*Announcement:  09.07.13.  Regarding the alleged - "Comet Ison"- to watch a new, detailed, Tolec YouTube video regarding this topic, please go to:  http://youtu.be/euWLhPT80Mo
Again, it is not a comet.  This is a large scale ship, a biosphere, named Xanterexx, its abbreviated name.  This ship is one of a few ships primarily & specifically used for visitation to worlds...  where first contact is about to be established.
It is protected by two (2) large scale escort ships from the Procyon star system, home world - planet Kaena, the fourth senior member of the Andromeda Council.​   Mitakuye Oyasin.
 Upliftment.  This painting above is a metaphor for Mother Earth
 birthing a beautiful new world, in a New Dimension. 
Introduction to Contact & Visitation
   There are Others in Our Vast Universe
      Who Truly Care about the People of Earth
To assist and prepare all Earth humans to make the step-up, this “upliftment”, in spiritual awareness & consciousness to the 4th dimension as Earth is crossing the galactic equatorial plane -
The Andromeda Council has committed many resources, trained people, ships, counselors, advisors in many areas of expertise, to help Earth people through the various stages of adjustment & growth. They will do this by mentoring, teaching and helping Earth humans to evolve emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially & most important spiritually.
They will remind Earth people of the truth & reality of their own origin as sacred sparks of the Creator / of Creation... as free sovereign souls, free sovereign human beings. ​
They will teach Earth people by example: they will use significant, specific acts of love and kindness, some seen & unseen, for the people of Earth... for their cousins, brothers and sisters on this tiny blue world.
One example of a specific act of kindness is the number of  twelve (12) Andromeda Council biospheres / ships they have committed. These ships will use their combined projected force fields to wrap & envelop planet Earth - to slow the pace of the changes to the planet as much as possible, and to help protect planet Earth, while they also minimize the adjustments, the vibrational cause and effects to this planet during its shift into becoming a 4th dimension world. 
They will share with, and remind, the people of Earth the most important, most powerful creative force in the Universe is:  love
They will quietly visit Earth and introduce themselves, sharing what their lives are like, who they are, how they live, speaking directly with people on this planet from every walk of life. Very much a reintroduction of old friends and family.
The time line projected for their contact & visitation:
Now that this final undersea Reptilian base has been cleared out, shut down, cleaned-up, and is no longer operable - this final 'policing' action by the people of Procyon of the Andromeda Council has literally cleared the way for the people from the four (4) Andromeda Council planets (Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka & Ritol) to begin their formal planning to visit the people of Earth.  
To read about the "Contact" of these people with the people of the planet Earth, please go to page 3., "Contact" of this web site: www.andromedacouncil.com/Contact.html .
Also, immediately prior to their visitation, please expect to meet an advanced 'good will' & liaison team of:  Ambassador Tanka Wheneh, Diplomat Maka Nahiweh, and Vice-Chairwoman Tania Piekae of the Andromeda Council - who will be sharing with the people of Earth what they can expect to learn over the extended months of their visit, the true origin of humanity on Earth, the nature of the human soul & spirit, the nature of your changing planet, Earth, and what to continue to expect as it becomes a beautiful fourth dimensional world.
To learn more in detail about the global visits of the above three (3) people, please go to the - "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page  -  FAQ - Frequent Questions -  of this web site.
This page updated:  08.30.13
The Transformation - A New Beginning
 A Truly Beautiful Reborn Planet Earth
  New Life as Higher Dimensional Humans  
Once Earth is vibrating in the fourth dimension, Earth's remaining sentient inhabitants, including all humans, will be forever changed. The moment of change to 4D human life will happen in the 'blink of an eye', that fast.  Once changed, people will manifest a variety of natural, multi-sensory abilities as never before experienced in Earth's history. These new abilities include: telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and levitation. For all of transformed humanity - human consciousness, human life, will make a quantum leap in evolution.
Humans finally experience and learn first hand about the truth & reality of their own soul, about their true spiritual birth essence & origin. 4D humanity experiences a true spiritual life - complete self awareness and cognition, total memory recall, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience & greater natural harmony with others.
This will include a complete transformation of your solar system. A complete transformation of the human race on planet Earth. You will now have crystalline bodies, healthy, light filled with virtually eternal life spans. And a beautiful way of living like you have never imagined.
This time in Earth’s history will begin what many have described as a new age of enlightenment, literal spiritual awareness, living, being & consciousness, an age of true human renewal...
back to the origins of what the human race was meant to become.  And;

People of planet Earth, you will determine your own destiny, you will make your own conscious choices... you will determine your future.   No one else.
But the difference is, with this evolutionary change, from this time forward, people of planet Earth, now a fourth dimensional race, you will no longer be alone.  
You will now finally truly be reconnected with your brothers, sisters and cousins across the stars in this vast universe full of sentient, intelligent life.  Truly a family & community of intergalactic life.
As you can imagine, it will be more fun for you to reconnect with family you haven't seen in a while. It should make this particular reconnection with your relatives... a once in a 'lifetime' experience, and a new beginning, as you on planet Earth start a whole new & enlightened chapter in your planet's history. 
Welcome to the greater family of humanity thriving across the universe.  Mitakuye Oyas'in.  All My Relations.  We Are All Related.  We Are All One.
note: please look for the report, "Visiting four (4) Races of the Andromeda Council", found in "Written News Reports, & Interview Transcripts" on the Archived Interviews page of this web site for a complete description of the four (4) ET races [Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka & Ritol] of the Andromeda Council who will be making & having continual ongoing, open contact... very informally visiting with the people of Earth.
Love, trust, faith, hope, kindness, compassion, heart.   You are incredible beings of light, strength & beauty.  Earth people, you already have everything you need to change your world.  You.

Just follow your hearts.
                                     Tania Piekae
                                 __ Vice-Chairwoman, Andromeda Council 
A New Awakening
 We of the star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council are your  family  &  friends.    We  are  here  to  let  you  know  your planet Earth/Terra and all of your people are about to go through major changes, a major stage of growth,  a  shift-up  in  vibration, called “upliftment”.   It is a completely new vibration, new higher consciousness & awareness, a new existence… for  the first time in your planet’s history.
It is a cleansing, a rebirth, a transformation.  It is a transition.  For you on planet Earth - it is a new beginning.  Most important to understand, it is simply a natural evolutionary step.
Though  the  process  has  already  begun, somewhat.   Earth  is about to transform in the near future from its current 3D solid  matter form existence in the 3rd dimension… into  4D crystalline fine essence matter of the fourth dimension/density reality, the vibratory rate one frequency faster than currently on Earth, as Earth's solar system and planet Earth are now crossing the galactic equatorial plane zone of the Milky Way galaxy.
Overall, this new area of 4D, fourth dimensional, space is a place where matter has far less density & weight, an area of much faster & higher frequency energy vibration.  It is also a dimension where time will no longer have a hold on Earth humans.  From a 4D, fourth dimension, perspective - time doesn't exist... at least not the way Earth presently experiences time.
In addition, this area of fourth dimensional space also has a 'black hole' with highly charged magnetic energies at its core. Earth's solar system and planet Earth will upon entry of this zone encounter the highly charged magnetic energies of this 'black hole' and feel its effects.  Some of your Earth scientists, astrophysicists, call this area you are entering - an interstellar energy cloud, Galactic or Torsion Energy Wave.
The  speeding  up  of  your  solar  system &  its planets including Earth due to the faster & higher frequency energy vibration rate of this area -  their upliftment into the fourth density resulting in continued geophysical events and additional changes to planet Earth - these changes are projected to start by mid-October 2011.
"The more you know
 The more you will trust
 and the less you will fear"
 MEDEWIWIN PRAYER (Ojibway People) 
Time of Transition for Planet Earth
  A Time of Planet wide Earth Changes
The official beginning of the infusion of 4D, fourth dimensional, energy, will begin to affect Earth's solar system on  11.11.11  as it begins to encounter energy from the galactic equatorial plane region - as a universe & galactic wide harmonic frequency will open and affect this whole area of space.
Whether people call this phenomenon a stargate or portal this area of faster higher fourth dimensional energy is real.  This historic date of 11.11.11 begins the infusion of 4D dimensional energy onto your planet.  It will affect Earth & its people in a  positive, uplifting way like never before experienced in your planet's history.
2012 - 2013
The saturation of this higher frequency vibration will continue from the end of 2011, through all of 2012, reaching full strength during the time of December 21, 2012 - which will bring a completely new, even higher level frequency vibration - such that the experience & measurement of time as the people of Earth have known it... will begin to go away.   It will continue to go away and perpetually diminish throughout all of 2013.
These vibrational changes, and continued geophysical changes, earthquakes, volcanoes going off, wave events, these will all continue to happen throughout the last months of 2012, into March 2013 [and beyond] when the final rotation of the 90 degree shift of Earth's crust begins to happen with the present day East/West orientation of the continents moving into their new North/South orientation. 
There is also expected to be a magnetic pole shift, a reversal, during this time, but will likely not cause any problems for the people of Earth. There is of course likely to be a temporary period of adjustment of Earth's electrical systems, but this is only expected to last a few hours time.  It will not be problematic.  If there are any  difficulties at all, the biospheres of the Andromeda Council stand ready to help and will help.
The 23.5 degree off-axis tilt of the Earth that presently exists should be corrected as well, and will be no longer.  This will mean a much more temperate climate for planet Earth overall.  Think of the whole planet as having a climate much like that of the Mediterranean region.
Yes, planet Earth will likely go through continued dramatic changes to get to this new higher vibrational existence.  And these events as life changing they will be to both humans and all life on the planet... these changes are normal and necessary for this process.   It  is  transformation.   It is evolution. 
During this overall time every living thing from the largest to the smallest will be offered the opportunity to change, to evolve, into 4D, fourth dimensional, life.
Just  like  a  woman's  body  changes, adjusts & expands,  Earth too must go through her uncomfortable adjustments, her labor pains, and the momentary intense pain of child birth.   Earth  too must  adjust  &  prepare  herself  for  this  new beginning, for her new life as a 4th density world... a far more  colorful,  vibrant, &  beautiful  4th  dimensional  world.
These earth changes are expected to settle down throughout remaining later part of 2013, and will begin the completion of this cycle by the end of October, winding down in December 2013.
It is expected planet Earth, her people & virtually all life, will begin her new 4D higher vibrational existence, her new fourth dimensional life, in early January 2014.
Please know that this moment of change to 4D will happen, literally, as  fast  as, in  the  'blink of an eye'.   This change to 4D life will be instantaneous.  There will also be some pockets of 5D, fifth dimensional, vibration, on your new 4D Earth.  But be assured, it will be an even more colorful, far more beautiful reborn world. 
Also please keep in my that 4D, the fourth dimension, is one of a journey inward toward the complete expression of love... love for each other and love of self.  During the course of this evolution toward 4D, toward a life of love, remember to forgive... forgive yourself & forgive others on the way to... opening your heart.
This journey from 3D to 4D can also be expressed as the journey from thousands of years of male/intellectual/logical energy & outward expression focused on the ways of the mind; transitioning to the more gentle expressions of female/giving/intuitive energy focused on... the ways of the heart.  The ways of peace, of giving... of love. 


Go out into nature, quiet your mind, live from your heart, bring as much joy & love as possible into your life & into the lives of those you touch...   and know you will awaken in joy to a beautiful new world.
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  • Thanks for going up and getting a pic of the mother ship #1 and your right the other pic is the cover up pic from NASA. The correct one is in the comment below that I posted on 20 th Aug. I don't know why but it would not transfer here when I copied it.The link is there for it and what do you know I now got it to work from the org. link. So here it is folks, what it looks like. The Bio-sphere and the 2 escort ships, back in Late June.


    According to media reports Comet ISON is not brightening as much as expected as it zooms toward the sun, an amateur astronomer has reported, dealing a blow to skywatch. Einstein, this is not a black hole, its a Mother ship and two escort ships that are sent out to  planets are are ready to make 1st Contact such as Earth is.This is one out of 10 that was created for this purpose. And she should be here shortly. Right now the problem is with NASA covering it up, doctoring up the pics but soon we should be able to see it it with the naked eye, that is if they want to let us see them and that depends how well Disclosure is going down here.!! Adonai
  • I have a question Rev.

    Planet earth has a fixed orbit around the sun, as do the other inner and outer planets. If earth is supposed to pass so close to this black hole that it'll feel it's magnetic energies and effects, then won't one of the outer planets in closer passing to this black hole get sucked in?? I mean black holes are supposed to be so strong that not even light can escape its pull..

  • Thanks for the pic FW, do you have a pic of these 3 ships, I could not get them to post here, I don't know why? And Anthony, yes there are several dates, one is the 26th of Sept. another is mid Oct. and the next is 26-28 Nov. I have been doing some research but many stories floating around. The DC is busy making this a dooms-day thing, others think it is Planet-X or Nibiru. But I will stick to the story above. There is lots of vids on U-tube.One thing for sure is that something  or things is coming our way but I think it will be good not evil and is part of the Event !!! Adonai

  • Uncover The UFO Truth ISON A Comet Or A UFO; NASA : Comet ISON's Path Through the Solar System
    Posted by rev.joshua skirvin on August 20, 2013 at 2:30pmView Blog

    According to media reports Comet ISON is not brightening as much as expected as it zooms toward the sun, an amateur astronomer has reported, dealing a blow to skywatchers hoping for a spectacular show from the icy wanderer during its close solar approach this November. Comet ISON is hurtling towards the centre of our Solar System at over 50,000 miles per hour.
    Since early June, ISON has been unobservable because of its close proximity to the sun in our sky. The comet is now slowly moving out of the bright solar glare and is becoming better placed for viewing in the morning, low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
    But what media is not reporting is this, go to this link find the comet.

    Comet ISON Normal View
    And darken the image as dark as it will go up at the top of the left of the page.

    Comet Ison after using 3 time darker filter
    We want to know what YOU guys see, because what we see is NOT a comet!
    And if its some kind of anomaly with the camera, then why are none of the other stars doing this as well?

    NASA : Comet ISON's Path Through the Solar System

    ISON A Comet Or A UFO?
    Posted: 19 Aug 2013 05:07 AM PDT . CLICK ON PIC SPACE TO SEE NASA PHOTO

    According to media reports Comet ISON is not brightening as much as expected as it zooms toward the sun, an amateur astronomer has reported, dealing a blow to skywatchers hoping for a spectacular show from the icy wanderer during its close solar approach this November. Comet ISON is hurtling towards the centre of our Solar System at over 50,000 miles per hour.
    Since early June, ISON has been unobservable because of its close proximity to the sun in our sky. The comet is now slowly moving out of the bright solar glare and is becoming better placed for viewing in the morning, low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
    But what media is not reporting is this, go to this link find the comet.

    Comet ISON Normal View
    And darken the image as dark as it will go up at the top of the left of the page.

    Comet Ison after using 3 time darker filter
    We want to know what YOU guys see, because what we see is NOT a comet!
    And if its some kind of anomaly with the camera, then why are none of the other stars doing this as well?

    NASA : Comet ISON's Path Through the Solar System

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/uncover-the-ufo-tru...
    Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook

  • Yes Anthony, it is good news and I think it does tie in with the Event. Did ou read and see the post I put up last wk about the "supposed comet" and the NASA cover up to make the space ships look like a comet. That all fits together with this report on exactly who and what they are, and why they are here. If you go to the vid he reports that they have sent out 10 ships of bio-spheres and there escorts. So this must be only the 1st one, more must be coming. And also they did not mention 5D only 4D, that cold be because some of us will go on to 5D or 5D will happen sometime later, some say 20-20 or 20-30. In any case things are starting to move again for us !. I do wonder how long before MSM reports on this or will they continue to cover it all up till we have more proof.Adonai
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