All credits to Caroline Oceana Ryan of Ascension Times
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
We wish today to assure you, that though much looks to be difficult or uncertain on your planet, you are all of you becoming increasingly more involved in your Earth missions and your soul growth, taking unprecedented leaps forward.
And you are all becoming increasingly more involved in the excitement and preparations taking place amongst your galactic families, as they ready themselves for disclosure of their presence to all Earth beings.
We are aware that much appears to be tenuous on Earth now.
Nations and populations appear to be on the move, with much transpiring, whether in the form of outer conflict, demonstrations, or negotiations between groups (or lack of them). Amongst that outer upset in places, are unfair and unnecessary raising of prices of many products and services that need not be demonstrating higher costs.
This has been instigated by influencers in various industries or the companies themselves, whose leaders, whether seen or unseen, wish to take advantage of the current atmosphere.
That atmosphere might strike you as chaotic, and we would agree.
We would say that over the past month, amidst the astrological alignments you have been witnessing, the Light forms flowing to Earth and transforming consciousness and Earth energies, and amidst your own prayers, declarations, and visualizations—all of this has shifted Earth life to a whole new, far more empowered level.
Can only a few special folks experience the beauty of this?
Not at all! It is available to all.
Yes, even those whom you feel must be suffering greatly as they must leave their home country or region, and wander into they know not what.
Their soul missions have directed them to hold Light whenever they are, both for the situation they have left and the ones they now walk into.
Some have been fleeing from places of armed conflict, some from extreme weather (much of it falsely manipulated), some from political strife or economic collapse.
We assure you, friends—we have not abandoned these dear ones, nor have we abandoned any of you who care for these, who send them Light and assistance, and the energies of higher Love, which is overcoming so much that these ones could be experiencing.
Allow the Light codes pouring in now to remind you Who you are, and that includes how powerful you are.
Allow them to remind you on a cellular level, a conscious and deeply felt energetic level, including the emotional level, that you came in to heal.
You have paid badly in many lives for having a conscience, for having concern for others, for acting with forethought or in pure impulse, according to your passion for Truth and autonomy—and now, all comes full circle.
That freedom which you have so desired is built in presence and experience—in your reality—increasingly as you open to receive it.
You are building it into your everyday life via your own requirements, individually and en masse, to have a voice and to use it, to be honored as living beings, and to reconnect with all you have been torn away from, for eons.
How is it that millennia have passed, and you have forgotten your true power and essence? All of that occurring as if in the blink of an eye. We very nearly have no answer for you.
The mystery of these ages has been that you decided, all of you, to more fully claim your true selves (you as aspects of this Universe), by first losing and then reclaiming all you are.
This is all we ask, dear ones:
That in the middle of the day or night, as you wonder what in the world is happening on your planet, you learn to answer, even before you know the full weight of these phrases: “I AM the I AM! I reclaim my planet, my freedom, and my sovereignty for Divine Love now! “I AM and We Are ONE with all that is.” And so it is, dear ones! Now more than ever, never doubt that we are with you, always.
Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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