It seems that Pres.Obama,is very contadictory personality for American people.Also we are receiving very contradicting information,through chanellings,from other Dimansional Beings,for President.
1.Pr.Obama is been in one of His previous incarnations on Earth,an Adept,of Lord GAUDAMA BUDHA,so conclousively,He is with the Light Forces.
2.Latest chanellings from the Higher Dimensions,are suggesting that Pr.Obama,is been chosen by the Orions Reptelians,because of His deception and manipulation gualifications.
- notice the change in attitude the President of the United States now has. Can you agree with him? Why not? May we offer this explanation: On Orion he was targeted to be used as their greatest tool for manipulation of humans in all countries of the Earth in order to produce total chaos and completely eliminate man's ability to care for one another. When the dark days come they intend to invade – a complete takeover of what is left. -
You gotit right my friend, I hope the people wake up to the fact that this ditator will soon be wearing another uniform, the one of black OPs as he plans to take over when the $ fails and install martial law, which should be pretty soon. To bad there not more of us thinking like this and can see through the big scam he has portrayed on all of us and is still caring out through his plans as the leader of the world through the DC and NWO. Oh by the way we are in the same age group ,maybe that has something to do with us seeing through this sham. Keep up the good work, thanks,Adonai
"If the Deep State punks think they are going to get their World War and Great Reset off the ground they got another thing coming ;)"
"Wars and rumours of war, etc....?? Biblical...?? Sonic tranquilizers at the ready.....😁
Also, Surean-Maitreyan-Movellan healing energies are flowing sooth minds in frenzy and fear...
Tuning in to Love By Jean Meyer...Many love,There are many kinds of love,and many ways to loveand many things to love,So what do you love?...I love a sunrise filledwith hope and opportunity,...The possibility of a new day....I love looking forward…
The Violet Flame Activation Has Begun..." - Patricia Cota-Robles With St. Germain & the Legions of Light ️ Join us as we delve into the transformative energy of the fifth-dimensional crystalline Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness .... Guided by…
It seems that Pres.Obama,is very contadictory personality for American people.Also we are receiving very contradicting information,through chanellings,from other Dimansional Beings,for President.
1.Pr.Obama is been in one of His previous incarnations on Earth,an Adept,of Lord GAUDAMA BUDHA,so conclousively,He is with the Light Forces.
2.Latest chanellings from the Higher Dimensions,are suggesting that Pr.Obama,is been chosen by the Orions Reptelians,because of His deception and manipulation gualifications.
- notice the change in attitude the President of the United States now has. Can you agree with him? Why not? May we offer this explanation: On Orion he was targeted to be used as their greatest tool for manipulation of humans in all countries of the Earth in order to produce total chaos and completely eliminate man's ability to care for one another. When the dark days come they intend to invade – a complete takeover of what is left. -
3.Master S.Germain is suggesting that President Obama will not be the one deciding about another war. Who will decide? The US Congress. When all of the courageous men and women ....
It seems again that all is a matter of time.Everything is subjected to subseguend valitation or negation.
This is extremely creepy. Notice that they get worse with time.
You gotit right my friend, I hope the people wake up to the fact that this ditator will soon be wearing another uniform, the one of black OPs as he plans to take over when the $ fails and install martial law, which should be pretty soon. To bad there not more of us thinking like this and can see through the big scam he has portrayed on all of us and is still caring out through his plans as the leader of the world through the DC and NWO. Oh by the way we are in the same age group ,maybe that has something to do with us seeing through this sham. Keep up the good work, thanks,Adonai