Remember Trump’s agreements with several nations across the world that they would end war, and support a military cleansing of the monsters who have run roughshod over We the People for centuries and thousands of years. “The Plan” is intricate, top secret, only a handful of people know the Plan in its entirety, and we only know what we see and hear, which is often disinformation, propaganda, and lies.
Since there are military operations ongoing now, we can’t emphasize strongly enough to not take information as gospel. We have to use our utmost discernment, stay calm, and be a fence-sitter without judgement because we will not learn the truth about most of this for some time yet. It’s all under control, as chaotic as it may seem. Just ride it out and we’ll be fine.
We can guarantee that everyone on this planet has been lied to about everything, and so to attack others and argue about what is true and what isn’t is absurd. Everyone needs to send their ego on an extended vacation and one day in the near future we will learn the truth about it all. Many won’t like it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. They’ll get over it.
SG Anon uploaded File 63, which many will want to hear. 1 hr.
POTUS45: Obama-ISIS Treason | Russian Mil Moving | Mossad Exposure Happening | WW3 Now Here
We’re getting good billings these days. Here’s a trailer for “The Big Picture” coming in November. Watch below or on Vimeo.
It is literally them vs. us, and most people can’t wrap their heads around that fact. Rogue governments have the reins and if we don’t halt the runaway coach, we are on a certain suicide mission.
THE BIG PICTURE TRAILER from Troy Harris on Vimeo.
Dr. Michael Salla puts the spotlight on Dr. Sam Osmanagich and his Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. If you’re not familiar with his discovery, it is remarkable and fascinating to delve in. The technology discovered there seemed miraculous, and had many purposes. Dr. Osmanagich is a highly intelligent man and a very nice one, at that. 1 hr. 35 min.
artist’s rendering of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun emitting scalar energyAncient Pyramids, Interstellar Communications Devices, ETs, Discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramid
It has been a busy day, and it’s time