I posted the message below on several sites yesterday. The information in the 2nd half of the radio show has not been mentioned before. Listen carefully and find out who our Galactic family is...
Happy Sunday! Happy Summer Solstice! Happy Father’s Day! Today’s post is in the form of an audio. I speak about mirror neurons and how the Olympic stars used this technique to win their events. I talk about children and ways parents can provide a nurturing environment for their children to be successful in life! I share the components of the FREE distance self healing event and explain how each person is healing themselves. I speak about the significance of people joining together and what this means for our planet. Finally, I announce the arrival of our Galactic Family in the forms we choose to see them in. At the end of the audio, Marc the walk in who I spoke about in yesterday’s post, conducts a guided meditation. You will love it.
The radio show is 2 ½ hours so I recommend downloading it and listening at your leisure. Have a wonderful day everybody and thank you for your magnificent souls! Love and blessings to all to obtain all your dreams and to keep creating more dreams!