
Channeled by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

Good evening, we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council. We wish to give you an update this evening on your ascension process and all that will be coming to you in the coming days.

Today is a year since the opening of the 12-12-12 portal and indeed many many things have occurred behind the scenes which are still in fact hidden from your view. We want to give you a metaphor of what is occurring right now in the higher dimensions for you.

Picture a beautiful field of flowers and trees all around, with grassy areas of sunlight and shade and the sun shining upon all. There are tables being set for a grand feast, decorations being put up, and many many party planning activities are in process.

Flowers are being planted in a most beautiful arrangement, fresh food and drink are being laid out, and there is a grand scene of preparation for a beautiful celebration for our earthen humans that will be commencing shortly.

This beautiful celebration will be honoring the christed light within each one of you, as well as the principles of sharing, love, unity, harmony, abundance, peace, a merging with the higher dimensions, assistance from the galactic star nations who will also be attending the celebration, and many and all of the higher dimensional principles from which we operate in the angelic and higher dimensional realms.

All of these principles will be celebrated during this joyous occasion. All beings on earth are invited to this feast and reunion of our galactic families with beings from your higher consciousness earthen communities, including you. We are showing the channel a vision of these beautiful celebration festivities which are being planned for you.

Please take a moment to pause and tune in.
Those of you who are moving towards the higher dimensions and on a higher consciousness path will partake in this celebration and in these festivities.

We are preparing these especially for you. There will be a reuniting with your star families of origin which will feel like somewhat of a homecoming for you as well as for us.

This will feel like a family reunion on a galactic scale. Can you see us all embracing and interacting in a joyous celebration of harmony and love? Can you feel the spirit of goodwill and harmonious intergalactic relations which are now occurring?

We in the higher dimensions can see this celebration taking place now, as remember we are outside of time. All is occurring simultaneously in the higher dimensions.

You, too, will be able to function outside of time as soon as you are feeling more comfortable in your higher dimensional, multidimensional bodies and after you have begun to really integrate your multidimensional selves into one multidimensional being.

This is the Pleiadian Council speaking now and we want you to know that we have many ways to assist you in learning how to live a multidimensional life.

We have many technologies which will guide you along on your higher dimensional path….beautiful healing technologies given to us by Source Creator and used in a loving manner for the highest good of all.

Wonderful free energy technologies which will propel your world “into the stratosphere” so to speak and reduce your dependence on oil, which is the lifeblood of Mother Earth Gaia. Removing this oil from her body is akin to removing the blood from your body.

It drains her and is so unnecessary! Of course those who have been in charge in your world and we say have been because their time of power is coming to a close, they have encouraged your dependence on oil as it profits the multinational corporate machinery.

Our free energy technology, just this one technology out of many that we will be bringing to you, will change your world forever. Imagine a world wherein the energy to propel or operate everything, where all energy, is free.

Imagine a world without sickness or hospitals or pharmaceutical companies in which the health of the human body is always in pristine condition, in which bodies and minds are ageless and in which you can take any form at will.

This is just one aspect of our higher dimensional societies. A society where death is not a sad grievous occasion, but where there is actually no death and one can change body or form at will and simply dematerialize upon no longer wishing to partake in the illusion.

The free energy and healing technologies we will will bring and offer to you as gifts from our intergalactic societies (we the Pleiadians and other star nations) to yours will change everything for you.

Our technologies will assist in transforming your world into a free society of beautiful and loving higher vibrational energies. The channel was thinking the other day, “It should not cost money to live on Earth.”

She is right. Earth life should be free for all, not a monopolistic society wherein the elite live lives of luxury and the 99% live high stress lives spending all their time focusing on survival. This will all change with the introduction of our much-needed technologies and principles.

And we speak now for all the star nations with which you will reunite, not just the Pleiadian societies. All intergalactic societies with which you will be reuniting have much to offer your civilization, much to assist you in advancing forward.

The Agarthan beings living in Inner Earth, many of whom are from the ancient civilization of Lemuria, will also be at this grand celebratory Event.

They too wish to be a part of these festivities as they also have much to bring to the table to offer your outer earth beings to assist in this transition to a higher dimensional society. They have been waiting for the time to be ripe just as we have.

All will come together during this time to exchange love, hope, goodwill, remembrances, information, sharing, and abundance for all. What a beautiful time this will be!

Imagine that during this great festive celebration which we described earlier we unveil these technologies. Imagine what an incredible celebration this will be.

A new freedom will begin to overtake your joyous hearts and minds and a most joyous feeling will emanate from you all.

Imagine a world in which money is not controlled by a few private mechanisms designed to be self-serving by those who created the system; imagine instead a world where universal abundance and prosperity is the lay of the land so to speak.

All contribute to the good of all and all have everything they need for a joyous and loving life. Each person spends a percentage of his or her time doing what they love which contributes to the whole.

Each person has all the “money” they need because all members of the society are contributing towards the building of this society.

All members are in a concerted effort to be at One for the Good of All. Food is abundant and free for all, shelter is not only plentiful but also beautiful and free for all, transportation is also free and many are adept at teletransportation or are learning to become adept at it, and communications are done telepathically and holographically.

Picture a person sending a holographic “movie” to another as a way of communication, much like your videos are shared today on your computers; these holographic pictograms and “video”grams are freely sent as a form of communication.

This is the way we “instant message” in the higher dimensions. Sickness and death are a “thing of the past”; struggling for survival is no longer the focus of daily earthen life, and life becomes a most joyous endeavor unlike anything you have ever known since coming into this present life on earth.

Many begin to remember their star origins; their memories are awakened as the veil between dimensions continues to fall away, and this awakening and remembrance is a part of the joy of living this new life on earth.

We function in the higher dimensions with abundance and joy created for All by the All……self-serving behavior never comes into the picture because we all live from the viewpoint of the heart and function in love as a beautiful expression of Source Creator.

All live by the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. This is a principle followed with higher awareness by all and one of the elements of the foundation of this new way of life being embraced by all higher consciousness beings on earth.

If one wishes to create a new reality; a new hologram; a new civilization; one does not fight the old; one embraces and creates the new. This is one of the many higher dimensional principles we of the star nations embrace.

These are the concepts, principles, technologies, methodologies, and practices that we of the intergalactic star nations wish to share with your earthen societies if you are open to them.

We think the time has come to begin to introduce these principles to you and we also think you are ready as an earthen society for many of these changes. The time is ripe just as a fruit is ripe for plucking.

We return now to our celebration, our feast and our festivities. These will continue for many days and begin to spread all around your globe until it becomes part of a much larger, all-encompassing Global Event wherein many other great changes are occurring on your planet.

We say “are occurring” because, as mentioned over and over again by us, we are outside of time and can see and enter into this grand celebration which is happening in the Great Now.

We are your star nation families and we wish to express our joy and love on these most joyous and loving occasions that will be occurring on your planet sometime in the near future in your timelines.

These will happen when you are ready. Begin to prepare your minds and hearts for living in a higher dimensional world. Open up to your own personal inner vision and origins and begin to connect with your galactic self and your multidimensional being.

Always connect in with your higher self first (“I connect with my higher self, please connect with me”), then connect in with your multidimensional and galactic self…….this then in conjunction with your earthen being is your new Multidimensional, Galactic Self.

You are a star being just as we are and your true history will also be revealed during these great celebrations which will be occurring as our societies reunite.

Grand celebrations are planned and if you wish to attend we would ask that you envision all of which we speak so that you may dissolve your current holographic reality and blend it into this new holographic reality which awaits your arrival.

Your minds are powerful beyond measure. You are coming into a time wherein you will begin to know your power as a higher dimensional being and begin to use it wisely and with love for the highest good of All.

The grand celebration and connection of our galactic societies awaits your arrival, and you are invited just as all earthen people are invited and we ask only that you bring your highest vision of yourself to this celebration and let go of all that no longer serves you.

Cleanse your bodies, cleanse your minds, cleanse your lives and move forward into this new higher dimensional reality which awaits you all.

We will be awaiting your arrival with open arms and open hearts, with lots of love from your families of origin who welcome you home to your True Self and to your intergalactic family reunion and celebration that we have prepared for you with our highest intentions and most caring and loving thoughts for All.

Channeled by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.


Wise Words: James Gililland Speaks About Star Nations

Best UFO Footage- James Gililland Speaks About Star Nations

Inspirational Music Video: Trevor Green - Lonesome Road


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  • I would like to share a little insight here for those whom are doubtful.  I must first say this is my perception and mine alone and has come from my higher self and not externally from other sources.  There is no need for debate in anything anyone says because it is coming from their higher consciousness like mine comes from my higher consciousness.  We are all unique and separate individuals within a Galactic family.  Others do not have to believe because their own higher consciousness has it's own individual perceptions.  This is a place of love, care, sharing and connection.  In order to learn and grow, we must first be the student and learn from the teachers in order to grow and learn to get in touch with our individual over souls.  When the students intuitive knowledge meets and eventually surpasses the teacher, then he/she becomes the teacher to share their knowledge with the student.  

    We are all either awakened or awakening.  What you resonate with now or a week ago, may change tomorrow or next week.  So we must be open-minded and think outside the box in order to understand others concepts and perceptions.

    Now this is my personal perception of the Earth's oil being her blood, like our blood is in our own bodies.  The Earth is a unique and treasured, living blue space shift that travels in, out and around our solar system continuously.  There will be shifting, rotating,tilting, etc.  The oil inside the earth is the lubricant that helps keep balance and operate like the oil is to a combustion engine.  Like our blood, it has living minerals and vitamins and helps supply our bodies with what is needed in order to remain a living being and also delivers oxygenated blood to our bodies that is needed for life.  Our oxygen supply is given to our bodies through the living trees and plants that grow upon Mother Earth.  She is a living starship and she provides the food, oxygen, vitamins, minerals and materials needed in order to maintain her human, animal, insectoid, reptilian, and other living creatures that have ever lived and remain living on this beautiful blue orb (space shift) that we call Home. If we continue to strip her from the oil supply and other minerals she needs in order to maintain the life of her children by supplying them the basic needs of her children, we are both killing her and her children. We alone are the reason our Mother Earth has been dying due to our abuse, neglect and down right torture her and we are KILLING OURSELVES in the name of GREED, POWER, and MONEY. (666).  Humans are named the Beast of REVELATIONS.  Got it!.  Now this is my perception and it may not resonate with your beliefs today, but you may very well agree with this in the not so far future.  So please, don't waste your breath or anyone's time or energy arguing about anything here.  If you do, in the future he will want to kick your own rear end for drawing negative attention upon yourself when you are wide awake.  And do remember, the silent Awakening is occuring in waves of 3.  Your heart-mind connection WILL CHANGE as you awaken further.

    I loved the videos above as well.  I found another video right after those of a new and upcoming movie.  Remember when watching movies, the theatrical performances use sound, lighting, cameras, makeup/costumes and new technologies help them to create the movies which portray the meaning and purpose in the message they are trying to get across.  The other little tricks of sound, lighting and cameras help them to get our attention and keep it so that we will enjoy them.  This is much of how the entertainment industries can make a lot of money and win many awards.  The movies can teach you the truth about things you aren't aware of and also help you to escape the illusion we have lived all our lives and provide us with multiple genres that resonate with us.

    I hope that I may have helped at least one person to understand my perception and you may form your own as well and I am interested in others perceptions without debate.  The key is not to judge others.  You don't have to agree.

    In Love & Light

  • Namaste Meindert,

    I am in alignment with the blog you shared above.  When connecting my heart-3rd eye connection.  I see the above taking place.  It will be the most celebrated of family reunions in the history of creation and it will be so Grand.  I look forward to this Grand Reunion with my Galactic families.

    In Love & Light,

    Rhiannon Yellow Star

  • @einstein
    At least they're honest with their intentions. They actually TELL you that they plan to give you just another illusion. ;)

    "Wonderful free energy technologies which will propel your world “into the stratosphere” so to speak and reduce your dependence on oil"

    Just reduce? Why not eliminate the need for oil all together?

    "Removing this oil from her body is akin to removing the blood from your body."

    No, oil is more like dead skin cells of earth. Dead organic material that have been composed into oil.
    I see oil more as geological dumping grounds/graveyard.

    "All live by the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have done unto yourself."

    I would never nugget a developing human mind with the promise of technologies that will "take care of everything". That'd be upright evil.

    "Your minds are powerful beyond measure."

    Yes, they're so powerful that most of the tech you're offering here is already obsolete. ;)

    "Channeled by Goldenlight"

    GOLDEN light?
    The light I "follow" is CLEAR, white and bright. The last time I saw Golden Light was when I were with the naughties.
    Deja vu

  • Hi! Stop talking about it and get on with it already.

  • Comment by rev.joshua skirvin 1 second ago

    You are still doing it,why don't you check the blogs that have already been posted. I posted this blog and the other one you posted, yesterday. Take the time to go back and see if these blogs have already been posted as I do, so that you don't repeat them as you often do.I have mentioned this to you many times and yet you still keep doing it,why? Are you only concerned with.getting your name out there, when you should be concerned with uplifting this site. Shame on you. Just because you pay money to this site , doesn't give you the right to destroy it by constantly repeating blogs that others ahve already posted. Get it together, this is getting old, huh. Adonai

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/archangel-gabriel-v... 
    Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook

  • Thank You Meindert Arends for sharing this wonderful message. The message is beautiful and filled with lots of Love.

  • "Grand celebrations are planned and if you wish to attend we would ask that you envision all of which we speak so that you may dissolve your current holographic reality and blend it into this new holographic reality which awaits your arrival"

    Sounds to me like swapping one set of 'controllers & programmers" of a holographic reality for another!! Why would I want to 'blend' into yet another holographic existence? Why not blend or merge with our highest self or as close to the Creator as we can? Surely this would be a better & safer way of experiencing who and what we are without the risk of being 'conned' by false prophets into something nefarious....

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