Amusing US Politics

I dropped a comment on a certain blog post but it disappeared. So let me write here.

What has been going on in US over the last few years is amusing. After decades of roaming around the world with raving lunacy, participating in every war, coup, election riggings, plundering, racism etc,  The US is now depicting itself as a victim of the world, the minorities and refugees! When you close exermine, you find that the military empire have, infact, milked the country dry!! Everything is now blamed on some ghostly entity dubbed 'globalist'. Get it very well!! Ask the devil's advocate on who is 'ruling the world' and he will tell you that it is the 'super-power'. Thats it! They have no clue what 'superpower' means! A global super power is necessarily a globalist. It is a beast trying to push its own ruling oversees extending way beyond its own boarders. So in effect, the Americans are saying that they are proudly the globalists and are also sadly, the victims of the very globalists! The beast is now eating itself!

Now sometimes read websites like or so you may get the 'great satan' from the so called 'adversary' point of view. What I get is that the 'adversaries' are less interested with the outcome of US elections than Americans think. The reason is that it doesn't matter! US works, for purposes relevant to them, like a sham democracy.

The khamenei Of America

Now if you follow all the US presidential candidates, they agree on some key issues:

1.Fear of Russia

2. Hatred of Iran

3.Uncritical and unconditional support for Israel

4. Jealousy over the rise of China

In other words US presidential candidates only disagree on how to agree!  US is lead like by some unseen devil as its supreme leader, the khamenei of US. As you may agree, better a visible devil than an invisible one! No one said 'wait a minute, is Iran realy that an enemy?' That will be moving beyond the fence of the prison! May be you think that 'it should be obvious' that Iran is an enemy. But it is clearer that this tiny country with no jet fighters cannot possibly be a threat to a 'superpower' distant away by the two of the largest oceans on this planet.

It is one thing for many people to agree on a realy smart idea. It is an entirely different thing when they all agree on something stupid, like the war on Iraq. That is when you will know that US is a sham of democracy! Americans disagree over anything, even the seemingly obvious: from whether the earth is flat to whether the earth is realy warming. So why are they not disagreeing on whether or not Israel, widely seen as an apartheid state, deserves its unconditional support? Or even worse, disagree o whether or nit to support extreemist tyrants in middle east such as the Saudis.The answer is that US politics does not represent the (diverse) views of Americans . In other words US's democracy is a sham!

The election came and we only hear of 'better ways to be tough on Iran', 'better ways to hold back china', 'better ways to contain russia', 'better ways to help Israel' etc. In other words different candidates only offers different ways of doing the same thing! The candidates are tightly constrained by an invisible devil! And this is the precise reason why Iran, China, Russia etc won't care much who is the US president. Apparently they have mustered all the tactics of 'democrats' and 'republicans' . They know what weapon to pull out when what party is in power. So they have no business in rigging the US elections!

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  • Now I hear democrats are now called 'communists' . So is US now about to become a socialist state? Nope! US will always be a crony capitalist! It were democrats who helped destroy the prosperous Libya so it may not be said 'socialism can bring prosperity'. So neither democrats nor republicans are socialists. Both are crony capitalists. It only that they direct cronyness to different groups. In other words each party has its set of cronies that greatly benefit from the party when it is in power. It has reached the point where they cannot let it go without a fight! Remember, they have milked the country dry!
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