1. My particular case was certainly something very special, I was born with a Mental Body; I had already created it in a very remote past, long before the dawn of the Mahanvantara of Padma of the Golden Lotus broke. Really, now I only needed, with the utmost urgency, that cannot be postponed, to recapitulate the Fourth Initiation of Fire and restore the flaming powers in the aforementioned vehicle. . The Resplendent Dragon of Wisdom -I want to refer to the Logos of the Solar System of Ors- entrusted to a specialist the noble mission of assisting and helping me. Raising the fourth serpent along the spinal canal of the Mental Body, from vertebra to vertebra and from chakra to chakra, is certainly something very slow and frighteningly difficult. Amazed, I perceived the multiple splendors of the wonderful Pentalpha on the most sacred candlesticks of the temple. I happily crossed the threshold of the Sanctuary; my thoughts flamed hotly. The Guardian of the Threshold in the World of the Mind becomes personifying the Ego, the Self. Facing the terrible test with heroism, really defeating the terrible brother - as he is called in Occult Masonry - is indispensable in the fourth initiation of fire. Fearlessly I quickly unsheathed the flaming sword; what happened next was extraordinary; the threshold larva fled in terror. It is ostensible that such proof always comes after the "Igneous Wings" have been opened. It is a tremendous truth that when the ascending Sacred Fire reaches the height of the heart, the radiant angelic wings always open. Another wonderful cosmic event that I had to experience in myself during the multiple processes of the Fourth Initiation of Fire was certainly that of the victorious entry of Jesus into the beloved city of the prophets. I felt that my worn out physical body disintegrated and died; At that moment, the Divine Rabbi of Galilee cried out with a loud voice saying: "That body no longer serves you!" Happy I escaped from the destroyed form dressed in the "Tosoma Eliakon", "The golden body of the Solar Man". When the sacred fire solemnly shone on the flaming star and on the starry cross, my particular, individual divine Mother Kundalini was feted in the temple. The Kundalini blossomed on my fertile lips, made a verb, when the fire reached the creative larynx. I still remember that moment when the party was held. The adepts of the Occult Fraternity awarded me with a wonderful symbol that I still have. Extraordinary was that moment in which the fire of the Kundalini reached the height of the cerebellum, then my mental body passed through the symbolic crucifixion of the Lord. Notorious was the ascent of the Erotic Flame in the thirty-second vertebra; In those moments of great solemnity I understood the mysteries related to the degree of Lion of the Law. A certain metallic bell solemnly shook all the spheres of the Universe when the divine fire opened the lotus with a thousand petals. In those moments of supreme bliss I heard ineffable choirs that resounded in the sacred space. Later I had to patiently bring the erotic flame to the magnetic field of the root of the nose. Cleverly taking advantage of a certain secret nerve thread, I then continued by leading the fire to the region of the thalamus, the region where the capital chakra that controls the heart is located. Finally, take advantage of the Anahata Nadi intelligently, to bring the sexual flame to the heart temple. The final ceremony of that Initiation was truly extraordinary, sublime, terribly divine. That mystic night the temple was dressed in glory; Impossible to describe such beauty. Sanat Kumara, the Great Hierophant, austerely awaited me on his royal throne; I entered with deep veneration into the sacred precinct. Before this Great Immolated One, my Divine Mother Kundalini with infinite love placed on my head the yellow mantle of the Buddhas and the extraordinary diadem in which the eye of Shiva shines. “This is my very beloved Son!” exclaimed my Mother and then added: “He is a Buddha”. The Old man of the Days, Sanat Kumara, the illustrious founder of the Great College of Initiates of the White Lodge on Planet Earth, approached me and placed in my hands the symbol of the Imperator (the sphere with the cross on it).
  2. . In the name of truth, I want to say with complete clarity that I was born with four bodies: Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal ones. Restoring the power of fire in each body, recapitulating initiations, was certainly essential, urgent, and indispensable for me. When I asked the Logos of our Solar System of Ors for permission to enter the mysteries of the Fifth Initiation of Fire, he gave me the following answer: -You no longer need to ask permission to enter the Initiation, you have every right to do so. The blessed then entrusted to a noble specialist of the Causal World, the mission of assisting and helping me. The aforementioned specialist had to intelligently lead the sacred fire through the spinal cord canal of the Causal Body or Body of the Conscious Will. The awakening of the igneous serpent of our magical powers in the Muladhara Chakra, the coccygeal bone, was celebrated in the temple with a great party. The ascent of the Kundalini from vertebra to vertebra and from chakra to chakra along the dorsal spine of the Causal Body was carried out very slowly according to the merits of the heart. Since I was born awake and certainly enjoy what we could call "Objective Consciousness" and "Objective Knowledge", it was easy for me to bring the memories of the causal world to the physical brain. In the world of natural causes I understood the need to learn to obey the Father on earth as well as in heaven. Entering the Temple of the Music of the Spheres in that cosmic region was certainly one of my greatest joys. On the threshold of the temple the Guardian taught me one of the secret greetings of the Hidden Brotherhood. The Guardian's face looked like lightning; when that man lived in the world his name was Beethoven. In the Causal World I found many bodhisattvas working intensely for humanity. Experiencing the Cosmic Drama in those regions, becoming the central character of the entire Via Crucis, is certainly something that could never be forgotten. We really need to refine, quintessence, purify ourselves, if we really yearn to seriously experience the tremendous realities contained in the divine Christic symbolism. Without curbing in any way my intimate longings, I sincerely confess that in the world of natural causes I saw myself carrying the weight of my own cross before the profane crowds, who were enraged and stoned me. The face of the Adorable, miraculously imprinted on Veronica's sacred cloth, seemed to me very remarkable. With singular diaphanousness and divine transparency, I saw ecstatically the Veronica's cloth shine on the Ara Sacra on the night of the initiation. The final cosmic event inevitably came about when the Fifth Serpent, after having passed through the pineal gland and the magnetic field of the root of the nose, reached its corresponding secret chamber in the tranquil heart. Then, fused with my inner Real Being, I happily felt that I was returning to the paradisiacal childlike state. After the final ceremony, I prostrated myself before my guru "Adolfito", exclaiming: -Thank you, Venerable Master, I owe you all this! The blessed Mahatma stood up and replied: -Don't thank me! What I need to know is how you are going to behave now in life. -The facts are speaking for me, Venerable Master, you are seeing it -such were my words then. Later I was visited by Isis, whose veil no mortal has lifted; my Divine Mother Kundalini. I immediately questioned her about results. - Oh mine Mother!, I have then already the five serpents raised? -Yes, my son! -Now I want you to help me lift the sixth and seventh snakes. -You have them up. In those moments the perfect memory of myself arose in me. “Oh! I am a ancient Master; I was down; I remember now". "Yes, my son; you are a Master."
  3. Much has now been said in occult literature about the two paths: I want to refer specifically to the SPIRAL AND DIRECT PATHS .Unquestionably, the two paths open august only before the authentic man: never before the intellectual animal! I can never forget the final moments of the fifth initiation of fire. After all those recapitulative processes, I had to bravely face a terribly divine nirvanic guardian. The blessed Lord of Perfections, showing me the nirvanic spiral path, said: -This is a good work. Then, pointing to the Direct Way, he exclaimed with a loud voice as when a lion roars, saying: This is superior work! Later, I saw him advancing towards me with that tremendous imperative of great majesties; He questioned me and I responded by establishing the following dialogue: -Which of these two paths are you going to follow now? -Let me think about it. -Don't think about it, say it immediately, define yourself. -I am going by the direct path that leads to the Absolute. -But what are you saying? Don't you realize that this path is too painful? -I repeat: I am going to the Absolute! - How do you dare to get in there? Don't you want to understand what you are going to suffer? What is happening to you, sir? -I'm going to the Absolute -Well, you've been warned. These were the final words of the Guardian, then he solemnly withdrew. Another night, outside my supra-sensible bodies, in full exercise of functions as Atman and "Man-Spirit." In full Nirvana, I was lonely on the beautiful terrace of the mansion of delights in the corner of love. I saw the inhabitants of that region in ever increasing numbers, floating in the sacred space. They happily sat down in the rooftop full of perfumed Divine Algorithmics flowers. Sublime estrus, unforgettable Numen… Suddenly, an igneous creature took the floor on behalf of the sacred brotherhood and said: -My brother, why are you going down such a hard road? Here at Nirvana we are happy, stay here with us! My answer full of great energy was the following: -The intellectual animals could not with their temptations, much less you the Gods. I go to the Absolute! The ineffable ones fell silent and I hastily withdrew from that abode. Any night of those many, finding myself happy in the state of Shamadhi, I saw the Planet Mars shine with purple tints. Its vibrations were certainly telepathic in character; I felt in my tranqule heart that I was called urgently from the central nucleus of that planetary mass; that twinkle was unmistakable. Soon I was transported dressed in the "Tosoma Heliakon" to the living bowels of that world. Dressed in the suit of the celestial militias, "Samael" awaited me resplendent, my own individual Monad; my Real Intimate Being; the Divine Regent of that planet. Reverently I prostrated myself before the Omnisius, illustrious Lord of that place, and then taking the floor I said: -Here I am, my Father, why have you called me? -You, my son, you forget me! -No, my Father, I will not forget you! -Yes, my son, if you were given the goal of the Universe, you would forget about me! -Oh, my Father, I have come to kiss your hand and receive your blessing! The All-Merciful blessed me, and I, kneeling, kissed his right hand. At the bottom of the planetary temple appeared a bed of pain. Later I entered into deep reflections: Why did I choose the path myself? Why did I forget my Father in the terrible presence of the Guardian of the ways? Eighteen years later, thundering and flashing, I tore my clothes protesting so much pain: “Oh! Oh! Oh!” A virgin of Nirvana answered me: "This is the path that you yourself chose. For us, the inhabitants of Nirvana, the triumphs are minor and that is why it is evident that we suffer less. However the triumph will be greater, your sufferings will also be more intense". When I wanted to rest a bit, the Karma agents reprimanded me saying: - What's wrong, sir? Are you going to walk? Move friend! ! Move! Patiently I continued on the rocky path that leads to final liberation.
  4. Excluding from my mind all possible forfolia, without any boasting, humbly, I confess frankly and unequivocally that after having climbed the five steps of the igneous Initiations, the development in the light with the eight degrees of Venustic Initiation was urgent for me. Working in the Forge of Vulcan (sex) cannot be postponed when you really want the complete awakening of the first serpent of light. The extraordinary ascent of the first serpent of light inwards and upwards along the spinal cord canal of the physical body, allowed me to know the secret of the abyss.
  5. The Second Degree of the Venustic Initiation, Superior Octave of its corresponding Initiation of Fire, emerged transcendent as an esoteric result of the miraculous ascent of the second radiant serpent of light, inward and upward through the spinal medullary canal of the organic vital fund (Lingam Sarira). An unusual magical encounter, it was certainly the one I had with John the Baptist in the Garden of the Hesperides, where the rivers of pure water of life flow with milk and honey. In the presence of the Christus John I could feel, in all the presence of my Cosmic Being, the deep significance of baptism. I will conclude by emphasizing the following: When the second snake of light made contact with the atom of the Father in the magnetic field of the root of the nose, the Sun Christ shone on the waters of life and the final initiation ceremony took place.
  6. The luminous ascent of the third serpent of light inwards and upwards through the brilliant spinal medullary canal of the Sidereal Body gave me free access to the Superior Venustic Octave of the corresponding Initiation of fire. The extraordinary revolution of the third radiant snake was processed very slowly according to the merits of the calm heart. When the luminous Snake crossed the threshold of the third secret chamber of the Heart-Temple, I obviously felt transfigured.
  7. The extraordinary development, revolution and ascent of the fourth Venustic serpent, inwards and upwards through the spinal canal of the Mental Body, allowed me to experience all the crude evangelical realism of the masterful entry of the Great Kabir Jesus into Jerusalem. I was then able to directly experience for myself the lower (hell) and higher (heaven) aspects of the mental world. Unquestionably, that harlot of all fatalities or Great Apocalyptic Whore whose number is 666, regresses horrifyingly in the mental hells. I am certainly not some treacherous iconoclast determined to destroy, like an intellectual vandal, beloved ideals; however, I must confess sincerely and unequivocally everything I saw among the "Manasic" regions of nature. Natural Ichastic and without any disguise, appears the reason of the without reasons of the inferior region of the planetary concrete mind. Horrible buildings and beds of Procrustes where the Great Whore incessantly fornicates. Abominable brothels, disgusting streets, movie theaters where pornographic films are shown, etc, etc. etc. Going beyond the body, the effects and the mind is essential when you want the triumphal entry into the Jerusalem above (the sky of Mercury and then the world of the spirit).
  8. The marvelous ascent of the fifth serpent of light inwards and upwards through the spinal medullar canal of the Causal Body, in fact gave me open access to the Initiatic mysteries of the Fifth Degree of Venustic Wisdom. If I were to write down in detail all that I then learned in the thirty-three holy chambers of the causal world, it would obviously fill an immense volume. As a Causal Man, seated with great humility, I crossed my arms over my chest to attend the final ceremony. Unfortunately I had the terrible habit of crossing my arms in such a way that the left one was over the right. "That way you shouldn't cross your arms" -an Adept of the temple told me-, and then he added: "The right one must go over the left". I obeyed his directions. Have you seen Egyptian sarcophagi? the arms of the deceased crossed over the chest illustrate these statements. To do the Father's will in heaven as well as on earth; die in the Lord; is the deep meaning of such a symbol.
  9. The sublime and wonderful ascent of the sixth radiant serpent, inwards and upwards, along the spinal medullary canal of the Buddhic Body, gave me, in fact and by its own right, clear passage to the Sixth Venustic Initiation. In the Buddhic or Universal Intuitional world, I had to experience at that time some transcendental chapters of the Christic Gospel. What I then experienced in the cosmic Intuitional region keeps multiple perfect rhythmic concordances with the diverse Initiatic esoteric processes that we must experience here and now. When the sixth snake of resplendent light crossed the august threshold of its corresponding chamber in the tranquil heart, the Midnight sun shone gloriously in the unalterable infinity. I entered the temple of initiation accompanied by many people. Each one of us in the procession carried in our right hand a candle, candle or burning torch. Inebriated with ecstasy, I exclaimed: “I am the Christ! An Adept Lady admonished me saying: -Careful! don't say that, it's disrespectful". -Right now I'm representing him, I replied. The Sacred Lady kept respectful silence then. The Cosmic Drama inside the temple with the transparent walls had a certain Mayasic flavor that was very serious, terribly divine. Dressed in a new robe of glory, a splendid robe, I left the Great Cathedral of the Soul.


  1. The radiant ascent of the seventh Venustic serpent inwards and upwards through the spiritual, medullary, spinal canal of the Divine vehicle (Atman), allowed me to experience the event of Golgotha. Unquestionably, I need to confess frankly and unequivocally the concrete, clear and definitive fact that I saw myself become the central character of the "Cosmic Drama". To experience in oneself the cosmic event of Calvary, with all the crude transcendental realism of the "World of the Divine Spirit" (Atman), is certainly extraordinary. I am not the first to experience the event of the Mount of Skulls; I won't be the last either. And I saw myself after the crucifixion lying like a corpse on the slime of the earth. Then the potential Shakti, the Divine Spouse of Shiva, my perfect Kundalini Mother, prostrated herself with infinite humility, adored me. -Oh my goodness! –I exclaimed- you are my Mother, I am the one who should kneel before you. It is not possible for you to kneel before me! I don't deserve that! I am a vile worm from the mud of the earth; a sinner. However, it is evident that in such moments of the "Cosmic Drama", I represented the Christus, Vishnu, the Second Logos, The Son
  2. Passing through the Eighth Venustic Initiation, I recognized the phallic sign in the "Boat of Ra", then I cried out with a loud voice saying: "When the first trumpet sounds I will rise from the dead!" "Hail, oh great divinity, who sails in your boat! Transported here, I appear before you!" "Let me go up to the bridge and direct the maneuver of the boat, as your servants do, the Higher ruler Beings of the Planets." Litelantes was a little sad when contemplating my Holy Sepulcher. "Do not fear - a Mahatma told her - his physical body will not die yet". These words reassured her completely. In that distant time of my present existence, I had not even died in myself, I continued with the ego very much alive; the sepulcher was then merely symbolic like the coffin of all Masonic Lodges. I understood that I should die in myself. That initiation concluded with precise instructions related to the mission that I am currently fulfilling in the world. When the midnight sun shone victoriously in the spiritual firmament, I returned to the archangelic state that I had once lost and entered the Heaven of Mercury joyfully.
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