counsil member is able to provide a potential meeting place to use that site to house the sessions of the entire regional counsil and its staff. Because of this they developed deep loyalty. A love and joy that continues to this day. The Andromedans are very proud of their achievements. They have used this profound satisfaction to make incredible scientific discoveries and are the leading Human scientists in the Galactic Federation Of Light. The Andromedans view these successes as proof of their potential, and are eager to bring that potential to every aspect of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Their cooperative efforts are famous all over the Galactic Federation Of Light for doing just that showing how they work and function, demonstrating their joy and how they use it to transcend groups, showing how easily they can release and reveal their full creative abilities with no great difficulty effect impressive changes. The Andromedans have also shown how these cultural differences when worked at can be used to strengthen any group that is culturally distinct. The Andromedan liason teams are celebrated throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for their wondrous ability to explain and express unity and creativity by diversity. 


Andromedan Confederacy's Cultural Nuances

The types of clan structures found throughout the Andromedan Confederacy vary greatly from sector to sector. The most common prototypes are the Lyran/Sirian model, which has 6 clans, and the Andromedan/Pleiadian one which has twelve. The Andromedan use of of these prototypes is unique, since most of their galactic societies contain subcultures that have continued to practice their own distinct language and traditions. The area known as Pi Andromeda uses a Lyran/Sirian model. These three home worlds in the Pi Andromeda Solar System also enjoy a rich layer of subcultures. The homeworlds have cultural liasons that serve as semi-official intepreters for all of its cultures. They also have a special interworld liason board that provides solutions for whatever problems may come up. When tied into advanced translator technology and their telepathic abilities, this system allows them to communicate freely with each other. This provides them a constant stream of data, which applies these differences and allows this remarkably diverse society to manifest countless new innovations. Moving on to the Gamma Andromeda region. The home worlds here use the Andromedan/Pleiadian model which is twelve clans instead of the six used in the Lyran/Sirian six clan model. In this model three clans are devoted to counselors, liasons, and culture. These clans were made because it was easier to maintain a seperate system to train these important individuals. Each clan serves as a repository of specific wisdoms, which can be applied to the other clans. The 12 clan system Gamma Andromeda uses helps them to be viewed as star nations containing the most successful scientific research groups in this galaxy. Their reputation is due mostly to how well their specially modified, this 12 clan system formally addresses their broad diversity. This social system used by the Andromedan Confederacy was the same one used 400,000 years ago when a lot of star nations from Lyra and Andromeda first settled in the Pleiades.


Andromedan Confederacy Solar System And Homeworlds

The planets the Andromedan live on are watery just like here on Earth. Semi-arid realms as well.


Pi Andromedan Home Worlds

First we are going to talk about the Home Worlds in the Pi Andromeda region. Pi Andromeda is located about 650 light years from Earth. Her smaller star is a blue-white mass much like Sirius B. A colony was set up here 2.78 million years ago. This colony was dedicated to advancing the principles of spiritual science. The colonists discovered a Solar System that had two water worlds. They located their headquarters inside the planet, closer to a sun that was just like Sirius. The climate there on this world was semi-tropical and had exotic ferny orange, blue, and brown trees that formed endless forests that reached down to the edges of green and black beaches. Red and Blue mountains with some purple as tall as the Himalayas on our planet can be seen on most of the continents of this world. Found on this world are many reptilian and mammalian species. The two founding scientist colonies thought of their home worlds as great treasures with amazing energies. There they devised novel technologies for interstellar travel and discovered the reasons for the Arcturians powerful healing energies. These discoveries conformed the Andromedan Confederacy as a major center for research and healing. The larger star in this star system has three water worlds each are three times the size of our planet. The middle of these worlds looks almost like the main home world in Sirius B. The Andrmedans consider this world extremely sacred. The Andromedans made a great temple on this world similar to the one the Sirians made back in the Sirius B region. The priests and priestesses from the spiritual warrior clans of Sirius B come to this world to join up with their Andromedan counterparts to take part in divine ritual. The sacred blue dolphins of Sirius B also join in these rituals. The Sirians consider this Andromedan world their other galactic home as the rites celebrated here are connected to those on Sirius B. The other water world in this solar system is considered the main repository for information on the histories and cultures of the Andromedan Confederacy. This world has sunken, swampy plains and low flying mountain ranges. Here on this world stands a distinguished university and research center. This inner-world facility often sends renowed scholar representatives to the main Galactic Federation Of Light cultural center in the Vega star system. These educators have studied virtually every form of Galactic Human culture. They have trained millions of associates from across this galaxy and are justly proud of Andromeda's rich cultural diversity.


Gamma Andromedan Home Worlds

The home worlds in the Gamma2 Andromeda region were first colonized by Humans nearly 3 million years ago. The Gamma2 region contains the Confederacy's largest waterworld. The inhabitants call this world Sirrai. Sirrai is the forth planet in a cluster that includes two other stars in orbit around a central star. This world is famous for her vast oceans. These oceans contain many species. This world is also known for her polar night skies, which have rare pastel auroras, multicolored and resplendent. On this world you will find large, silver, spinner dolphins that guard the approach to immense underwater caves dotted throughout the largests Continents inner sea. These caves are celebrated for their ability to harmonize and balance both the physical body and the soul. More than two million years ago on this world in an island cave connected to these underwater caves, a most renowned counselor, known as Toudok, articulated the idea of the 12 clan system. He did this in a long 28 hour meditation where he was able to see his society's future and identified the solution to a recurring problem: how to develop a new program to properly train and administer every liason and counselor in his diversified society. His method was the first to immerse individuals, such as new-borns, into clans that were specifically dedicated to these noble goals. Heart logic dictated that, for such clans to exist, souls would be urged to incarnate as counselors or liasons and to seek out these new clans for embodiment. He also reasoned that some new clans must be dedicated to the study and preservation of the world's rich history, while others would be exclusively focussed on on the multiple cultures of his home world. These concepts led him to formulate a new model for galactic society. Its concepts were quickly laid out here on Gamma2 and used to resolve many complex societal problems. Soon this model was spread throughout Andromeda. While the central star of this cluster of three initiated the 12-clan system, the inner star orbiting this center also contains worlds renowned for their immense beauty. Within the two inner planets of this sun exist semi-arid, extremely volcanic regions with pools of multi-colored hot mud and pliable, constantly shifting rock formations. In this world, there were many small, scattered continents. When Humans from Lyra colonized the third planet in this system, they discovered a world of reddish-blue seas, orange blue skies and many small, scattered continents. This world known to the Andromedans as 'Dosna Man', is significant because it further modified Toudok's 12-clan model. Here, among lands covered 800-feet tall purple trees similar to redwoods and swarming with bear-like creatures hardly a foot long, an innovative new way to conduct a main star council was embarked upon. Previously, main star councils such as these had simply accepted a particular clan council's advice on a specific issue and given it their uncritical approval. Now, a meeting of the clans became an open forum in which the decisions of each clan council were fiercely debated. This procedure gave the other clans a chance to review what another clan had agreed upon and determine how it related to their own issues. Counselors and liasons well versed in the decision-making process assisted this discussion. By adhering to this process, many precedents were set, and creative ways found to resolve questions to the satisfaction of all involved.

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  • Yes same here. Might take a nap as lame as that sounds lol. Good talking to you guys as always :)
  • ok guys, it's time for me to leave, all the best from Andromedaner Z
  • Andromedaner Z I like it cool name :)
  • it, bro...!!👍🏻
  • ok, why not, but I will keep the -er at the end ;)
  • Yes I've already thanked Mikala on your behalf and she sends her love and blessings, to you...Andromedan guy....BTW, are you going to modify your name, now...? keep the Z, though.
  • That hippie in that pic is definitely stoned lol.
  • Well, he would have been born into a fully conscious Timarian family and normally when a fully conscious being dies and is reborn, with longer duration lifespan, etc, they are presented with a compulsion to turn a whole new leaf, a new name, a new mission in life, a new purpose, often different to what they did before....So let's hope Aru-see-ak sees the sense in being a good Timarian citizen, in complete service to the light, now...So basically, he should not possess a burning ambition to continue his role as "Ashtar Sheran," influencing gullible new age hippie people, on earth......;-)
  • alrighty guys, great conversation, I have again learnt something about the spiritual reality through you Drekx , cheers
    and please say thank you to Mikala for the info
  • Aru-se-ak sounded like he had some major issues. Wonder how long it will take him to work off his mistakes and return to our Dern Universe?
This reply was deleted.

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