THINGS I AM GRATEFUL FOR TODAY.....................
I am grateful that I didn't get my college assignment finished before the deadline (weird huh?)
I am grateful that I still smoke cigarettes (still weird & yuck!)
I am grateful that I decided to step outside to have a smoke & get away from the assignment for a while....
Had I not done so.........
I would not have heard my 98 year old (and very deaf) neighbours smoke alarm......
I would not have gone to her door.....
She would not have seen me and opened the door.........
We would not have seen her house filling with smoke...........
Her cooker was close to going on fire due to a long forgotten pan being left to melt..........
I hope to be grateful soon for stopping smoking!
As for the college comment..... :-D
You're beautiful, Rosie :)
Oh Rosie, thats is so great that you were able to save your neighbor, So sorry for her possibly losing her home, I know what that is like, after my family had a fire years back. I am grateful, that you went out for that smoke. God Bless You. We just had our transformer get hit by lightning a few hours ago, no power, but my house is OK, Take Care and everything happens for a reason, hope all works out for your neighbor.