1. To the extent of your faith in Nitai, Gaur will accept you. And to the extent Gaur accepts you, the gopis will bring you to Radha Krishna. 2. It is futile to approach Radha Krishna without sufficient faith in Nitai Gaur. We can never attain Vraja if we don't aspire for Navadvipa. 3. There is only one thing lacking in this world. It is Nitai Gaur consciousness. It can grant each soul everything including RadhaKrishna prem 4. I raise my hands & request all to read Chaitanya Bhagavata repeatedly as it's the only way to understand & get Nityananda's causeless mercy. 5. To the extent you aspire to enter into the Navadvipa pith of Golok, you will automatically find yourself in the Vrajapith without any effort. 6. Without Nitai Gaur, the spiritual creation would be unattainable for the zillions of fallen souls in the 3.942 trillion material universes. 7. Did u know Lalita opened her eyes only when Rupa & Ananga introduced Kamal manjari (Bhaktivinod) as Gaurvadi & gave her a kunj in Radha Kund 8. Our Kamal (Bhaktivinod) & Nayan (Bhaktisiddhant) manjaris can give us our siddhdeha & nityalila. No need to go to those who may not be there. 9. When our Bhaktivinod & Bhaktisiddhant said that they are Kamal & Nayan manjaris resp., they did not manufacture it but were situated in it. 10. Some say, try to know Krishna first before going to Nitai & Gaur but aray baba They are Balaram & Krishna Themselves & They give you Krishna. 11. I like to be with devotees who are partial to Nitai Gaur as I know that they are the real ones who will get Radha Krishna in this very life. 12. If you don't feel love for Nitai Gaur then force yourself to love Them because that is your only hope & only chance to attain Radha Krishna. 13. The attraction we feel for RadhaKrishna without full faith in Nitai Gaur is only a figment of our imagination. It'll never give us Krsnaprem 14. Millions of worshipers of Radha Krsna don't attain Them for millions of lives as they are not lucky to be born in same Kaliyug as Nitai Gaur 15. I dont want to be a jack of all & master of none. Let my every sec be focussed only on instilling faith in Nitai Gaur in hearts of all souls 16. I know that all souls may not develop faith in Nitai Gaur in one life. But I want to plant this highest & confidential faith seed in souls. 17. I have have written 16 tweets today as an offering to Nitai Gaur. May all the swanlike devotees of Nitai Gaur relish them. 18. Radha Kund surprises me at every second. Those whom I think about here write something immediately. No wonder as it includes all of creation 19. Just because it's named after Radha Herself, Radha Kund grants the highest benediction to the whole creation what to speak of it's qualities
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