1. I was thirty years old when I was subjected to terrible and frightening tests; what I saw then, what happened to me, is well worth relating. It was on the night of mystery when I felt the howl of the hurricane close to me, then I understood... How lonely I was that night! and yet, wherever I was, here, there, or everywhere, very soon I found myself surrounded by crowds, I don't know how the people came until and then. Many times I had to courageously confront the Black Powers that the apostle Paul of Tarsus said in Chapter II of the Epistle to those of Ephesus. Unquestionably, the most dangerous adversary of that night had the fatal title of "Anagarika". I want to emphatically refer to the demon Cherenzi. That disgusting dark creature had taught the world "Black Tantrism". (sexual magic with seminal ejaculation). The result appeared to the naked eye: developed diabolical tail and horrifying horns. That tantric of the left hand arrived in my presence accompanied by two other demons. at "Point blank", as they say out there, I blurted out the following question: "Do you know me?" Answer: "Yes! I saw you one night in the city of Bacatá, when I was giving a lecture." What happened next was certainly not very pleasant. That "Anagarika" had recognized me and, enraged, threw fire from his eyes and tail. He violently wanted to hurt me; I defended myself with the best high magic conjurations and finally he fled with his companions. Alone I continued on my way in the night of mystery; the hurricane howled...
  2. Panting, tired, after having fought many times against the tyranny of the Prince of the Powers of the air, which is the spirit that now reigns over the children of infidelity, I got inside the "Church Gnostic". Temple of luminous marble, which seems more like glass due to its rare transparencies. I slowly advanced walking very slowly and reverently inside the holy place. However, something surprises me, I see a certain character that, crossing my path, blocks my path. Another battle? I prepare to defend myself, but the character smiles sweetly and exclaims in a heavenly voice: -"You don't scare me, I know you very well!" Ah!... I recognize him at last... he is my Guru Adolfo -whom I have always called with the diminutive "Adolfito"- Good God and Holy Mary! But... what was I doing? Forgive me, master, I hadn't recognized you!... My guru leads me by the hand into the interior of the Gnostic Church... The Mahatma takes a seat and then invites me to sit next to him; Impossible to decline such a splendid invitation. The dialogue that followed between master and disciple was certainly extraordinary. "Here in the Gnostic Church -said the Hierophant solemnly-, you can only be married to one woman, not two" You in the past gave vain hopes to a certain lady XX, who for that reason and despite time and distance she is still waiting for you". "Obviously, unconsciously you are doing her a great harm, because she is waiting for you, lives in a city in complete misery. That lady could well return to her family in the countryside, so of course her economic problems would be solved." Stunned, perplexed at hearing such words, I hugged my guru, infinitely thanking him for his advice. Could you now say about my wife Litelantes? -She is useful for sexual magic -Sahaya maithuna-, with that Adept Lady you can work in the Ninth Sphere (sex). -Oh Guru, what I yearn for with infinite longing it is the awakening of the Kundalini and the union with the Intimate. Whatever it takes... -But what did you say!, Oh disciple! Whatever it takes? -Yes, master, that's what I said. This night here one has been paid and then entrusted with the task of helping you to awaken the Kundalini. You have passed the test of "Direne" - exclaimed the Hierophant - and then putting on my head a turban of immaculate whiteness with a golden button on the forehead, he said: "Let us go to the altar. Rising quickly, I advanced with my Holy Guru until the Holy Ara. I still remember that solemn moment when kneeling before the altar, I had to take a solemn oath. "Whatever the cost!" my master cried out with a loud voice, and this intensely vibrating phrase then retreated from sphere to sphere... I covered my solar plexus with the palm of my left hand and extended my right hand over the "Holy Grail" saying I swear! Terrible oath! Very early in the morning I wrote to the suffering noble lady who waited for me in the remote city. I advised her with infinite sweetness to return to the land of her elders and forget about my insignificant person who is worth nothing.
  3. Unquestionably I was always assisted during metaphysical copulation; This  Divine Guruji who was paid his salary in the temple, kept his word. That Great Soul assisted me astrally during chemical intercourse; I watched him make strong magnetic passes over my coccygeal bone, spine, and top of my head. When the erotic igneous serpent of our magical powers awoke to begin its march inward and upward along the spinal cord canal, I then felt very thirsty and a very sharp pain in my coccyx that lasted several days. Then I was feted in the temple. I have never been able to forget that great cosmic event. At that time I lived in peace in a small house, by the sea in the tropical zone of the Caribbean coast. The ascent of Kundalini, vertebra by vertebra, was carried out very slowly according to the merits of the heart. The mystical ascent of the flame of love from vertebra to vertebra and from chakra to chakra, along the spinal canal, was certainly carried out on the basis of Sexual Magic, including sanctification and sacrifice. The assistant Mahatma gave me help by conducting the sacred fire from the coccygeal bone - base of the spinal cord - to the pineal gland. Subsequently, that Great Soul masterfully made my erotic fire flow to the region between the eyebrows. The first initiation of Fire came as a corollary when the igneous serpent of our magical powers made contact with the atom of the Father in the magnetic field of the root of the nose. It was certainly during the mystical ceremony of the Last Supper that the cosmic date of initiation was set. I waited with infinite anxiety for the date and time of the initiation; It was a sacred 27. I wanted an initiation like the one that Commander Montenegro received in the Temple of Chapultepec, or like the one that Ginés de Lara -the reincarnated Deva- had in that Sancta Santorum or Adytia of the Knights Templar on the extraordinary night of a lunar eclipse. But my case was certainly very different, and although it seems incredible, the night of the Initiation I felt disappointed. Resting with infinite anguish on my hard bed, inside a humble hut, on the shores of the sea, I spent the night awake, waiting in vain. My priestess wife slept, snored, sometimes moved in her bed and uttered incoherent words. It dawned and nothing!, nothing!, nothing! What a night of dogs, my God...! God help me and Holy Mary! When the sun rose like a ball of fire that seemed to spring from the stormy ocean, Litelantes woke up saying to me: - Do you remember the party they threw for you up there? You received the initiation. -How?, but what are you saying? Party? initiation? Which one? The only thing I know is that I have spent a night more bitter than gall. -What? Litelantes exclaimed in amazement, so you didn't bring any memory to your physical brain? Don't you remember the big chain? Did you forget the words of the Great Initiator? Overwhelmed with such questions, I questioned Litelantes saying: - What did the Great Being tell me? You were warned -exclaimed the adept lady- that from now on you will have double responsibility for the teachings you give in the world. In addition - said Litelantes - you were dressed in the white linen tunic of the Adepts of the Occult Fraternity and you were given the flaming sword. oh! I understand. While I was going through so much bitterness in my bed as a penitent and anchorite, my real inner Being was receiving the Cosmic Initiation. A new day of routine; I worked as always to earn my daily bread, I rested in my bed around twelve o'clock. Certainly I was sleepless and it just seemed like a little rest; besides, I was contrite of heart. Suddenly, finding myself in a state of vigil, I see that someone enters my bedroom, I recognize him, he is a Chela of the Venerable Great White Lodge. That disciple brings a book in his hands; wishes to consult me and request certain authorization. When I wanted to answer, I spoke with a certain voice that amazed me; Atman responding through the creative larynx is terribly Divine. "Go - my Real Being told him -, fulfill the mission that has been entrusted to you". The Chela withdrew gratefully. oh! how changed I have remained... Now yes! I understand! These were my exclamations after the chela left. I felt something superlative, as if an ethnic, transcendental change, of a divine esoteric type, had taken place within my consciousness. That night we went to bed earlier than usual; I longed for something; I was in an ecstatic state. Lying down again on my hard bed as a penitent and anchorite, in that Hindustani asana of a dead man - dorsal decubitus feet touching heels with the tips of the fingers open in the form of a fan - I waited in a state of alert perception, alert novelty. Suddenly, in a matter of thousandths of a second, I remembered a distant mountain, what happened then was something unusual, extraordinary. I instantly saw myself there, on the distant peak, very far from the body, from the affections and from the mind. Unattached Atman, away from the dense body and in the absence of supersensible vehicles. In such moments of Shamadhi, the cosmic initiation received the night before was for me a palpable fact, a raw living reality that I did not even need to remember. When I put my right hand on the golden belt, I was happy to see that there was the flaming sword, exactly on the right side; dressed indeed in a white linen tunic. In full Dionysian drunkenness I launched myself into infinite sidereal space; happy I left the planet Earth. Immersed in the ocean of the Universal Spirit of Life, I wanted to never return to this valley of bitterness and so I visited many planetary mansions. As I gently landed on a giant planet of unalterable infinity, drawing the flaming sword I exclaimed: "I master all this!" "Man is called to be governor of all creation," answered a Hierophant who was by my side. I kept the flaming sword in its golden scabbard and immersing myself further into "the dormant waters of life" I performed a series of invocations and extraordinary experiments. “Buddhic body, come to me!” Heeding my call, the beautiful Elena, Guinevere, the Queen of the "Jinas", my adorable spiritual soul, came to me. She entered into me and I into her, we both form that famous Atman-Buddhi about which Eastern theosophy speaks so much. Continuing in successive order those singular invocations made from the very bottom of chaos, I then called my human soul saying: "Causal body, come to me!" I saw my human soul gloriously clothed with the causal vehicle (theosophical superior Manas). How interesting was that moment when my human soul happily entered me! In those moments, he integrated in an extraordinarily lucid way that theosophical triad known by the Sanskrit terms: Atman-Buddhi-Manas. Later, inebriated with ecstasy, I called my mind thus: "Mental Body, come to me!" Several times I had to repeat the invocation, because the mind is late in obeying, but finally it presented itself with great reverence saying: "Lord, here I am, I have attended your call, excuse me for being late. Did I carry out your orders well? " In moments in which I was going to give an answer, the solemn voice of my Pythagorean Monad came out of my deep interior saying: "Yes!... you obeyed well, come in..." It goes without saying with great emphasis that I concluded these invocations by calling the Astral Body, it also took a while to come to my esoteric call, but at last it entered me. Already covered with my supra-sensible vehicles, I could have called my physical body from chaos or the Primitive Abyss, which at that time lay between its hard bed as a penitent and anchorite, and it is obvious that this body would also have responded to my call. I seemed at those moments a solitary ray emerging from within the Abyss of the Great Mother. The return to this planet of bitterness governed by forty-eight laws was made relatively quickly. Frankly and unequivocally I declare: With full self-awareness I re-entered the physical body, penetrating inside the latter through that marvelous door of the soul mentioned by Descartes. I want to refer to the Pineal Gland.
  4. Impossible to forget those moments in which the Blessed One entrusted to a certain specialist the sacred mission of wisely conducting the second degree of fire power through my spine. I wanted to know in depth the mysteries of the fourth coordinate and enter the "Promised Land" victoriously. I needed with the utmost urgency, unpostponable, to restore the igneous powers in my etheric vital fund. When the second serpent awoke to begin its inward and upward ascent along the etheric spinal cord, I was feted in the temple with a great cosmic festival. The specialist "Jina" assisted me during metaphysical copulation; Litelantes and I perceived it with the sixth sense. Ostensibly I was not abandoned; the "Jina" helped me with strong magnetic passes that went from the coccyx to the pineal gland. That Master had placed a great moral responsibility on his shoulders, he had to the living and philosophical fire must intelligently lead me along the spinal cord canal of the famous Theosophical "Lingam Sarira" (vital background of the human organism). "This initiation is much more laborious", thus the Logos of our Solar System had told me; however, I yearned with infinite longing to know the mysteries of the "Etheric World" in the "promised land". The brilliant ascent of the second igneous serpent along the medullary canal from vertebra to vertebra and from chakra to chakra was carried out very slowly, according to the merits of the heart. Each spinal vertebra of the etheric type implies certain virtues, ostensibly we must be tested before reaching this or that vertebra; let us remember that gold is tested by fire and virtue by temptation. In the Land of the thousand and one nights there are also mystical agapes; I was at one of those dinners; the guests were royally attended by swans of immaculate whiteness on the shores of a crystalline lake. I was invited to a macabre feast and what I saw on the tragic table was truly frightening. Profane bleeding head placed on a silver tray, all adorned with something that is better kept quiet. Its deep significance is evident: The animal ego, the Self, must be slain. As a consequence or corollary, I understood all of this in its entirety, in full, when I saw the macabre table in the banquet hall. When I left that unusual and abysmal den, the Adepts of the Occult Fraternity gave me a beautiful present. It is a tiny magic instrument, by means of which I can operate as a Theurgist by modifying the plastic. Those who have seen my photos will be able to evidence for themselves the concrete fact that I voluntarily handle the plastic. Varied forms of my face puzzle my best photographers; However, I confess frankly and without ambiguities that I am not the one who has this power, but rather the Intimate, my Real Inner Being, Atman. He operates on the plastic when it is indispensable. If I were to write in detail everything that we mystics have experienced in the thirty-three holy chambers of the etheric world, we would fill many volumes, so I prefer to speak in synthesis. When the second degree of fire power reached the height of the creative larynx, I was put in jail. The indictment read the following verbatim: "This man, in addition to committing the crime of curing the sick, is also the author of a book entitled "The Perfect Matrimony", which is an attack against public morals and good customs of the citizens". It was then in the horrifying dungeon of an old South American prison that I had to go through the classic beheading ceremony. Then I saw my Divine Mother Kundalini at the foot of an old tower, with the flaming sword in her right hand, decapitating a creature. He, my Monad, entered into me - into my soul - and then I was totally transfigured. With lucid fullness I saw myself completely. He is the fifth of the seven spirits before the throne of the lamb and I am his bodhisattva. This comes to remind us of that phrase of Muhammad "Allah is Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet." Leaving that prison I headed home; My best friends were waiting for me there. Days later, the second degree of fire power made direct contact with the atom of the Father located in the magnetic field of the root of the nose; then I saw in a night vision the flaming star with the eye of God in the center. The resplendent Pentalpha detached itself from the Sun Christ to shine on my head... The cosmic festival of the night of the Initiation was extraordinary. From the threshold of the temple I saw my Real Being -the Intimate- crucified on the cross in the most sacred background of the Sanctuary and before the Brothers of the Occult Fraternity. While He was receiving initiation, I settled accounts with the lords of Karma in the temple hall.

 49. My particular case was certainly extraordinary. I must specifically affirm that I was born with an Astral Body. Magnificently I had made it before I was born, in ancient ages of a Mahanvantara ancestor, long before the dawn of the Moon Chain broke. Restoring the igneous powers in the aforesaid astral body was certainly the most important thing for me; this is how I understood it before asking the Logos of the Solar System to enter the Third Initiation of Fire. It is worth telling my beloved readers that the Great Being, after granting my request, He dictated a special providence helping me. From this you can gather that a certain specialist in the third degree of fire power was given to me. That Guru-Deva fulfilled his mission directing the third igneous serpent through the spinal canal in the Astral Body. Litelantes and my insignificant person who is worth nothing, we perceived with the sixth sense the astral specialist who helped us during the metaphysical intercourse. The awakening of the fire in the astral body is always announced with a terrible lightning in the night. I confess frankly and unambiguously that during the esoteric work with the third degree of the power of fire, I had to experience the cosmic drama in a symbolic way. Living the entire Drama of the Christ in the Astral World is beyond any doubt something that could never be forgotten. As the third degree of fire power develops and unfolds harmoniously in the Astral Body, the various events of the Christic Drama become open. Terrible is that instant in which the symbolic Longinus nails the sacred lance, the extraordinary emblem of phallic force, into the Initiate's side. When I was secretly approved by a certain sidereal power, the dark adepts of the left hand attacked me full of great hatred. Inside the Holy Sepulcher I had to remain astrally for three days before the symbolic resurrection. The descent to the dark abode of Pluto was indispensable, after all the symbolic resurrection process. Tenebrous recapitulations I had to initiate among the deepest entrails of the earth; there where the Florentine Dante found the city of Dite. Recapitulating old abysmal mistakes is often helpful when it comes to dissolving the ego. “I am a Saint!” I exclaimed before a group of elegant ladies who gloomy took a seat in the sumptuous abysmal hall. Those women laughed at me, mocking me readily, while with a certain very provocative pout they repeated ironically: “Holy! Holy! Holy!" Those unfortunate creatures were right. At that time I had not yet dissolved the ego, I was a fallen bodhisattva. Symbolic, initiatory, instructive Ascension, however different from the Logoic Ascension of the Third Mountain. Nineteen days after beginning the abysmal ascending march, the Adepts of the Occult Fraternity removed from my lower abdomen a certain layer or atomic substance to the skin of the human organism. Such a layer is like a great door that gives access to the abysmal underworld. Remembering old mistakes from previous reincarnations, I had to go through an unusual event after thirty-three days. Three of the four states of consciousness had to be put to the test of fire. I was victorious in the difficult test. Unquestionably in the "Path of the Razor's Edge" we must be tested many times. The hermetic symbolism of the aforementioned esoteric proof was very interesting. "Three Maidens" very serene among the fire. Victory!  was the result. Thirty-seven days after beginning abysmal revisions, I then had to directly study the twelve zodiacal constellations, under whose rulership we constantly evolve and devolve. The end of all the processes related to the Ascension is always announced by four Angels who, turned towards the four cardinal points of the planet Earth, each one sound their trumpet. Inside the temple, the white dove of the Holy Spirit was given to me as if telling me "Work intensely in the Ninth Sphere" if you want to incarnate the "Third Logos" within yourself. All those processes of the Ascension concluded after forty days. The final ceremony was performed in the causal world; what I then felt and saw was certainly extraordinary. The Great Initiator was then Sanat Kumara, the founder of the Great College of Initiates of the Venerable White Lodge. On the Altar with the cane of seven knots in his powerful right hand, that Great Being shone terribly divine.

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dt0Ked6dvU"
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"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://youtube.com/shorts/3dt0Ked6dvU?si=zTtvZa1Fx1nLc3kO"
2 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXQ4DnQMLhw"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://youtu.be/lXQ4DnQMLhw?si=GwxxhmIXyF2p4LTL"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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