I have allways been drawn to ancient egypt and also Ancient Americas and India. But I have allways drawn strongest to Ancient Egypt! Reson to that to that I think is because it was happy times, I was so happy at that time, full of love and joy! I had the most magnificent loving husband as well...
This happend me few years back when I was 29. I was looking at the discovery a program about King Tuthankhamun. When I saw his mummyfied body my heart felt full of pain and I bursted in tears and started to cry hysterically. I could hardly stop! I was just vrying and crying and crying. I was crying hysterically and I felt the same pain you get when you loose your beloved husband! It was then I Knew, in my past life when I lived in ancient egypt I was Ankhasenamun. I have allso been a priestess in ancient egypt i think. Cause somehow it feels like that inside of me...That would also explain my love to ancient Egypt and the ankh and everything that has with the ancient egypt to do....I have a huge urge to go to Egypt to visit the egyptian museum to see my past life husband and to put a red rose on his glass displayd coffin....That day will never come cause I have no such money. Maby next year,hopefully when this darkness is finaly gone....
Unfortunately I have not yet figured out who I was when I Lived in Ancient America or in India...but that I will probably find out sooner or later...
Yes! I think it would bee a great idea to visit egypt and the egyptian museum! You might find out who you where then? Sometimes it just takes a visit to a museum, a vission or a documentary about ancient egypt before you will realise who you where at in ancient egypt... Yes, it is my hearts desire to go give a rose on my dead husbands (from my past life) glass coffin in the egyptian museum...His soul may not bee here enymore,but i still remember how loving and wonderfull husband he was...
Me too, I am so wanting to go there and see the sites for myself. I know I'll find what I'm looking for once I can see for myself what's left behind. There's something big there. I can feel it.