All About The Pegasians And The Pegasian Solar Systems

This blog here will talk about the Humans who live in the Pegasus region in our galaxy. Much like the Andromedans the Pegasians are known for being great scientists. Their Solar System will also be talked about. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Pegasian Society

The Pegasians pride themselves on being one of tne oldest members of the Galactic Federation Of Light. As part of the Andromedan Regional Federation Council, they choose to honor both their constituents' diversity and the sheer size of their joint Regional Council by deciding that more than one Solar System should serve as their primary headquarters. The outcome of their decision was a rotating system whereby each constituent member of council is given an opportunity to serve as host of the Regional Council meetings. Every few thousand years, the Regional Council switches the location of its headquarters. According to their logic, this rotation permits every Council member able to provide a potential meeting-place to accommodate the meetings of the entire Regional Council and its various staffs. In this way, they nurtured the deep loyalty, Love and inner joy that endure to this day. The Pegasians and the Andromedans are justifiably proud of their achievements. Through the application of their inner joy, they have been able to make significant advances in scientific knowledge and are, in fact, among the leading Human scientists in the Galactic Federation Of Light. The Pegasians see themselves as equal partners on a Regional Council that views their successes as proof of their potential, and they are eager to bring that promise to every aspect of the Galactic Federation Of Light. Their cooperative efforts are lauded throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for doing just that - demonstrating their work and function, displaying their joy and its uses in transcending group diversity, exhibiting the ease with which they release and reveal their full creative abilities and their freedom in effecting enormous changes for the individual, the planet, and the Star League. They have also shown that these cultural differences, when worked at, can actually strengthen any culturally distinct group. Pegasian liaison teams are famed throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for their wondrous capacity to explain and express their joy and, out of it, to create unity.


Cultural Nuances Of The Pegasian Star League

The types of clan structures encountered throughout the Pegasus Star League differ widely from sector to sector. The most common prototypes are the Lyran/Sirian one, which consists of six clans, and a modified version, which has up to eight. The Pegasian use of these Galactic Society prototypes is unique, since most of their Galactic Societies contain sub-cultures that have retained their own unique languages and traditions. Of these, the crucial element is their cultural liasons and counselors. While Star Nations such as Eta Pegasus use a Lyran/Sirian model, the two inhabited home worlds in this Solar System each possess a rich layer of unique subcultures. Each world maintains liaisons that function as semi-official interpreters for the totality of cultures that exist on that planet. In addition, a special inter world cultural liaison board provides creative solutions to any problems that may arise. When this system is interfaced with advanced translator technology and peoples' natural telepathic abilities, it allows free communication between individuals and groups. What results is a constant stream of information that, by making positive use of its differences, allows this multi-faceted society to create many revolutionary innovations every day. Yet another way for this to be achieved lies in the habitable planets that comprise the Mu Pegasus Solar System. These home worlds adopted a modified Lyran/Sirian model that uses 8 clans, rather than the Lyran/Sirian six. This model contains clans devoted not only to culture, but also to counseling and liaison: the latter two developed because the Pegasians found it easier to have a seperate system in which to train individuals in these important specialties. Each clan serves as a repository for specific wisdoms. The other six clans can make use of these areas of expertise, or, if one of the six clans cannot solve a particular problem, it can be entrusted to one of the two clans that seems most capable of solving it. By embracing the 8-clan system, Mu Pegasus is perceived as a star nation that contains many of the most outstanding scientific research groups in the galaxy. Her reputation is due, mainly, to the extent to which their modified 8-clan system officially addresses their broad diversity. This system, modeled on prototypes developed originally by the Eta Hercules and Alpha Aries star-nations has been dispersed through sectors of the Pegasus Star League.


Pegasus Star League Solar Systems And Description Of Some Of Their Home Worlds

The home worlds of Pegasus vary from water worlds, similar to Mother Earth, to semi-arid spheres. Planets in the multitude stars of Eta Pegasus and the bright yellow giant of Mu Pegasus - are located between 117 and more than 215 light years from Earth. The constellation of Pegasus is an immense cluster of more than 1,000 stars that is positioned between those of Cygnus and Aquarius in the winter and fall skies of the Northern Hemisphere. The star-nations of this League are situated between 35 and 400 light years from Earth.


The Home Worlds Of Eta Pegasus

Starting with Eta Pegasus.Humans first colonized these stars, located in the middle of the 'neck' of the Pegasian 'horse', nearly 4 million years ago. The largest water world in the Pegasus Star League, which her people call Erkha ('Homeland'), is one of three planets orbiting the central star of Eta Pegasus. Erkha is noted for her boundless oceans, teeming with many different species, and for her polar night skies, resplendent with luminous, pastel auroras that encompass the entire color spectrum. And, in the seven oceans and seas that surround this world's seven continents, live the largest aquatic cetaceans in the Peagasus Star League. Approximately two million years ago, a special group of clan liasons and counselors met on this beautiful world. Here, they formulated a modified 8-clan system, which added a counselor/liaison clan and a cultural history clan to the original Lyran/Sirian model. In doing so, they wished to emphasize the concept of joyous passion that had become so important to the people of the Pegasus Star League. The project began after a three-day chanting ritual performed by a group of 24 master liaisons and councelors. These administrators, having examined the future of their diversified society, were able to find the answer to a recurrent problem that earlier had perplexed Andromeda but that they wished, now, to solve in their own unique way: how to design a new program for the proper training and administration of all of Pegasus' liaisons and counselors. The solution, though similar to that originally devised by the famed Andromedan innovator, Toudok, had some fresh and inspired variations: immersion of individuals, such as newborns, in a combined clan that makes these noble professions priority. This clan would also embody the pure, creative joy that was the underpinning of her galactic society. As in Toudok's case, their heart reasoning told them that the existence of such a clan can encourage souls that were to be incarnated as counselors or liaisons to seek out this new clan for their embodiment. They also discussed the necessity for a new clan, totally devoted to the study and preservation of their home world's rich history and varied cultures. Furnished with these concepts, they arrived at a new model for galactic society. Having quickly given reality to these ideas, the administrators of this plan were able to solve many complex societal problems. Their modified Lyran/Sirian prototype sped across the length and breadth of the Pegasus Star League. While the central star of this cluster of three initiated the 8-clan system, the inner of the two companion stars encircling her contained worlds of legendary beauty, as well. The two inner planets of this inner companion sun contain water worlds, alive with subterranean volcanoes that erupt in the mountain regions of several large islands located in the widest of her three oceans. Here, too, are found multi-colored pools of boiling mud and still hot igneous rock formations. Humans from Sirius B colonized this system's second planet, where they found a world of turquoise seas, blue-violet skies and many small island-continents scattered sporadically across her surface. The significance of this world, which they call Grosna-Ja ('Where Joy Has Come'), lies in her adoption and modification of the Erkhan 8-clan model to suit her own needs. Here, on sumptuous land covered with forests of fantastic orange pine trees, some rising 500 feet high, and swamming with large, deer-like or other woodland creatures, a new procedure for administering a main star council was born. Formerly, main star councils in the Pegasus Star League had taken a particular clan council's advice and simply given an issue swift and uncritical approval. With this assembly, an open forum was created in which the decisions of each clan council could be thoroughly and rationally discussed. At the same time, other groups had an opportunity to review a clan's decision and determine its relevance to their own issues. Taking part in the forum were councelors and liaisons highly familiar with the means wherby the decision had previously been reached. Through this uncompromising new process, many precedents were set, allowing a gratifying resolution to be achieved for all involved.


The Home Worlds Of Mu Pegasus

The other important star system is known as Mu Pegasus. This solar system, located 117 light years from our planet, contains one large water world and a smaller one nearly twice the size of our planet. A colony dedicated to advancing the principles of spiritual science was founded here nearly 3.1 million years ago. The colonists first established their headquarters inside the smaller water planet, close to the yellow sun that they called Lahabihm (Living Essence Of Light'). The climate of this world, named Jamadok ('Place Of Great Inner Joy'), was predominantly semi-tropical. Strange, ferny trees and ginkgo-like ones grow here, creating never-ending forests of orange, blue, purple, red and brown trees, which extend to the edges of astonishing, rainbowy beaches. Multi-colored mountains as tall as our planets Himalayas rise on the two largest continents. Exotic birds and large, even worm-like mammalian and reptilian life forms populate these gorgeous locales. The two scientist colonies quickly realized that their home worlds were a rare treasure, spilling over with incomparable beauty. In this habitat, the spiritual scientists near Lahabihm devoloped new technologies for material replicators and for new types of energy and propulsion systems. In the course of their work, they discovered methods which, combined with studies provided by the famed scientific research centers in Pi Andromeda, were pivotal in improving the use of physicality's healing energies to restore all Sentient Beings. These breakthroughs quickly established the Pegasus Star League as a major center for scientific research and healing.


Pegasian Galactic Society

Just like the Andromedans before them, the inhabitants of Pegasus were able to take the measure of their society and decide that they wished to create a community of people that was greater than that from which they had sprung. Like the Andromedans, too, they were endowed with a natural aptitude for science and its applications - a logical analysis of how everything in this universe was intuitively created. They decided, therefore, to examine how they could apply these principles to frame a greater and worthier society. The peoples of the Pegasus Star League have created a society that is widely considered to be one of the most joyous of any planetary group. As a result, the various Pegasian Star-Nations have been able to become a powerful liaison group in the Galactic Federation Of Light. They have learned how to suggest ways that will reveal and communicate the expertise and essence of each Being at their highest levels. The Pegasians are also among the most influential liaisons in the Science and Exploration fleets and take great pride in this particular aspect of their society. The ways in which all of the many aspects of Pegasian Galactic Society come together - their different councils and the clans, sub-clans, pods, podlets, - manifest joy, which enriches their natural abilities for creation and innovation. 


Physical Description

There are three major species of Humans that coexist in the Pegasian Star League. The first is much like the Sirian bHuman in height and appearance, and is subdivided into the same white and blue skin types. The second is a thinner Human whose skin is red or orange. The final species is a hybrid of the Dinosaurian and the second Humanoid. The first species resembles the original Sirius-B Human colonists. The men's physiques vary from perfectly formed and muscular to child-like. They stand from 6 feet, 6 inches to 7 feet, 4 inches tall and have blonde to light brown hair with light blue to green eyes. The women are extremely voluptuous and vary from 6 feet, 2 inches to 6 feet, 8 inches in height. Their skin is either chalk-white or light blue. The second Human species bears a slight resemblance to the first in height and/ or body type, with two major exceptions. First, both skin and hair are light red or dark orange. Second, the eyes are more feline in shape, while the iris is red or navy blue. This group originated from the more distant stars in the Lyra constellation. The third species the Human Hybrid has scaly skin and striking, cat-like eyes of red, brown or lemon yellow. The body, legs, neck and arms are more muscular than those of a Human and thick, vein-like swellings extend along their length. Hands and feet have 4 long, thin digits, with each ending in a small claw. Males stand from 7 to 8 feet tall while females range in height from 6 feet, 10 inches to 7 feet, 7 inches. Pegasians are noted throughout the Galactic Federation Of Light for their talents as innovators, scientists and diplomats. Depending on their species, they only one and one-half to three hours of sleep. There are two distinct Pegasian languages. One language is musical, while the other is guttural and coarse.


Ships Of The Pegasus Star League

Three types of Pegasian ships manuever in or near our planet. The first, a defence ship, is used to guard the scouts that habitually monitor our planet and act as security attachment for those defence scout ships that monitor secret government underground bases and their unconventional technologies. This ship resembles a round-cornered equilateral triangle. Each of its three sides is approximately 74 feet long. The second is an all-purpose scout ship. It is used primarily as part of the Earth observation fleet that constantly monitors our planet. It is oblong in shape, with an average diameter of about 85 feet. The third type is a low orbit to upper atmosphere command mothership, resembles a double lens. This command mothership is roughly 1,300 feet in length. It serves as a carrier for 350 science liason officers who coordinate the preliminary analysis of data from the sector quadrant to which the mothership is assigned.







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