Yesterday the 18th June I was lucky enough to make contact with a very tall blue being. Not unlike the beings in Avatar in appearance who spoke to me about the new energy about to enter the earth on the 23 June when the moon is nearest the earth. He was very friendly and showed me to beautiful cobalt blue crystals. He said he had brought these crystals to help the earth healing to take place and realign the energies of the planet to bring in balance.He said that their was two crystals one for the northern hemiphere and one for the southern hemisphere. The crystals would be used to draw in the new energies from the earth. He said he was from Andromeda and that they are the peace keepers who bring harmony and love to the earth. We must be all prepared for things to come. It was unavoidable that we still have to see many disasters on the earth plane with lots of people going over to spirit but it was all part of the conscious upliftment to bring the earth into the new vibrations. The being was very benevolent and I felt a sense of peace in his presence. Beautiful experience i wanted to share. He said the world will be alright in the end once we have cleared the debris and the negativity and to move forward as a planet not just as a nation. To be open minded to accept and question everything. if we are to do this. The energy of this being was just wow
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"I dare you Drekx to click the link now being provided and be lured into the fake ufo drone sky entertainment & conspiracy in the USA, watch the white LED dog flying above the crowd on a piece of fishing line, put it on full screen geepers even kids…"
"That's good news, chaps.....6th Jan and we have lift off, President Trump 47...👏🏻
Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣"
Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣"
"Great news here as Dark Cabal member Justin Trudeau is set to resign as Canadian Prime Minister."
"Drekx all you had to do was click on the link provided above the screen shots, as it goes straight to the vid on X, but dont bother as it would be a waste of your time as its just a Chinese green light drone carrying a white plastic dog dangling…"
"🇺🇸 The United States Congress has proclaimed Donald Trump the winner of the 60th presidential election, making him the 47th leader of the nation"
"I'm afraid that I cannot access this vid, to check it fully..."
"Drexk-does this look like GFL to you?""
Wow I'm looking at the stars every night and waiting, these times are so exciting.
thank you