Ancient Slavic Calendar


Forgotten Russian Roots. (This is Russian info very brief, i've try to translate from to english) so try read between the lines).

“Our chronology is not connected either with the Sun, or with the Earths, or

  with the Moons, not with the Stars, but is connected with the Laws of the One Creator.

For the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons speed up and slow down them

  move, and the Laws of the Creator of the One are NVISIBLE,, and for their observance

  is watching Numberbog, who is the keeper of the Rivers of Time.

Origin of the word "calendar"

The name of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar is "Kalyady Dar", which literally means the gift of Kolyada. Those. the word "calendar" does not come from the "debt book" of the Romans, but from the fusion of Kalyada Dar. Another name for the Calendar is Krugolet Chislobog.


The Slavic calendar is based on the hexadecimal number system, that is, 16 Years (Circle of Years), passing through 9 Elements, creates a periodicity of 144 Years (Circle of Life). It forms long periods of time called Svarog Circles, in each of which the Sun passes successively all 16 Halls for 180 Circles of Life. This is the day of Svarog. (By the way, 180 Circles of Life x 144 Years = 25,920 Years is the known period of revolution of the solar system of our Yarila-sun around the center of our galaxy).


Circle of Life = 144 Years

Year/Leto = 9 months

Month = 40 and 41 days

Week = 9 days

Leto/Year three seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring - this is one Year/Leto (hence the concepts in Russian: chronicle, chronology, how old are you? Etc.)

The Slavs do not consider centuries (100 years), but Circles of Life (144 Years).

The day ends with the sunset, and not at night as with Christians. Therefore, the construction of the daily circle is different: the 16th hour (the end of the day), this is 19:00 Christian time. At the same time, the Slavs do not have such a concept of “zero time” (00:00), because life does not stop, does not disappear, therefore there is no zero hour; let's say: modern "0 hours 25 minutes" in the Slavic system would write "24 hours 25 minutes".

Slavic time is more harmonious with Nature, the division of the day into 16 hours created a measured form of building life. In addition, the day is divided into 4 parts, not 2 (day and night), and each hour has its own name.

In a day, 16 hours is one Circle, i.e. hexadecimal system. We have everything built on 16: in a pood of 16 kg, in the Svarog Circle there are 16 Halls, 16 Years make up a Single Circle, a girl can get married after 16 years, etc.

1 hour = 144 parts, i.e. there is a reflection of the heavenly structure on earthly life. There are 16 Halls in the Svarog Circle, in each Hall there are 9 Halls (9 * 16 \u003d 144), hence our 144 parts in one hour, i.e. this is a prototype.

1 part = 1296 shares, this is also related to the Heavenly structure, i.e. each Heavenly Hall has 9 Tables (9*144 = 1296).



Hour = 144 Parts (= 90 minutes).



Part = 1,296 Shares (= 37.56 seconds).



Share = 72 Instants (1sec = 34.5 shares).



Instant = 760 Flashes (1sec = 2484.34 instants).



Flash = 160 Sigs (1s = 1888102.236 flashes). This is where the word “jump” came from, that is, to move very, very quickly.



Sig = 14000 Sig (1 sec = 302096358 sig). 1 sig is approximately equal to 30 oscillations of the electromagnetic wave of the cesium atom, taken as the basis for modern atomic clocks.

These are the main Slavic measures of time, our Ancestors knew them from childhood. There are other measures of time, but in everyday life we do not need them.


1.5 modern hours = 1 Slavic hour

5 modern minutes = 8 Slavic units

25 seconds = 864 beats

5 seconds = 9455616 moments

1 second = 1437253632 moments

1 second = 229960581120 cigs

The new day of Svarog used to begin at the moment of sunset of the Yarila-Sun on the day of the equinox - very simply and clearly.

Previously (when there was no widespread use of clocks), a new day began at sunset.

The term "«сутки»" appeared a little over 110 thousand years ago. Moreover, the word "«сутки»" is only in Slavic languages. Neither in English, nor in French, nor in German, nor in other languages does this word exist. And its etymology is simple: to weave, to join - i.e. join together (TK). O - U - transitive vowels. That is, «сутки» are woven, docked together day and night.

Now the day begins at night, when everyone is asleep. But even if they didn’t sleep, it’s still impossible to fix the beginning of a new day, since there is nothing to observe in the sky at this moment.

The week consisted of nine days: Monday, Tuesday, Triteynik, Thursday, Friday, Six, Seven, Oct and Week. Remember the phrases from the fairy tales uncorrected by the “historians”: “and for the first week he went to the City-capital” (Humpbacked Horse), “the eight has already passed and the week has come” (Stone bowl).

All months began on strictly defined days of the week. For example, if the first month of the year begins on Tuesday, then all other odd months will begin on Tuesday, and even ones on the week. Therefore, the calendar that we carry with us today and which contains 12 different month tablets, previously contained only two tablets: one for odd months, the other for even months.

All the years of Krugolet Chislobog always began on strictly defined days of the week.

Many elements of the Slavic Calendar have survived to this day in the form of sayings and customs, the origins of which, unfortunately, have already been forgotten. For example, the Great Trizna, that is, the commemoration of a deceased relative, takes place a week later (9 days) and a month later (40 days), that is, on the ninth and fortieth day.

For seven months the mother bears the child in her womb and forty forty (forty months) then feeds him with breast milk.

And forty forty (or four years and four months) after the birth of the first child, women begin a period of life improvement, as a result of which she becomes the Knowing Mother or the Witch.

369 weeks after the birth of a person, the period of his Spiritual Education begins, for at the age of nine, the first Great communion with the Ancient Wisdom of the Gods and Ancestors takes place.

When the children from the Slavic Clans turned 12 years old (108 months) and they reached the height of 7 spans in the forehead (124 cm), a new stage in life began for the children. At 108 months (or at 12 years old), a person comes of age, and he goes through the rites of coming of age and naming, after which the boys begin to be taught tribal crafts and martial arts.

And after another 108 months, that is, in the 24th summer, he, accepting Spiritual sanctification by the Sacred Fire, will know the true meaning of the existence of his Family and the true meaning of the Family name.

At 33, the time of Spiritual perfection comes.

And at 369 months or at 41 summers, the era of Spiritual Illumination begins.

A girl could only get married after 16 years or 144 months, which is the One Round Circle. Until this time, she is a messenger - she learns the Message, that is, she learns housekeeping, childcare, needlework, and at the age of 16 she finishes her message and becomes the Bride.

The widespread use of the ancient Slavic Calendar ended, unfortunately, when Peter I introduced a foreign calendar.

12125624655?profile=RESIZE_584xsee in the blue circle is different year (it says: from creation of word 7422)


Accordingly, the modern calendar was complicated for the sake of political interests. Russia lost 6,5 thousand years of its ancient history. 

Gregorian calendar

In Summer 7090 (1582), the Catholic Church, at the direction of Pope Gregory XIII, introduced a new calendar, which received his name. In the new calendar, dating was no longer from the Creation of the World, but from the Nativity of Christ. The need to introduce a new calendar was associated with the fact that the duration of the Julian calendar year is slightly longer than the duration of the natural year, and therefore it began to lag behind nature a little, so that one day accumulated over 128 years. Therefore, at the time of the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, there were already 10 days of difference.

But not all European countries immediately switched to the new calendar, some countries took years or even centuries to switch to the new Gregorian style. In Russia, this style was finally switched to only in February 1918.

The Gregorian calendar is also not absolutely accurate: it lags behind the natural one by one day in 3300 years; in addition, the Gregorian calendar is "uneven", it contains a kind of "leaps". But gradually the Gregorian calendar was adopted by most states and today is generally recognized.

The week was shortened to seven days, to please the worshipers of the lunar cult. The number of months in a year has increased and their names have changed.

Year lasts 365.25 days, so 15 Years is 365 days each, and the 16th year is 369 days, that is, 4 days are added to the 16th year. This periodicity is called the Circle of Years (15 simple + 1 Sacred year = 16 Years), and passing through the figurative nine elements create a periodicity of 144 Years - the Circle of Life (16 * 9 = 144).

The same period (365.25 days) was used in the Julian calendar, and every fourth year was made a leap year, that is, like the Slavs, 4 days are added for 16 years. But they introduced a secular system, that is, they counted 100 years, and this is their mistake - the so-called centenary years. By 1582, the Julian calendar had run away by as much as 10 days. In fact, the calendar system does not fit into the decimal, so the periodicity is not secular, but circular = 16 years. There are no so-called centennial years in the Slavic calendar, so the whole system is equalized. In the Gregorian calendar, Christians took into account this error (it came to the second thousand years). But note that our Ancestors did not make this mistake at all, they clearly calculated the full periodicity many thousands of years ago and created a certain system, which they called the Circle of Years (16 Years).

Year = 9 months

Year is divided into 3 periods (seasons of Year} Autumn, Winter, Spring, and all together they are called in one word Year/Leto. Each time of the year is divided into 3 months (forty years), that is, year consists of 9 months.

Month names. Except for the first, all months have the same ending “Let” because they are all parts of Leto, and which part indicates the first “syllable”.

   12125630097?profile=RESIZE_180x180 Runa Let, it is in the name of each month, because these are parts of Leto/Year; only the first Rune changes (Ai, Bay, Gay, Dai, E, Wei, Hei, Tai), which reveals the image of this part of Leto/Year.



                    12125631295?profile=RESIZE_400x1. Ramhat - the Divine principle. Ramhat (September, October) is the month of the Divine Beginning. Ra-M-Ha created (b) and approved (T) a new bright, pure Leto a new Circle.

Ra-M-Ha (RAMHA) is the Single Creator-Creator, the Supreme Unknowable Essence, radiating the Primordial Life-giving Light of Joy and the Primary Fire of the Universe (Life-giving) from which all the currently existing, as well as the visible and invisible Universes that existed in the past, and all kinds of inhabited worlds.


12125633080?profile=RESIZE_180x1802 AiLet - AiLet (November) is the month of New Gifts. Runa Ai means - full prosperity, i.e. full bins. By this time, the harvest was harvested, weddings were played, the New Year was celebrated, and a separate tower with outbuildings was built for the young. Those. a new life begins with full prosperity, with gifts, from his household with animals, from everything.


12125633266?profile=RESIZE_180x1803 BayLet - (December) - the month of the White Radiance and Peace of the World; this is the white part of Summer. Divine level of purity, a feeling of complete peace in the Soul.Month (fortieth) = 40 days



12125633291?profile=RESIZE_180x1804 GayLet - (January, February) - the month of Blizzard and Cold. Those. Gay - fierce, harsh.




12125633654?profile=RESIZE_180x1805 DayLet - (March) is the month of the Awakening of Nature. That is, this is a part of Summer, when Nature gives vitality: the leaves bloom, the fields are filled with strength, the animals wake up, everything awakens, revives, comes to life.


12125633671?profile=RESIZE_180x1806 Elet - the month of sowing and naming. (April) - the month of sowing and naming. Note that the image of “GAY” is a blizzard, a cold, and a blizzard, as it were, sows with snow, ice particles, heavy snowfalls and so on, i.e. sowing image. Here it’s just “E” - sowing, without cold. But sowing not only grain into the ground, but also the Word inside a person.



12125633676?profile=RESIZE_180x1807 WeiLet is the month of the winds. (May, June) is the month of the Winds. The image of Rune Wei is to blow, and the wind blows. Those. this part of the Summer, when Stribog's grandchildren wake up and start walking, often hurricanes, dry winds. STRIBOG - is a God who controls lightning, whirlwinds, hurricanes, winds and sea storms.



12125633858?profile=RESIZE_180x1808 HeyLet - (July) is the month of Receiving the Gifts of Nature. The image of "X" is a positive force. And notice that the month of sowing is “E”, and here, as its opposite, “E”, is turned in the other direction, i.e. there we planted, and here we received.


12125633867?profile=RESIZE_180x1809 TaiLet - the month of completion. (August) is the month of the End. Rune Tai - peak, limit, completion of something, for example: TaiGa - the end of the path. Those. TaiLet - the completion of Summer, the completion of the Circle, hence the KrugoLet (Circle of Years).



In fact, the Slavs do not consider "months", but forty years, that is, they are not connected with the Moon in any way, but to make it easier to understand the Slavic calendar, let there be months for now.

Months with 40 and 41 days - all odd months (1,3,5,7,9) have 41 days, and even months (2,4,6,8) have 40 days. In the 16th Sacred Leto/Year, 4 more days are added, one each to the odd months, that is, in the Sacred Leto/Year, all months have 41 days.

The Slavic calendar have only 2 plates: even and odd months, they begin on the same day of the Week. If Leto/year started on Monday, then all odd months will start on Monday, and even months will start on six. Sacred Leto/year are also easy to count, and on what day the Holy Leto/year began, it means that the simple Leto/year will begin on the same day after it. Therefore, our Ancestors could easily calculate which day of the week corresponded to some date thousands and even hundreds of thousands of years ago. Because in the Krugolet itself, each Leto/Year begins on a certain day of the week, and each circle is repeated, so just measure back in circles as many thousands of years as you like.

* Today, we have adopted a calendar system that is very inconvenient for counting: a month can have 31, 30, 29 and 28 days. The year is divided into 12 months, that is, 12 different tablets, and it is not known on which day the month will begin.

Week = 9 days

The names of the days of the Week are a simple count: the second, third, fourth, fifth... And each day has its own Guardian of Earth. It is believed that the day of the Week on which a person was born will be happy for him.

The Nine-Day Week is a very convenient system of work and rest (3, 6, 9 - two days worked, one rested), so that a person does not overwork. But then, after the tilt of the Earth's axis, even the power system changed, and, as it were, the Commandment of Svarog: "Read you three days in the week - the third, seventh and ninth ...", that is, in the middle there was a shift by one day - from the sixth to the seventh :

Day 3 - rest for the brain (from mental, intellectual work).

Day 7 - rest for the body (from physical work) + FAST (fasting day).

Day 9 - NO WORK, that is, rest for the body, Spirit and Soul.


Russian Zodiac





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  • Спасибо! 🤗
  • for translation of Words:
    for translation of Texts: Your online dictionary for ­English-Russian­ translations. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. Also available as App!
  • ET Hugger, from what i know the link that you provided goes to Slavic Totem Horoscope,
    here is russian website: if you can translated it it has different information
    Древний Славянский календарь
    Древний Славянский календарь, Сварожий Круг, Славянский зодиак, Круголет Числобога, Сущность Лет Круголета. Чертог
  • Thank you Vlada, i am also enlightened by it ;))
  • I tried to find the Slavic zodiac with 16 animals. I came across zodiacs with only 12 signs, then I found this Slovenian (not Russian) website with 16 zodiac signs. If you know a better website let us know.

    This Slavic calendar starts on the day of the vernal equinox, 21 March.
    Horoscope YEAR
  • Very interesting! I love the beautiful images.
  • How interesting Ara,and I just learnt something new,as I do recall seeing these odd looking years written on certain things from ancient times and always wondered why is that date written like that,now I know why..thanks for sharing this intriguing post.we can all be enlightened by it..:o)
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