After observing and living many months into 2012, I have come to the realization that this time we are in is so much bigger than we can realize in this moment. In the future, this time will be a historical marker that we will always refer to. We will think in terms of . . . “Before 2012” and “After 2012”; much like we think of life on Earth as BC and AD; before Christ and after Christ.
Only now, this reference will be evolved to include humanity and not just a singular entity. We will think in terms of . . . before the Unified ONE (a.k.a. duality) and after the Unified ONE (Christ Collective Consciousness). The Star Elders wanted you to know the magnitude of this fact.
In fact, just as the Maya have predicted, 2013, by its very powerful effect it has had on humanity, is proving to be the year Mayan year ZERO. No matter how unplugged we may still feel, how tired we are of being tired, and how often we scream for just a bit of passion or inspiration, this IS the void between worlds that the Star Elders have spoken about for many years.
Life feels like we are living on auto pilot, and yet, we are preparing for something that we do not understand. It is like driving a bus with blinders on. Last night I had such a dream. I was on a huge, public bus with no windows, and the bus driver was driving very fast without a windshield to see through.
It felt out of control, scary and yet strangely okay. This is why life feels full on for no reason at all, and at the same time why we feel completely stalled.
But rest assured, a new world is being made ready for us. The part of us that feels just plain fuzzed out and GONE is in fact already in the next world helping with the construction . . . along with a huge army of heavenly, light family.
Our wildest dreams, visions and beyond, are currently being manifested there. The Star Elders wanted you to know the magnitude of this fact as well. No wonder we are so tired. We are working so hard, while on the outside we appear to be doing nearly nothing at all.
What is ahead now is beyond our comprehension in this moment of time. I am being told that this new world will be much more superior than we can imagine right now. This is so, because the new world has fewer restrictions on creativity and manifestation and life itself.
I hope you got that one, because it is BIG as well. We really don’t know what we are getting ourselves into right now. We are going to be greatly surprised. This is something the Star Elders have also shared for many years.
But for now, the only action that seems to work is placing one foot in front of another, and to continue to breathe in and out. Everything beyond this action will only partially work, just for now. But it is important to continue to move as we travel though this void together.
This is also a good time to give yourself a breather, relax and not take things to personally. We all know that the only constant in this universe is change, and we will exit the other side of this void in time. It is so important to BE where we are and not push the current too hard . . . even though we might want to. We got off to a bumpy start in 2013.
The Star Elders have shared for many years that navigating un-known territory can have expected bumps in a passageway during a shift of an age. But this is beginning to change with a few minor course corrections, and now the momentum has been redirected and uplifted.
We will start to begin to feel lighter soon. Patience is a virtue for a reason, and has become our biggest test these days. If you haven’t learned patience by now, you will. Remember to keep your goals enveloped in faith and trust as we travel through this temporary void.
Blessings to all, and I have to say that I am looking forward to seeing you all in this new world. Dream big and our light family will help us manifest even bigger.
Aluna Joy
Copyright © 2012 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk’in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Web:
thanks for sharing with us all : hope
what i might say now may seem harsh, but i speak my heart as dumb as it may be only my opinion.
the human animal and it's d.n.a. codes to survive is directed mostly by the empty belly, so animal body it must have food or die, this fact is hard on our souls for actions we must do or die.
i try to live by the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated, this is in a way i.m.o. is a double edge sword for we all expect at least respect from others if we have done no harm to them to survive day by day.
compassion for thier emotions of anger of all our animal instincts must be understood to make any sense of the actions that were taken apond us all. to turn the other cheek does have merit for a single action, but more difficult if the person keeps doing the action against me. my animal instinct to defend or survive this action is a normal d.n.a. code response, so the golden rule is quite a lession of trying to be more human than the animal wiring of our d.n.a. codes.
e.s.p. i feel it trys to prewarn me of wrong doing or danger to me about to happen as to take control of the animal instinct of rage, and self defense or survlval deeds and tactics.
the docile mindset of wait and see, i.m.h.o. is a brainwashing to the masses to be timid, more controlable slaves, or sheep, i prefer the golden rule to be appiled to all of us no matter our race status, job status, boss status, leader status period. for we are all human beings who at least should have the respect from others that our life has value on earth, and it not to be in a selected classification of a worthless eater, bum, white trash, low class, sub- human who only should get the rotten end of the stick or for our amusement to feel good we are better status.
love will never come to be without at least the golden rule, and then come the term """bearing false wittness""", which destroys any kind of trust to the intergitry of any persons word or values spoken, for now there is no trust, only animal instincts to survive, this shit gets deep, and all of it has been hidden in the history of mankinds slavery of others by lies, greed, etc. of the few, in the name that we are a nation, or a color of skin against all the others, = racism for thousand of years of animal instincts to territory and food, minerals, wood, etc. just like a lion does for it's right to impose and survive of the strongest and always in fear of that day when it no longer can impose its will.
sorry for my candid way i seen this life manifest on this earth for many thousands of years, for it is a shock to me.
revelations are here, it is in my face, about myself and life of earth with no excuses.
i too believe we all will see our I.Q. and our e.s.p. or aura/ magnetic pulse increase to the level of our profound wisdom to be able to control our instincts, so as to be more human in the heat of emotions than the instant animal anger reactions, and acquire true heart felted compassion and love will finnaly come to be for all of us. the golden rule will be a natural response among us all.
blessings to all of us for we are all one